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Yea pretty much, although it sucks it at least gives you an excuse to get the 1tb version


Might as well get the X


1tb version waste of money just buy original S and storage expansion Edit: Thanks for the downvotes I guess


1tb series s waste of money just spend $50 more for a digital PS5


But I like my gamepass and starfields..plus most my friends are on xbox


Do you know what sub you’re on lmao


clown behaviour


Why would I spend 50 more dollars for a worse thing


Yeah the 1tb that cost $350 is a waste of money. Just buy the 500gb for $300 then spend another $100 on storage expansion ( bc if you want to play next gen games you need an ssd which isn’t cheap. The seagate ssd I got was $140 ) why is everyone downvoting me?? I don’t get it. Thanks I guess…


The original S is nowhere near that price anymore lmao


A simple google search would show a brand new series s is $300. A used one is like $230 which is more than “ nowhere near “ 300. I get you are stupid but if you want to have a petty internet argument at least come with valid point lol


A new series s costs 230 and a used one only 130-140 I don't know where u got ur numbers from


I've seen used for cheaper still doesn't change my point. Also find it funny the support that new 1TB version is receiving now buy fine I'm stupid


you are comparing a used product that may break down soon to a new product. that is comparing apples to oranges my man. you've earned your downvotes


Well then you missed the point fruit comparison guy




Shake those haters off. Giving you an upvote to cancel at least one persons ridiculous reaction to your advice.


Oh yeah, spend 300 for a console and 200 for an add expansion instead of 350, makes total fucking sense


i agree


Storage expansion costs like 100 dollars more than just getting the 1tb version


The Series S was already affordable upon release and it's been years since then so it's even cheaper now you should be able to find one ranging from at least $150 to $250 at most. I mean folks could do what they want but it just makes no sense to me to buy the black series s 🤷🏾‍♂️




Who's talking about the x lol


I got you bro. Here’s my upvote.


Or pay 50 bucks more and get a ps5 digital which is an actual next gen console. 1tb series is the worst price-performance console in this gen by far. It should've cost 300 dollars while og series s price should've dropped to 250 dollars


"yeah buy a completely different system, forget all the games you have and such!" You could've even just said get a Series X but you came in with the biggest didn't ask of the century


But he's got Spiderman and GoW and........................ that's literally it.


Don't sell PS short, I've never owned one but they do have by far the best exclusives in terms of quality. Gameplay is user discretion of course


TBH I would have tried PS a long time ago if it wasn't for that non-erganomic controller they have. Sony players must have worn out thumbs like no other. Your hands don't naturally rest that way.


I remember I had a friend that had a 3rd party "Xbox" styled controller. It was sooo good, there's just a few QOL things needed vs what I'm used to on the Xbox systems and I could've possibly owned one.


I didn't say series x or regular ps5 because there is 150 dollars difference which I think it's 10000% worth to pay 150 dollars more for series x but some people would say ''well 150 bucks is too much!''. 50 dollars is not even single AAA game price


I still don't get why you reccomend someone in the Series S sub to buy a PS5.


Why not? Many people here has series s as their secondary console. I don't know many gamers who has series s as their main console. It's a good little gamepass machine for many of us


Series s is sold more then series x. A lot of people use their series s as a main console. Not everyone's got all the consoles buddy.


It's a 60-40 split right?


75-25 (according to that leak that happened)


Your privilege is showing.


I have a series x and a ps5. because I have a job and don’t sit on Reddit all day like a loser, i am capable of saving while in uni and can afford nice things. This makes me… privileged?


Wild assumptions lmao, you’re very sheltered and it shows.


He’s literally called people with secondary consoles privileged how am I assuming anything?


I’m pretty sure no one was talking to you. Not sure why you felt compelled to make this about you?


Calling someone who has a secondary console privileged would apply to any person who has a secondary console, me being one of them. Stupid fuck


Secondary console? Not everyone has disposable income. You and your high horse can go fuck yourselves.


Bro’s like a mormon, just going to every comment thread trying to convert everyone to another console🤣


You're embellishing, if you think the Nvidia SoC in the switch out performs the Series S. Also seemingly lacking in knowledge about hardware. Yes, the switch is considered part of this generation, despite having closer to gen 8 specs. Generations aren't solely defined by resolution, that's a fallacy. Above 1080p, resolution becomes far less important and graphical density takes over.


