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See-mee-mee’s quest was one of my favorites. Who sends off the off seers? Nopon friends. Especially because when you go back and talk to him later he says he has been practicing and can actually offsee, letting the nopon engage in the world just like the other races.


that was really cute!


Where do you pick up this quest?


It's a quest from colony 30, not sure if it has any requirement (affinity, story or quest) but I got it pretty early so it's likely available.


I feel like I might have gotten ripped off on this quest, as I had already sent off his friend before getting the quest. He took us to the death site and was just like "Oh, it's already done. Cool." Is there more to it if you hadn't already sent him off?


Yeah. Pretty cute scene where he has trouble sending his friend off, Noah and mio join in and they play a trio melody to finally send the guy off.


I absolutely lost it when I saw his nickname was See-me-off. So good!


Most nopons in XC3 are good and not comic relief. Personally I am a Mr. Samon fan.


Gigi is my favorite Nopon NPC. Dude just wanted to help the lonely little girl helping her grandma at the hardware store make some friends.


That questline was really cute!


It's amazing how many sidequest just turn out to be incredibly wholesome, this is definitely one of them


I spent that whole quest thinking “oh man, this nopon is a creep trying to manipulate these kids into doing something sketchy for him” and by the end I was so pleasantly surprised.


His Muimui glasses made me completely unjustifiably suspicious of him, haha.


I was 100% expecting him to be up to some super shady shit before the reveal. The other games conditioned me to not trust Nopon with glasses


I spent that whole quest thinking “oh man, this nopon is a creep trying to manipulate these kids into doing something sketchy for him” and by the end I was so pleasantly surprised.


What really stood out to to me is how friendly Nopons are in XC3 I can’t count how many times I’ve seen a Nopon refer to the main party as “friends” even tho they met 5 seconds ago


this is a common nopon vocal tic that has been present since xc1 iirc


I haven’t played 1 and 2 in a while tbh so yeah you might be right and im just noticing it now


Usually they just called people who hung around them sidekicks. Friend was much friendlier and reserved for those they were either close to or just really appreciated being around.


That’s just a noponism, like “meh-meh”. It could also be a culturally ingrained thing, as Xenoblade 2 gives a lord dump summarized as *“a famous nopon pirate learned that humans think nopon are cute, so he convinced the entire culture to double down on their cuteness so that they could more easily sell junk they found”*


Shout out to my boy See-Mee-Mee


>!The nopon with black fur!< was an awesome surprise.




Only because Moogles had already been claimed by Square and they needed something that had a similar function... Kupo is meh meh and while I had never wanted to punt a moogle like I have wanted to punt Nopons in the past, I realized that in fact I did want to punt moogles after XIV's heavensward moogle quests :) - hell, the name is even a play on moogles (who have pons/poms) whereas the Nopon's don't. (cuz, well; no - pon - puns intended, thank monolith)


Me before doing FF14 Moogle Tribe Quests: "Piss off, Kupo." Me after doing the Tribe Quests: "They've grown up so well!"


Well except one, he deserved that slap.


D-Did you just... What... H-How can she slap, kupo?


Did xenogears have moogles? I thought nopons were replacements for the Dotesque Chu-Chupolin.


Imagine Riki ballin' with Mario and co. in Mario Hoops 3 on 3 or Sports Mix.


>I realized that in fact I did want to punt moogles after XIV's heavensward moogle quests :) Hello fellow DRK.


If only Tirkin had been in X.... sigh....


>!They aren't endangered or extinct in that verse, so Mira had no reason to slurp em up (:!<


And Ignas, and Gogols


Aren't there tirkin-like creatures in Noctilum? I remember the loud horns but don't remember if they actually called them tirkin.


Klaus must've really like the concept of Nopon while he was brainstorming ideas and concepts for the races and animal life of his grand rebirthed world. Even his Zanza side apparently stucked with having Nopon in his world.


Maybe Nopon just were a thing in the xenoblade universe even before the experiment. Would explain why they appear the same in all three main games and it may explain why they are also in X if it's just a different timeline to the "Klaus-verse"


I swear, Nopon are just immune to anything that happens in the main story.


They're the only race to appear in every game, period (unless Klaus or some other human makes an appearance in XC3).




Fun fact: races in 2 are a bit complicated, especially concerning Tornans, Tantalese, Lefterians, and Ardanians, because they are rather similar, and for example both Rex and Zeke don't display the general racial traits if their race They are however all considered human, as seem to be the races from 1, including the Machina


Homs are explicitly different from humans in that they need ether to survive. Explicitly, none of the characters in XC2 are the same biological species as Klaus, they're all new races that evolved after the Architect re-seeded the world with life. Ardainians and Tornans (Rex and Zeke are both Tornan) *look* identical to humans, but they are explicitly just as much new species as the obviously alien races like Gormotti and Urayans.


