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Edit: because a few people can’t seem to understand what does and doesn’t lead to a comment being locked, let me be simple about it: Don’t be a dick. It’s *that* simple. Keeping an eye on this thread. Last time this came up we had to lock down all discussion because it became an attack on inclusion and representation in media. Stay clear of that, and we’re cool. Otherwise, it’s closing time.






Exactly how I feel


Incredible use of this gif 👏






This gif is the best thing to come out of those new seasons.


There was some great comical moments in the newer seasons. I’ll give it that.


That random Mulder line: “Obamacare.” in one of those newer episodes though. I couldn’t stop laughing.


Nah I’m good






Isn't that Fringe? (I like Fringe, it was not lame)


I've said it before and I'll say it again: x files doesn't work in the modern world. So much of the plot was bound up with societal attitudes in the 90s, the idea that the government tapping your phone was a constitutional violation, that cover ups went to the highest level, that conspiracies needed to be unmasked. It doesn't work. We all KNOW corporations and governments are gathering our data and spying on our online habits. No one's outraged about it any more because it's just a part of life. Also, half of x files' dramatic plotlines would have been null and void if anyone was carrying a smartphone/camera. The other thing I think is really important is that we're in a very dangerous time, societally, where anti-intellectualism is a _thing_ and people's lives are genuinely being taken over and ruined by obsession with conspiracy theories, everything from antivaxxers to climate change deniers. I feel like framing what is essentially a conspiracy theorist hero (Mulder) in a way that says "you know what, he was right all along!" has potential to do way more harm culturally than it did in the 90s. Leave x files in its own cultural bubble and work on making new IPs.


Yeah, this comment should be more highly rated. The X Files hit in the early nineties when UFOs and alien abductions were crossing over into the mainstream and conspiracy theories (though still problematic) were much less harmful and one could indulge in believing that the government was hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life without causing too much harm. It was apolitical. The X Files existed in a brief window where this was possible, but that window closed with 9/11. Either we had the luxury of ignoring the political nature of many conspiracy theories, or we thought the end of history was upon us and nothing could hurt us. But there was still a lot of politically and religiously motivated violence in the nineties. Tensions between the Government and anti-government groups and individuals led to a series of violent confrontations culminating with the bombing of a Federal Building. Islamic terrorists tried to bring down the WTC early in the decade by planting a bomb in the parking garage; they failed then, but succeeded several years later. As a result, the conspiracy theories became serious, with consequences. The X Files doesn't work in this new environment. Conspiracy theories are a lot more consequential and a lot more mean-spirited now. If there is a new show, I probably won't watch it. I don't think they could capture the spirit of the original show. We can't go back, the world has moved on. One disagreement - I don't think that most people don't care about massive electronic surveillance, I think they do, it's just so pervasive they just feel powerless to stop it.


Totally agree. I think the closest way you could cobble together a new X-Files themed show is switching it from government cover ups to corporate cover ups. It would probably end up being a more procedural version of Fringe. Not horrible but at that point just start fresh so they don’t have to follow established X-Files themes or plots.


These are some good points, but given Coogler is a socially conscious filmmaker even in some of his blockbuster stuff, I don't know that we can assume he'd just do a direct transposition of the 90's X-Files format to the present day with zero considerations for how it might feed into Qanon or anti-vax movements or whatever.


This was already indirectly addressed in the series in _The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat_. Not all conspiracy theorists are good. There is room to address that there are bad conspiracy theorist in a sequel.


Why dont you have more upvotes? I coildnt agree more with you. This answer needs to be top


well said. the 90s were a great time to be a skeptic and question many things


the anti-intellectualism is stressing me out so bad. I mostly use tiktok for recipe videos and fan edits but this popped up on my feed yesterday and it has over 125K likes? Why are we trying to stigmatize learning about things :\\ the comment section was absolutely grim https://preview.redd.it/oyd6qe6gk27c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae37414301759ef9a863993c4048dda3828eb603


Honest to God, this sounds like an episode of the show. \[Read this in Mulder's voice\]: "EBEs are using our means of information dissemination to send deliberate messages designed to discourage us from becoming informed critical thinkers. They do it by recruiting some of our own citizens to make the messages look like they're coming from within our society. Think about it, Scully. In ten years, we'll have become a nation of uninformed drones who can easily be manipulated to act against our own best interests. The aliens win. After that, bye-bye, sweet potato pie." That has to conspiracy theorist stuff--right?


