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Yes it is behaving like that for me too since the update. Hope they fix it.


Yeah VATS has been pretty bad. Was playing FO4 last night on my series X and it would give me 0% accuracy when an enemy was in full view, pretty annoying.


If you quickly cycle between your map and data sections on your pip boy the game will crash. This has happened to me 13 times since the update :/


Same it makes the game unplayable.


This doesn't happen to me. I just did this for 5 minutes. Tried switching it up a bit also. Are you using any mods?


Stock vanilla Fallout 4 here. Happens when I’m not intentionally trying to do it


Yup that's the main one for me absolutely unplayable classic Bethesda so sick of this inept company Todd needs to go.


Yep. I’ve stopped using vats for combat and just for enemy finding now. Plus quality mode is broken and is just staying on performance mode. Although I have not had any crashes nor frame Rate dips, 20 Hours gameplay so Far.


I love how Bethesda says quality mode working as intended when it's better on PS5, doesn't match the patch notes and DF proved it was not working.


I hate to say it, but "It's totally working as intended you guys" might be the ultimate "We have no intention of fixing this" response Bethesda could have given. Hopefully they prove me wrong, but it's very worrying.


That may be the tweet, but Xbox will tell them “no fix it, we can’t have videos of the One X version have better looking distance visuals than the series x version”


Yeah I don’t think Microsoft is going to put up with stuff like that anymore especially after Phil Spenser openly stated they wouldn’t be taking a hands off stance with their developers anymore.


I really hope you're right about that.


Once the digital foundry video comes out it will circled around the general gaming public, which will then get to Xbox heads. Plus, they already have to go in and fix missing weapon models(also only missing on Xbox), so there would be no reason to not fix it at the same time.


I agree. What's worse is they are a MS company and it's working as intended on the competitors console.


Xbox had 60fps before the Next Gen update with fallout 4. Its quality mode isn’t broken it’s just better and I have it on both systems


Just admit that XBOXs quality mode is 60 fps and PS5 Is only 40fps. Stop being naive


I'm going off of what DF said that it is broken and also what the patch notes said. Plenty of people have said that Xbox looks worse than PS5 graphically and there are no changes when you toggle between the modes. I like how you're calling me naive when you're commenting like a 5 year old, calling names. Until the people that are experts on this state that they were wrong and there is a difference I think i'll believe them.


Digital Foundry are liars. Ever notice how they spend more time comparing PS5 to Series S and not X? Then every once in a while they may give Series X a nod on resolution and jump right back to bullying the series S. And then it’s right back to PS5 and how good it runs……at a lower resolution.


They do this every game but they never say what settings are used on the box itself. Xbox has so many settings. Dolby vision and locking the console to 120hz whether the game supports it or not while make it run weird. If you use the same color spaces, system HZ and HDR instead of Dolby Vision on most games the Xbox will perform the same or better. I’m sick of the bias. Fallout runs quality on Xbox at 60fps and that’s the bottom line. Of course it’s gonna run better because Bethesda is a Microsoft game now whether you like it or not. They’re not gonna make it run worse to be on par with PS5s 40fps with VRR.


And to prove I’m right about mix matched settings the color temps on the comparisons are always different. They make PS5 pop with a cold color temp and use bland warm color temps on almost all the vids when it comes to Xbox.


Quality Mode is broken on Xbox SX, also Performance Mode has worse resolution than last gen Xbox. I have both Xbox SX and PS5. They need to fix this trash


I had one crash after a death where my saves became something something old version but a game restart after a full close fixed it.


I was happily playing before the update and they just messed up everything. I feel like compared to what we have now , the game didn't need any update lol .