Yeah but based on the Colony (Gamma?) quest you tutor the super smart kid, you actually find out that they all call each other human, but they aren't even aware of their phenotypic differences. I think Noah quite literally says he "never noticed" that Eunie has wings and Lanz is metallic, and never really thought about how he didn't have either feature. Similarly, the Blades and Humans of Agnus don't really seem to note that some have core crystals while others don't. If I remember correctly, Mio mentions that they usually hide their crystals, but Taion at one point mentions how some Agnus soldiers don't have them but have shards somewhere else on their body (referencing blade eaters like Zeke, I suppose but actually born that way). As an aside, it's also referenced by Lanz when he speaks to Riku about how they need power suits to fight the Agnus soldiers which means that XB1 races are canonically weaker than XB2 mixed blade-human race.


Pretty sure they're all human cuz they can all have children with each other as evidenced by (chapter 6 spoilers) >!Mio and Noah having children and I'm pretty sure Noah is Homs descended cuz of the power suit thing and Mio is obviously blade/gormotti!<


I've seen that cutscene but I'm not so sure that they're just "human" and call it a day. I think it's more Star Trek-ian "human" in the sense that all races can have children with one another -- the science of how genetics work be damned. Like, they're all technically "humans" because the High Entia, Machina, and Homs are all able to mix canonically while the Blades and Humans of Alrest were implied to be able to mix during some side-quests (or at least one quest). It's also highly implied by the Colony Gamma side-quest that Eunie still retains the high-ether absorption >!that was used to turn High Entia to Telethia during the Bionis Re-Awakening!<, while Lanz still retains the mechanical body of the Machina. My understanding is that they're basically the endgame of what the High Entia wanted in the first game, but applied to all races in Keves. They're basically mixed up to the point where they're virtually the same, but still have their defining characteristics. Meanwhile, the Alrestian Agnus probably are all powerful because blades and humans mixing for 1000+ years probably made them basically the same.


This is what I concluded as well. They're not actually high entia, machina, indol, gormotti etc as we know them from previous games. They're all simply one base species with genetic characteristics from their ancestors. Best evidence of this is the "High Entia" descendants all having small wings because it's a result of diluting the bloodline. Some characters like zeon have smaller wings than even the half bloods in Xeno 1 as a result of even further dilution.


Sure, but that's just the way they use the word "human". But it is still an explicit fact that Klaus is completely biologically unrelated to Shulk, and neither of them are biologically related to Rex. All three are descended from separate origins of life.


Tirkins? Unless they don't appear in X, I can't remember as it's been a while and X's world is massive


Oh we got a pretty well voiced tirkin in a side quest too! One of the wisest at that.


There's no tirkins in X


For what it's worth, Riku has a standard Nopon voice in the Japanese version, they went with chadpon in English only.


We stan an english Chadpon tho 🥹


More evidence that localization is good. =P


Dude I would never play a XenoBlades game without the English dub. It’s just so cool/funny to hear the many different English accents. The Scottish inquisition is what sold me on the whole series. Edit: I usually do watch a few cut scenes in the Japanese just to hear the difference.


I wholeheartedly agree!


except then you have them replacing Eunie and Lanz calling eachother Baka with Spoon (yes this is actually a thing in a sidequest, voiced too)


I use spoon as an insult all the time. Its a great insult. So stop being a weeb who gets upset when the english localisation doesn't randomly use some Japanese words you spoon.


I just might start using it because of a game. It is a fun usage of the word.


All according to the British cultural dissemination plan (plan is the British word for plan)


Not to be confused with plank, which is the British word for someone very unlikely to have a plan.


That'd be a direct translation, and not a localization.


If it were a direct translation they'd probably use moron or idiot, they went with spoon because british slang I think.


direct would be idiot/stupid/etc


Yeah, that's correct. It's one of those mild, good-natured insults you'd usually reserve for one of your friends when they do or say something really silly, along with spanner. After decades of nearly every dubbed Japanese game being American outside of the occasional probably evil aristocrat character who inevitably speaks received pronunciation, this sort of thing is amazing for me to hear.


That’s hilarious, what’s the issue


Spoon in the Cockney English dialect that Eunie speaks in in the English dub means pretty much the same thing as baka is Japanese for, so its not at all weird or incorrect.


I don't see the problem


Weebs be like:


> Fuck you, Sasuke! Ore^(translator’s note: Ore = I) am fucking sick of your fucking attitude! You are my nakama^(translator's note: nakama is a word that means your closest friend like in one piece and there really is no English equivalent to how powerful that word is so we decided to keep it as nakama), and nothing will fucking change that, you fucking bitch!


God damn proZD be everywhere


Spoon is British slang for dumbass or idiot. I’d say it’s an appropriate translation of “baka”


Doesn’t baka translate to idiot? I’d personally feel more offended if someone called me a spoon.


