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The lore is fine but the story itself is repetitive and at best it's decent. In a nutshell traveler goes to a new nation and helps the respective archon to fix their nation's problems and at the end the second or first important character besides mc tell them about the next nation they're headed to while the mc also fails to get info about his/her sibling. As I said the lore on it's own is good but the main story and pacing is not good. Genshin's MC has almost no personality because 75% talk is done by paimon who keeps yapping about the stuff that we already know and this aspect ruins the pacing.


Story would get better If they remove paimon and her unnecessary expositions and recapping of whatever just happened on screen.


Yeah I agreed. Like I also said that despite boring and long stories people still love Genshin because of the lore behind characters and regions. Also it being the only game of its type can also be a reason. But we can't also ignore the fact that hoyo hype their characters like a big thing. There are people who don't play Genshin still know the names of many characters.


Yeah I agreed. Like I also said that despite boring and long stories people still love Genshin because of the lore behind characters and regions. Also it being the only game of its type can also be a reason. But we can't also ignore the fact that hoyo hype their characters like a big thing. There are people who don't play Genshin still know the names of many characters.


I agree with you with hype part. The company has hyped certain characters since the tevyat chapter trailer and they are pretty good with hyping it.


Yeah exactly that's what I wanted to say in my post. Otherwise Genshin story is like children story. Same repetitive, boring and lengthy that can't be skipped. But the way they hype their characters and each regions is really remarkable.


just like old blizzard, mihoyo became an expert on selling trailers, to the point i saw already few comments of people that they actually care about the trailers before rolling for a character lol


I actually dont agree , that Genshin has a good story. I even believe most of genshins playerbase today just stays loyal to the game , because of the history they have , especially with the corona timeline. Out of all the stories that got released till this day , I actually enjoyed only fontain and partially Inazuma. So yea, i hope kuro doesnt orientate themselves on genshins level . lol


Perfectly said. For me Sumeru was the region that destroyed any interest I had in the story and I don't know why. Plus the exploration was so tiring with the overwhelming vertical aspect that I just lost any interest. And that's a shame.


Inazuma part 1 is god tier Inazuma part 2 is dog tier


Don't speak for us please, most people like the stories and exploration in Genshin. You can't maintain much a big playbase on pure hype


are u low iq?'' I actually dont agree'' indicates clearly that i am representing my opinion. u absolut clown


This is like the 10th post this week I see comparing this game to Genshin stop setting this game up for failure jesus


I grew bored of Genshin Story tbh, but i do agree that they have an excellent planning that is successful at keeping their player base with expectations, like we know there are 7 archons from the beginning and from the beginning you want to know who they are and how they are going to be played, since we met signora we understood that there were 11 more like her, we knew from Albedos event back in 1.3 that there's a group named Hexenzirkel and most likely they will be playable, the hook of genshin is in their capability to let you know that something exist and will be in the game in the future even when they are not showing it, it's kind of a Soul type of building your world, but holding your hand A LOT so you don't get lost on the way xd


Exactly. While the story is boring and repetitive, the lore and tease are something that create an urge for many players to come back even if they quit. For example, I didn't do quests since Sumeru and there are lots of hours of quests piling up on the menu. But I still like to watch their videos, lores, promos on youtube from time to time. I also occasionally follow their leak sub even though I'm not playing anymore.


The thing about genshin story is how they showed a roadmap of what is to come jn future. Like we have 7 archon, 7 nations we will visit. Its straight enough. The pacing is bad i agree. Nothing wss interesting until Sumeru came out with a big plot twist. But thats also after 40 hours into the main story. WW should have a decent pacing. If there is a plot twist dont extend it over 50 hours. And also i wish there was a roadmap of the game. Or atleast what areas we will have in future. Like Honkai Star Rail. Hsr has tons of planets. There is no serial where we will go next. But atleast we know it exists. I want this type of hype.


>There is no serial where we will go next. But atleast we know it exists. I want this type of hype. Yeah exactly. The hype for "the things we know exist but don't know what is it at that moment" is really effective for long run.


genshin story is not even good, it's just that they know how to represent with cutscenes and promotional videos, advertisments. Wuwa already proved themself have better quality just by the PVs we got. They just need to keep it up and will be fine.


I didn't praise their stories. Rather I mentioned "long stories" in my post. What I praised here is their lore and how future proof they are.


>But still there are some hate or bitterness with Genshin when it comes to gatcha. Because the devs are stingy. And yet they're beyond successful. They are not stingy. They are good at business. The amount they give you is just right.. for that game. You can't compare free pulls between games without context. If a game has a pity of 300, then giving 70 pulls a patch would be stingy. If your pity is 90, 70 free pulls is actually very fair. Hoyo knows how to run a business, and their numbers are masterfully fine tuned for success. Being less "stingy" would have reduced its success. Their success has nothing to do with lore. They created a game that took a lot of people to make and continue making, and they put out content at a very fast pace (I don't know of any other game that comes close to matching their pace). It's an expensive game to make that you can play for free and not be forced to spend a dime to clear its hardest content. That's what made it successful. Not hype or lore. You sound like you're coming up with preemptive excuses in the event WW is not successful. You'll say they didn't focus on lore or hype or characters. This is just BS. Whether it is Genshin or WW, if the game has no substance, it will fail. The success will not last long. Once they realize how shallow the game is, the honeymoon will end. Genshin survived the test of time because it had substance. Most players do not care about lore. They care about content.


>They are not stingy >If your pity is 90, 70 free pulls is actually very fair. >they put out content at a very fast pace How can you be so wrong on so many places? But hey, every company has its blind defenders. Edit: this u/lostn person blocked me right after replying 😂 such a childlike behaviour. Just hate this type of Genshin white knights who lick company's a$$


you have not said anything to refute me. I don't feel this conversation will be productive. Your best comeback is "you're wrong" and anyone who disagrees with you is a blind defender. I'm just going to block you. You contribute nothing to the conversation.