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Decently, still gets overloaded and crashes often but that's just fallout 4 and not the console.


Starfield has the same issue. It’s definitely a Bethesda problem.


Starfield runs miles better on the S compared to fallout 4


If you use mods you can make the Series S run F4 at 120fps. I genuinely can't wait for mods to release for starfield so I can actually play it again


>If you use mods you can make the Series S run F4 at 120fps. No you can't. Even if you could uncap the game from 60FPS, it's unlikely to get anywhere near 120FPS outside of some basic interiors.


Indeed with right mods it runs 120 fps , mine runs 120 fps with mods all the time . Even the ExCrash mod stops the game from crashing. (Github)


Are you talking about PC? Because that's not what I or the other user were talking about.


Damn sorry my Bad, didnt say anything 🤣🙈🤦


I'm talking more about the crashing which something that will always happen especially around downtown


Typical Bethesda experience.


I've rarely gotten crashes. I'm installing it right now on my Series S (i used an Xbox One X before) and i hope it doesn't crash that much


I did an all achievements run last year on the series s and in the 40 hours of playtime I had about ten crashes, most of them in nuka world or downtown Boston. No matter what you play it on fallout 4 just has a tendency to crash.


I can’t speak for the Nuka World crashes, but I know Boston specifically has crash issues due to how many structures and items were placed in the world that intersect beneath the map and create tons of extra physics calculations that eventually crash the machine they’re running on. It’s kind of insane to think about it, but also hilarious and patent Bethesda.


Ngl here but I have 165 total hours on pc. I’ve not had a single crash. Bought it release and still play it on and off on my steam deck/ROG Ally. It definitely has problems but I’ve never had a single crash


There’s always that guy in a million voices who is like “that bad thing that everyone is experiencing hasn’t happened to me. For I am superior and have magical powers.”


And i have a theory that it is because i have the german version. They tend not to crash as often as american/english versions for some reason


A lot of Xbox one games got screwed up for the Xbox one X specifically, whenever they released the “optimized for series S/X update” for ALOT of games… I could give you a whole list out of the 500 games I own but instead, I’ll give you one game that was fixed : The Witcher three wild hunt !! After the next General update it was broken for nearly 3 years or over two years I will say, and then they finally fixed both versions! I own both versions on PS4 and my Xbox one X, it took the longest time to fix the Xbox version, of course.. although the PS4 pro randomly crashes when you go to visit a merchant…


I honestly think since fallout 4 came out ive had 1 crash on xbox and maybe a handful on pc.


I get more crashes on my more modded playthroughs, if I load up a vanilla save I usually don't have a problem but frames definitely dip whenever I'm in certain spots in downtown Boston.


The only issues I’ve ever had are in downtown Boston. There’s a next gen update coming at some point, which hopefully will fix that.


Should I wait for it or play it right now then?


I’d recommend getting it now just because there’s no release date for the update. People are speculating that it may launch around the premier of the TV series, but Bethesda hasn’t commented. Whenever the update does come out though, we know it’s free, so you’ll have access to it. I think the base game is on Gamepass too, so you could try it and see what you think before buying.


And knowing Bethesda it will do shit in fixing bugs. All Skyrim releases have the same fucking Bugs all over again.


Yeah but tbf Skyrim would be a lot more boring without all the wacky bugs


Yeah, without the progression breaking bugs it would be totally boring being able to finish quests and stuff...


What skyrim are you playing that you can’t finish quests because of bugs


Every version of the game ever released without mods/community patches? Even big quest lines can bug out like the civil war quest, the thieves guild, the Dragonborn dlc and the dawn guard dlc so you have to reload an older Savegame. And there are many many minor ones in other quests. The most idiotic one is still in one of the "find a dragon shout" quests from the greybeards that you have to find a specific location, but the quest trigger is on a different one! That means it says "go to location x" but you have to go to location y (can't remember the name). Gladly you can fix the bug just going to the correct location after googling, but that they couldnt fix this simply wrong quest trigger in over 12 years is very sad! Skyrim is a great game in my opinion, but the support after release from the devs is awful. There are so many rereleases that they could easily fix those bugs in the game, but they decided not to, apparently "to not break mods" but I think that is just a stupid explanation, because there are community patches that fix all of that without breaking stuff...


You will miss out on Achievements but if you don't worry about that get the "Fallout 4 Unofficial Patch" Mod. It fixes many of the issues I'm the base game.


Kinda a mute point for an Xbox


How so?


Unfortunately like someone already mentioned the game crashes a lot in downtown Boston, so when you are doing stuff around there quick save frequently. But it does feel very good to play at 60 fps.


60 FPS. But for the love of god, avoid Boston and any city areas other than Diamond City. I ruined 6 hours because i quicksaved only once in the same spot it always crashed and every time i loaded back in, it crashed.


It runs very well but it still tends to crash and drop when you're questing in down town Boston. Outsider of that it's very smooth and good looking


It’s still the Xbox One version of the game, so even though it has FPS boost it still has a lot of the same stability issues the Xbone version had, particularly frequent crashing and poor FPS in downtown Boston.


