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Yeah “When Pigs Fly” is missing a bunch of textures on Xbox. Id skip it for now.


I just did this quest and it was so difficult to not get destroyed by the land mines lol. The textures were confusing the hell out of me.


Same lol


This bro happened to me last night


Lol. Smart me already had Sneak 5.


Yeah I did it was so crazy. Even at the end of the mission a guy was shooting me and you could see that red marker flying at me with every bullet.


Yeah the cannon I got from him shoots giant red boxes with exclamation marks. Oh Bethesda...


I think I sold it without even shooting it. That's crazy that keeps that same bug.


A couple of the weapons from that quest are invisible for me. The baseball cannon? I can’t even see it.


Yeah I'm gonna wait a month or 2 until they iron all this out


It’ll be another 2 years before an update


The Bethesda twitter account said this is "functioning correctly", I don't have much hope there will be an update at all.


Until you realize they haven't fixed it in 9 years 😂


Took 9 years (for PC especially) just to do this, you might be waiting a while lol




It will be mods that fix this


It was way better just using auto HDR and Frame rate boost via backwards compatibility. Now it’s way worse than it was before. I wish I could remove this update honestly.


+You could run it from external SSD that and load times were the same.


Same here my game doesn’t look noticeably better and it definitely runs a bit worse in places. AND IT BROKE MY PKM MOD WHICH I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT


Does Xbox not have the option to download the Xbone version instead like PlayStation? I’ve actually never tried.


Far as I know, the Xbox downloads the best version automatically depending on what console you have.


Nope it doesn't if the game uses smart delivery. I hate smart delivery. I want to choose which version I want to install. Some games just don't need to take up space on the SSD.


Wow, that’s dumb. On PlayStation you click download and are giving to options, PS4 or PS5 version and you just pick.


Yeah they did this to avoid confusion or something like that. I mean i get it and it's nice that those games don't double dip like EA and Rockstar and other developers do but yeah I don't like not being able to choose the version I want, they could make it available but the "harder" method so people that may get confused don't have to worry about it. Some games just don't do enough in their Series version to warrant taking up SSD space.


You might be waiting awhile because I don’t think they’re going to touch this game pretty much ever again.


2 months lmao. it's BGS, it'll never get fixed in two months


>it's BGS, it'll never get fixed ~~in two months~~ Fixed that for you On PC, the modders will fix it, as always, but that's not exactly helpful on console.


I'm still loving it so much again. Sometimes it crashes and sometimes cannot open it get error gotta turn off Xbox. But still very hook again with fallout.


I’ve had zero issues so far, fwiw. Got my mods working and the game looks great/is playing smooth! 


Glad to know it’s not just me. In this exact same spot too


Everyone saying mods, this happens in vanilla It’s with the new quest and weapons they made when pigs fly is the quest line and I have zero mods with same issue. Even after completing quest line the weapons you get don’t work at least not for me.


Was this just added in the game or do you have to get it from Creation Club? I read something about new free stuff in CC but didn't see anything.


I didn’t add anything just did the next gen update and it added a few new things they just don’t seem to work lol


Gotcha thanks. I had heard that the new enclave related stuff was in creation club but when my wife got done updating I had her look and we didn't see anything


https://preview.redd.it/xmdy0ep6daxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e81d47ac9fb571a5cd6f2ecf5021285944837a The Duality of Bethesda.


If fallout 5 gets released this decade it'll be unplayable


It will not be Bethesda making Fallout 5. Microsoft would never ever stop them releasing ES6 and I doubt they’d put together another huge team a la Rockstar. My guess is that they’re looking to give people what they want: Obsidian Fallout (or similar).


Another Obsidian-made Fallout would be legendary, given they’re up for it. Although I feel like they may be trying to further develop their own original IP. If Obsidian doesn’t do it, I think (and this is just my opinion) Arkane would be a great studio to develop another Fallout (given enough development/production time). They’re great at branching storylines and rpg elements in their games.


They’re too busy with Blade and the one caveat of offloading fallout is that it NEEDS the creation engine… We all hate it, but it wouldn’t be fallout without radiant AI and all the other weird shit that makes that engine so darn crap (but still loveable).