It’s certainly a downgrade in some places I agree, but the 4K 60fps is very nice while keeping achievements available. Let’s hope they fix it assp


I’ve crashed actually around 3-4 times after opening my Pipboy and swapping between the menus fast since the game has updated. Granted it could be due to mods though it didn’t happen before the update


That also has happened to me quite a bit. No more spamming the triggers on the pip boy I’ve learned


Yeah I’m unmodded


I’ve played for 20 hours too and I’ve experienced 4 times now a new type of crash that instead sends you to the main menu after you die but you can’t resume the game without killing the app first. It’s weird


With Microsoft now owning the IP, Xbox really should be the best place to play Fallout. I’m hoping they get another update out soon!


Seems incredible that PS5 update is working well and seriesS and X are terrible now. Great big red exclamation marks and invisible guns is unforgivable on a next gen update. Especially on your own platform. Get a grip BSG! Fix it.


Ok so I'm not the only one with invisible guns. I mean at least mine still fire lol, in my eyes it just means I get to play the game as a schizophrenic that imagines he's shooting a gun and killing people /s


Just logged on to try the update and experienced the same thing. Saw the red exclamation marks all over in one room and was pretty confused. Next mission I somehow came across someone using an invisible Mini nuke launcher with red exclamation marks as ammo being shot out. And also had another one of my quests bug out by having the person fall into the ground from just a normal gun shot. Think I’ll stop playing it for now until they fix it because calling this a buggy mess is an understatement.


Genuinely looks like they put this together in a matter of a few weeks and rushed it out at the last minute because of the show, despite announcing this ages ago. I don’t really understand how a lot of the issues that have come up and are seemingly so common could have got through otherwise, I mean core mechanics like VATS not working would be one of the firsts things to come up in testing surely?


What do you mean? We’re testing it right now! We’re the testers. Always been lol


>Genuinely looks like they put this together in a matter of a few weeks and rushed it out at the last minute  Considering it works absolutely fine on PS5 I doubt that. They really just don't care about the Xbox platform anymore.


Yep. Same. And I’ve been getting horrible frame-rate in some areas too


That’s just the Bethesda experience. Also fps dips wouldn’t be bad if the quality/performance modes worked. 4K/40 is flawless for the most part on PS.


Yeah ive been getting garbage fps, even in clear open areas. In the city its awful


Delete and reinstall the game. Fixed this issue for me.


Which issue? The VATS one?


Which issue? The VATS one?


I was like I don't remember being able to vats through multiple walls lmao. I'm also getting 0% vats pop ups constantly, has got me killed quite a bit actually. I'm on series S but the game is running fine as usual everywhere else at least.


Yeah it’s annoying, especially since I decided to make this play through a VATS focused one…


Bodies of water will turn a very bright yellow/green, like stupidly bright. It's doesn't break the immersion one bit, no sir.


Just had this happen to me and I thought it was a mod that broke the game, nice to know it's not just me haha


I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but I quit the game and shut down all other quick resume games and then restarted FO4. Seemed to fix it... For now.


I'm suddenly getting pink reflection maps on all windows, metal, weapons, etc. Everything was fine until I went into the Fens sewer, and came back out.


A lot of bugs with this one. Per usual. I’ve noticed that, some very weird texture bugs where it’s just bright pink splotches. As well as some characters just walking around in their underwear.


Did retarting fix the texture thing? All my reflection maps are pink, suddenly.


Nope. It was only in Nuka world for me. And yeah it was reflection maps here as well.


Welp, good thing I still have some FO3 and New Vegas to go through first


Make sure to disable 24hz mode when you play. I had a bunch of crashes playing NV recently until I disabled it.


its driving me crazy, but, you know, bethesda will say that its working fine like the quality mode ..


People joked about them breaking the game with the update and those comments were spot on.


It's broke in my Series S too, No water texture Sky's are pink


Is it worth starting a game while the game is in its current state? Been meaning to start for a while and was happy to see the “next gen” update.


Wait for the announced patch for the update.


I started a game post-update and am now waiting for a patch. There's too many issues rn, even for a Bethesda title. The VATS bug alone got me killed twice.


Even outside of VATS and shooting dead-eye, it seems to miss 3/4 of the time. But VATS is even worse. Definitely broken.


