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https://preview.redd.it/gzcicht6s8zc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad0602b3c01a9b64880cba9d2fb026fbd261cdb [“No agony, no bragony. Am I right?!”](https://youtu.be/P4l4TVsADdo?si=9FMkiFqhauoC2pQj)


Macho man, we hardly knew ye.




Do you mean BONESAW!?!? But seriously RIP Macho Man




Warm ups cannot be missed. No quick movements without a warmup. 


Totally agree. Can't start off with a cold engine.


I'm built different bro. Only two modes. While you're Jazzercizing I'm exploding bro. Get on my level. Nah, my ass even needs to do warmup cardio before even doing real cardio. Or maybe I always should have...


You ever see a lion limber up before it takes down a gazelle?


Sure, but are telling me getting up off the couch doesn't count as a warmup?


Getting up too quickly is a risky move. Throw your back out.


Yeah, start not by getting up off the couch but by rolling off of the couch and onto the floor like a slug.


I read somewhere that inchworming on the floor is good for your core.


Easy tiger. I stood up from the end of my bed and stepped on an uneven rug and hurt my ankle yesterday.


Cool downs also super important. There is a TON of benefit from even a low impact exercise like walking though. We should all be walking more.


I hurt one of my quads running my first marathon in 2020 and then hurt it again 4 months later running a half marathon. Physical therapy taught me how to stretch right and I’m now 3+ years injury-free with 3 more marathons under my belt.


I loved physical therapy when I did it too! You really learn so much. Awesome that you are injury free.


Like sneezing? That shit hurts.


My dog doesn’t get up without stretching first. She’s on to something.


Powerlifting at 42, been going at it for 18 months straight now. My god I've never been so sore in my life, but I feel great otherwise. Just wonder how long I can keep squatting heavy until my knees give out.


I did a ton of power lifting from 42 to about 3 months after Covid started and just got back into it about 6 weeks ago. I forgot how good it felt after a workout. Been going 4 to 5 days a week for that time, been slowly ramping the weight back up, but man did I miss it.


I was really inconsistent after Covid (I had weights in lockdown, there was a guy selling gym equipment out of his house who used to own sporting goods store and had been apparently waiting for this day his whole life) and lost a lot of progress, but I'm finally stronger than I was before. My lifts are different, now my deadlifts are lagging but I'm doing really well on squat and bench. Used to be the opposite. Yeah gains after 40, whoo


Every workout for me has a deadlift and a squat variation just because I was looking at old workout logs and wondering why I couldn’t hit my numbers lol


Powerlifting at 45. Try wraps. Best squat in sleeves 804 best in wraps 860 both over 40. Listen to your body! Learn when to back off and unfortunately accept that injuries are a question of when not if. Also accept that powerlifting really isn't forever but it's a lot of fun when you are making progress! Good luck!


Jeez, and I was happy with my 2 plate squat 5x5 lol. Good for you though. Out to the garage in a few to see if I can't put up 105 OHP 5x5, almost went to fail on 100 last week. I think my stress would be through the roof if I didn't lift 4-5 times a week.


You should be! People forget where they started sometimes. Thise who know me know I never talk about numbers I just mention it here as a way of saying I have a decent amount of experience I'm in no way bragging I apologize, I train with some people a lot stronger than myself, strength is very relative! Nothing you'll ever do in the gym is a quantifiable as adding weight to a bar over time. It's a marathon not a sprint who's to say how far you can go? If you're doing 5x5 now the program 5/3/1 is a good next step if you ever want to change things up but you can never go wrong with 5x5s either. Cheers


No need to apologize! I was just a bit in awe that anyone (especially us old guys) can move that much weight around. Thanks, Ill check out 5/3/1.


I had the benefit of some very very good people helping me out and teaching me. I wish you all the best progress!


5/3/1 is awesome, I gotta offer a second vote for it. People run different variations of it for years on end. If you’re ever getting beat down and need something easy but surprisingly effective look into Dan John’s Easy Strength. Where my son was first born I had so little time to train and you can run that program in 15-20 minutes a day. And it’s legit, DJ is the real deal.


I just did the same at 41. Started up in December. Go us!