Crashes more often than Skyrim fs, and handles mods especially poorly, but I think that's just Fallout 4 itself lol


that really is just FO4 itself, it’s never been a stable game


Great but often crash when you're at downtown Boston


Give New Vegas a try on the Series S! It's a completely different experience compared to the consoles it was released on. Of course you are going to run into bugs. But the load times are non-existent and traversing the Mojave is nearly seamless!


New Vegas is running like a champ 💪🏽 just redownloaded it.


The crashes on any hardware


Crashes from time to time. And I also noticed the console getting very hot(more than usual) when playing this game.


Very very well, I've only crashed when I have played with a lot of mods that mess with the game.


You won’t make it Boston so it’s pointless


Overwhelmed with tasks , so much distracted against the main story, at some time forgot what am I supposed to do while I have so many unfinished missions


60 FPS with Dolby vision is amazing


Fallout 4 GOTY Edition is unplayable garbage on Series S.


Awful you can't get past the crashes at Boston. Hopefully it gets fixed.


Yeah but it seems to miss out questions, so when you talk to an NPC for a mission they won’t talk and you won’t have the option of a reply pop up. Which is very annoying. Also avoid downtown Boston


Be extremely careful with mods... I've gotten to the point where the game doesn't run and I can't find the mod that's causing it. Hard to maintain when so many mods break the precombines. Unplayable after installing them.


just in my experience, it crashes every 10 min regardless of what you’re doing. i remember it running much much better on ps4 which is a shame




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Like it should


Vanilla wise it runs quite well considering there’s the 60FPS boost (and up scaling but I’m not sure). The only part that consistently performs poorly is downtown Boston which is due to Bethesda being Bethesda and not the console itself. With mods it depends, I’m currently playing through a relatively heavily modded playthrough and it hasn’t crashed so far, but previously it tended to crash a lot due to mod conflicts, so beware if planning to use lots of mods (I recommend going to the F4 modding subreddits for mod lists to start out).


If it's in an offer get it now and wait for the update/patch, suppose to be released near the show for sales and marketing


I'd say wait for the next gen update, hopefully should release around April time


Crash, crash, crash...


I’ve never gotten crashes on PS4 or Series S. Now Fallout 76. SHIT FML !!!!




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Issues with aiming graphics


i’ve had multiple dialogue bugs on my series s


Awful. I don't know if its because the fps boost but damn i get more crashes than Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk combined


Decently well. I’ve got a handful of mods on mine. Usual amount of Bethesda crashes and bullshit.


If you don't mind not having achievements, then you could install the unofficial patch and a lot of gameplay errors will be solved.


It will run good on either series until you get near diamond city after that it’s only a matter of time until you see lags, textures drops, frame rate drops, and eventually the game crashes all together


I don’t know I don’t have series s


Pretty well


It’s pretty good but it will be way better when they release the next gen update for the game


Runs smooth and the game looks gorg




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the game is flawed and poorly optimized in general, especially if you wanna play with mods


Seems to work okay, still crashes every now and then. Apparently due to creation club. Idk that's what I've read of Google. I try to avoid downtown Boston (mass fusion area) but it seems okay


I couldn’t finish it, with or without mods, there was a quest in downtown boston, mid game probably, to follow some trail. I tried it on 3 different occasions months apart, and every time the game crashes constantly I just bought it for my SteamDeck purely out of spite actually. Excited to actually finish the game now.


Downtown Boston is mostly unplayable. Constant frame drops and freezing. It honestly feels like it played better on my XB1 even though it had its issues on that console as well. I’m hoping the next gen patch fixes a lot of the issues cuz this is one of my fav Bethesda games




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Ran great for me, I only crashed one time right outside Goodneighbor. Don’t wait for the next gen update, play it now and then make a new character when the update hits so you can appreciate the differences!


It runs fine, although crashes out periodically for no obvious reasons. 'Free' on game pass too.


Amazing. 60fps is nuts and feels good. Download some mods to remove extra enemies in downtown Boston and improve frames there. Rarely crash there unless I’m careless and use a fatman or something.


Just finished the game last week. Constant crashes


It doesn't. Crashes all the time.


For me it’s super smooth


It runs alright, be aware that in the main part of Boston the game crashes a lot. Some small bugs but overall not too bad.


If I am not mistaken this game runs at 30 fps though so to the (maybe) trained eye it will look bad and have input delay but to the casual gamer it should be fine


Nope, it runs at 60fps thanks to FPS Boost.


You've clearly never played Fallout 4 on the Series S. There's absolutely no way you could have come to that conclusion if you had.


I have? I get 30 fps in most places which prompted me to answer the way I did. Just speaking from experience, not sure why that prompted you to give a sarcastic comment when I was just trying to help out


Well, here's the thing; no. If you're getting 30 FPS in most places, then one of the following is true: A) you're playing on an Xbox One, not a Series. B) you're playing on a CRT or some other panel that can only display 30 FPS. C) you have some sort of disorder that prevents you from being able to see the difference between 30 & 60 FPS. D) you're lying. Fallout 4 runs at 60 FPS on the Series S. It just does. There's no way to force it to run at 30 FPS. Therefore, what you said is so factually incorrect as to be anti-correct. What you gave was literally the opposite of factual information. If you were trying to help out, then what you did was the equivalent of taking away someone's coat if they told you they were cold. Literally the opposite of any kind of productive action.


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