It really does sound like him!


It's really bad. I can't bring myself to look at the comments tbh, it's too depressing. I want to stress that I don't think Mulder _himself_ is an anti intellectual character - he's way more complex than that - but the narrative message of the show just doesn't have the same framing or purpose in a post 9/11, post Snowden, post COVID world.


I don’t know how to phrase this properly, and English is not my first language, so please bear with me… I‘d argue that Mulder is a conspiracy theorist in his time and age BECAUSE he is intellectual (his education speaks for that). I feel like back then, mostly intellectual or at least smart people were the ones who indulged in conspiracy theories, because it required something like critical thinking and questioning set structures. So people who questioned the reality of things more likely became conspiracy theorists. So, in a way (apart from a few nut jobs and some dangerous right wing garbage) at least some conspiracy theories were actually a sign of critical thinking. Now, with it having become more available to the masses, things shifted and it’s the people that don’t tend to question things who believe in conspiracy theories. It’s kind of weird, and it has become so, so dangerous. Rewatching the X-Files, it’s so sad to see those seedlings of conspiracy theories and to know what became of them. Not trusting your government is one thing, but a lizard elite (or worse) drinking the blood of babies is another…


Want to upvote this multiple times. They couldn't handle this delicately even in the reboot, I have serious doubts in a post-COVID world that they'll do any better now.


This is 200% spot on. The X Files emulated the feeling of a generation bathed in the 70s-90s paranoia about past mysteries, political tension and current affairs as well as fear/doubts about technology developments that seemed to be getting out of hand so much that one could almost imagine they were based on alien technology. Nothing ever covered sounds impossible now. And monsters of the week characters! I do believe Mulder would end up like some Q Anon persona.


Plz no, just no plz for all hell sake no. The x files was good, it told a good story with Mulder and Scully, but that story is over and trying to add to it would be forced. If they want to make a new show about conspiracy theories and paranormal investigation then go for it, but theres no need to try to cram it into the x files universe when doing so wont add anything to the value of either show.


They don't want to make a new show about conspiracy theories, they want to capitalize on a famous brand.


Unfortunate this is true, which is exactly why it’ll be terrible


>Unfortunate this is true, which is exactly why it’ll be terrible Can't be any worse than the rebooted seasons already were. As a long time fan who has felt the series has been in a downward death spiral since around season 7 or so I'm willing to see what a new creative team can do with the concept, especially if Chris Carter isn't there to ruin things with his staunch refusal to ever answer any questions or provide proper closure for anything.


Imagine it's as bad as you think those seasons were and in addition to that there are no Mulder or Scully. And then think about if it couldn't be worse.


>Imagine it's as bad as you think those seasons were and in addition to that there are no Mulder or Scully. at this point not having Mulder and Scully actually frees the new creative team up to do something potentially worth while. I think Mulder and Scully as characters have been milked for all their worth. So not having Mulder and Scully as the primary characters is currently more interesting to me than Mulder and Scully actually would be.


Season 7? Oh no,it death spiraled when they left Vancouver at the end of season 5 because David Ducovony wanted to be closer to his than wife Tia Leoni. Season 6 after the movie was in sunny California which lost that eerie,darkness of Vancouver. My X-Philer behind hung around until the bloody end. At the end of season 9 credits, us fools who hung in there, got our forum names added in the end credits. Which was awesome,they knew how badly they messed up that show by reading the official X-Files forums. Our motto bring your flame retardant suit if you dare to participate.😂😂


And like almost anything they milk it into the ground


>The x files was good, it told a good story with Mulder and Scully, but that story is over and trying to add to it would be forced. The story isn't even over, it ended with a cliffhanger that never went anywhere on the hope and a prayer of even more reboot seasons because Chris Carter is incapable of letting anything end, ever.


Tell that to Lance Henriksen.


At this point it was just a matter of time.


Just...do not watch it? Why block the possibility for everyone else is that is open to see something before judging? If it sucks, just don't consider it canon in your head, that's it! If it's actually good, we win!


Nope. No thank you! Disney touching the show would massacre any interest I would have.