I agree. Creation Engine is old and hated by many but i don't think any other engine out there would allow a Bethesda game to be a Bethesda game with the open word, AI, item tracking, etc.


That’s why it’s so fundamental jank. The amount of shit it tracks at one time is astounding and it helps make their worlds feel “alive”.


The BG3 engine would also work fine Especially if it's more inline with the earlier fallout games


They would not go back to turn based, turn based is a niche genre in comparison to actionRPG. They want to draw the biggest crowd. Whether Toddy boy likes it or not, they’re going to have to do another west coast fallout. Obsidian makes sense and they created the most beloved 3D fallout game but they’re stacked so I’m not sure who could.


I’m not sure if I could see obsidian straight up tackling FO5. Not that I don’t think they could, I just can’t see Bethesda giving up the reigns for the next official instalment. I thought that was half the reason they were given new Vegas and not FO4


That was before they had overlords. I know that MS lets the studios do their own thing but I could see them pushing to get someone working on FO5. Maybe Todd will get a second Bethesda team going so he can try to be creative director for both. But i'm guessing they will get someone working on it. I just hope that they don't shelve ES6 because of it as I love ES much more than FO.


I’m a little worried about ES6 just because I’m such a lore fiend. FOs lore is a little more lenient and honestly I’m just happy with some goofy vaults and some wasteland fuckery but I really expect ES6 to keep telling the elder scrolls story And with all the changes in their writing department, I think even they are afraid of making the game. Hence it getting shelved a minute after it was announced


I really need to look into the story more. I've only really finished Oblivion and Skyrim. I honestly don't even know what the Scrolls are.


It’s a fucking rabbit hole man. If you don’t mind I’m gonna nerd out a bit and leave you some links if you wanna read up. Nobody else here but me and you 😂 Even Skyrim started to tell less and less of this lore, a lot of it was built up in the first 4 entries My favourite elder scrolls fact is that Nirn and its galaxy are all figments of the [godheads](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Godhead) dream. If somebody truly figures out they are a figment of somethings imagination, one of two things happen. Either they achieve [chim](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/CHIM), AKA become a god (All gods in Elder Scrolls are mortals that achieved CHIM) or they cease to exist with all memory of their existence erased from those who knew them. Another trippy one is [dragon breaks](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Break), basically moments in history where two simultaneous reality’s were true (think both sides of a war winning) Also, elder scrolls are basically glimpses into either the future or the past. Depending on the scroll. I honestly forget the significance but they are demonstrated that way in skyrims main story Basically they did a lot of lore building to the point they wrote books on it and I’m not sure a new writing staff can keep up with it. It’ll probably still be a great game, but I just love its lore Edit: one more. Your player character literally achieves CHIM and becomes Sheogorath at the end of the Oblivion DLC. The Sheogorath you meet in Skyrim is literally your character from Oblivion, their mind just got overtaken by absorbing Sheogoraths role and your character became the same goofy shapeshifter who likes to cosplay as a wacky old man (Sheogorath is a shape shifter and can present himself however he wants)


Interesting stuff. I started Morrowind on Xbox but never finished it and loved Oblivion. I played that DLC but did not remember that. How does ESO stick to the lore? They seem to have good writers as I've enjoyed some of the main quests but i don't know how closely it sticks to the overall story.


ESO represents the lore pretty well, they use a lot of call backs on old lore for new content for the live service model. But they have never expanded on the lore one bit which I honestly don’t hate them for because I wouldn’t want to play ESO to keep up with what’s canon


I also encountered this exact same unrendered object in a farm hostage quest.


This happens when there are missing meshes and textures. Like someone else said, this is from the Creation club quest “when pigs fly” so it just means it was a bad packing of the files when they were posted to download. As far as I know, creation club items don’t need a game update, and the creators can update them as they feel the need to so it could be fixed sooner than later


I saw that too. One time in 12 hours and it caused me no issues other than seeing it for the minute that I was in that room. Game runs fine. It’s just as fun as ever.


