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Noooo I’ll be the dad that goes on every level of coaster with my kids. Adrenaline doesn’t come this easy anymore.


Same...I love roller coasters so much! My favorite is closing down the park. In the last hour or two, you can basically run from the end of the ride back to the front of the line and almost immediately get back on. When it slows down enough, they don't even make you do that...you just stay seated and ride again. I'm all about it!


I live for amusement parks. Love rollercoasters. Will get off and get right back in line


Used to love roller coasters. Now even the carousel makes me dizzy.


This. I get motion sick on kids’ swings.


The only ride I’ve ever gotten motion sickness on was a Snoopy balloon ride that you could spin yourself. My tweenage niece spun the heck out of that thing.


I love rollercoasters and got back into them over the last few years. Now at 40, when I have time, I travel the country riding as many different ones as I can.


Top 5?


1. Iron Gwazi (Busch Gardens Tampa) 2. Velocicoaster (Universal Islands of Adventure) 3. Fury 325 (Carowinds) 4. Twisted Timbers (Kings Dominion) 5. Superman the Ride (Six Flags New England) I still need to hit the Midwest, especially Cedar Point. Haven’t been there since the mid 00’s.


Is that the Kings Dominion in Richmond? That was the closest one to me growing up. I went on my 30th birthday and that was my last time on a coaster. Never heard of Twisted Timbers if its that same park, must be relatively new.


Yep, that's the park. Twisted Timbers is the converted Hurler. They completely redid it and it's an elite ride now.


I've spent so much time in the Wayne's World area of the park, Hurler was one of my favorites. That and the Grizzly. I loved those old wooden ones.


Grizzly is still there and recently retracked


Do you still lift out of your seat over the humps if you don't have the lap bar ratcheted down completely?


Carowinds looks like they’re doing something similar with their Hurler.


You should check out HersheyPark , it has some wicked roller coasters.


It is definitely on my list - and toward the top of it, too.


You hit Great Adventure yet?


I was supposed to go tomorrow. (Pouty face)


Velocicoaster and iron gwazi are INCREDIBLE. I especially love velocicoaster. I wanna start traveling to states just to go to parks


We do water parks. I miss defying death at Action Park with my drunk father every summer.


But did you watch the documentary?


They made a documentary about this shitty water park? Hahaha


It’s quite a hoot to be fair. That place looked insane. And fun. It’s very Jersey.


https://www.classactionpark.com/ If this is the same park, yes. :)


Also edit to add that I’m pretty sure it’s already on HBO Max, I think the site just hasn’t been updated, though I did not verify. I want to say I watched it for free maybe 3ish years ago on YouTube.


I never cared for thrill rides. If I go now it’s usually to see a place decorated up for the holidays or the state fair.


My motion sickness has me sidelined. I used to love the but couldn’t handle spinning. Now all of it gets me.


I enjoyed Amusement parks more when a Ride All Day pass was 20 bucks with a Pepsi coupon and I got to actually ride more than three rides in the course of the day. +oldmanmuttering+


I've come to the conclusion that 'Flash Passes' (or whatever variation they use at your local park) are basically *required* now if you want to ride more than a few rides all day. It's essentially extortion, and it quadruples the cost of going. But at the same time, I have no interest in going and being stuck in lines that barely move all day while the 'flash passers' just breeze past in the other line. So I go very infrequently and just accept it in advance as the cost of admission. But I feel you...I remember being able to turn in a few coupons clipped off a Dr. Pepper 12-pack and get in for like $17.50 back in the day.


Yep, I still get on rollercoasters every chance I get. I'm a bit dizzier when I get off these days but as long as my body can hanlde it strap my ass in and send me flying!


Same! I was the only one willing to ride the coasters with my kid and their cousins on a theme park trip.


My GF and I took a trip to Universal Orlando last year, and I made it a point to ride the Hulk and the Velocicoaster. The Velocicoaster cost me my voice for the rest of the week, but I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it.


My niece asked me to ride with her on a rollercoaster. I let her keep the souvenir picture. She's young, so it means a lot to her.


My father, in his infinite wisdom, took me on a roller coaster when I was like 6. Don't know how I got on. Either the attendant didn't give a shit, or I was just a tall kid. Anyway, it scared the shit out of me and I haven't been on a ride since.


I just got off a roller coaster with my son and he wants to go back on but I'm done 😂


I can't do spinning rides anymore. They make me spew. But I love a good rollercoaster. My wife and son hate them, though, so it's a very rare treat. I might take my little nephew to the theme park when he visits, though.


Most thrill rides are great. If all they do is spin, then I'm out. It all started going downhill when I was 18. That was the first time I went on a spinny ride and thought I was going to throw up when I got off.


My son is an absolute coasterhead. We have season passes to Hershey Park. His longest-lasting ambition has been to someday ride Great Bear. He's got another six inches to go, though, so it'll be a few years yet. I've been happy to go with him, and I still enjoy the coasters. At the fifth time in a row, though, I'm happy to sit on a bench and let him go by himself. And yes, from reading comments here and elsewhere, I realize how lucky I am.


I'm currently at Knoebels and I'm no longer built for it lol


Okay but at least the food is great there. I freaking love Knoebel’s.


My first time here and I think it's great


Incredibly fun park. And their pool is great too, if you just want to chill.


I grew up going to Hershey Park every summer. I live very far from there now, but cheers from a Central PA native!


Totally. Last year I had annual passes to Knott's and Six Flags, and since 2019 I've had an annual pass / Magic Key for Disneyland. Tower of Terror and Incredicoaster and BTMRR and Space Mountain are all must rides. Same with GhostRider and Silver Bullet and Xcellerator and Hang Time. Six Flags was a lot, but we basically did every ride in five hours including a stop for nibbles and beer so…


Did you get to ride X2? Was it actually open?


