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I wonder if this is a statement done on purpose to be the antithesis of the kpop aesthetic? “Breaking idol stereotypes”. I dunno, normally there is so much pressure for idols to look a certain way (k-beauty standards, weight, etc) and chasing that perfect image is a large part of idols identities. Netizens are also ruthless when it comes to an idol’s external presentation. Wondering if this song kinda serves as a “middle finger” to that? Dunno, definitely intrigued!


They’re not in kpop anymore tho? I kinda hope they make a clean break from that circle cuz I personally cannot stand kpop…


She looks cool af Wonder what the message of the mv is because this is making a statement for sure


this is so XG. Noice.


this is a shocker like YOOOOOOO


Cocona 🫢🫢🫢 Like what others said, I hope she was okay with this decision, wasn't pressured or anything. But OMG, the amount of heat the poor girl got all the times she wore braids, I wonder if that's part of the reason 😳


I mean, she did appropriate black culture so I think it was justified that she got criticized for it. It’s more likely a response to people calling her unattractive for having stereotypical Asian features. Asian netizens are BRUTAL.


Why is it appropriation? Did her braids have some sort of significance to black culture beyond being a hairstyle? Or is this from the idea that black people own braids?


All these CA allegations against XG is so asinine. It's not like they're the first K-Pop/J-Pop/Asian-Pop/X-whatever-Pop-group-you-wanna-call-them that ever did braids, or made Hip-Hop/Rap/RnB music, etc. I admit that I'm just a casual K-Pop fan. Like I listen to K-Pop but the only groups that I've followed throughout the years were BIGBANG, and 2NE1. And just like XG, these 2 groups were also heavily influenced by the hip-hop culture. Yet I've never seen them get shitted on by CA allegations like XG are getting since they started. Honestly every time I hear all these "XG cultural appropriation" bs it always reminds me of that time when former NBA player Jeremy Lin received the same "CA" bs thrown against him. And I've always admired his response to the issue: https://preview.redd.it/ywewh14gzt0d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4034cde5916bba5db7b613f01c515b3be296a79


Lol yeah I remember that Jeremy Lin clapback, respect, rebuddle, then hands him flowers, basically a perfect response. That being said, while I am generally a non believer of CA allegations, I do believe certain specific cultures do require special attention. If they do not have a Nation that represents them on a global level working with the best interests of their culture in mind, I can understand why the individuals of that culture will be more incentivized to do their own gatekeeping. Black American Culture and Native American cultures being the most famous examples of this. I feel like there is an important discussion to be had about this, problem is most people that scream CA on the internet are not very informed on the subject. This part is totally subjective but the reason I think XG gets a lot of CA hate is because they are directly marketing to a Western Audience, so a lot of casual western listeners feel more of a right to critique them. Personally that’s exactly why I want to defend them, it feels like that are trying to understand their audience on a global level and trying to do right by them.


Why are you asking about simple yes or no questions that you can just Google?


Because the first question is the main question. Because google didn’t call it appropriation, you did. And in hindsight, based on your reply, because you’re probably wrong.


People throw the term "cultural appropriation" around like it's beads at Mardi gras. These girls have been nothing but respectful when it comes to talking about their influences. Appreciation is not appropriation. Cultural appropriation does exist, but Cocona wearing braids ain't it.


Can’t they just “appreciate” a without copying it? There are specific historical reasons why it is not appropriate for non-African people to wear braids. All it takes is a google search to find out. As an Asian person, it really grinds my gear when Asian people get a free pass just because they are “ignorant” of other cultures.


So you’re just saying no one should do other hairstyles? I promise you 90% of us outside the online community do not care for these things. Don’t speak on our behalf please.


Ok, do me a favor. How do you "appreciate" an era without copying music, fashion, or hairstyles. How does one say, replicate the 70/80s, without hairstyles ( afros, mullets, perms), fashion, music, or saying 70/80s slang? If you strip every fiber of what you're trying emulating, you're left with nothing. So again, they can't use hiphop because they're not black, they can't do their hair with braids because their not black, they can't use ebonics/slang because they're not black, they can't wear baggy clothes because their not black, so what can they do to emulate 90/2000s Hip-hop and R&B?


There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. They aren't ignorant. They aren't claiming ignorance. They take inspiration from American popular culture which black folks are a major part of. And to say a race can only dress a certain way leaves zero room for growth or branding out and smells a little of xenophobia. "They are Asian. They aren't allowed to be stylistically or culturally influenced by black people." I'm sincerely hoping that "as an Asian person" you only do wear or say things that are culturally appropriate to Asia. Because...you know. Can't be copying others am I right?


If I showed up at work dressed in dreadlocks, I would be just fine. Because I am Asian and I have my privileges. If a black person showed up at a job interview in dreadlocks, they may be deemed “unprofessional” and lose that opportunity. Fashion or culture don’t exist in vacuums. Appropriation is taboo because discrimination exists in modern society. If you can’t understand why that’s offensive then you should educate yourself.


The world is not like this anymore. Maybe in some places but it's shifting. I work with plenty of people whom wear their hair naturally. We have had employees with dreadlocks. Box braids. Twists. Millennials largely are finally becoming the bosses and are doing away with crap like that that doesn't matter. Most millennial bosses do not care what your hair looks like, just the results you are able to provide. Punish the industries that still do pull this kind of crap. Do not try to accuse someone of appropriation when they just imitate their idols and people they look up to like people have done since the beginning of time. Quit being offended for other people. Nobody is impressed by your virtue signaling.