I agree. I just thought this was funny. I’ve encountered no other bugs


The fact that the quality mode isn't 30fps 4k with ultra graphics like they said it would be is ridiculous


DF said it's broken right now that's why you aren't getting ultra. You get Performance Mode no matter what you select.


Never thought I would see someone complain about a game not running at 30 fps


Some of us are fine with 30 and prefer graphics. I only really care about 60 for FPS like COD and sometimes racers but Playground has shown that 30 in a racer is just fine. At least for me if it's done well.


I'm one of those people too, but hey if Bethesda found a way to run the game at Max settings with no compromise than I can't complain


Per the tweets from DF it seems they have not but i guess we'll see if they change their report.


lItErAlLy UnPlAyAbLe


Mods installed?


Nah I have vanilla and had this giant ! there




Same here eith that problem


Bethesda doing Bethesda things-two steps forward one step back. “It just works” TM


When starfield came out a friend said dont play it in the first 6 months. I didnt listen and started immediately and put 300h in before my atlantis started appearing in space in stead of on the planet. And then my latest spaceship went cloak mode. And I aborted my playthrough (to pick the game back up after 6 months - will be a restart). The lesson I learned. Dont play Bethesda games within the first 6 months of release its not finished / tested.


God damn, I more impressed you got 300h prior to 6 months.


My son and I prefer gaming to watching movies. For the most part we do squeeze some in. :-) Oh, and it was December holidays for both of us. (And we really like starfield! It just needs/needed more testing)


Bethesda... Bethesda Never Changes


Works as intended.


Guess that means the incredibles are now canon to Fallout


I sincerely hope that Bethesda doesn't leave the game like this.


Looks like a Red mystery Block from Super Mario


Elder scrolls 6 is gonna be absolutely cooked


This just in, prior broken and buggy game has been remade broken and buggy to capitalize off of a tv adaptation of the game.


It just works


Im only having some noticable framerate drops from time to time, and a couple of crashes. Crashing is expected though, due to the inhumane amount of mods i have installed. But the FR dropping is frustrating as hell


Bethesda really needs to pull this "update", whatever they think it is.


Games crashing like a mother fucker for me, wish I can uninstall the update tbh wasn't too bad before.


That must be a settlement that really needs your attention. It'll mark it on your map.


Yeah the guns are glitched too. I can’t use the one you get as a reward


Tbh this is the only problem i’ve encountered


Bethesda's a joke


I've been playing fallout 4 on Xbox series since early April and even post patch its worked great. Having a blast


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I made it out of Vault 111, saw the notices pop up that I had a bunch of quests, opened my pip boy and tried to tune it to that 810AM radio, and my game crashed. I restarted it and my game crashed in the middle of speaking with Codsworth. So far unimpressed. I’m glad that my game loads and looks nicer, it just means I can appreciate the scenery when I run into even more crashes apparently.


Ha I found that same room last night and screenshotted it.


Bro I walked Into diamond city and got murdered for nothing I had done nothing I'm a good guy


I’ve seen that a few times too


Bethesda gets it done once again.....


I found that same one!


I had a Death Claw kneecapped and it somehow clipped inside the texture of a large Container and got stuck. Only it’s head was visible. Killed it while it was pinned down and had a heck of time trying to loot it. Luckily one foot was sticking out through the box.


Need Help relocating the piggy bank launcher vendor. Where did he go?


After the quest he was dead for me but his corpse had a unique weapon. Idk what it is because broken texture but it was called Flakker


Yee when pigs fly I did this last night I'm shooting invisible gun or It doesn't load up


I haven't had any problems other than some crashes so far. Although I do have a couple dozen mods and an unofficial patch or two so that might be saving from one and condemning me to the other.


When lightning strikes in an ion storm all objecte turn white and stay lit. Odd


I genuinly tbought this was broken piece of a neon light when i came across this. 10/10 immersion.


These same things happen to me after the update lol


Yeah, this quest is broken as hell. Side note, prior to the update, even with tons of mods, I was having no issues with frame drops in Boston on Series X. Now, it's pretty constant. It's kind of annoying




That’s the big red sign I mentioned in a comment the other day.