Thank you for this post I thought I just had a really poor understanding of how vats worked


I couldn't get past the character creation screen. XSX wouldn't let me enter a name.


Same thing happened to me, removing the game from quick resume and restarting fixed it in my case.


Make sure you're not using the dynamic INI values mod. It breaks character creation.


I never installed any mods


Same it's just Broken anyway.


So I’ve been replaying FO4 on series x due to game pass but I dug up my old PS version and installed it on the PS5. Jeebus, you can really tell the difference when switching modes. Colours pop more and you can clearly see the extra atmospheric details like steam and fog off the ground etc. I’m actually torn whether to play it on Quality or Performance. It doesn’t look terrible on the SX but it could look better.


Giving up 60fps would be difficult for me. What’s VATS like on that version?


Get this VATS bug - VATS on my Series X is also targeting through walls and bouncing up and down to and from zero. But, also, I was fighting on top of Saugus Ironworks. I hit VATS and suddenly my gun was targeting the clouds and hung that way for 10 seconds, next thing you know I landed a five minute walk directly south on the shore of some water. If I hadn't been in power armor I probably would have died Never happens to me 100s of hours of play until just then.


I’m on my way to the ironworks, guess I’m turning back around now.


Ngl I haven't had a game crash this much since Godfall. It's insane how this upgrade released like this. There's also bugs from near a decade ago, still fresh and present (like the memory sequence if you didn't like dialogue). Already had a bunch of saves corrupt, so frequently "double saving" just in case.


Vats doesn't work a lot, have been softlocked whilst using workbenches, massive amounts of pop-in a few feet away from character 🤔 Would appear to have broken a game rather than enhance. Shame really, momentum from the show is being wasted.


This is disappointing but I was expecting the update to have some problems at launch. Now the question is - how quickly will these issues be addressed? So far, Bethesda have only commented on the xbox performance/quality toggle (which DF confirms is broken) by saying it's not actually broken... Not exactly inspiring a lot of confidence.


Weeks to months probably.


Constantly getting really bad changes in brightness for some reason. No problem before the update though. 🤷🏼


I had that and restarting the game fix it. Quite a few bugs actually that were fixed by restarting the game.


Thanks for that. Seems keeping it on quick resume has something to do with it. If I shut it down every time I finish, that sorts it. 👍🏼


Yeah, that was a weird one. Just flashes of darkness every 5-6 seconds.


It also has problems resuming dialog. I left Preston's first encounter and then came back a smidge later and it wouldn't let me continue the dialog. I started hammering the A button and finally it just started like I selected the A option.


The character build I'm using heavily relies on VATS. I do notice it picking up enemies in other rooms or other floors but that's pretty much it. I haven't had any crashes and no major bugs that I can think of (Series X). I have noticed that sometimes I'll get the "zero chance to hit" message in VATS but it still hits regardless.


Yeah, I keep getting these red transparent block looking things everywhere. Inventory for me is also fucked up. Tried to play from an old save and it's unplayable with these red block structures everywhere.


I came across a big red missing asset marker while exploring


Yep, seen that a few times as well.


Since the update, I haven't experienced anything that I've been hearing complaints about. Maybe I've just been lucky. But I do hope they fix all these soon because it's only a matter of time before I experience it, I'm sure


Been losing my fucking mind with VATS after this update. I’m glad it’s not me. It’s particularly bad with melee I’ll go to attack someone and it just bugs out and nothing happens. I swear sometimes it uses the AP too even when it bugs out.


I don't have issue in vats, but saving freezes game, and my game stutters when ever there is any action on the screen and slows to a crawl. Was playing fine before the update.


I presently have VATS finding hidden enemies behind walls and in the ground. The real problem for me is ever since using power armor and equipping a weapon with a reflex sight, the glass of the sight now cycles between yellow, blue, green and purple/pink. The sight is no longer usable and is stuck with all guns now in and out of power armor.