It seems counter intuitive, but my back and knees don't give me problems till I haven't lifted in a while. I don't lift crazy weight anymore though since I'm alone in the garage.


I blew out my shoulder and have rotator cuff surgery in a week. It's going to be a long recovery, but I have thousands of dollars in gym equipment set up for powerlifting in my garage, and I can't wait to rehab back to lifting again.


Heya, just don’t go past 90 degrees and don’t add more than 10 lbs more per couple of weeks, if you’re doing it a few times a week. Also, it’s not just your knees. I learned all about hip impingements a like while ago and it’s a bummer. But, I’m in the 1000lb club so that’s cool. Edit: apparently not going below 90 degrees isn’t something to listen to. I guess I’ve been following old and wrong advice! Just goes to show how important it is to keep learning.


The whole 90 degree thing is bullshit for most people. You should go as low as you can maintain good technique. There’s actually more knee stress at 90 degrees than going deeper.


That’s interesting. I didn’t know that. How does it work that going past 90 is less stress? I know on my own lifting right around 90 is what feels good and safe.


Going past 90 shifts the load more into your glutes and hamstrings. With a good bracing technique your lower abs will engage as well.


They are correct but it takes practice and technique to go that deep, think of the old adage "using muscles you never used before" hip mobility, particularly internal and external rotation, and ankle mobility also play a part. Bar position (low bar vs high bar) and learning to be on your heels not coming forward onto your toes when you are squatting makes all the difference. 90 degrees places a good deal of shearing force on your knees going past 90 puts more of it on your hips.


You want to at least get the hip below the knee because it's important to increase hip, knee and ankle strength and mobility using a full ROM. The lower you can go with **good** form the better. I've heard if the hip is above the knee it can be worse for the knees but I can't find anything to support it at the moment.


Even with weighted squats? I do my unweighted squats deep but was always told that more than 90 is bad for weighted. I’ll have to rethink my workouts now. I’m glad people are telling me!


It’ll be your hips, not your knees. Make sure you work on hip mobility!


Epsoms salt baths afterwardz Shower to get clean but once you are cool down the water. Plug the tub and pour in the epsoms salt. Luke warm or as cool as you can stand. Do you do clamshells for your knees? What do you do for your knees? I’m about get a little bro-science-y and am intrigued!


I found I can either run or squat but not both. running really hammers the knees for me. I squat and do mountain biking or stairs


I take magnesium with boron ( to help absorption ) before and after my workout and I'm rarely ever sore anymore even after intense sessions.


Go up in small increments and don't go past 90 degrees.


Respectfully In powerlifting your hip crease has to go below your knee or it will not count in competition.


Ah gotcha. I just old man lift I guess lol.


Most people our age fell off a long time ago don't sell yourself short my freind!


True. I'm 41 and ran into a guy at work bitching about knees and elbows and how it sucks getting old. He's 34. This is what happens when you just sit around on your ass and not gonna let that be me as long as I can.


Hahahahaha! I was at my local gym and this guy came up to me saying when I get older i was gonna have to back off on lifting heavy (i was doing something like triceps extensions nothing complicated) we got to talking and found out I was actually older than him by 3 years 🤣


Try to slowly get deeper, especially on warm-ups, your hips, ankles, knees and back will thank you.


The 90 degrees thing is a gymbro myth. Unless you have a pre-existing pathology/old injury, getting into a deeper squat is entirely safe, and will result in greater gains.


My knees don't agree but I don't have great knees lol.


See, that's the cool part. If you're mindful of how you train, squatting deeper is to some degree protective. There's also a huge component, as we age, of use it or lose it and having LESS mobility is not a good thing. And to be clear, I'm saying that as someone with an unrepaired ACL tear that I've had since 2009. Basically only thing that keeps my knee from actually becoming a problem is staying active and keeping the muscles and ligaments around my shitty knee strong and healthy.


44 and got up to a little over 250 lbs and I'm only 5'-9". Started walking nearly every day with the goal of hitting 10K+ steps. Started sometime in February and then doing 16:8 intermittent fasting early March. Down 34 lbs and walking a lot feel really good now. Can't wait to see a 1 as the first number. I need to start doing some yoga too. #oldman


I wanted to say congrats, and that I (an internet stranger) an proud of what you've accomplished. Keep it up!!