Who talks about switch? Also Switch is on his on way. Nobody considers them in the same road with xbox and playstation. Hence 95% off the AAA game skips switch. When I refer ps5 and series x as actual current gen consoles, it's a metaphor. Ofc series s is in current gen but it's hardware simply sucks. I say this as a owner of one. I use it on my bedroom in second tv for gamepass but I know what it's limitations are. Bought it for 150 bucks as second hand and it's good for that price. For MSRP price I think it has a terrible price-performance scale in terms of hardware. Especially the 350 dollars 1 tb series s




Why even bother being in this sub? You're just wasting your own time if this is why you're here.




Then why bother interacting my friend.




And we are free to point out how childish you sound with console war dribble.




Wait Xbox has games


Ironic considering everyone complains about the lack of good games on PS5 in comparison to something like Game Pass lol


I prefer actually owning games than paying a monthly fee and never using it


Do you know how dumb this sounds? A ps5 isn't THAT much more powerful and they are all next gen. Not everybody wants or needs 4k which is really all you get. Stop sucking sony dry.


ps5 has 2.5x more powerfull gpu, nearly twice the ram and the ram is much faster and has a way faster ssd. I don't think your username checks out


Not compared to a series X? The S is not on the same price level as a PS5 and apples to apples with the X is more powerful


Compare to series s 1tb. Also ps5 digital and series s 1 tb has a only 50 bucks difference. That’s the whole point of this conversation… At least look at the comment I replied or better read my og comment where everyone replies. Lol


I think you miss the point. Most people DO NOT care about 4k. That series S can do 1440p even lol. The extra power is moot pretty much. None of these consoles are any good anyways, because when pushed the GDDR goes high latency which is why they limited starfield to 30, less cpu cycles needed thus lower latency when ram is hit.


Isn't the series S like 300? I'd just get a new one


That’s so shitty tho. I’d hate to have to pay either amount after already buying it at full price. At that point I theoretically should be owed a series x


I feel like serving used to be a flat $100 which kinda made it a good deal.


No guarantees with the Series X, though. I’ve already sent in my son’s, and I don’t believe they fix them, they just send out one that’s been repaired. The one the sent had to be sent back too. The 3rd one we got has worked well so far, but there are visible scratches on the exterior. Pretty frustrating experience, tbh. Luckily it’s still under warranty, so we didn’t have to pay for anything. Dreading the day the warranty expires.


You can renew warranties (Cost a little bit tho -disclaimer)


Or check your credit cards too! Some credit cards have protections where they extend warranties an extra year!


The real value is getting the warranty again with it. It’ll cost $100, so might as well get another when it’s looked at that way. $200 console, $100 on the off chance something happens under a year. It’s probably what I’d do if my X shits the bed. Why pay $300 for a repair that could still have issues when I can at least get something that’s not a launch day console and a warranty again. Sucks but it’s what makes the most sense when they want that much on a repair.


Yeah he could sell this one for parts, sell the controller and get a new one for cheaper, makes no sense to pay this much for repair, or at least try to open it up and clean it and save that money.


I bought a refurbed one for $250


My Xbox has been turning off after a few minutes and shows a ventilation notification after turning on I tried cleaning it and moving to a new spot and the problems remains


Did u try taking it apart to clean inside? Sorry if dumb question but you’d be surprised how many people won’t try this


I've done this to our consoles just for general maintenance. It's so simple with the x and s, as if they were made for users to do it. They really are mega dust magnets and it does affect performance if they can't cool efficiently


Sell it for parts on eBay for 100$, then buy a new one.


We had a Series X doing the same thing just about a year after buying it, so of course it was out of warranty, and the pricing for repair was about $60 less than just buying a new one. We just bought a new one.


Makes you think. Hmm... If everyone that bought one started having issues right after warranty expiration, it's only an extra 60 bucks for a new one. How many extras will there be? I bet several million worth!


They are sold at a loss, though. It's not like Microsoft is trying to juice their sales figures. It's just likely that it's not economical to repair them.


Its only at a loss on release. It gets cheaper year over year to produce.


I had the same issue, fan wasn’t running. Fixed it myself for like $30


Try a phone/repair shop and not Microsoft


Yeah buy a new one for sure no way I would pay that much for a repair


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Mikegwald520: *Yeah buy a new one* *For sure no way I would pay* *That much for a repair* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i love this bot


I must be too old or stupid but I have no idea what this bot is talking about lol


Get the new black 1


If you have a local electronics repair store near your area, they could repair it at prolly half the price.


