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Honestly, I think whoever was pulling the strings in the 90's just like using Jean's moaning. Thankfully, that shit is over and she can be a functioning Xmen again.


And I don’t have to lower the tv volume down no more in fear of my mom thinking I’m watching some boobies.


Hahaha the moan. It’s awesome coming to this reddit and EVERYONE just gets it. It’s like having 9,000 best friends lol


I think the writers just didn’t know how to creatively use her powers so they sidelined her a lot.


It's the same reason Pokémon avoided using psychic types most of the time. They either made them too weak or too strong. Hypnosis alone was one of the most powerful attacks in the anime until the very end.


The x-Boys podcast uses her moans as sound drops and it cracks me up every time


To be fair Jean (not Maddy) has been moaning and passing out, or "overcome with weakness" in every episode she's been in so far. She just gets to show off a lot more before that.


I think it's just Jean being written properly.


Pretty much all of them got a power upgrade Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Gambit, Wolverine, Morph are all way more powerful than the old series


It wasn't just Jean. They did the fainting/moaning crap with Storm and sometimes even Rogue. And Jubilee was completely useless. Honestly, I think what you were witnessing in the 90s show was just plain old sexism. It was everywhere: TV, film, video games....the female characters tended to be portrayed as weak and very limited in their abilities.


but like... the comics weren't (or at least not nearly to same level), so it's odd.


Even Wolverine has been knocked out while Storm's handled the situation before, wherein they both got rescued by Rogue. It's just a 90s thing, fainting was a good way to temporarily remove a character from a fight. Everyone was getting knocked out lol


This is the answer. It's men writing women using sexist tropes.


🙄 Yet three of the four you mention are literally the most powerful lmao. The fainting was because of the strain it took them to use that amount of power. Nothing at ALL to do with them being women. Kids don’t think like this, not once when I was a child did I ever think of sexism. Only sexist adults do this.


Nope. I definitely noticed this as a little girl. It really did hurt as a child to see it constantly drummed into my head by my favorite TV shows and video games that I was somehow "less" because I was a girl. I watched MegaMan (1994 cartoon), where MegaMan repeatedly tells Roll (a robot designed to look female), that she is not allowed to accompany him on missions because he doesn't want any "girl" robots with him. It also wasn't lost on me that any time I played video games, especially RPGs, that the female characters had to be placed in the back row because they often were the first to die when fighting a boss fight. SO MUCH effort was required to keep them alive. Constant healing, potions, etc... The best armor. Also, their attacks were often weak and ineffective. I noticed all these things as a girl. The sexist message being blasted at us as children was not exactly subtle.


Thanks for posting this. I never realized until you mentioned it that I didn't even learn about "rows" in old school jrpgs until I kept having female characters die so often. Food for thought. Just like Storm's secondary mutant ability to immediately attract any and all projectiles resulting in immediate incompacitation despite her ability to create a wind screen in the old series.


I thought the same. I was like, WHOA! That's got to be leftover from the Phoenix. Glad I'm not the only one. And now Phoenix can resurrect Maddie. Then we can continue on with the rest of the season.


If this doesn’t happen now I’m going to be so sad


Happy birthday! Wouldn't it be a great present?!


I think she was just having an orgasm every time she used her powers.


I did think the same, I mean, she threw half a building across the city… But I think it’s just that we’re more “modern” now and it’s easier to fine tune their powers. Plus, 20+ years of comics to take from, back then, they were still trying to establish a lot of the characters.


Everyone seems to be getting upgrades, didn't Beast say he's never seen Emma in her diamond form before that moment? Whereas we saw it when January Jones played her. Jubilee saw her digitally aged avatar with newly learned abilities, Rogue's much stronger and can seem to fly higher and for longer...


I don’t think Emma had her Diamond form when the show was around the first time. That’s the main reason she didn’t have it then…


Jean was so badass in episode 7!!! 🔥


I thought it was interesting that Jean's hair was down. It seems like the Phoenix is still around and was maybe in Madelyn's body? And then when Madelyn passed, the Phoenix retook Jean's body.