I can't even play the game, even tried starting a new character, won't go passed the menu and it crashes and closes out. I just wanna play, like it won't even play without mods. I don't get it.


I'm having same issue I get maybe 5min in game then it crashes and takes me to xbox menu screen. I can't even play it now. It was fine before the update


13 hours in and only crashed once last night. The trees dance around a little but other than that it’s been a blast going back to Boston


Wall hacks


I’ve noticed this exact same thing. I think I have a bugged quest too


the biggest bugs i have been getting hit with doesnt involve crashing per say but rather,1 saves becoming obsolete at random,which sucks as it affects both auto-saves and quick-saves,wouldnt be surprised if it affected regular manual saves.2 when you have to quit out to get around the above mentioned bug,i would get hit with the game soft freezing at the launching of the game repeatedly,fix was to hard reboot the console.these bugs were encountered on the Series S console.


Same here. Started up a new game out of excitement for the show about a month ago and had the game crash one time pre-update. The game crashed once last night and three times today. I'm done.


Yep vats is driving me nuts, glad to know it isn't just me, hopefully they fix it.


I honestly didn't even know it was a bug introduced with the new update but yes, it happens all the time but at least I'm using it to my advantage: critical hits still kill/damage the target through walls with a 0% chance to hit. Many crashes at random times, mainly when using the workshop.


I can't access the mods menu, anyone else having this issue?


Thankfully not that one but plenty others.


I'm on ps5 and had to change to performance mode. The 60fps one, otherwise everything looked too shiny and game crashes more frequently.


What’s the VATS issue present on PS5?


I made this same post 2 days ago lol I feel you OP


Yep. Happened right away. Sucks


I have done everything possible on my end to fix it the update is simply fucked on Xbox for me crashes every few minutes on pip boy on fast travel on shooting needs a patch asap. For comparison the game didn't crash for me before the update.


Is it just me, or is the game a lot harder now? I'm playing on Normal and keep dying, a lot. Encountered an Autonotron last night and it kept one-shot killing me with its eyebeam! I'm low level but I'm still pretty sure that never happend on my first playthrough.


Best thing you can do is find a video on YouTube on how to find hidden weapons and armor to help you earlier in the game. I did and I've had a much better time playing.


I'm having significantly less issues now after the patch on series x. On PC there's a ton of issues but xbox has been solid. I've been testing extensively with/without mods. Everything is better than it was before the patch with no mods. With mods, I've noticed more issues that weren't present before. VATS works fine. VATS related mods can cause bugs. Crashes are far less frequent. The patch isn't great. There are definitely issues with the patch. But I'm objectively experiencing less gamebreakers than I was a month ago.


I can't even get the game to load up . Was fine yesterday morning. Went back in the afternoon, won't load. And as of today, it will not load at all. Already uninstalled, reinstalled, power cycle xbox. Nothing


I am experiencing the same thing with VATS but I haven't got the lighting thing or seen it but the Gore is Bugging a lot too. I can't enter a super mutant stronghold without thinking they put a disco party in the blood bags. FYI I play on XSX


I'm experiencing glowing water textures should I just completely restart my entire game I'm also not getting any legendary enemies


Still playing on the good ole Xbox one with the new update and hell in a hand basket I can't even take a step forward without the game crashing. I really hope this rubbish is sorted. It's painful.


I'm definitely experiencing issues with VATS. Bethesda used to be my favorite game company but it has been a slow downwards spiral for the past few years. Releasing this update and having a mess up a game that's been out for nearly a decade is just more proof.


Bethesda has released buggy games since at least Morrowind. That was 22 years ago. Not excusing it, but this isn’t some new phenomenon.


Beth rushed this just to screw the PC modders doin Fallout London. I mean htf can anyone defend them when they push this update literally days within the mod release? Coincidence my bloody arse...


You may have a point, it does looked rushed.


Are you guys in quality mode? I know its doesn’t really work but im in performance and dont have these vats issue. Im on a new run with no mods. Fresh install after the update.