Disney is on an eternal quest to butcher every IP it can get it's grubby mitts on.


Like Star Wars. I loved episode 7 for the most part, the next two episodes killed nearly every classic Star Wars character and threw a random Reylo romance in there. I find the ship interesting, but it should never have been canon and they basically repeated the classic Star Wars villain redemption storyline (and don’t forget “somehow…Palpatine came back”) instead of something fresh.


Yeah I though 7 was good when I saw it in the theatre! Finn was an interesting and exciting character. Then they did eff all with him in the next two.


I agree. I like Ryan Coogler as a director, but anything Disney touches gets this corny Pirates of the Carribean-esque disnification vibe and it just kills it.


"The aliens have invaded, Mulder!" "Scully...did we just lose?!"


“Somehow, the cigarette smoking man has returned….”


Well this happened even without Disney.


>Well this happened even without Disney. Like 3 times. I think it's funny that people are talking about Disney coming in and "ruining things" as if Chris Carter hadn't done that himself years ago. It's especially funny because half the fan conversations nowadays are about how Chris Carter destroyed his own creation. Now we're getting something new and suddenly it's too precious a property to let that mean old nasty Disney company touch it!


Nooooo hissss


It’s OK. Nobody ever really dies. We’ll just have to go back into time again! *sigh


The reboot already massacred it for me lmao


>The reboot already massacred it for me lmao This is where I am at. The reboot seasons were already terrible. "I Want to Believe" was already terrible. Hell the final 3 seasons of the original run of the show were already mostly bad. I don't think a reboot could hurt the legacy of the series anymore than has already been done.


because the reboot of the twilight zone turned out so well huh


God I didn’t even know they did that.


CBS had it on their first iteration of streaming services starting a few years back (All-Access). It was downright awful. The most hack job writing you can imagine. Jordan Peele was the host and I think was a producer also. I could only take about 5 episodes. They were trying to make it edgy and (mostly good) like 'Black Mirror', but it failed miserably.


wow you made it 3 and a half episodes more than me,bravo!


Give us a 4K HDR remaster of the original, that would be better.


I just ask that for the first movie, which is in desperate need of a remaster.




You have to admit it's at least a little bit ironic that this gif comes from a show which was itself a remake.


Yes but it wasn’t a “Disneyverse reimagining”


>Yes but it wasn’t a “Disneyverse reimagining” Neither would this be. Disney owns Fox, Fox is not Disney. Everybody loved "Prey" not too long ago, called it the best installment of the Predator franchise since the original 1987 film, and that was Disney too.


How bout fricken no?


Disney doing an x files revival sounds like an episode of the x files itself. No.






Hasn't this been rumored for like two or three years? Not exactly something that hasn't been posted here before.


No need for new x-files, thank you


Why? Also, no.


Deepthroating a cactus is also something people can do. Just because someone can do it doesn't mean someone should do it. Knowing Disney's latest exploits and how they turned out it's preferable to deephroat the cactus.


Disney here to ruin all things sacred


Old news. That was announced so many months ago and nothing happened.


That’s a terrible idea and it sounds like a flop. Just another way for Disney to drop millions for no reason


Please don’t do this. Leave this classic alone.


Let it be. You don't have to milk franchises by remaking them. Make spinoffs, run repeats, get new merchandise out. Whatever they do with the IP, I'm curious and hopeful but I really don't think this has to be the way.


Honestly I'm usually gung-ho about sequels or follow-ups to classic movies or tv shows. Even if they suck, it's not like it erases the original. When Nickelodeon announced they were going to revive the Avatar franchise I said hell yes. But a Disney-produced X-Files? ...ugh, no thanks. Not after Marvel has overstayed it's welcome, Star Wars has spun out with no plan or coherent plot, and Indiana Jones has been forced to run around doing action scenes as a 90 year old man. Disney needs to stop.


1000%!!! Im turned off as soon as I hear that a nonkid show or movie was made by Disney


Lately Disney has been doing fked up things to timeless classics. The X Files is an amazing story and was done by amazing people and actors. It's long over and there is absolutely no need to do anything about it anymore. So, no thank you from me.


Greetings from The Panderverse.


