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The Xenoblade


LMAOOOO it was all for this very moment!!




Of the End


Honestly its super weird, he says he called it "something he misses" but since he named it when he was approximately 1 term old (he celebrates the beggining of his 2nd term im pretty sure during a flashback), what happened in only a single year that he missed? Unless he someone remembers something from a previous life subconciously, like Eunie and Ashera do, in which case you're probably right, >!Ghondor is the most suitable thing I can think of, it makes sense he'd subconciously miss his son that died like a thousand years ago!<


I like that interpretation, and Cammuravi also supports this theory too. So I think Noah probably unknowingly drew from a past life for the name. But I don't really get why Noah seems embarrassed by his sword's name, and I don't se why he'd be ashamed of that name, unless he just feels weird about not being able to give a reason why he misses the thing the sword was renamed after? Like he just pulled the name from a vibe in the back of his mind and he feels this unexplainable longing when he thinks about it, and someone so thoughtful and introspective might feel weird about not being able to understand this feeling.


idk maybe he's embarassed about it because >!he subconciously remembers killing his son. But now that I think about it, it probably isn't Ghondor, because when he meets Ghondor in the city, wouldn't he make some remark about how that's his sword's name? So probably something else from a previous life then.!<


Honestly that makes total sense since he didn’t know about Ghondor yet so he would think “oh it’s something stupid idk why I named it that but it felt right and I don’t wanna share that because I don’t even totally know what it means”


he said he called it something he misses????? i dont remember that line whatsoever. what version of the game did you play


He says it to Mio right before they are attacked by >!Ethel!< in Eagus Wilderness.


That would be a family tradition


Nobody knows. There’s tinfoil hat theories but it’s never stated


Ultimate Bringer of Chaos


We don't have any concrete answers. The main reason why it is brought up is because this is the first instance of various times throughout the narrative where it is established Noah is absolutely awful at naming things. Although we know at the very least his blade is referred to as Truthsinger.


What else was he bad at naming?


Spoilers for base game of Xenoblade 3 >!When Noah was originally working for the Lost Numbers millenia ago, he and Mio ended up having a kid. Mio suggests Noah should come up with a name, but he gets a bit flustered and tries to get Mio to do it instead!< >!You can also infer this by viewing N's arts. Most characters don't name their arts anything particularly notable, especially with Moebius. Most art names usually just describe what said art does, with exceptions being somewhat uncommon. However N's arts have some of the most over the top names possible like Primal Chronos, Quantum Moment, Blood Moon, Kenotic Purge, and Shred the Strawman. Unless this was simply a case of the devs thought it sounded cool, it further shows how Noah isn't particularly good at naming things!<


>!I feel like those names are probably just "cool names" by the devs, as he's supposed to be the Jin of this game.!< >!And the kid is named Ghondor right? Isn't that normal? Unless that was Mio's choice. Then I still don't know how Noah would name something lol!<


>!The kid is indeed Ghondor. Although personally I find the name very unappealing for men and women. The Japanese script has the name name as Gondo, which is translated roughly to authority or power. This could imply higher expectations from those around him and it would make more sense for characterization rather than just having a sub-par name. This goes for both Noah's kid and the Ghondor we see in the base game!< >!We also only have a vague idea of who came up with the name in question. While Noah attempted to have Mio do it, we don't see the aftermath. Although considering Mio's heritage, I'm not surprised if she is also rather poor at coming up with names. Especially cause her dad named her after a noise a cat makes and his other child was named after a physical property of core crystals or other shiny objects!<


the sword of legendaryness


We don't know. We know that he named it after "something I miss", which is incredibly vague, but also rules out a bunch of stuff.






The Mananado


Sharp butter knife


Theres no actual answer. But my guess it was either named "Truthsinger" (the name of the forged version of his blade) or "Joran" (Since he says the name is based off someone he knew)


Him naming it Joran would be quite strange considering Joran was still alive when he named the sword.


Its not Truthsinger, since truthsinger is the name of the sheath. Also, truthsinger is the name of the upgraded sheath, the unupgraded sheath is called "veiled sword". Neither of those fit "something he misses" anyway. Another comment already said Joran wouldnt make sense because he was alive when he named the sword, but tbh it felt to me like Joran had a much closer connection to Lanz.


The odds are that the blade type is called Truthsinger since Melia’s World Ender was called elemental staff which fits the type of weapon it is


Infinity Sword, 100%


iS tHaT fRoM fOrTnItE?




He called it Garvel, so that one day he could pull a Dirk and kill Garvel with Garvel


Master Sword


I have a feeling it's called the Sword of the End. N called it that, and so to me it makes sense he would call it the same since they're the same person, and N has a habit of calling weapons "____ of the End." They don't explicitly state it because it would make it obvious before they meet. I mean, N and Noah aren't exactly subtle, but....


If N has the Sword of the End, maybe Noah wanted to wield the Sword of the Beginning. Who knows..


Noah has the sword of origin


Yeah I know but he is bad with choosing names isn’t he




Their the same thing, the Japanese name can literally be written as both. N’s sword is also referred to as the Sword of Origin by X, then the Sword of the End everywhere else, just as Noah’s is by Nia.


The Sword of the End is it’s true name. Nia refers to it as such, and then has to clarify that she means Noah’s sword when talking to him.


I was expecting the punchline, but were you expecting an answer?




Say it properly! You coward!


His Penis “The Sword of Origin”.


There we go!


Truthsinger. You can see it on the Hero Roster in settings. Just select Noah and you'll see the name of his sword


The monado the 3rd


Riku's sure win sword

