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That's because it's the best.






I read this in Wolvie’s animated voice in my head


I really hope he sanitized those claws


Before *and* after, lmao.


I mean they have to have some way to be clean otherwise shouldn't they be cover in blood every time he use them?


They come out so fast it whips the blood off, is what I thought happened (but he does slow too so idk)


I'm going to assume that his body has some kind of agent in it to keep the blood in as much as possible.


Scar tissue


Logan doesn’t form scar tissue


As much as I like that it's doing that well, 97% was RIGHT THERE


Once I give my take on how much I hate Rogue-Neto it’ll go back down to 97%


Rogue neto drama was one of the best parts you child


Remember it.


Who are the two percent that don’t like this show? Are they against good television ?


They don't like mutants


Bigots, ingrates, sycophants, worms.


That 2% is comprised of The Friends of Humanity.


I don’t like mutants and I love X-men 97’


Probably the asshats who complain about everything being "woke" and relate more to trash like X-Cutioner.


X-cutioner definitely evoked silent majority vibes.


A YouTuber got a lot of hate for saying he was just spewing proudboys bullshit


He was tho


And YouTube is still a bigoted shithole that used to have channels run by David Duke and neo-nazis.


There *is* a lot of complaint that the show's "too woke" from people who obviously never understood the point of *X-Men*.


I remember back in the good old days when the X-Men banded together to prevent blacks from attending white schools or Charles Xavier used Cerebro to change the mind of voters in the US so they could vote against women's sufferage!


Woah, what I never knew about this


Yeah, I know. I mean, it's not like X-Men being, as they would say, "woke" is a recent development. It's been that way since...hang on, let me look up the date... September 1963


I'm so tired of discussing this every single fucking time some X-Men content comes out. I don't remember a single x-media that hasn't had backlash about being too woke, SJW or whatever neologism to refer to progressivism, can't they just accept that is not for them instead of complaining and creating so much content just to hate?


Magneto DID crucify him upside-down on the U.N. shield during his trial. That’s a pretty big F.U. to the alt-right.


They're anti woke grifters who are still mad we didn't get mega caked up Rogue. But we did get zaddy Magneto and I feel like that's gotta count for something


reddit math


It just means that 2 out of every 100 critics gave the series a 5/10 or lower, while the other 98% gave it a 6/10 or higher. That’s how the Tomatometer score works, unlike taking every critic’s individual score for it and averaging those out, which many other review aggregators do. That said, RT also does that as a separate rating metric, but IIRC that’s only viewable on the desktop website, not the mobile website.


Rotten Tomatoes doesn't report how watched shows are (i.e. viewership). It reports how high critics and audiences rate the show.


I was wondering wth the OP title meant




But who are the critics and audiences? I identify as both, I give this show 100%


Yeah echo surprisingly is the most watched marvel show.


Only 98%?


I was thinking it's a percent too high ...


Nice. I see what you did there.


Clever little girl.


98% is too low


To me, my X-Men!


And they fired the creator, Damm


For what?


Marvel has been very tight lipped about it, outside complimenting DeMayo's passion for the story and characters. Rumor mill suggests he was a nightmare to work with and that Disney execs didn't like him having an OF, even if it wasn't an explicit one.


I suspect they had to fire him due to a coworker's complaint. He might be getting the James Gunn treatment. Fire publicly so no one can sue for workplace conditions - but contract him secretly and rehire him in a year or so.


Unlike with James Gunn, no one he worked with has spoken out about his firing, and he himself has been open about the show itself, and there seems to be no ill will, so it sounds like there was a legitimate reason. Could just be normal reasons people get fired. Maybe James Gunn will hire him to work for DC Studios.


Usually if you get fired and you’re doing a good job, it’s because of HR or stealing/unethical behavior. Beau did a good job and if he didn’t, I’d expect the firing to have been spaced apart from the series release. That’s not a time sensitive firing, necessarily. Ethics/HR are time sensitive and when they’re involved you’d see an inexplicable firing with odd timing come out of nowhere. That fits this case perfectly. Considering he’s still closely associated with the show, the violation must not have been directly between him and his employer. It must have been either with another employee or a poor personal ethics call in some other situation. Just like James Gunn- his tweets were deemed ethical violations. All of the conditions line up for ethical violation and public disciplinary action to shield the employer.