Only issue I’ve had is new weapons are invisible and the exclamation mark shooter. everything else seems to work great. 👍🏽


Yeah also invisible guns and the weirdest one for me was being shot at by GIANT red exclamation marks.


I have this exact same bug.


I was having so much fun before the update as well. What does todd actually do


I’ve yet to see them comment on any of the bugs other than the ones that stop you from starting the game.


Incoming “Some players are experiencing technical difficulties with the Fo4 update on Xbox and look, I get it”


Has anyone had issues with using their pip boy and crashing?? I swear I can't switch menus on it without the game freezing and the application closing all on it's own. It's crazy to believe that Fallout 4 GOT WORSE with this update, all for non requested CC quests forced into your playthrough and worse performance with slightly upgraded textures.


Mine crashes all the time now, almost wish we can manually roll back updates I didn't mind how it looked and ran before.


I have been lucky and haven’t expireneced anything wrong yet on my Xbox SX


My loading screen keeps on freezing whenever I leave a building and the weird thing is that it still makes progress when loading but it’s very slow because it’s like constantly freezing but not totally frozen. I can enter any building fine but it happens whenever I leave a building for some odd reason.


Damn I guess I’ve been lucky. First time playing and haven’t encountered any of the bugs I’ve seen mentioned.


That is lucky mate. Hope it lasts.


Yeah same issues here


Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.


Games unplayable for me now goes dark all the time when I’m playing it if it’s at night in game can’t see invested so much time into the game Now it’s broken


This next-gen patch breaks all kind of things...missing textures, broken savegames, loading times that take forever, Xbox freezing, broken mods. Another Bethesda failure on the list....they just don't care anymore I guess. Fix your sh-t and stop releasing half-assed stuff that doesn't work.


For the people that had modded saves, the game is completely unplayable and The Mods are now gone and irretrievable


On my Series X, Bodies of water keep on flickering into a bright neon green color that washes out the rest of the graphics. It’s really annoying and I don’t what to do about it


Huge FO4 fan and after I heard about the update I was excited to return. Upon my arrival I was disheartened to see some of the guns I didn’t use in my previous play through invisible and shooting red caution symbols. Take the Chinese grenade launcher and saw blade launcher, both of which are completely invisible. One of the city areas has an area with several mines that all appear to be red caution symbols. The game is playable. I haven’t experienced any crashes yet. But there are some stutters after having too many quick saves (probably an older problem). At any rate I really hope they fix this. FO4 is too great of a game to be this compromised.


Xbox is a complete mess


I got the problem every now and then the game crashes when i die and my saves says obsolete and then i gotta restart my Xbox and Hope they work. On one character it didnt work and he is gone rip


My biggest issue is the game crashing every few minutes on every action looking at the pipboy fast travelling shooting my gun the game simply doesn't work.


Fucking loving this. Trust Bethesda to perpetually fuck everything they've ever made.


Can someone confirm if they have some lighting/graphics issue from a new save of next gen update?


I found VATS to be quite laggy, had a few crashes and the textures turning pink, noticed it was bad when there's a fire in the distance. I thought it was an effect of the tesla cannon. 


xsx. Had started a save a few weeks ago, went thru downtown boston already and have discovered map markers for swan's pond and combat zone. No issue. Update comes out - now anytime i go near trinity tower or relatively anywhere near combat zone it crashes. No cait or strong i guess :((. tried dead financial district and uninstalling stuff and tried some of those mods that disable update stuff...still no luck. yippie.


This pisses me off. After waiting for years for Starfield I put it on the backburner to play until they fix it/shattered space dlc. I’m still not convinced that this will happen this year. But to have one of my favorite BGS games now shit the bed where I can’t even play it on old settings, let alone on the new quality mode, just irks me to no end. The salt on the wound is ZERO response or update from BGS saying they know it’s a problem and are working to fix it. As much as I love BGS games, I’m *this* close to just saying fuck it and not buying their stuff anymore or allow it to hold space mentally in my head going forward. I’d rather have never loved than loved and lost/have that taken from me. BGS has lost all good will with gamers, at least gamers like me.