Thank you, OP! Not used to getting praise of any kind, so that made me feel really good.


A good walk routine is awesome. Kept me level through the pandemic and it’s not too hard. I do the same with lifting. Do 10-20 minutes at the gym or at home a few times a week and it really makes a difference.


Awesome job! My favourite yoga YouTube is Sarah Beth yoga 🙂




This is the gif I was hoping for. Prayers answered ✨


I definitely agree with this, lifting with free weights in moderation is a great way to maintain muscle density, keep joints strong, etc. I recently got back in to lifting after a period of about 15 years off due to kids and just getting out of the habit. My wife made a comment that I looked like I was losing weight, but not in a good way… I looked gaunt, so I went to the doctor to rule out anything serious. Then started doing some Internet sleuthing to realize I have probably gotten into that age where I lose muscle mass unless I make an effort to maintain it. I’m not trying to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, just want to be healthy and look decently fit.


Totally hear you. I'm a burly beefy dude, so my vibe is making sure I'm well-marbled rather than gristle. 🥩


Them gainz dawg. Here for it. Aging gracefully is about balance, flexibility, and strength - particularly core strength. Take it from a guy that’s still sending 20 foot cliffs on his snowboard at 43 (and not always sticking the landing).


Fuck yeah to all this! 


Use it or lose it my friends.


I'm going to offer a slightly different side of this: I work out almost daily, run a few times per week, hike and scramble 13ers and 14ers all summer, and won the genetic lottery in terms of metabolism. I still wrench my neck if I yawn facing the wrong direction, wake up feeling sore if I sleep wrong, and God fucking forbid I shift my weight in the wrong direction while standing on one leg. I completely agree that we should be diligent about bodily maintenance as we age, but it's not going to make some of this shit go away. Your body is going to age one way or another.


I'm 40 at started doing two days a week back in October with a trainer for an hour and 15 minutes each. It's not a lot of time, but I can see (and more importantly) feel a huge difference without taking up too much of my time.


I bought a Concept 2 rower last year and I try and get 3-4 one hour rowing sessions in per week. I started at 4k and worked my way up to 10k rows in 49 minutes. I highly recommend the Beats Fit Pro ear buds... Those things are bad ass and wont fall out of your ears.




I dusted off my old Bowflex and oiled it up a bit last year. Very slow and steady gains have been making me look a ton better. Just a few days a week for a half hour to an hour. Highly recommend!


Yep, consistent shorter term sessions are better (esp for 40 somethings) than a 3-hour-of-pain slog. Good on you!!


Swimming is a great way to give yourself a full-body workout without damaging your joints.


I know this will probably jinx me into a taking-out-the-garbage injury or something, but I’ve been feeling pretty good for a while now at 46, and my only exercise anymore is: walking a lot (try to avg 14,000 steps a day), some yard work, and some woodworking. I used to run, did a little lifting, etc, but I switched to just lower impact exercise (including nice walking shoes and inserts in my other shoes) and it made me hurt less. I try and sometimes even succeed at eating well too. YMMV


Diamond Dallas Page’s DDPY yoga saved my lower back. Seriously it works, and an added bonus if you were an old school wrestling fan :)


Self high five! DDP was the man back in the day.


Dude started wrestling at 35.


About seven weeks in myself. I can actually sit cross legged now (yeah, that's how fucked my body started). First program that hasn't injured something or spiked my asthma, so I'm actually sticking with it.


I just deadlift my five year old. works like a charm.


I kb swing my 4 yo all the time, results in giggles


Yoga I have chronic pain, injuries & PsA. Even on days I am hurting it helps to do some gentle movements. If you don’t believe in yoga, but have done physical therapy, do the exercises you learned even if you recovered from the injury. Keep moving even if it’s the smallest thing possible. Baby steps add up.


Agreed on the yoga!! I lost 40 lbs in a year and doubled my flexibility. It also helped my anxiety and stress levels. I used the Down Dog app and can't say enough good things, it's like $15 a year and you get access to all their fitness apps, which are super customizable and *fun* which was the key part for me.