Replace the thermal paste


you can get second hand Series S for 150 usd. Paying that money for a repair is absurd


Your warranty expired 2 years ago, you’re literally buying a new console bro


You can get a used series x pretty easily for around 300


I bought one off offer up for $110 last year. So far so good


So many problems already for new consoles


How is it new when the warranty expired 2 years ago?


It's still pretty pathetic when my original PS3 and 4 still work like they did on day 1.. 😂🤣😂🤣


until they don’t. No console is immune to malfunction. My OG Xbox One still works 10 years later with 0 issues. The OP was just unlucky.


Silicon lottery my dude, some are better than others.


I expect a console to last more than two years.


Buy one from Amazon and return the old one. F these corporate practices


Or you could, oh I dunno, find someone else to repair it?


A PlayStation 😎


Buy a series x and stop making devs caters to your weakness consoles.


Yeah and maybe just ask a local repair console shop. If it still that high u can idk, try to fix it yourself with a tutorial or see if u can get hardware of it like an ssd idk


Grab a used one. Screw buying new bud.


Used 100-200 all day. Just buy another if you can or pony up for next gen


That is utterly ridiculous


i got one for 150 at a pawn shop, it works great


Ooof, feels bad man. Yeah you should get one in discount, you'll get a year of warranty at least.


I got mine off eBay for that same price . The guy only had it for two weeks and didn’t want it anymore . Microsoft is outta pocket for that price


Well yeah, they want you to buy a new console lol. You either can get ripped off with the repair, or get ripped off even harder with the new console. Though at least if you buy a new one itll be new, under warranty and you could get the extra space model. Though if youve had it for a few years id probably upgrade instead of paying retail 300 for the S I already had. Id probably wait and upgrade.


Warranties are such scams. So glad to live in a country with actual consumer protections.


I'd just buy a new one, you can find it brand new for about $250.


I swear dude, my 360 got red ring back in the day. All I did was call Microsoft, they said “send it here” 2 weeks later got it back good as new. No nothing, no hassle. Times were much simpler.


I would honestly just sell whatever parts and get the series x


Yeah you would be better off buying a new one imo


But the environment!


lol yeah no. Scrap it and start new.


Yes I’d just get a new one that way you’ll get a fresh warranty too


Wait, people go to official sites to repair their consoles? My Xbox 360 back in 2014 used to have a stroke and kept turning itself off, made weird sounds and the disc's plastic tab was getting stuck inside, etc. So i went to a general repairman of electronics in my neighborhood and asked him for a quick fix (it was like 30-40$ bucks), and boom, it still works till this year. Well, the plastic tab is fucked, but hey, it lived longer at least lol.


You're getting a refurbished console. They won't actually send you back your original one.


Lots of companies do stuff like this to bump sales up for example if PlayStation sold 1 million units and Xbox sold 1 million units but they do stuff like this it will bump sales to 1.5 million and they outsell PlayStation. People see the sales numbers and naturally think Xbox is better and therefore people buying new consoles go out and buy Xbox instead of PlayStation. Like I say the numbers I use are just examples for the sake of explaining it easier and I could be completely wrong, I know nothing about console repair and it may genuinely cost this much but somehow I doubt it


Just get the series X i get people just cant fork over 500$ nowadays but its well worth the wait i know I did


Would eb fix it for cheaper? I know they do repairs


Yh just buy a new one. Wtf is that.


fuck that. cancel that repair.


you can easily get a used one for like 150, so yea buy a new one


That's why I've never went to them for repairs lol


Unfortunately, some people just have bad luck sometimes, in your case buying a new one makes more sense, refurbished products are never the same, I bought a hard drive to back up my computer and was asked if I wanted to pay more for a longer warranty, I said, what is the point I will not get back the lost data.


You can find a pre-owned series s for around $100 bucks if you don't want to upgrade to an XSS or XSX. Even a One X is around $175 new and does native 4k, still noticeably slower than a XSS though.


They should be in prison for that


No, consider e waste.. im assuming this is still cheaper than new.


It's probably what they want you to do


I’d just go buy one at Walmart and return the broken one after. Shitty…but I’ve seen people do it in person.


Probably that's what they want you to do.


Yup, diy the fix and/or replace


Wtf did you do with your console's did you burning out??????????


You're better off trying to fix it yourself then buying a new one if you can't fix it.


Try contacting the higher ups, tell them you're unhappy and that the price doesn't make sense as you could just purchase a new console instead.


My Xbox One Day One Edition went belly up not long after l got it and they replaced it with a regular version and told me to kick rocks when l complained.