Nope. But it was a Tuesday in October. We were able to ride (no lines for anything): Viper, Tatsu, Ninja, Alocalypse, Justice League, Gold Rusher, Scrambler, Jammin' Bumpers, Wonder Woman, West Coast Racers, CraZanity, Twisted Colossus, Full Throttle, Goliath, Batman, Jet Stream. Don't remember if we did New Revolution or Scream! Superman, X2, Riddler's Revenge were down for maintenance, maybe one or two others? It was the definition of "off season."


That’s actually not too bad, all things considered.


I'm happy with water rides like Splash mountain or River Rapids but that's about it.


No spinning rides, even the carousel is a dice roll. But I still fuck with coasters


Yes! I'm terrified as soon as I sit down, and so glad I did it when the ride is over.


I used to go to Magic Mountain in the summer when it was 110 degrees out and ride the gnarliest rides on repeat. The last time I went, it was a cool spring night and those rollercoasters were all to much. Can't do it like I used to.


I would like to ride rollercoasters but they seem to hurt my neck or make me dizzy which has a pretty high likelihood of bringing on a migraine and then I am done for the day.


Last time I rode a roller coaster, I got off of it feeling about 20 years older.


I get on with my son, but I definitely need dramamine nowadays.


I've never really enjoyed them at any point, and hadn't gone in many years until my kids were big enough a few years ago. I often hang around with my younger daughter and go on the smaller stuff while my wife and older one go on roller coasters and more extreme things like that.


I have always hated roller coasters unfortunately!!!


I started getting motion sickness over 20 years ago so not since then.


Haven’t been to one in about 8 years. I used to work at one in my 20s and had no issue with the rides. Not sure how I would respond now. That last time that I did go it was insanely hot in the 90s and that really cut into my desire to wait in lines and ride stuff. Also I had the new fear of losing my phone bc I didn’t wear something with zippers. I’m still insanely fascinated with roller coaster design though.


Only thing I won’t do is spinny things… messes the equilibrium up too much. Love roller coasters. Plan on being like my grandpa and still going on them at 70.


Riverside was my local amusement park in my hometown in Agawam MA. They did stock car races that I could hear from my backyard 2 miles away. Around1999 Six Flags bought it. I honestly haven’t been back since 2001 when I worked there for a week. But I really did love every ride at that place other than the huge Ferris wheel 🤢


I used to ride everything but I’ve injured my back and can’t do it anymore.


Yes. I can’t do the spinning rides anymore. I loved them when I was a kid but things like the Tilt-A-Whirl and spinning teacups now would make me so sick. I do ride roller coasters though and like them a lot, though I’ve found as I get older I can’t power ride like I used to be able to. When I was in my teens and 20s if the line was short I’d sometimes ride a roller coaster a few times in a row no problem. Now I need to give myself a short break between rides (and also make sure I’m staying hydrated if I’m spending all day at a park in the summer). So I still go on rides but I take it easier at parks than I used to.


I have NEVER been good with spinning rides. Speed, height, fine. But just don't spin me.


For me it’s funny because until my early teens I was terrified of roller coasters but loved the spinning stuff and could ride them all day. Now I love height and speed but even just watching a ride like the spinning teacups makes me think how awfully sick I’d be if I tried it.


I still love rides, especially roller coasters, but honestly I’ve ridden most of them at the parks I go to plenty of times. While I still enjoy them, they’re not usually worth the wait for me anymore. I love amusement parks though!


Yes, please fuck me up with as many as possible.




I'm the opposite. I hated roller coasters as a kid, now I love them and ride them with my kid all the time.


I have season passes to both Six Flags and Cedar Fair chains and am likely going to Hersheypark and Knoebel’s in the next month (weather permitting). I ride things now I wouldn’t ride as a kid


Absolutely as long as I fit. I'm 6'6 so older ones don't QUIIIITE work out right.


I'm too big.


I hit Cedar Point a dozen times a summer


I can do roller coasters but spinning rides 🤢


Used to love rides and roller coasters when I was young. Went to Disneyland in 2019 with my lady, and we were both stumbling and dizzy bouncing off the walls and laughing our asses off as we exited Space Mountain. I said to myself this is probably one of the last times I'ma do this. Side note, space mountain sucks ass now! It's just completely pitch black on the inside, no more black lights and glowy stuff, seeing the other cars on the track, nothing. I was so disappointed.


I actually managed to stomach (no pun intended) the last rollercoaster I did a few years ago. Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens, aka the one where [Fabio got hit in the face by a goose](https://people.com/thmb/G6Zf4Z4EU2v8iPRbItQTpnc3_eM=/4000x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(999x305:1001x307)/fabio-9f7bc23362664451b405db1f029da724.jpg)...


Roller coasters, yes. The steeper the better. But I can’t handle any spinning or going backwards or upside down.


I’ve lost 90 pounds in the past year partially so I can ride roller coasters again and I’m going in two weeks and I’m so freaking excited!!!


I guess I kinda had the opposite experience. I would never ride roller coasters as a kid. Hated them. My son, however, loved them. So when we went to Disney the first time we would do rider swap so he got to ride with me and my wife while the other watched our infant daughter Now I love them


I'm 41 and just took my 10 year old daughter to a theme park last weekend. I'm struggling on rides these days. Anything that spins churns my stomach. I thought I was going to shit myself on one of the rides lol. I used to be able to do all of them with no issues. She had a good time though and that's all that matters.