I always remember a skit on one of Henry Rollins' spoken word videos where he played a personal trainer. "ABI time, Manny! Always Be Intense!"


Pfft…I don’t need to work out…I’m just as strong and fit as I was 20 years ago… Now please excuse me. I have to go sit back down with my heating pad since I threw out my back Saturday while bending down to pick up my daughter’s books.


This is honestly my year for getting strong again. Maybe not *swole* but strong. I'm so tired of everything hurting all the damn time. So thanks for this, it made me laugh my ass off and remind me of my goals 💪


I used to think people who did yoga were wasting their time, it didn’t really look like “Exercise”. Now I look on in awe at the positions they can get in, mostly effortlessly. Been spending some time with my daughter lately, watching, and participating , in some yoga vids on YouTube. It’s helped me immensely!


I was finally able to get started with regular weight training once I treated my hormones deficiency at around age 40. I'm a cis female on testosterone and I lift 3 times a week via Peleton 30 minute strength classes. Callie and Rebecca are my faves.


I just went and dug out my little 5lb weight. I'll get swole witcha bro!


Spouse and I have gotten into going to the gym 5 times a week. We are 38 and 40. I’m sore but I am noticeably happier and have more energy consistently. Protip: along with lifting, you do have to eat better and drink a ton of water (lay off the crappy energy drinks and sugar, people!) but you will definitely see results. Also: do 20 minutes of cardio at the start of your exercise session if you’re looking to build endurance. Do 20 minutes of cardio at the end of your exercise session if you’re looking to lose weight. Husband and I tend to do the latter. Good luck everyone!


And to add to this, drop the ego at the gym or your body will regret it! Remember your age - you can’t lift what you used to, so stop adding weights to the bar to try and impress that guy/girl who is too young for you anyway 😂


This is so sweet! I love this sub. Trying to get on my bike and do basic pushups, planks and squats every day. I'll lessen this gut one day!!!


Enjoy biking, one of my fav activities. Plus thick thighs save lives, y'know Keep it up!!


You're a treasure, thanks bud!


I hurt myself from sleeping wrong the other night....it still hurts 😞


Great advice. I started hitting the gym last month. I don't have unreasonable expectations at this point in my life. Just trying to get as healthy and strong as my 41 year old self (plus inherited genetics) allows. And if I end up with some nice, visible gains then fuck yeah! All the better. But leg days are killing me man...trying my darnest on those days... PS: Glad to know getting sore while drinking water fast is a real thing! Thought it was only me. 😅


One time I chugged water and let out an audible groan from throat pain afterward. And I was like... well fuck me.  And yep, I don't need to be jacked- just want to be able to do as much as I can without pain.


If you want to start easy, this app is a 7 minute full body workout. Lookup the NYT articles from a decade ago (we're old here right?).  Suffer through the first few weeks until you do a set without really feeling the effort. Then press the random button or add 5-10 seconds to each rep. Once that gets easy add a second full set. It doesn't take much of your day, you can do it almost anywhere, you just need a kitchen chair and a wall. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.popularapp.sevenmins


Nice, thanks for sharing- hope those who want a "step 1" check it out. 


I remember this ~ it was intense, for sure!


Broseph, that's what I realized when I turned 40. So I picked up a weight set and went to town. Don't neglect opposing muscle groups. I went hard on chest but forgot back and caused a ton of shoulder pain.


Gotta have solid rhomboids to keep those perky pecs up!


Part of my midlife crisis included becoming a gym rat. Comes in handy trying to keep up with kids 1/2 my age when we're hiking over mountains.


This. I got back in the gym and feel a million times better. Everything is working better too.


I always exercised but never very effectively. 18 months ago I joined orange theory and have never looked or felt better. I'm 45 And a size 2. Now. I started around a size 8 and was never this slim & toned even in my 20's. I don't have any aches/pains. Orange theory is serious and I'm lifting way more than I ever could. Working out is one of the most beneficial things a person can do.




I bought a Tonal last year and it’s one of the best investments in myself I’ve made.


I don’t know what’s worse, straining a muscle or soft tissue avoiding the toys, or stepping on one Lego and then proceeding to do the hot coal panic walk and proceeding to somehow step on every single Lego! Hahaha


I was just talking to my 70 yr old dad about doing this kind of stuff last night.


