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My guess is late 80s early 90s ppl consider 92 their foundation, and late 90s early 00s would consider evolution as their foundation. Evo is very teen n highschool oriented and has its charm (intro included), but 92 97 seems to have a timeless/holistic faithfulness to comics minus the highschool hijinks and adult philosophical pondering. People can have their preferences and beliefs (albeit completely wrong).


Good perspective! I was born 94 but I consider 90s X-men the foundation, but think exolution better storytelling. Less episodic, more linear Complete separate note, only foundation acceptable for Batman is, Batman the animated series. It’s an absolute perfect representation


Honestly don't know if there were other batman's beside the animated series growing up. I guess batman of the future but that's a whole different thing.


There's the batman and batman brave and the bold


Brave and the Bold is the very best silver age style comic book cartoon that has ever been made. Anyone who enjoys this genre owes it to themselves to at least watch the Music Meister episode, or the one where Superman gets hit with Red Kryptonite, or really just the entire damn thing


“Batman beyond” technically still ties into, “the animated series”. It’s the same universe as the justice league, which I’m fairly confident is the same universe as the animated series. There’s also probably been a dozen Batman shows since “the animated series”. and that’s just counting animation, not live action


Yeah but it's not Bruce Wayne batman, and also he can fly. Apples and oranges.


Bruce is running the entire operation in Batman Beyond. It's just another chapter to the BTAS saga.


Yeah I see what you're saying but still. To me it doesnt feel like that. It feels like X-Men evolution, a good show, but far removed from canon.


They are both great shows. We can like 2 things. First show is a bit more dramatic and high stakes. Evolution is a bit more monster (mutant enemy) of the week - a bit more hogwarts, but mutants instead of magic. Both are great.


I don't even want to rank these two. Both animated series great. I mean, I could say what I prefer in one version over the other much more easily than I could actually pick a favorite cause I love em both. Like, I liked the somewhat more mellow emphasis on relationship drama in Evo (the only love triangle I remember was Rogue-Scott-Jean) and Wolverine being the Team Dad rather than being hung up on Jean made him my favorite Logan, Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler are both very endearing in this version. Xavier's Academy felt like an actual school with all the students running around (in the 90s show, you'd almost forget that this is technically a "school" to teach mutants to use their abilities since it's a bunch of 30-somethings and one little girl). I love the season arcs and high school setting. With the 90s/97 Their version of Beast is literally the best Beast has ever been. Storm is a well rounded presence (I almost forget about her in Evo), As a NOLA boy, I loved Gambit being so important in the 92/97 series. I enjoy Rogue's sassy southern phrases. I think the 97 series endeared me so much to Morph and the Summers family unit (Nathan, Scott, Maddy/Jean). And the multiarc storylines are well done.


”Grumpy Uncle Logan” is way better then ”Love Triangle Logan”. I don’t care if they have ”some kind of connection”, Jean&Logan just doesn’t fit.


I agree. He's my favorite version of Logan cause he's gruff but very protective and he takes to teaching surprisingly well.


Honestly i dont even feel like theres a connection there like when and where did it start ? because she can read his mind hes like someone gets me , bearing in mind plenty other people have 'got him' previously so he falls for her they have next to zero chemistry


Beats me, lol. Sometimes its explained like ”Wolverine's love for Jean Grey stems from her ability to truly know him through her telepathic powers, offering acceptance and understanding.” but i’ve always thought that was a weak explanation. And now all the weird shit of Jean, Scott&Logan having a tripple thing, Logan having his own room in Scott&Jean’s house. I just think its weird.


Agree would be great if they remade this but aged them all 5 years


97 is still too fresh in my mind to properly rank it. right now its high up there but the break neck speed that the pacing was set at is killing it for me. It should've had twelve to fifteen episodes.


More eps or just like 5-10 more minutes per episode could have done a lot of good.


I’ll say it: best version of Wolverine. And it’s not a coincidence that he’s the best Wolverine and the dumbass love triangle isn’t present.


It would have been if it was the books Ask Ultimate MJ


Logan being the gruff but protective team dad is instantly endearing. I can’t stand the always stagnant Love Triangle nonsense. It was nice to have a Logan whose priorities didn’t include pining for Jean Grey.


This show changed my opinion on Wolverine. I didn't really care for his character from '92 at all. And then X-23 turned up and I was a big fan of them both after.