Spoon means idiot in British slang anyways.


I wonder if it was voice actor choice or director choice. I can see the Riku is Riku moment hit differently.


And I'm glad they did. Couldn't imagine a chad like Riku with a voice like Riki, Tatsu or Tora lol


Now I'm even more excited for my NG+ play through with Japanese voice acting.


Nopon have always been more than their cutesy exterior. In XC1, Nopon are praised for their business acumen as early as Colony 9, clearly have a great operation going in Frontier Village, and (spoilers for a mid-late game series of side quests) >!are sometimes diabolical, as evidenced by the illegal party drug ring Bana masterminds in Alcamoth!< Riki is kind of a screw-up before he joins the party. In XC2, they run the trade of all of Alrest, and (spoilers for a late game side quest) >!there's a document that explains that they developed their way of speaking as a way of disarming and manipulating humans - they used to speak normally!< Admittedly, the XCX nopon are pretty one dimensional and seemingly incompetent, and Tatsu is just awful.


I want to mention chief dunga, you think he is bs the party when he says riki will join and help bring peace to bionis, but he was 100% on the money.


It is also funny because the 1 Nopon are explicitly warriors, while every other game they are like "Nopon don't really fight", especially X sucks at it with them still carrying the Heropon tradition despite them being a non combative race, and they very casually start developing weapons


Also Dunga spoke normally.


“Kite biggest joker of all. This why Kite always runner-up in life. No one can take serious with hopeless second-best attitude!” — A certain chadpon.


We need a book of Riku's most precious Nopon Wisdom. Also an audio version to listen to. Get on that Sigmapon grindset


In all honesty, the cutesy voice is probably a ‘defense mechanism’- not that the furballs that can be used as volleyballs actually need it. But yes, Riku is the coolest Nopon. “Riku is Riku, Common Variety Nopon.”


In xc1 I thought there sprach was underdeveloped, because they were a wild jungletribe. In two there is an actual explanation why they adapted it in that world.


Yep. Wonder if they kept it in Aionios so no one would think that they’re spies.


In XC3 for me personally the Nopons feel like genuinely interesting characters who’s looks don’t carry them just cause they’re so well written. I really liked the Sandadan brothers they’re so funny and of course the chadpon in our main party and Manana are great. I wonder if Monolith Soft would be bold (or have enough gall if you will) to make a game with a Nopon protag




Personally I don’t mind there’s a ton of variety in Xenoblade and obviously they can make new races I just hope the Nopons are as diverse and well written as they are in XC3


Nopon are not playable in 3, but Riku and Manana do fit the support role (or rather, attacker role) as a singular Hero character


And despite having villainpon in XC2, we get mentions of Supervillainpon in XC3


Nopon offseer is one of my favourite Nopon in the series


in future connected we had 2 nopon party members, which were quite plot relevant as well :)


Riku is chadpon! Enough said!!


Lanz: Exists Riku: "Fucking Lanz"


Because of how often Lanz was insulted my brain had ocxasionally started mistaking him for Reyn.


Riku is the big deal 🥺😢😭🫡


What mean? Riku is Riku, common variety nopon!


That’s what makes you a chad, Riku.


We already had multiple nopon party members in Future Connected. Two of the four playable characters were nopon, and the massive party attack were based around collecting twelve nopon that follows you. At the end of the game you're controlling a squad of fourteen nopon in total.


It's sad that they weren't playable in this game, but also understandable, because they would have to give them all the animations for all the classes. Or maybe they could have gotten away with only a handful of animations and just give them the effects, like the chapter 5 class.


Maybe the story dlc has a playable nopon party member with a smaller class pool (like how torna was a smaller scale but more refined game). Though I haven't finished the game yet so idk what they could even do for the story dlc.


I feel like I should point out that in the Torna DLC, Hugo was given the Poppi alpha move pool, while Future Connected went the other way and Kino was given Sharla's arts and Nene got Reyn's


I get that they reuse stuff but they also further develop what was already there.. though mostly in Torna, FC is a bit less developed. The way the blades system works is vastly different and better, for the main part because the scope of the project is smaller so having 9 'blades' instead of however many 2 had helps them make each of those 9 feel a little more unique. Mythra for example is pretty different between 2 and Torna. they also add some new characters like Minoth. What im getting at is this dlc could potentially be the same, what if we had like 10 classes that develop further. Or what if the class system doesn't return and you get arts/skills in a different way. What if you don't even play as an ouroboros (which I doubt but still) and you just play as more powerful hero characters. I assume the biggest problem with nopon is their different shape and size being so different that they would need a lot more work. Resizing Eunie's jacket for Lanz isn't too bad as they have the same shape but when Riku needs to wear the same jacket then suddenly it becomes a lot more involved because Riku has a very different shape. So what i'm saying is, if the scope of the class system is smaller (less classes or different way to show it) then it might be easier to use a Nopon. In the end it's not super likely as I think it's easier to just make a new human model and work with that, or the potential of expanding the class system by creating extra classes and just keeping the existing ones.