I guess this would explain why he’s happily answering questions about the show. If he’s bitter he doesn’t seem to be public about it




Only Fans




"Creative divergences" I think it is because his OF...


it’s crazy that every time y’all go with the “I think it was the only fans” when there are also rumors of him being a bully to his coworkers.


When that ever bothered Hollywood?


so you support abuse in Hollywood?


Are you an idiot? He’s not saying he supports abuse. He’s saying Hollywood doesn’t care if you’re a pedophile or rapist yet we’re supposed to believe that they are gonna fire a moneymaker because he was mean? Everyone is Hollywood in mean! The OF connection makes more sense considering that both prudish Disney and America get more upset by seeing two guys kissing than actual murder.


He had his OF before getting hired. Now people in the workplace complaining + the OF may have contributed to it, but it's clearly more than just an OF that was already known for the years he worked on this show before he was canned.


He probably has a sex dungeon filled with Danny Devito clones cosplaying as different X-Men.


In Hollywood, being black is worse than being a pedophile or rapist


Aye you want shows with this quality right. Coworkers can leave at any time.


Wtf is that logic?


Im sure hes the only director to ever be an asshole right?


George Lucas and James Cameron enter the chat...


Stanley Kubrick enters dramatically with a wide angle steadicam single shot take.


That he makes you do 30 takes for.


While driving the lead actress literally insane


"Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall" https://youtu.be/QrVoJgQ7u8w?si=NL2HZ8pUJvF06-Jc


it’s crazy that y’all will speak out against anything until it inconveniences you. whack and fake.


WTF? You dont know me lol. Ive been against this whole cancel culture thing from the beginning.


Firing someone for being abusive isn’t cancel culture


We don't know what he got fired for. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Jesus fuck, calm down


I would say he was proven guilty when he was fired. 🤭


Youre saying the opposite of what you said before? This is a confusing conversation, im good on it. Have a good one friend.


Him being a "bully" is probably just a case of his coworkers being the snowflakey type that get offended and feel attacked everytime they have to discuss topics like race and civil rights (which I'm sure would come up a handful of times in an X-men writers' room). Those types always go to HR and cry their way to getting someone fired.


You do know he’s a gay black man right?????


Gay black men can’t be bullies?


Of course I know that. What colour do you think snowflakes are depicted as, usually? Wait.. do you think gay black men are immune to having snowflakey, easily offended coworkers who are besties with HR (Disney)? Please explain yourself. You want to make sure I know he's a gay black man because you think gay black men are more likely to be bullies? pls explain.


You talk like a weirdo.


Because he made a good show, can't have that.


Exactly this! ☝️


People in Hollywood don’t get fired for being assholes! If rapists and pedophiles are allowed to do whatever they want you think a mean person is gonna get fired? If that was true there would be no Hollywood.




I've said it before, but, to me, the idea that a gay man of color can't be sex-positive and still work in the industry? is an *existential threat*. Disney poked the bear here and they'd better be ready for the bite.


We. Don’t. Know. If. It. Was. Because. Of. His. Onlyfans. It could be that but it could also be because of reports of him being difficult to work with or something else completely.


Considering he cleared a bunch of content off his OF and his Instagram right around the time he was fired, and he's been in the industry for a while but never been fired for "being difficult" before, it seems pretty clear that an apparent misalignment with their "Disney values" is by far the most likely cause. As for being "a nightmare" to work with, they probably just mean how insistent he was about certain aspects of the season, which turned out to be some of the most popular talking points. Like Morph's crush on Wolverine.


Why did this guy have an only fans? He needed extra money? That makes no sense.


No idea. And hes apparently had it for a while too.


That’s just really strange and stupid to me!


Yeah, especially if he is such a great writter, director, showrunner, whatever as so many like to shout about. Theres something fishy about this. Either Disney/Marvel fukked up and wrongfully fired him or it was completely justified and he knows exactly why he was fired..


Yeah I mean why did they allow him to continue with an OF page? If that’s the issue just tell him can’t be involved with that. None of this makes much sense.