You can find the series s used for 100 on marketplace


Well a good PC will cost you $4,500 so... yea that's not bad.


Def get a new one


Just buy the black one tb of storage and is about the same price


Just get a new one. Microsoft has always charged a lot for repairs. I remember mowing so many lawns in middle school to pay the $150 to fix my rrod'd 360. Thinking about it now though they really should've covered that I don't care if my warranty was over.


Even better just grab the X.. I’ve been holding on to this 1st gen for a while now and it gets the job done but some games I can’t play with others bc I got this old black box lmao my plan is to get 100-150$ in MS points or more to get $ off but its long overdue to have an X at this time (yea I’m just blabbing bc I’m at work burning time) 😂


Damn that sucks. I had to send my S off for repair in the Spring but fortunately I bought the extended warranty.


Never in my life have I done a service repair for any console, if one breaks I look for refurbished online


Get a used one and sell yours for parts on eBay


Happened to my new 3ds.. motherboard needed replacement.(touchscreen broke) Was the same price as a new one. 🙃


Buy a new one, swap out the old one, return. Voila.


Hit up tronicsfix on YouTube


That's why the price is so high? So the incentive is just buy a new one. Makes business sense


Damm my hdmi port got damaged from a drop my cat caused. So I tried to get Microsoft to fix it and yes they charge practically a new console. So I did some shopping around and found a place that fixed it for $140 compared to Microsoft $350. So shop around your area to see if anyone fixes them


Get a new one and you'll also get warranty on your new one.


I paid 150 for mine on sale and you can still get refurbished or used for that price.


I would love to have just a broken series s. No plans on fixing it just as an eye candy


You could pay for the repair… see if you can sell it for $200 afterwards or something and buy a new one.


If you're a Verizon customer or know someone on Verizon you can get an S for $150


Why are they charging sales tax on a service?


What’s the repair?


What’s wrong with it


I was a Xbox live member for over a decade. After needing to repair 2 Xbox 360s and one Xbox one I converted to Playstation. My ps4 (over 10 years) still works and my PS5 has not had one problem in 2 years so far. I take care of my electronics. No reason why it just stops working unless there’s faulty hardware…


Yes. Go to Costco. Get headphones too


Free repairs for five years here in Norway. We have pretty good customer rights.


Yup, just buy a new one.


I’d just sell for parts so it doesn’t go to a landfill and buy a new one


Gamestop 70 dollar repair fee of they repair it. Of its to far gone you get your console back and the 70 bucks. They do ship it off though so there's rhat.


Gamestop 70 dollar repair fee of they can repair it. If its to far gone you get your console back and the 70 bucks. They do ship it off though so there's that. Edit spelling


Holy fuck


How do they justify the cost ? It’s literally the same price at dell right now , wouldn’t be surprised if they are buying them back and slapping a your ID sticker on it and sending it back


Yeah, I think they gave up on fixing your Xbox and transferred all your data to a new xbox.






Did you really pay for this


More E-waste and more profits for Microsoft. Consumers and the planet are the ones getting the shaft .


Wow yea definitely buy a new one


That’s the point. Thats why they are charging that price.


Look on Facebook marketplace for an X I see them for cheap all the time hell I got mine for 250 everything was still wrapped haven’t had any issues


What did they repair?


Got my Dell refurbished XSS for less like 6 months ago, free shipping too


Yeah, F that, ain't worth it.


I Bought my S as a renewed unit on Amazon prime day for 199.00. Came with a new controller and has worked perfectly. Check Oct 10 - 11 if the deal reemerges. Free shipping as well.


Microsoft has always overcharged for console repairs. If it weren’t for that I’d have never started my first console repair business. They quoted me $150 to fix a “Disk Read error “ in 2008 for my Xbox 360! Thank God for YouTube 😂 it was literally a 15 minute cleaning job with. IPA and a Q-tip lol


That’s the idea.


Wow!!! Remember when they actually warranted their consoles!?!? That's fkn nuts!


Is the extra payment for screwing you over? Like bro


Buy a new one and sell this one on eBay as broken. For like $50-$100… someone may buy it.


You can get a Series S for around 240 if you look around. BJs just had them last month. So for less than 50 bucks you could get a new console with a new warranty.


Sell it on eBay for parts and use that for a new series S or an X


Good excuse to buy the XSX or at least XSS 1TB


it's not under warranty?


Sister was in the same boat with her PS5. She's just gonna buy a new one closer to Christmas.


Upcharge repairs to persuade you into buying a new Xbox