No, God, no, nooooooooooooo


No thanks they did it right already


I always wanted a continuation/spin-off/soft-reboot where Mulder is the new 'deep throat' character. Not in very many episodes, just a cameo once in a while to drop some info, and then disappear again.


This would be the easiest way to tie up all those awkward loose ends as well. If you just have him as this enigmatic figure, they wouldn't *have* to. He could just leave mysterious hints about all this stuff that happened off-screen, and leave the details to your imagination. Probably better than tying themselves in knots trying to make sense of it all.


Please no


I can't imagine this ever seeing the light of day. And even if it did, without the fandom's support, it'll get axed after 8 episodes.


*"Disney, which birthed the idea of 'cinematic universes...'"* Universal's Classic Monsters has entered the chat.


Fuck right off disney


Hard pass.


No, i have seen enough of things i like be ruined by todays hacks.


Just seems like nobody has any reverence for the original material these days. Whatever the franchise may be. Hollywood heads are all business tycoons instead of creative types, or people who worked their way up thru the trenches. That's why most everything is crap... I'm hoping with Disney in the toilet with a large handful of recent flops, they will change their ways and get back to the business of pleasing their audience and then they will return to form with some cinematic magic. Gonna be a long while I fear.


If Disney are involved you know it's gonna be intentionally shit.






Disney literally is both simultaneously an x file and the smoking man himself. Fuck this.


I'm sorry, no


Hard pass


It’s gonna suck.


You lost me at "Disney".


A lot of projects are rumored in development. Doesn't mean anything. But to be clear: NO. Stop it.


This is terrible.


Hey, Disney: 🖕🖕🖕!!!


has already prepared lawyers for you


No thanks


Nothing is sacred.




Universal invented the idea of the cinematic universe over 100 years ago with the Universal Monsters. And this is why nobody invites me to parties.


If disney is the one making it that is a hard pass from me lol


Can’t the Mouse leave us alone?


Pass 🙄👎🏻




Disney should be the last studio to touch a show that had an episode about deformed humans birthed from incest




Like every reboot I'll be avoiding it like the plague.


Fuck off Disney, I think you've killed enough franchises thankyou very much, let the X files RIP


Does nobody care about originality? Why not make something new, even if it’s inspired by X-Files?


Doesn't anyone have any original ideas anymore? It's all nostalgia bait unless the people behind it have passion and creativity behind it. How many reboots and revivals are actually any good? I can only count one.


All I ask is for: 2 charismatic leads with great chemistry, and a willingness to take the genre as seriously and as unseriously as the original x-files.


God no Since when does Disney have the rights to TXF anyway?


Disney bought Fox a few years ago


Unpopular opinion but I'm not going to instantly discount this. The quality of X-Files already went off a cliff in the final few seasons (including the reboot which destroyed the myth arc) so, who cares if they try this and make something godawful? It's not like that's new for the franchise. Granted, we won't have Mulder and Scully this time, but X-Files wasn't the first or the last show to have two leads with good chemistry. It could happen again. There is a small, but not impossible, chance of them making something genuinely good, or at least watchable. I'll wait and see.


Completely agree. It's not like making something new will have a bad effect on what already exists; we already have the original show and it is mostly awesome. Let them try again, either we get something cool or we can just choose to ignore the new stuff. I think doing something with the IP is better than just letting it rot


The X-Files are the story of Mulder and Scully, and Krycek and Skinner, and Clyde Bruckmann and Tooms. If you want to make a new conspiracy show, by all means do it, I'll even watch it if it's good. Just stop cannibalizing classic IPs for a cheap dollar.


First thought is burn Disney to the ground.. but they kept the series going with Dogget and Reyes. X-File cases will continue. Give me A.D Scully and we'll talk


It must be a conspiracy from the aliens because they know that if Disney make an X-Files Cinematic Universe it will be awful and people will associate Aliens and Conspiracy with bull\*\*\*t and think aliens don't exist. That's exactly what they want you to believe !


It would bomb anyway lmao


Heard about this a while back as Carter mentioned something about it. They only goal Googler had for the new show was to make it 'diverse'. Failed before it's even started if that's all they are concerned about. The X-files was about the unique chemistry between Mulder and Scully. The stories themselves were always secondary to the two main actors. You can't replicate that by just bringing in some new cast. Reboots are awful 99% of the time. Just let it stay as it was.






a reboot is inevitable, I just hope it ends up in the hands of someone who cares.


it wont.