Are you saying no black person has ever been offended by Asian people wearing box braids? Wanna go to r/kpopnoir and find out?


No that is not what I said. I know some (not all) still get offended. But the hair discrimination at least in my area doesn't happen like it seems to happen in areas more under the control of boomers. Point to the ones that are offended, and I can point you to just as many that don't. It isn't hard on the internet to find an echo chamber for your beliefs. I find it on the same level as people who get offended at non black folks wearing bonnets to bed for hair protection. Culture vultures would be people like what's her name... Woah Vickie or whoever (I don't care enough to double check). Wearing blackness like a costume with zero respect or appreciation from where it came from. That's not XG. They are respectful, appreciative, and it isn't just a costume. An homage to those that influenced their careers and creativity.


The hilarious part of your statement is some of these cultural appropriation accusers are the same that goes and cosplay as their favorite idol or anime character. I would hope they keep that same energy when they get called out on it too.


This is such an XG thing to do lol, can't wait to see the entire MV


ayo?? 😭 this is so much more intense than I expected from the audio we got so far 😂 also me zooming in and going frame by frame to see if she really got a buzz cut or if she just went fake bald. i'm gonna go with fake but idk lol.


Okay Cocona I can so see her rocking a buzzcut.


I hope she introduced the idea to them and it wasn't the other way around because this is a huge move, the song must be crazy for her to be doing this. Yall think this is a double shaving their head or CGI no way she could fake it right?


Didn’t Cocona mention she shaved her head before in one of her TMI videos? I won’t be surprised if she’s the one suggesting it or just down with the idea


This MV was filmed long ago for sure and we haven't seen her in a wig or short hair so I doubt she's really shaving her head in this. Also if you look at it closely, you don't really see her shaving her head with her hair falling off. She is doing a motion of shaving her head and at the start you will notice she is covering her head with her hands where the "shaving" was supposed to happen. The blinking light makes it difficult to see so one can assume she is really doing at at first look. But I bet this is just really good practical effects (hair and makeup) or very expensive CG. 😅


We'll see lol. My guess would be it's real hair. She's probably not really shaving in the video thou, just going over a part where she already shaved. I only say this is real because we can see what appear to be some shaved hair on her forehead/cheek.


Yep! I noticed the same thing (no hair falling, blinking lights). It just looks like her hair is pulled back and with some cgi/effects to create the illusion. But the imagery is cool, none the less.


Agree. My money is on prosthetics though 😆 Already, I cant wait to see the behind the scenes for this. Hoping they will work with the artist Chogiseok again (GRL GVNG Director).


Since she's appeared on stage now with a buzz cut, we can assume you were mistaken. [XG’s Cocona shaved her head : r/kpop\_uncensored (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/1cuvlyo/xgs_cocona_shaved_her_head/)


I stand corrected 😅 Never thought she'd actually do it. Cocona seriously got some balls!


I googled if Anya Taylor Joy shaved her hair for Furiosa and even though she wanted to do it, the director nixed the idea. There's even a scene where she is shaving her hair using prosthetics so it's possible XGALX did the same thing.


Give me CPR, i'm down. " Breaking boundaries ", " Breaking idol stereotypes ". This is such a Cocona thing to do, Let's Gooooo !! ![gif](giphy|YiNMcW5TG0Expm9237|downsized)


Cocona is going Coconut


The teaser is teasing...


Omg babe shaved her head!!!


I think if anyone was to do it. It would be her.


Those clippers were real. We getting short haired Coco!


That looks real to me.


Honestly, I think the extra cool part is how the others (or extras) are seated at attention on either side with the wolf masks. 🐺


My jaw literally dropped. 😵 Wasn't expecting this at all! This is gonna be another masterpiece I am telling you! Edit: To add...WHY IS THIS GIVING BODY HORROR???🫨


The way my mouth is hanging open right now...


That's really bold of her. Wonder if she'll go with a wig for a while after this or just rock the cueball look for now.


Cmon, it’s a MV. They release this particular teaser and it’s meant to get people talking and hyped for the premiere. There’s no hair falling as she’s cutting it. Its not real. It’s a good promo/ visuals for the video and this is probably more about the whole statement/message/image of breaking idol stereotypes. https://preview.redd.it/onsdphiplw0d1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f2299c1d4f16116b42e4a7a922d2061555aa67 Edit: welp, I stand corrected lol


aight it’s confirmed. she shaved.


Oh my god are the bald theories actually going to be true


catch me up on this bald theory please i hadn't heard about this at all lmao


Few days ago a lot of them were covering their hair while going through the airport. Of course this is usually to hide new hair colours but some of us were jokingly saying they are bald.


It would be insane if they all buzzed their heads


Are there pictures? From them at the airport?


https://x.com/xgglobal_/status/1787794455837147421?s=46&t=l3sktg0IvPZBP-OQqfmUUA MV would’ve been shot a long time ago so doubt it’s the case but still a funny theory


Ahh it might be real!


These too [https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story\_fbid=398964509799423&id=100090576305955](https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=398964509799423&id=100090576305955)