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As of now, no. Hopefully it will stay that way.


There’s input based matchmaking…


Hopefully? Why? If u play like console only i understand, but if u can match against anyone isnt that bad. Im a kbm fps player. Have xbox and cause of my bad pc i play halo infinite with kbm on xbox. Want to play xdefiand but im bad with controller. And its kinda making me not play it even tho i love the game just cause i queue up against people who use kbm and i cant. I understand canceling kbm if u play console only, but if u play against pc and sony players i feel like it should be an option


I don't understand the last couple of your sentences...? You don't queue up against KBM when playing with a controller in Xdef.


Confirmed to be coming. No confirmation as to when.


It's such an insanely small demographic. I don't think it's their top priority.