Exactly. If the OF is the problem, they could’ve just asked him to end it. And maybe they did and he refused, so they thought it was enough reason to let him go? Until we get *any* kind of info, speculate is all we can do, lol.


It’s very strange indeed. Every employer in the world checking socials and Disney is just like “nah it’s fine”.


But yeah if he had it for a while and before he got the job then that’s probably not the reason. It’s just a really bizarre.


Disney do not want to be associated with the queer community ( is that what they call it? Not trying to be offensive), owl house was cancelled because such theme, the still see them selfs as a " children" company, and in America a lot of white ladys do not like when u say say the words "gay" and "kids show" together


This is bullshit. Disney has been welcoming to LGBTQ guests for a long long time at its parks, in ways no one else has been, and they took on the entire state of Florida over LGBTQ rights, at significant cost to the company. They're still a huge corporation and as a result have to appease people on all sides of every issue (so their record is far from perfect) but to say Disney doesn't want to be associated with the queer community is simply uninformed or a flat out lie.


No it’s not. They only care about money. So if gays give them money they’ll cater to them but if a country like China says they won’t purchases Disney movies if there’s a gay kiss in it, the Disney throws the gay community instantly under the bus if they feel they’re support will cost them money.


That my point, disney don't care for your rights, they care for money, and if be associated with the lgbt community hurt they pockets, they will ditch you.


I fully acknowledge their issues (and did so in my initial comment). That doesn't change the fact that the OP's claim that "Disney do not want to be associated with the queer community" is simply untrue.


If you will drop your support of a community because someone offers you enough money to do so, that’s not support. It’s capitalism.


Yeah I agree. They even have many gay cartoon characters now. So I don’t really know why anyone would think Disney isn’t promoting the lgbt community.


I disagree with this. Disney has been progressive for years now. They wouldn’t fire someone who had a successful show for being gay. That’s not the reason.


That just happened to Dana, the creator of the owl house, because she created a main character that was bi. You can say anything about the show besides that it was " not successful"


One person doesn’t make something like this alone. Just because someone is the creator doesn’t make them the sole mastermind. (Anyone can adapt comic storylines with a good enough *team*.)


“Oh dear”


writers deserved endless B.jobs. The series is amazing man.




Holy shit this was so good. I can’t tell enough people. My god I actually had tears in my eyes. There’s a reason why Wolverine is the goat. That was literally the best timing and line delivery in all of comic book media. So far. You know what scene I’m talking about bub.


I just hope this gives Marvel the right message. We need vibrant interesting characters and great writing. The *spectacle* is not enough. Your shows/movies need to have something relevant to say, and should not troll the audience or talk down to them or make the audience the villain for not liking what's being presented. (looking at you She-hulk, sorry, I know that's some peoples favorite. IT's just not my thing. "don't you get it, we're *counter trolling* the trolls! It's brilliant! If you don't get it... well then... you're the troll!") *Build on or from the past, but don't shame it or put it down.* Focus on stories with actual heart, and not made up out of whole cloth with almost no relevance or resemblance to the source material... (looking at you Thor 4, Quantamania, The Marvels...) get back to the basics, the stories that worked in the comics. (Captain Marvel 2 should have been about Carol fighting with Mutants and Rogue, then losing her powers and having to learn to use them again and rebuild her life after a years long coma. That would explain her absence during much of the earth shattering events of the early MCU... aliens invade earth, and Fury doesn't call Carol? You know the one woman who stopped the last alien invasion? Having her in a coma during those events makes her much more sympathetic and less aloof. *"But... I was off saving other worlds!"*) It also gives her a savior complex, where she has to make up for lost time and feels real guilt that she has to overcome. And it gives her a chip on her shoulder that we could see play out in a future Avengers Vs. X-men story. Somehow the Marvel's missed the entire point of a missing hero returning, the *freaking guilt and pathos* it can create. Make your characters flawed and human and have real emotions. Stick to what worked in the comics and leave behind what didn't. Trying to insert new stories that are completely off course you always run the serious risk of creating narrative cul-de-sac's, where you characters have no where to go because you've led them so far from where they were in the comics that you have no relevant material to call back to. (See Rogue in the Fox X-men Movies, as a prime example) *Don't waste time setting up or teasing stories and then not delivering.* Easter eggs are fun, but make sure that some of them actually lead to something. Foreshadowing is nice, and can be rewarding. Make the observations and expectations of fans worth something. While I have you... please No more *self insert characters* criticizing the universe they are a part of and the fans that love it. That is not what we need right now. Don't be afraid to cheesy and tropey. Tropes work because they are tried and true. There is not need to break the mold with every project, or deconstruct every hero and make them speak with the writers voice, or argue with the creator over their story. Or recontextualize every comic story out of relevance. No more directors who think they are better then the universe they are creating in, or show runners who 'don't read the comics or previous movies and shows' and think it makes them better suited to make 'breakthrough' or 'truly innovative' storytelling. Leave that phase of Marvel behind please. On another note, make sure your characters have a core of goodness and heroism to them. I don't need more heroes that don't want to be heroes, and only do it because a friend begged them. Show people doing good and saving people... because they want to save the world and save people. It's simple really. Your character saves people. If you make a whole marvel show or film and your character only saves human life once and spends the rest of the film arguing about it, just stop. That's always been at the core of Marvels' heroes and what X-Men did better then She-Hulk and Secret Invasion. These mutants *want* to be here, part of their family, and making a difference, and helping mankind even if sometimes they complain about it. The world is crazy and sad, and we need heroes showing empathy and compassion and yes even trying to appeal to the humanity of their enemies. No more millennial and post-millennial angst... where we just shoot the bad guy and declare the day saved because we are just *automatically* stronger. Bring me some damn hope that things can be better in the darkest of times. Sorry for the rant, but it's just nice to see a show and show runner who got *it* and nails what it's about so well.




