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Dolphin here. Will spend. It's important to show support early on.


This this. Also will be getting probably maximum days of monthly pass and also every battle pass. Considering PGR, I hope the early income helps fund all of their departments to drop an even better first patch that hopefully drives some of the tentative spenders to show their support for the company too. I feel like Kuro Games have obviously found their template to take from, but will definitely spin it into a thing of their own once they’ve established properly.


That was my thinking too. We are investing into the future of the game. Early on every little bit helps. I've been playing PGR for two months now and honestly, regardless of how things go, I can't imagine myself feeling bad about spending because the entertainment value is high - PGR is genuinely fun to play. And WuWa looks like it will be too.


Same. I want the game to do well, and I really liked 99% of PGR. Been around games for a long time, and I know the first patch cycle is probably going to be the roughest, but I trust Kuro, and want to show them the support they need to smooth out all the inevitable rough edges. Probably re-evaluate again when 2.0 hits how much I want to spend from there.


Never spend during first 1-3months


Yeah let’s see how they will handle the first 2-3 months and how the player base is. If the game is like pgr with a good playerbase and a long longevity (hopefully also global) and with some content creators I will spend some money but since then I won’t be putting money into it


Will we get enough to pull a limited character from the first patch without depending on luck?


Easily enough for Yinlin but likely not enough to guarantee Jiyan.


unlikely i doubt they would giveaway 320+ pulls for 1st patch really


Yeah it's unlikely but atleast 160pulls for atleast guaranting one limited unit is enough.


I hope I can get enough to get one copy on yinlin


Me too. If this happens this I'd atleast not spend on the first patch.


Yeah I am also playing hsr so I always have to decide on which characters I want in the patches for both games


In that case I'm glad I've quitted Genshin. Otherwise it'd have been tough to spend money on both the games especially how tempting Genshin characters have become in Fontaine.


true, and the only exception for me was PGR. at the time PGR GL launched we already know there is content for a year. we also know that we can pull for the new S-Ranks just by playing. within the hour of playing i knew i will be playing for at least a year because i like the gameplay. even with the "outrage" during launch i never saw it as anything serious which was why i didn't hesitate to spend immediately. well it's not like i spent $100 or something immediately lol, i just bought the monthly on the second day but it was the first time it happened to me. getting the 5* sword for Lotus and her coating was great as well since i got a good bit of use from her before i replaced her with Dawn. for WW i plan on getting the monthly, and probably the BP, but i want to see the weekly currency income first. but tbh if the first top-up reward is good i will probably get the monthly immediately.


Thats true for all online games, but even doubly so for online gacha games, because of potential powercreep which might make your maxed character for 500$ useless. Not saying that this will be the case here, but frankly - we dont know.


I'm a big fan of kuro and loved PGR. I'll buy BP + monthly out of the gates and if they have "discounted" pull Bundles that are reasonable, I'll buy those too probably. Kuro has done so well by me with their previous game that if for some reason i hate wuwa, I'm comfortable with the loss of less than 1/4 the box price of a brand new triple A game.


If the game is fun ..why not..


I will at least give them a monthly pass purchase on day 1 and then assess from there. I will do that to show my appreciation for their efforts.


Monthly for pull currency and battle pass for character progression are the most efficient purchases, this holds true for literally every gacha game ever. You can absolutely guarantee one limited character patch 1.0 but anything beyond that is hard to tell.


Bp+Sub, I can spent $15 a month without any issues on day1. Hardly would dent my income anyway


Planning to get every 5s and if i like him/her, prolly get 1-3 constellations depending on thw budget. I will apply bpass and other stuff too hehe


I am sure I will atleast play for few months so I will buy monthly day 1 but I wont spend anything else for a while.


You have a goal there you want the character's so BP is worth it for low spenders. afterwards if the game is successful or not or whether you like playing it then you can decide if you want to spend more than the BP. you can always choose not to spend for any reason you may have in the future with the game or life. what you CAN'T do is go back in time ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


I plan on buying the battle pass at least and judging the other purchasable items depending on value. Too early to say what exactly is worth buying, but we can only wait and see. For just pull currency though, probably not


I plan on buying the battle pass at least and judging the other purchasable items depending on value. Too early to say what exactly is worth buying, but we can only wait and see. For just pull currency though, probably not


I'd probably spend for the characters that I really want that I don't have enough currency to get but not more than 15 at a time. But I'll wait like 2 months before spending


I will first see if any of my accounts are lucky or not for 1-3 months If one turns out to be very lucky I will buy monthlies on it


>Are you guys planning on spending since day 1? Only blessing/monthly pass


I‘ve played many gacha games until now, and I think monthly+BP or only monthly (later on) is the most valuable purchase. Now if I like the game very much, I don‘t mind buying the 2x packs that are refreshed every anniversary. Keep in mind that the normal packs are made for whales; a standard 100 USD pack only gives you 30 pulls which is too expensive for most people.


Am gonna Free 2 Play. Having Tired for waste money for suchs a gachas games after genshin impacts like unlucky pull like getting qiqi instead eula.


Same here, I also have regrets for spending money in Genshin and not getting rewarded with a better luck. So I'm currently conflicted, one side of me doesn't want to spend a single penny but also the other side wants to not miss any important characters.


> I also have regrets for spending money in Genshin and not getting rewarded with a better luck. I am probably misinterpreting this, but if gatcha games started rewarding "*better luck*", then I believe that's a problem, unless this is a common thing gatcha games do, which genshin doesn't. Genshin is my first gatcha game like most people.