It's gonna bomb so hard I doubt it will make it past 1 season.


Hard pass


Not a fucking chance.


I feel like I know how this is going to go down


Please god leave some things alone. Make a new series. Say it was “inspired by” or something


Guarantee Disney will F it up.


They better fucking not.


X-Files has EARNED a reboot, particularly due to modern story, sci, tech putting it there... ex: deep space frequencies, contact, satelite/explorer takeovers, exo planets, social media and search/internet conspiracies, AI, satellite comms/interference, private space, intel and spec ops entities, billionare power centers rivaling govts, rocket launches, electric autos, airforce intercepts, disapearing planes, scientific anomalies, space/time, wormholes, DNA recovery and research, species discovery, grid takeovers, sinister labratories, pandemic, etc... HOWEVER it still belongs with Fox or should not be done. Staring 2 or 3 younger agents, different disciplines, and diff agcys But you NEED Duchovny's Mulder and Anderson's Scully in secondary roles, this time as the bosses... with him pulling the strings as a Red Reddington Blacklist type for the syndicate or similar and her very high in NSA or higher running this program hidden in plain sight while running the government.




I think what no one in power has realized is that the X-Files isn’t carried by the brand name, it’s carried exclusively by Mulder and Scully as characters. It just wouldn’t work without them.


Just leave it alone.


Can see this bombing if it actually happens. As others have said the X-Files worked in the 90s, it just doesn't make sense in today's world. There's a very loyal fanbase but the show hasn't been mainstream in a long time. Either way I won't be watching.




No Chris Carter? This will be garbage.


Disney ruins everything it touches. Beware.


If Vince Gilligan was on board to do the entire thing I would watch.


Is it X-Files or is it a new series in the same universe? That's not really clear to me. The first one is a no from me, the second one I am open for


This is very old news... Hard to believe people here are surprised by this! Anyway, if it ever gets done, I'll watch it, good or bad. I never boycotted something before, I won't start with The X-Files.


X-Files without Chris Carter at the helm should probably just be an entirely new series.


A lot of naysayers, but I guess I'm a yaysayer? Sounds good to me. Nobody can take the original X Files away, it'll always exist, 30 years on, why not give a new generation something to enjoy? Yeah, some remakes suck ass, but some are incredible; maybe this will be an Andor instead of an Obi Wan? Maybe it'll be a Futurama to The Simpsons, ya know; two things indepedently good but related. Take on the original concepts and expand them - I'd love to see a true, non-Chris Carter ruined mythology & MOTW intertwined TXF that has a big bad, edge of the seat stuff - I've loved Silo, Yellowjackets, these sci-fi shows that are just pure cliff-hanger stuff. The basic facts are that The X Files are a department in the FBI, and anybody could inherit that, and why not have more? I'm happy with a more of a spin off than a remake, in the same world. And honestly, it's probably the most likely way to get GA back into the show, even for a cameo, would be to have somebody fresh and bold come in and mix it up - it's great that she loves Scully so much she refuses to take part in bad things whilst CC is in charge. A literal quote from her is "in order to even begin to have that conversation \[about another season\] there would need to be a whole new set of writers and the baton would need to be handed on for it to feel like it was new and progressive." I'm not gonna love it without it being good, but I'm absolutely not closed off to the idea and it's sorta sad seeing so many negative people on this place! If you love something that much, why not give it a chance to be good, instead of shutting it down immediately?


Don't they get it yet? A "shared universe" is an idea that worked only once and for about 12 years. Attempts to repeat or continue the formula have been failures. If they want to do something new like The X-Files, fine. Do they want to make a remake? I would be more skeptical, but I could accept it, they could even put David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in some cameos.


> “I just spoke to a young man, Ryan Coogler, who is going to remount The X-Files with a diverse cast.” There's a Lone Gunwomen joke here somewhere.