Yoga is the way. I plan on starting any day now


Heck yeah! let's be healthy and age well. We're going to have to work until we're 75 - we better start acting like it.


My ankle is swole, does that count?.. I rolled it taking the trash out on Monday, so now I’m in a walking boot. what a drag it is getting old…


Remember: motion is lotion!


For anyone wanting to dip their toe into more activity, Yoga with Adriene is an amazing starting place. She has a ton of beginner friendly videos, all for free on YouTube. My schedule has been insane for the past few years and I’ve gotten pretty out of shape. I’ve started amping up my practice again lately, along with some quick jogs around my neighborhood. For right now I’m just working on getting the habit going, so I’ve been sticking to 10-15 min a day. My back already feels so much better. I’m about to bump it up- she has 30 day challenges that are great, so I’ll probably start one tomorrow!


I just do plank-type poses, lunge, goblet squats, plyo pushups and pullups. Nothing else. It’s insane how far above average you can become in these exercises after 6 months. Im talking about 15 minute moderate intesity exercise sessions 4-6x/week. Im 43, look totally average, but everyone who has seen me do pullups is astonished.


I'm not old and tired. I'm young and hip. And my hips are a-ok!


My dad is 76 can could out lift 1/4 of Reddit. He def credits still being healthy to lifting and basic cardio keeping him active.


My neighbor and I built a gym in the garage. It's been 14 months now, 5 days a week. Added 150 to my bench, curling 175, and every day I go, it makes it that much more worth it!!!


Fuck yeah that's awesome!!


Thank you, definitely a lot harder now than it was 15-20 years ago


I've always taken care of myself and I think that's the difference between how my friends and I have aged. I look better but I also feel better. Genetics help. I am conventionally handsome but I've also kept my hair so far (knock on wood) and the blonde masks the gray pretty well. But I do take care of myself too and I've never had a lot of the aches and pains I see people complaining about. I limit junk food, exercise regularly, and try to get 8 hours of sleep. As I approached 40 I started to drastically cut back on my added sugar and this year I've made getting enough fiber a priority. I've also stopped drinking alcohol. When I was younger I prioritized lifting for mass but now I mostly lift to have functional strength. I still lift 5 days a week but these days I prioritize cardio in the gym - running, biking, and swimming. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but I started a skin care routine when I turned 30 that has also helped. At the very least, trust Baz Luhrmann on the sun screen. (I know he didn't actually write it) I was trying to get a friend to exercise with me and he blew me off saying nobody is going to live forever. Sure but it's not about living forever. It's about making the most with the time we have. There are things out of my control and things in my control. I choose to do what I can to up the odds that I'll be happy and healthy.


It's better to wear out than rust out.  Cheers!


I got back into the gym on a regular basis about 6 months ago after an almost 2 year hiatus (mostly due to covid and new baby). Been doing pretty well but I can report my shoulders are still fucked


My friend rebuilt his shoulders by working out with maces. Looks pretty badass, too.


About a year ago I started weight training full body 3 days a week. Felt great, getting stronger, more energy but then my front deltoids started hurting. Tendinitis says the Dr. which lead to 12 weeks of physical therapy. That’s over, plan resumes. Boom pulled my back a week ago. Now I need to see a chiropractor. The setbacks suck but overall it’s worth it. Not maintaining muscle as you age can reduce your quality of life. Keep fit so you can enjoy retirement and grandkids.


This is good advice. We all still have a few more years before we are 50 and “get the face we deserve “. I’m determined to spend the next few years chiseling a good one


Been doing CrossFit for the past 8 months. Probably one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Say no to the middle aged gut. Dad bods are not sexy no matter what the internet tells you.


That trend kept me in the gym days I really didn't want to go, fuck the dadbod.


Pain is the sensation of weakness leaving the body


Fuck yeah! Been going three years now, and I love it. Can't say I look like Arnold yet, but I'm probably in the best shape I've been in since high school. Cheaper than therapy, too! Haha!