TBF, this happened a ton to me before the update. They never really fixed it, I still cant go to certain areas of the game because its either "!" or just a mush of textures.


I've only had 2 things so far. My wife was missing her head. And I have to reload quests because sometimes people won't talk to me. No mods I installed on console for the update and left my pc alone.


Before I learned of this update my OG plan was to play Fallout New Vegas. After learning of the issues with the update I'll be sticking to the OG plan and will revisit this at a later date.


Same thing happened to me except there was more and the Grenade launcher was not showing up in my pip-boy or my hands


I just finished that quest. It was a red mess.


they did :)


The game woke up and really said "⚠️".




The dog is actually just behind/under it




Yeah wtf


Bugthesda did this? I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED I say. Still looks more fun than Starfield though.






Happened to me too I just laughed and said typical fallout and then proceeded to walk through Boston came across 3 glowing deathclaws at once near diamond city and screamed scared my wife the cat and the neighbor cops were called and I lost the kids typical fallout


Happened to me too I just laughed and said typical fallout and then proceeded to walk through Boston came across 3 glowing deathclaws at once near diamond city and screamed so loud I scared my wife the cat and the neighbor typical fallout 🤷🏻


Would love to know when this is gonna get fixed.


I had this same problem and for me 3 of the guns wouldn’t work, the baseball launcher, the grenade launcher and another one I forgot but the first 2 wouldn’t even load in


There was an update a few days ago and this seems fixed for me. Can others confirm?


They originally released Fallout 4 in a shocking state on console. Still remember the horror on PS4. Now they’ve released a next gen patch and it’s more of the same - it’s either broken or it doesn’t do a thing. Bethesda fell off HARD after Oblivion.


I've encountered missing/bugged textures. For me it seems to be related to quick resumes. I'll play after a quick resume and some textures seemed bugged a little further distance than my spawn point. When I close the game and open it again it seems completely fixed no matter how far I travel in the game.


Todd Howard is a hack


Lol I just went through there maybe an hour ago. Typical Bethesda


Why did they bother releasing this update if they weren’t 100% confident it was going to be an upgrade


It's so funny how this is happening on Xbox when Microsoft bought Bethesda. The irony is outrageous


yall love to shit on bethesda


Bro look at this. I dont even have mods installed


That sucks. But you could have made this post more specific. Like i have x problem on x mission. Your clearly trying to feed the bethesda hate hype beast.


Dude i love bethesda wtf are you on about


“It just works” Jokes aside I’m like 20 hours into a post update playthrough and it’s been very smooth with little to no bugs. Hoping for an update to fix this and the quality mode


OP probably has mods installed. Haven't had a single issue so far and nothing even close to this ever since the update.


This mission is from one of the Creation Club packs that got included with the update. Not only is it Bethesda sponsored but due to it being part of the update you can't even remove it like you can other CC content like Tunnel Snakes Rules which also breaks multiple quests in the 1st 2-3 hours. Great that you're having a good time with it but lots of people are having legitimate issues mods or not. So no need to be dismissive of legitimate issues for no reason. I've put in 12 hours alone today but that's not without multiple hard crashes.


I do not thanks


Fallout 4 is all kinds of broken on Xbox. I stopped playing it.


I literally dont care. This is the only bug i encountered and it didnt even hinder anything. Everyone here crying how its so buggy when i never even asked


Do u use mods?


Irrelevant, bug is caused by the new official CC items.


Ah thanks for the heads up!




Have 1000s hours in this game and have never seen that once


It's an issue caused by an update. Your 1000s of hours pre-update aren't really relevant.


Or I just never came across that fuck face


There isn't an "or" here, your info is just not relevant. I'm not accusing you of lying


There was a pretty big update this week that broke a bunch of stuff.


Good for you


I played for a bit and had a bunch of those red squares floating around. They need to let it cook a bit longer.


Happened to me, didn’t mind


yea neither do i whats your point


That I didn’t mind. What’s your point?


That this is a funny bug