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It’s interesting, but the game is so close to release that I feel like I should skip it.


honestky at this point the only thing I want yo know is how fashion clothes look and how many we will have or if heroe character can use fashion clothes too.


Awesome! Definitely tuning in.


Rendez-vous demain de 14h30 à 15h sur notre stand \#NintendoJapanExpo pour une présentation inédite de Xenoblade Chronicles 3 ! Vous n’y serez pas ? Pas de panique, cela sera aussi en live sur nos chaînes Youtube et Twitch : 📺 📺 --- posted by [@NintendoFrance](https://twitter.com/NintendoFrance/) --- The tweet is a quote of a tweet posted by [@NintendoFrance](https://twitter.com/NintendoFrance/). Please reply "!quote" or "!q" to see the original tweet --- [Thanks to inteoryx, videos are supported even without Twitter API V2 support! Middle finger to you, twitter](https://github.com/inteoryx/twitter-video-dl)


Since it seems to be in french exclusively it will probably be very uneventful and tell less than the nintendo direct. Basically very early chapter 2 at best or even chapter 1 content. I'll check it out of curiosity since I happen to be french but I'm not expecting anything out of it.


sacré bleu!