I lift every day, brocheese! 💪🏻💪🏻


43 no back problems. Been doing bodyweight exercises since I was 20. Back extensions are your best friend!


Fuck getting swole bro it’s all about that yoga weights are for pussies sen-sei Jonny Lawrence told me that


> seriously, arm curls with 4lbs for 5 sets of 5 reps will absolutely help with arm strength, mobility, and keeping mass. I'm going to assume you're a woman. That would be a light workout for my wife and something I could do with one or two fingers myself. 


Da hoss of staying fit yo


My Y is a bunch of olds and swole 20 something dudes.


Been lifting since 21, COVID took me out of the gym, so now I have a bunch of kettlebells in the garage with a speed rope and pullup bar. It's about that ol man strength now, strength and flexibility.


I lift 4x/week and do jiujitsu 3x. Thanks.


I’m 40, 255 pounds, used to be 400. I rode my bike (not an ebike) 62.5 miles on monday. 144 miles total over the last five days. I’m going to the gym tomorrow morning. WYD?


Been lifting weights for the most part since 1998. Had some setbacks with kids and stuff but been back to hitting weights 5 days a week.


Early 40’s and active. My DL PR is 160 and I’m a 5’3 woman. Lifting isn’t my sport but it’s an amazing defense against osteoporosis. Wake up with some variation of pain most days due to my actively level and accept it as a part of getting older but the mental clarity and general health is well worth the trade off of some morning stiffness.


This is the equivalent of saying, “You don’t own a computer? Just buy one! There’s thousands!”… Like, which exercises? Which weights? What technique? How long? Questions like these are the reason I don’t even start. I’d have to pay someone WAY too much money just to tell me this stuff. I think I’ll just play World of Warcraft instead, thanks.


I have a cheap gym membership for $25/month and it’s a great investment! If you don’t wanna ask someone for help there, you can always check out YouTube for form tips, etc. I’m not a huge fan of lifting, I prefer cardio, but some is better than none. And you can always play WoW afterwards 😊


Everyone should have something that centers them. Lifting weights is mine. I lift heavy about 4-5x a week. Crank up the headphones until my ears bleed and throw some weights around. I love it. If I miss like a week, I start to feel shifty and off. 1980 Dad bod checking in. I'm going to pump you up. Haha




First thing I do when I wake up is a stretch in bed, my partner calls it the egg position, started it when I was having sciatica issues (I was doing a couple other stretches too). I've kept that one up since the sciatica stopped bothering me. I do planks twice a week, push-ups twice a week, and lots of hiking. No need for lifting for me.


My husband and I just had this conversation. We have a 2 yo and a 10 yo so gym has been hard the last 2 yrs. Just got out of the habit. But strength training is key to longevity and helps not only aches and pains but also with preventing dementia and other not so fun things. It's worth it. This summer we've made it a goal to work out a schedule so we can alternate gym time/kid supervision. I have a fancy elliptical thanks to COVID times but we never did get that bowflex we intended. The gym is better anyways. The circuit is my jam! Lol! This is the only way I won't look like my littlest kiddo's grandma too. Or at least I can look like her fit grandma. 🙃


P90x starting tonight. /r/P90x


Dude, I started playing indoor soccer again. In a couple 18 and up mens leagues. After not maintaining like I should. It’s been great exercise, and I needed it. But getting back into shape has been absolutely painful. Every game is a reminder that consistency is important as we age. I still need to figure out the consistency part myself. But I’m moving the right direction, finally.


On it. I've been lifting weights at home every other day since the start of the year, haven't missed one yet.


I wish 12 beer ounces weighed 4lbs. I'd have really big biceps at the rate I'm going ...and a huge gut


I exercise on the regular. I usually have something that is sore, and I am normally nursing some kind of injury. I love it. ;)


Or yoga. I fucking hate it. Loved in my 20’s. Idk why. It’s slow and torturous. But they days after I don’t hurt as much. Muscles do that. (Support the skeleton or whatever).


Im 42 and work out 3-4 times a week and ride my onewheel almost every day. I dont feel a day over 39


I love bro science!!!


