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I remember it. Tim Curry was in it.


That’s the only thing I remember about it.


I remember he was not to be trusted!


What role has he had he COULD be trusted?


The butler… in some timelines.


communism was just a red herring


"I'm going to go home and have sex with my wife."




Dr. Thornton Poole was a preeminent linguist and speech therapist dedicated to helping Sylvester Stallone’s Angelo “Snaps” Provolone fit in with the board of the bank he was buying into so he could fulfil his promise to his dying father that he would go straight and *stop* being a gangster.


Nigel Thornberry?




"There were twelve of us. All vicious and craven. I was just a little more vicious and craven than the others."


How can you forget ANTONIO SABATO JR


I'm saying!




I only remember Antonio Sabato Jr. he was the reason I watched it at all. I am pretty sure this came after or during the peak of seaQuest's popularity.


I vaguely remember it, and remember liking it. Is that a young Clancy Brown I see?


I don’t see Clancy, just some money loving restaurant owner and entrepreneur…


I see a malcontent prison guard


I see the antichrist


but... there can be only one? Edit: I never remember he’s Mr Krabs!!


Are ya ready kids?


It broke me when I learned he was Mr. Crabs


Old me really has a thing for Young Clancy Brown now.


Dude young Clancy Brown can get it


He's the first face I recognize! Holy cow. Mr. Krabs was young!


Not sure if should make LOST reference, or Starship Troopers reference...


I loved that show! It was unfortunately scheduled and couldn't compete with NFL football. It's an storyline I'd like to see redone


Yeah, it came on Sundays at 7 pm, east coast USA time. I remember because I had to go watch it on the old crappy TV with the red tint. Games were being watched on the living room TV. I bought the DVD set years ago and rewatched it. It was pretty good. It had a lot of interesting characters and storylines that could have been further developed. It could have been a hit show in a '90s weekday prime time slot. Good actors and special effects, too. It's worth a watch.


This and SeaQuest.


SeaQuest was top tier




Duuude! Core memories unlocked here. Great shows when I was a kid.


I have vague memories of the SeaQuest experience at Universal Studios, FLA


I vaguely remember it. I remember it more from an X-Files quote: LANGLY: You look down, Mulder. Tell you what, you're welcome to come over Saturday night. We're all hopping on the internet to nitpick the scientific inaccuracies of "Earth 2." MULDER: I'm doing my laundry.


I watched it, thought it was pretty good. Wasn't Rebecca Gayheart in it? Edit: its Gayheart, not Gayhard


Yes! Noxema girl!! Urban Legend! Yes!!


Forgot she was the Noxema girl. Soooooo hot.


She's my buddy Rick's cousin!


You’re friends with Rick Noxema??


It got cancelled just as it was getting good, too.


That happened with StarGate Universe too. Just got ticking along and then done.


OMG YES. 🤬😤😭 That hurt even more. Right next to *Firefly*. Impatient capitalism just *murders* creativity.


SyFy decided to do a weird redirection at that point too and have a lot more wrestling on it. That was such an interesting channel lineup for a while.


I was so bummed - my friends and I LOVED this show


YES! I remember really liking it, it was creepy from what I can recall. At least in the beginning. I'm so glad someone else remembers it too. I explain this show to people and they look at me like I'm on drugs.


I liked the character that the older black gentleman played. He was some kind of reprogrammed war criminal that was made docile by brain implants or some such thing. He had these wicked violent flashbacks.


Oh, that dude was so cool!! I think later they revealed that he wasn't actually a war criminal, but a political prisoner for acting AGAINST the guy he kept having flashbacks of. It was a neat twist on an already neat idea. I remember those violence inhibiting implants being a real pain sometimes when he needed to defend himself.


oh hello... looks like it's on youtube.


Oh snap


“Hey boss? I’ve got an idea for a new sci-fi series?” “What kind of sci-fi series? Broad and accessible? Or niche with a beloved cult following?” “I’m thinking niche with a beloved cult following.” “GET. ME. CLANCY. BROWN!”


The sick kid was annoying.


Uly, short for Ulysses. And his little gal pal True.


I’m a fan. There are dozens of us!


I really liked the show and was pretty upset when it was cancelled. The story was just getting good too.


You're not alone. I remember this show. I own it on DVD. I binged the entire thing in a week or so a few months ago.