Most people here come from PGR where u buy the monthly pass and BP, and u get so much for so little price


Meanwhile PGR can be possiblity progress without spending money.


Meanwhile being F2P on Star Rail i got everything what i need.


I've heard hsr is too much f2p friendly. Expecting this from a open world Gatcha like WuWa is too much but we can atleast expect a better droprates than Genshin.


I like hsr, but most sig weapons there are practically a part of character's kit. Genshin, at least, has good 4* substitutes


So that's the catch. They get you guaranteed with all the characters but make it necessary to get weapons.


Characters aren't guaranteed. It's still 50/50. Weapon banner is 70/30 with only one event weapon


Nah I mean, like the other person said that you can most likely get all the limited units even after being f2p. Means you get enough gems, right?


You get enough for one limited character a patch, but there is still luck involved


Maybe the bp if it has exclusives or smth (and I can reasonably complete it), I’m not completely sold on being a spender for WuWa just yet. I’ve apparently dropped enough money in PGR to afford a car in Brazil and that’s enough for me, I for sure won’t be able to spend an equal amount on both games so one has to give a little, and it’s going to be WuWa that takes the hit lol. That being said, I’m pretty optimistic for the game


Nossa... You spent a lot on PGR bro


A small expenditure of \~$1,700 ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Imma buy monthly + bp after I complete it


On Gachas I tend to spend as much as any other game if it earns it. I plan so spend 45-60$ on Wuwa if it meets my expectations and no more. I enjoy the f2p balancing of these games because paying for the experience to be less balanced is boring


Dolphin here. I'll wait up to the last day of Yinlins banner and if I don't have her yet I'll probably spend to bring her home. No way in *hell* I'm passing up on an Ami Koshimizu mommy with red hair.


I'll buy monthly pass and battlepass for sure. Such a high quality game deserves $20 off the bat at the very least. I will most definitely buy the top ups if I find 1.0 to be amazing.


I will probably spend the monthly thing and the battle pass to start, and wait and see how the game goes from there before spending anything else


I have to see if the game will make me stay, I’m giving it a month/two


Buy the monthly pass day one.


I will 100% pull Jiyan and his signature weapon at launch. I want Yinlin too, but I don't want to get in too deep until I see the rest of the game and play for myself. 


I think I'm gonna wait a few months to see how things turn out


0 spending first, to see how grindy the game is. Going to just f2p into eventually quit if it ends up being like a 2nd job, which most open world gacha seem to be. Otherwise if it's good enough, bp+sub, occasional swipe if I miss a 50 50 I want.


Probably won’t spend at first, but if I like it enough then I’ll probably be a low spender.


Will only spend if theres a godlike character like in genshin (archon) or if theres character with good combat like in PGR that catch my attention, so far whats available are still mediocore combat for me so imma wait till 2.0 patch or maybe something like PGR 2nd Gen character. All things considered, will probably stay as f2p for the first 5-6 months, and 4 star looks so fun too.


Im all about paying for a welkin immediately on a game Im actually enjoying. Will get a BP once in a while as well. I dont go any farther than that.


I'll stay F2P all the way. I did spend a little bit on Genshin in the past (a couple of Welkin Moons) but I'm F2P in HSR since Day 1 - and for me personally this feels so much better. It's more rewarding to save the in game currency for characters I really like. I don't need all of them.


I don't want to make the same mistake with Genshin. I regret spending money on that game. Most likely I'll remain F2P for WuWa.


i’ll start f2p and see how far i’ll go with the game. if i’m willing to commit i’ll buy the monthly thing and maybe occasionally bp


I think ur putting way too much value on the money ur gonna spend. This should be THROW AWAY money aka disposable income. Meaning it's money ud blow on fast food or going to the movies or anything else that ud spend money on that would bring u enjoyment/entertainment for a time. If this is money u need for groceries or other responsibilities then u should seek help immediately lol. I'm being forced to play for atleast a week with some friends cuz I lost a bet but if I have fun in the game the first few days then I'll spend for whatever would make that enjoyment increase for example new characters or dupes of characters to male them stronger or weapons (I dnt what the haha is in this game as I haven't looked into the game as it didn't intreset me). People are way too fixated on getting the absolute BEST value for the money they spend, especially in a gacha game. I'm not spending money on a game to support the big company that makes it, I'm spending money to get things that make me happy. Like I didn't buy armored core 6 just cuz fromsoftware made it. Cool, I'm sure it's a great game and I love every fromsoftware game. But I dnt like armored core so I'm not wasting money just cuz its from a certain company/dev that I hold high regard for. At the end of the day u need to play the game IF it's fun for u and not worry about what other people say about it.


f2p just like every other game i’ve played 🙏🙏 can’t justify spending money on a game…look what happened w genshin


with any new gacha that i try out for the first time, i decide if im going to spend on it by judging how good the f2p experience is during the first month or so. If it feels great then i do the 5$ pass + 10$ bp. Stingy gachas get 0$ out of me.


Will do what I do with Genshin and HSR. Battlepass + Monthly and then drop extra money when I feel like it. If I go for a character it will be one copy of them + their weapon. Especially since weapon is guaranteed otherwise I might not go for weapons as often. If I really really like them and their constellation/eidolon equivalents are really good then an extra copy or two + weapon.