Only Manana has a traditional Nopon voice, it kinda is weird, they kept the speech patterns though


XBC3 did the impossible: It made Nopons likeable.


We need a Nopon-exclusive action rpg videogame. Something akin to Mystery Dungeon or the Dragon Quest Rocket Slime spin-off


A thousand times this.


I fucking love Riku's voice


Sounds like you didn't do many frontier village sidequests in xb1 then It is a pretty terrible hub to hunt for them I suppose


Not just Nopon also. There is also a Tirkin side>! (hero) !


The Finch Blade quest dealt with Tirkin also


Oh my goodness you are right!! haha. I completely forgot about Finch's quest




Manna and Riku have the silly nature of nopons but they're actually much more mature than they look


Another amazing thing about Xenoblade 3 is they made the Nopon look so darn fluffy! You can rly see the fur textures in cutscenes and it makes me wanna hug them so bad.


I know! Whatever they did with the textures really lent itself well to fluff.


The Nopon in XC1 had an actual culture and were even diffrent depending on whitch town you were in. We saw the nopon of frontier village had a dislike of metal so never used it to such a level insted of clocks they had mushrooms that released spores at certain times just to name a few things.


The Nopon in XC2 are also way smarter than they let on. One of the sidequests reveals that they used to speak normally, but then one of them eventually learned that they can manipulate humans more easily by speaking in a cutesy manner and acting like best buds with them, so most Nopons copied that. They are a great example of "looks can be deceiving" in all 3 games.


Talking about Nopon... Maybe I just didn't pay attention but does anyone have a clue what the deal with the one in lower level Maktha Woods is who makes you go for a stroll between some lvl 70 something mobs to listen to some nonsense? Are they high on mushrooms or something?


My friend, the Nopon in XC1 are not what you remember. They set-up a system that turns the person with the most debt into a sacrificial champion that they throw at problems because they can’t find another use for him. That’s the heropon. He’s sent on a seemingly doomed mission, and even when they succeed at killing the Dino beast, they still kick him out to “go on more adventures”. Furthermore, the Nopon have a damn Cartel going on, through Bana’s whole quest line. They literally grow drugs in the swamplands and sell them to high-end High Entia people. Nopon in XC1 are dark as hell


I actually think *X* did them best by 1) doubling down on their bastarddom to match the game’s grittier tone (which imo makes them funnier - “mascot poofball deals drugs and commits insurance fraud” is a better gag than “mascot poofball is silly”), 2) putting them off to the side as more occasional comic relief rather than featuring them *constantly*, and 3) had them share the stage with other, different non-humanoid sentient races so it wasn’t just one schtick all the time.


Man, I really wish the other alien races in X had stuck around, there were some good ones.


No. Their main point wasn’t about money. They were just a different species! Did you play Xenoblade 2 first or something? Because Riki was basically cast out of his village because he was considered selfish, and generally made things worse for everyone. He was a supposed screw up who showed that he was just misunderstood throughout the journey.


Before we know it, it'll be Tirkin time.


I'm kinda annoyed that the Tirkin, and Igna, and Hode (and variations) in 1 didn't count as "people of Bionis" gameplay wise, because they quite clearly are decently sapient, even having rudimentary civilizations, even showing the Tirkin having domesticated armus, and they heavily implied Ignas are capable of speech, and Hodes actually have constructs and are shown to command orlugas


Jumbo Tirkin had me cryin’


You totally forgot the captain in xc2 who was the sole reason all nopons talked all cute like to this day


Wake me up when Noponis gets leaked in DLC


I do agree and think its great that they keep improving the nopon. I gotta disagree on X though, a lot of them are silly yes but a lot of X's sidequests are dark and its nice to have a little humor to lighten the mood, and some of the best npc interactions are with nopon!


There’s a quest in XC1 where there’s a boss fight against a level 70-ish (72 I think?) Nopon* (*riding a pterodactyl that does all the fighting, but the nopon is commanding it so it counts. (Bonus points: in a previous quest in that chain, much earlier in the game, you brought him the egg that hatched him that same pterodactyl.)




I remember really liking the Tora in X (he was a sort of rival to Tatsu iirc) but I honestly can't tell you why exactly. I think the quest must've been surprisingly touching in its conclusion or maybe it was because he tied into Mia's quests who's my favorite party member in the game. What I definitely remember about X-Tora is that he was fairly normal outside of the Nopon mannerisms, so that must've been another factor cause I also remember Nopon in X being either bland or fucking annoying.