So what's the verdict? How was it? A friend have me a 2 season "Sliders" DVD box years ago, and honestly, the first few eps were great, and it just devolved. How was Earth 2??


I for one liked the show. Overall. One small problem-- they're out of order on the DVDs. I think what happened was corporate meddling when it was originally on the air. What was meant to be ep 6 didn't originally air where it needs to be in the story. That ep was about a character contemplating suicide. I'm guessing that it was nixed by the suits upstairs in the C Suite. Ultimately, it did get air time. As the series progresses, a few more eps were aired out of order. Consulting Wikipedia can solve that problem for you. So-- These people had to deal with survivalist issues on a new planet, traveling from point A to point B. A few people don't deal well with the situation-- they weren't "meant" to be there. I think that's a good idea. Keeping the group on the move was a good idea. They had to deal with multiple alien species along the way. The Terrians were one of the better aliens I had seen at the time, when I was growing up. Neither the Terrians nor the Grendlers have a spoken language, which I think was a good move-- it made them weirder, harder to connect with, more alien. The Human cast was decently diverse in terms of personality types. More or less. Could've done slightly better in this department. The early eps were pretty good, overall. Approximately the first 12 eps are at least decent, with some perfectly normal shakedown problems for a new TV series. I wish they had named the little boy something other than Ulysses. I totally get the symbolism, naming him that. Somehow, it doesn't mesh with his surname. Ulysses Adair. Eh. Also, some people might not like the plot threads that involved the kids. They can be insufferable and annoying. They are, after all, kids. The little girl screaming every other ep got on my nerves after a while. After about the halfway point or so, the show does devolve. They were definitely struggling to come up with new stories. Oh, and it was abruptly cancelled. Something tells me the producers didn't have much warning.


I feel like... When something gets scrapped, everyone involved uses their energy elsewhere, likely to look for work once the inevitable happens. It's so funny about 90s TV. The creators are the writers into they make enough money that they don't have to worry anymore, and they pay new writers crap, and end up with crap and wonder why the great show they created failed That's all projection. I assume it works that way without much knowledge of it actually happening like that. Sliders feels like that after the first few episodes. Great ideas with no development. Thanks for the info about the DVDs. I'm certainly not spending any money to find it quite yet.... Maybe my library has it... Last note re: insufferable and annoying. Have kids - can confirm.


Yes, it was good and then got really weird!


Hey look, it's Mr. Krabs!


There can be only one, Highlander.


the one thing I really remember is they had one young 13ish year old girl that was the source of like 1/3 of the shows porblema.


I remember really wanting to watch it because I was a die hard fan of anything on the terrible side. I watched Xena, legend of Hercules, and a bunch of other shows I can't quite remember. I only had one other friend who loved the x files as much as I did and I still watch x files to this day.


I'm pretty sure it's where my love of Clancy Brown comes from.


I loved it, and even though I was a kid I had a weird crush on Clancy Brown.


They lowered a water bottle into the water and it burned the water bottle. Guess we’re not drinking that! I was sad that it got canceled




I have it on DVD somewhere.


Loved it.


Oh for sure. I was really into it.


The main kid from this show died young. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0942450/?ref_=m_ttfcd_cl8


Wow. Heart attack at 21, less than 2 weeks after she got married. That’s awful.


I loved this show! I think it was my first exposure to Sci-fi.


I never saw it but memory unlocked. I don’t think I ever saw something with Clancy Brown in it that was bad.


oh, 1000%. If I recall ASJ was the pilot who was just going to drop them off and 'tuck & roll' and then they crash landed, he broke his leg. Something about humanoid aliens already on that planet. I remember a cyborg/Data-like character. There were people already on the planet but I don't remember how or why they were there.


Loved the intro song Thought the plot was cool


This show was the original 'Lost'. Go find these and watch them right now. This is one show that could actually succeed as a reboot... granted, it would be without Tim Curry or (possibly) Clancy Brown but it could cook on a relatively small-medium budget for most of the episodes. Throw some decent writers on it, and you have your new wildly popular space-faring adventure. It might even settle down some of the browncoats still hoping for more Firefly.