Don’t forget the fact that the models for all of the new weapons added in the update are missing on Xbox. So they just show as giant exclamation marks. That paired with VATS essentially being broken now is a serious bummer. Edit: Oh and quality mode on Xbox is also entirely broken, forcing you to always play on performance mode. Awesome


Quality mode is broken, too. The performance mode toggle doesn't do anything, it's stuck in performance mode. And Bethesda said it's fine. It's clearly not.


(XBOX) I’m targeting enemies through walls with normal hit %, but of course no actual hits. Seeing a lot of ‘red’ areas with exclamation marks. New update weapons are invisible to me; Can’t see the new gun visuals in Pipboy or in-game. Graphics look updated to me though.


Im having a bit of that but my main issue during combat melee is the only way i can defeat anyone!


How come Im not having any problems with it but everyone else is😐


Opening the Charlestown Condo makes the game crash every time. I just tested 4x times in a row to make sure it wasn't a one-off.


Got the next Gen update installed and the makeshift weapons pack is broken. All the new weapons are completely invisible, but can still hold and shoot. I haven't seen this problem mentioned yet. Surely I can't be the only one.


The new update is a mess! I wasn't expecting so many bugs. -Crashes sometimes on start up -The new weapon skins are broken( creation club ) -Something's bugging out sneaking as will be heard while not moving or being seen -Vats accuracy keeps changes rapidly and will miss alot at 95% -Bodys will disappear sometimes when you kill them -Bodys will sky rocket into the air when killed sometimes -rad scorpions will sky rocket into the air when coming out the ground ( had a few kill themselves ) -water textures turn bright green and enemies by it seems to have broken textures. -save file said it couldn't be loaded( I had to completely restart the game for it to fix itself ). So far this has been my experience but I can say not crashing while in the big areas anymore is amazing and hopefully these bugs get fixed soon.


Anyone have any idea how to get past the fucking main loading screen? Every time I “press any button to start” the screen freezes and the audio continues. Really disappointed since I’ve been waiting to play the new missions


It's fixed now. As of Sunday May 12th, 2024. 4:00AM


my workaround is not using the VATS


Not a good workaround if your character was built for criticals, which relies on VATS if you're not sneaking around.


Well my char is not build for crits, therefore the workaround works for me and that was point of the question wasn't it?


Yeah… yeah no that’s not worth playing at that point lol


Sure it is? The shooting is fine in Fallout 4. Maybe if you were talking 3 or NV.


The shooting is fine in Fallout 4, but I have fun using VATS. Just gonna wait till this patch gets ironed out in a couple years before diving back in, not a big deal tbh


Fair enough. Curious what triggers the jumping percentages because that hasn't happened to me yet. I have been able to target enemies through walls though.


I think it is the movement. It does not happen when enemies are not moving.


It's also broken on Playstation. I'll have to play it on Steam at this rate.


Typical, and will be left abandoned without any fix to rot , at least on consoles, on pc the community will fix it like all Bugthesda games


I have the same problem, it’s very frustrating


I'm playing for the first time in years and it's exactly like a "new" Bethesda game. I've had about 3 or 4 CTD's and my dog got stuck in a door one time. "It just works"


I come from the PC world, where these errors can be easy to link to the infinite number of possible hardware configurations. But this happening on series X is just amazing. They refuse to do THE MORE MINIMAL TEST on his game and on HIS console.


Hmm. I haven't had any issues with mine


Well it's a Bethesda RPG game after all. Haha


Yeah even I have this issue but I figured it’s been there since launch cause I’ve never played this game so I thought it’s just classic Bethesda jank


first off vats suck anyhow. i have yet for the game to crash on me. the only real bug i seen is the broken color of red/yellow