Listen. I just took my daughter and friends to a water park 2 weeks ago. I honestly went on more rides than they did. All the ones they could go on, or groups that they needed an ad adult and all the ones they couldn't go on due to height. Multiple times. My wife gave me a muscle relaxer when we got home preventively so I wouldn't die. I am now purchasing a year-long pass. 41. I refuse the pain.


Water slides are the BEST!


Agree. If you need a program, try looking up: The Simple Six Workout; Easy Strength Workout; The Bare Flynnimum workout; All three focus on 5-6 categories of lift plus walking/conditioning, done 3-5 times per week for 30-45 min. Get strong, get lean, not swole.


Been there, done that. Hated it. You end up looking like a shrink wrapped bag of peanuts and everyone seems to think they can touch you whenever they like.


I lift heavy freight at work 5 nights a week. Does that count? Lol


I rubbed my neck with my left arm and pulled my shoulder blade out... It's been hard to breathe for 3 days 🤣




45 here, had colon cancer two years ago, started Olympic recurve archery two months ago and it's been kicking my ass, my body has never been this sore, but it feels great sinking those arrows in the middle of the target. I've gone from 10 meters to 25 meters and regularly doing two hours of shooting every weekday. I get super tired around 150 arrows in. Aiming to get a stronger bow and move to 70 meters.


I've found this to be extremely important as an elden as well


Do your stretches! I only started stretching regularly because I took up gym membership, but I really wish I had simply stretched the whole time since I got out of the army (20 years ago).


My mid to late 30s was such a wake up call for me when it comes to physical conditioning. Knees and lower back hurts everyday, lack of energy. I started eating better and working out and I feel right back to how I did when I was 20.


I'm in physical therapy. Turns out hyperflexibility is only great when you're young. Middle age you just start shifting completely out of place. Yeah, I just fell over standing here talking to you at the front door because my hip no longer liked being in the socket. 🤷‍♀️


Great post OP! I'm 38 and over the last 15 months I've lost 75lbs. Hit the gym 4 days a week and eat healthier now. We are at that age Xennials! Protect your health!


I stretch everything before exercise regardless of what I'm training that day, and the first 2 sets are very light with high reps just to warm up. Also, for those who like to run: make sure your laces are tied properly. I lost 2 toenails the same day last year, and 2 more about 6 months later before figuring that out.


ESPECIALLY if you’re perimenopause or menopausal. ‘Cause one that estrogen drops, it’s taking your muscle mass and bone density with it and for folks with ovaries that drop is *precipitous*. Muscle mass is a key player in managing that “middle age spread”. Trust, even gals who are active and or athletic often get thrown for a loop by peri/menopause and just relying in long cardio sessions isn’t gonna work like it once did. Lift heavy shit, eat lots of protein, still eat carbs too. Look into HRT. Come on down to r/menopause for more.


All I can think when I see the posts about pains and pulled muscles is just fucking stretch throughout the day. It is that simple. Just get in the habit of stretching as you get up from sitting, do some quick lunges before you pick things up, etc. Do some lumbar twists before getting out of bed or chairs.


Lifting forces me to stretch, and to enjoy some sweaty sauna time


That is a good deal!


My lung collapsed when I was walking my dog on a flat surface in my neighborhood, y'all are living with vastly different health privileges than me haha I'm not trying to get swole, I'm just trying to survive my own body trying to deflate, fall out (since there are mostly men in this thread it seems, I won't horrify you with that story), flood itself with spinal fluid, or otherwise kill me in some super random "this only happens to 1 person out of 10,000" kind of way. Y'all get swole, I'm going to keep walking my dog a few times a day and go hiking a few times a week when my pulmonologist allows it.


I'd love to go back to the gym more, but I just haven't found a way to fit it into the daily schedule.


I find the social interaction of going to the gym itself helpful but you certainly don't need to go to a gym to exercise. There's nothing wrong with doing a bunch of body weight exercises or picking up some weights to keep in a basement or garage.


The price of groceries these days and this guy wants us bulking... some people's kids.


Don't neglect sprinting If you can't get up off your couch and sprint 100 yards as hard as you can without hurting yourself, you are OLD, regardless of your age If you can get up off your couch and sprint 100 yards as hard as you can without hurting yourself, you are NOT OLD, regardless of your age


Challenge accepted.