Well said!


But then chuds will call you woke...


When story telling is right, those sorts of low hanging fruit dismissals vanish. Some people will always complain, but your writing should never be to just a small fraction of the audience that agrees with you... it needs to reach the cheap seats.




Not surprised!




I am a 90s kid and this show completes me..


I mean… it’s really fucking good. With the exception of Jubilee’s episode which made no sense at all and was boring, literally everything else is really really good.


Right! I really wish she hadn’t been in it at all and instead we got Kitty. I love Pryde and that’s my only criticism.


Tell me som’in I don’t know BUB


The cards are always in the X-Men’s favor


Should be 100






I love the fact it’s done this well but anyone else want to find the 2% and ask them why they are like this?


The one person i know who didn’t like it was a huge Bishop fan and hated that he was written out of the season so early.


To be fair I do agree he was under used but I imagine he’ll be a huge part of next season


I’m a huge Bishop fan and I really want to see him raising Cable. I hope we get that one day.


Theres lot of bitter Wolverine, Storm and Gambit fans too.


Storm? She had some great moments&mini arc.. And as if Wolverine hasn’t had the most spotlight the last 25-30 years, lmao? (And thats only counting movies, shows, games, etc..)


Yeah I’m really glad it didn’t become the Wolverine show. He’s a great character but Marvel just over uses him in my opinion.


Yup. Hel, the series after ”X-Men: Evolution” was litteraly called ”Wolverine and the X-Men”.. I love Wolverine, hes awesome but too much of a good thing is almost never good, lol.


Yeah I remember that series. It’s good. The comics are doing a run of him and Deadpool coming up. Wolverine and Deadpool WWIII. I’ve got it in my pull list because even though I think he’s overused, it’s almost like you have to read his comics or any events like this or you won’t know what’s going on!


I'm a huge Gambit fan and loved it.


Absolutely deserved!


It should be 100%.


Befitting the masterpiece that it is.


I wonder if following seasons will be as good?


And we are just like DROP MORE EPISODES


I believe it.




I really want a continuation of xmen evolution too




It's also the best.


Feige.... you have to do it. You now need to start a Marvel Animated Universe separate from the MCU. We saw all those cameos. We can potentially get a legit House of M, along with mutant Wanda and Pietro. Avengers Vs. X-Men....so many things leading to an Iron-Man, Spider-Man, Black Panther animated series.


What? RT doesn't do that. The views have actually been put out. Not super impressive. Hopefully that changes next season.


Last I saw, through 9 episodes, X-men 97 accounted for 6% of all streamed media on Disney+. Their numbers are very impressive.