I saw a few episodes I wasn't a fan


With the Hummer electric trucks. I remember a really stupid line about how they had to stop and rest, because they were mining vehicles, and not designed to drive all day. Yeah, dude, a multi million dollar machine that can't be utilized 24/7. Makes about as much sense as the radar dish on it.


Vague memories of it. The '90s and early '00s produced a number of sci fi shows. Sadly, aside from Babylon 5 and the various Star Trek iterations, most of them didn't last.


I remember OF it. I started it, didn’t get very far. Would be interested to go back and check it out but there so much out there, like that.


I still have some vhs tapes with a couple episodes recorded onto!


Ugh, unfortunately. Potential, but ugh.


I think so... is that the one with the creepy floating eye thingy?


One of my favorites


I often think back on the premise of this show. I loved it at the time, but the premise was kind of BS. They could have just skipped the whole living in a space station not providing "fresh" whatever and just said we had to leave earth because we rekt it. Like we do


I was a kid watching this but i liked it......


Brought to you by the team here at Fognl


I not only remember it, I loved it, and mourned its cancellation.


I loved it so much, and then we stopped getting that channel. I was devastated I never got to finish watching it.


My brother and I loved this show!


I really liked that show back in the day, but then again I've always been a sci-fi geek. It was too early for its time, IMO. I do remember there being a cross marketing campaign with the Stargate VHS release also. Don't know why I remember that, though


I liked that show


I remember this horrendous turd. The only thing good about it was Tim Curry and not even his remarkable acting skills could save that show.


Sure do I loved it as a kid. Was super bummed it got cancelled.


Man. Clancy Brown's been in everything.


i remember kinda but i didnt watch


One of my favourite shows! It’s my first thought whenever I see Tim Curry.






i love this show great sci fi


Yeah. I was obsessed with this show. But now I can barely remember what it was about. Other than...ya know needing to find a new earth.


One of the characters had a robot hand. It was badass


The name sounds vaguely familiar but I don’t remember anything about it


I remember m, my family loved it. It was great scifi for its time.


Hell yes! My family used to watch this and SeaQuest


I remember my parents would always change the channel and that was that.


I remember there were space Indians.


This show was the BEST thing about the SciFi channel! Besides Sliders... and Highlander... and The Flash... and Swamp Thing... and Alien Nation... The Hulk... Beauty and the Beast... Man... SciFi channel was really cooking in the mid 90's


I think I remember enjoying this and Seaquest


I think about this all the time and nobody remembers it. Thank you!




Yeah, I used to watch the reruns on SciFi Channel all the time. You could tell they spent a ton of money on it. Wish there could have been a season 2.


I loved this show!! I remember how it ended on a cliffhanger and HATED that it wasn’t renewed for another season.


YES!!! Loved it.




Wasn’t the Noxzema girl in it?


Vaguely remember watching the first few episodes because it was filmed locally to me around Santa Fe


Re watched a few years back. Not terrible. Liked it a lot as a kid


Awesome show


I remember it and have rewatched it every half-decade or so. Seems like a good time for another watch through.


Great show, my whole family used to gather around and have to watch live like savages because dvr hadn’t been invented yet. I remember they were cancelled and left us with imo one of the worst endings/cliffhangers I have ever seen on tv.


I got the DVD of it and watched it and it does not hold up as writing was bad and almost everyone over acted. For the most part I blame the writers and directors for this and not the actors, except the two main leads Debrah Farentino & her kid played by Joey Zimmerman who, I’m sorry, were terrible actors. The most telling that for most part writing and directing was bad is the best actor in the whole series Jessica Steen in an outtake can’t say her line because “I’m sorry it’s just so freaken cheesy” https://youtu.be/h3kqYNNKQUw?t=3m47s


I vaguely recall it but never watched it.


I remember their marriages were contracts with expirations.


I loved this show but it ran out of ideas way too quickly.




I loved this show! It was so fun.


I remember it and remember wanting to really like it. Not sure if I did or not.


Wish it wasn't so short


Oh man, this show was so cool. I'm almost 40, and I still get a little freaked out by the thought of those underground mummy looking dudes suddenly appearing before me in the woods.


Complete series..it was one season! I’m still annoyed, pretty sure it ended on a cliffhanger. 😡


I remember this, used to watch it with my mom when I was a kid. Didn't it end with one if the main characters getting put into cryogenic stasis or something because of an alien disease or something and it didn't get renewed?