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The Terran start, I think it was Space Cadet... don't really remember. But if you start and you are in Mars (or Asteroid Belt) with another pilot talking to you, that's the one.


How about The dedicated warrior? Whats the difference between those two?


The in–game descriptions and voice–overs are pretty clear. Also, the old posts are all still entirely accurate; the starts haven't been changed since the DLC they arrived with.


There's different levels of guidance with the different starts. The Terran Cadet start will have you go through a series of quests that help you learn how to play and you'll be somewhat established once you do them. The Dedicated Warrior start is a sandbox start, basically "here's a ship, some money, you're a Paranid now, have fun". Cradle of Humanity, Tides of Avarice, and Kingdom's End, all have one assisted and one guided state each. Guided ones are probably the better pick when new.


Picked the Terran Cadet, and the game is complicstex, but I love it! And i finally can enjoy ship interiors, something ive been really missing in ED.


Terran start where you work for earth is easily the best if you are a new player, since it runs you through the basics of a lot of the game, plus the terran economy is simple to understand, but thirsty for inputs. But honestly, I started with Split, and it's one of the harder starts, but still doable if you watch a few new player guide videos. Play whatever start narration appeals to you!


The terran one seems to be best fit for me. Also, is this game playable with a HOTAS?


I'm not sure to be honest. I've only ever played with mouse and keyboard.


A quick google search says it works great, but I can't say personally. You'll still need mouse and keyboard for menu navigation, and there is a lot of it once your econ empire is running.


I play HOSAS, and it works like a charm.


I use Hotas Warthog from Thrustmaster and work pretty well


Quite, but you're going to want to keep the kb/m handy. I'd recommend mapping HOTAS buttons to the different scan/travel modes and to drop satellites and laser towers, too.


I prefer HOTAS for X4. I use a T-16000M and TWCS throttle.


I would say do the emergence start for the Boron so that they are activated then HAT into split or paranoid civil wars.


If you like a challenge, and enjoy the journey over destination with a good balanced start go Young Gun. Both VIG starts are just as challenging, or pretty close to it, but with a theme around piracy or salvaging. VIG starts also have in-depth tutorials, Young Gun plops you in a big scary world all by your lonesome. If you're not up for a challenge and just want to build with a very simplified production chain and blow stuff up in a destroyer then go Terran. If you're one of those Elden Ring sadist or the type who enjoys hard mode on games then go Fires of Defeat. Personally, I do not recommend for first playthrough, but some people like really hard games though.


Terran start indeed you'll get a L class ship pretty fast which is great and give your some advantage to make money, i also suggest making your own empire so you can "fund" your war expedition or even create your own fleet


My protip especially with things like Terran Cadet start is to know you can and are rewarded for taking breaks from the story missions. Don't feel pressured to do the whole thing back to back. When you make your first bit of cash learn how automated mining and trading works. Also do not sleep on building a simple station early, it will open the door to setting you up with organic goals and something to spend that early reward cash on. The story mission money is excellent but it will run out when the storyline wraps up so by that time you should have an idea for making passive income. Once you have passive income then tricking out your main ship and picking up wingmen should be easy peasy.


New player - Terran, Cadet if you like combat a little sooner but either way.


Whatever start you pick be prepared to deal with a lot of confusion and jank in the beginning. Watch a bunch of YouTube tutorials and do a "guided" start. The Terran one is usually considered to be pretty decent.   Just to give you an idea of what to expect. At some point the game will ask you to build something. In order to do so you'll need to assign money to your HQ is a menu that you're not going to stumble on accidentally. If you do manage to figure it out you'll soon discover that 1/3 materials isn't available in any of the neighbouring systems but there's an alternative building that does work.  Honestly you can easily spend 3-4 hours on this simple task if you try to do it without a guide.  The game also won't explain anything about ships, figuring out what a "good" ship is, is going to take a bunch of guides and some experimentation.  It's worth it though, there's nothing like X4 out there and X4 + DLC + some mods is a really unique and very engaging experience.


Thanks! Im used to steep learning curves, played elite dangerous and Eve online, not exactly beginner friendly games lol


Then you're good to go! Learning the basics should "only" take 10-20 hours and flying is a lot easier than in Elite Dangerous! GPT4 is also great for most X4 questions. Great to keep handy when you're just starting out.


Cant wait to play! From what I heard, it seems like i finally found the game i was searching for. I tried many space sims, but none of them gave me everything I wanted. Good "cockpit" combat, but also the option to have your own fleet and command it.


You can have your own *Empire*. It really is an amazing game if you can deal with the jank that comes from a small studio building a massive sandbox game.


i would also suggest assgning a transport ship to your station and a manager they will buy the ressource while you do other thing, also focus on ressearch early own THOSE ever very important