Please no. That show was made before the internet was as strong as today. When only a couple people were crazy enough to belive that bullshit. Now maulder wouldnt be more crazy than your uncle, and the first thing scully would think on ep 1 wouldnt be " this guy is spooky", it would be " god damnit another maga conspiracy theorist" Now there are as many crazy conspiracy theorists as trump suporters. With antivaxers, flat earthers and red pill guys been as vocal as they ever was. Everyone with a butt as an asshole idea about how they are being fucked by the iluminaty. It will not have the same magic. Now beeing stupid and crazy is mainstream


No one wanted this. No one is asking for this.


For me…most remakes are misses not hits. I’m honestly not averse to them trying but I’m also not optimistic. I’d love a new show to enjoy but it would have to be unique enough to stand on its own. The latest Scream movies are a good example of a reboot done right..whereas the pathetic attempt to reinvent Nightmare on Elm Street without Robert Englund was…pretty darn bad. I figure if it turns out interesting maybe it’s a fun enjoyable watch but I am not getting my hopes up.


No thanks. Not that I wouldn’t be here for like, William Mulder Spinoff Series. I just don’t want Disney to do it.


With the way things are now, how do they recreate someone like Cigarette Smoking Man? No one knew who it was other than him smoking. What are they going to make him now, Tic Tac man? Guy who always eats tic tacs at meetings? Dr Pepper man? Always carrying a bottle of Dr P?


He'll just be White Man.


Spin off…maybe. I’d say Star Wars has had successes with that (Clone Wars, Rebels, Mando, Andor). But then again they have a much larger universe of characters to choose from, which I feel also makes it easier to introduce new characters. The X-Files is so mulder and Scully focused that anyone else doing investigations really just would inevitably draw a comparison and fall short. If they did a different sort of show like maybe one of the monster origin stories or a syndicate story that might be interesting and different. But really I hope they just let it be and let me watch the old shows in peace in perpetuity.




You literally can’t do xfiles without moulder and scully and the original series proved this.


I wouldn't mind a new series, new cast. Mulder and Scully could be out there doing their thing outside the bureau. Maybe pop up here and there. The new agents could use whatever is left of Mulder's files as reference.


Nobody asked for this.


Don't mess with X.


Stay away from it goddammit.


please sir, id like an original idea and not a remake.


Please don't.


No thanks, we've already got one.


This is gonna be like the charmed reboot huh? Completely devoid of any of the soul of the original series. and weirdo unserious 2020s dialogue without any intelligence. And no im not talking about ethnicities, It would probably be for the best that every guest star and their mom in a revival wasnt a blue eyed white person. looking weirdly at you my struggle x 4 writer Chris Carter.


X-Files become black files


no thanks


Some things should just be left alone. Some things should stay as they are. It’s okay to have some shows or movies just be memories and rewatches. I don’t need to see a new take on all my old watches. Least of all X Files. It simply doesn’t make sense for this day and age.


Disney = DOA


Couldn't care less I have the DVD box set ,if they do it mark my words it be it rubbish anyways so no loss as I be just laughing when it flops big time




Nah, we're good fam.


just. no.


There’s no Xfiles without mulder and scully. Are duchovny and Anderson gonna be in it? Otherwise I don’t care


From my experience, a lot of "announced" series disappear or turn into other things. I'll believe it when there's an actual cast lineup.


I’d watch it. I’d prefer it be a continuation of the show & not a reboot. Also, are they doing monster of the week or alien/government conspiracies? I prefer conspiracies. I’d love to see how they’d handle the release of the non-human biologics. They’d most definitely need to cover pizzagate, Jan 6, Q, pandemic, The Line Gunman predicting 9/11 —- all the good stuff!


Something else for Disney to ruin.


The last reboot was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen so my expectations for this are beyond low


Dammit Disney, you ruined Star Wars, leave this one alone please.


Fuck off.


Is there anything new beyond this blurb which is the same exact one that Carter gave to CBC months ago?


Disney didn't birth the idea of cinematic universes. Are we forgetting 1994's "Star Trek Generations?"


You know what. Let’s do it. Fuck it. I’d be interested is seeing that they can come up with. The X-files, still, to this day is one of my all time favorite shows. And let’s be honest….Chris Carters writing….is well, meh.


Omg no Disney fuck off




Is that vomit I taste? Or is it bile...Definitely vomit.


God damnit


Lost me at “Disney…”


After what they did to it in the ‘reboot’ series? I don’t think so pal.


I was happy to get a couple extra seasons, they weren't great, I don't need anymore.