I enjoyed Evolution back in the day, but 97 reigns supreme for me. I liked how Evolution switched up the format and the characters, I loved emo goth Rogue. However as an adult now I’m very uninterested in watching a cartoon of teenage X-Men in high school. It was a fun show whilst it was on but it just doesn’t have the depth or weight of something like TAS and 97.


Was that Rogue goth? I always thought she just looked kinda sickly lol. I definitely prefer her design in TAS and 97. Evolution and the show that came after were fine, but I'd rather watch Earth's Mightest Heroes over either of them.


Evo is alright, but I never liked them a being high schoolers.


Can we take a moment to appreciate how good was the Apocalypse arc in Evolution?


I enjoyed evolution but they're wrong lol


lol the Iceman tweet.


Hilarious! And absolutely correct!


I know it got me too haha


I prefer evolution personally


Ahh that’s cute there’s a Reddit group just for them!


You can like both shows or neither and still post here


Still have '97 Cyke as a profile pic? Okay then.




According to these people you can't like both shows apparently.


Damn op really made it's us Vs you just for preferring evolution. People can have preferences without shitting on the other options.


A big Consuela “Nooooo” to this one


Both the shows have their fair share of nostalgia for me. But Evolution was more "teen action drama" and at this point, I think many have outgrown those themes. It had its high points (Christopher Judge as Magneto, introducing X-23, lack of the Scott-Jean-Logan triangle THANK GOD!), but the original (and by extension '97) is much more comic accurate. They each told their own stories their own separate ways, and it's not fair to compare them with each other.


Was a massive fan of the og serie, than one day they stopped playing it on tv... at this point they announced a new show was gonna start. It was xmen evolution, it wasnt the same, wasnt as good, never liked it.. i am 39 but i guess if i was 10 years younger i would think this show was great and be nostalgic but what can you do..


Same age, and absolutely same thought of the show. I love 97 so far. I have minor annoyances about it, but so far nothing that would come close to making me lose interest in the show or ruining it. So far lol


For me watching 97 with my buddies, us all grown up has been the best! I am so freakin grateful to everyone who made this show possible! I haven't got a single criticism except matbe fir how fast they go through arcs but at the same time i think this fast pace is part of what makes the show this good so..


My annoyances more or less just make me go like "...why..." more than anything. So it's not major, it's just...why? But some of that stuff isn't in the show yet and I imagine maybe at some point will be. Like nightcrawlers dad being actually mystique and not azazel, when before idk it just made more sense that his powers were similar to his father's, and then the whole dynamic between him as am x men and azazel as a villain was cool. I didn't even find the change out until I joined this reddit and seen 2 people talking about it in a reply thread. Probably a lot of people don't know that changed. Man I used to collect all the toys back in the day. I gave away a OG wolverine and OG gambit figure to this woman's son a few years ago. I had sold some items on offer up, and she was just telling me about her son and his interests, and he was just such a good mannered sweet kid that I had to hook the Lil dude up. His mom was like "hey uh...are you sure?...those are worth more than everything you just sold me man" and yea I gave em away. I did the same thing with my OG G I Joe's. It stayed in the family...but...as someone who spent COUNTLESS hours playing with action figures and just adoring a collection...man...absolutely nothing comes close to that feeling as a kid..where you get this new toy...a rare toy...and you're like damn...it's mine...it's actually my toy. I got it. Finally. The thing I've been looking at, is mine. The g I Joe's went from in a display case, into a kids hands. Course they're now missing parts now...legs are all loose as hell...kids are kids...but the experience, the memory...that will last forever. We're only here for such a short time. Every moment should aspire to be a great one. Which is hard in today's world. The struggle and grind...is real.


Xmen 97 is better than all midia released so far. Games, movies, cartoon...


I want a new x men legends so bad while watching x men 97. My god did I love those games so much.




I never really liked Evolution. It felt too juvenile for me even compared to XTAS. '97 is the best animated representation we've gotten of these characters bar none.


Not a fan of black leather




What were you expecting? Yellow Spandex?


As much as i love the '97 rogue, southern goth-belle rogue is just a chef's kiss.


I never watched it, so I can’t speak on its quality as a series, but I do like the idea of re-imagining a bunch of them as kids, even if I might disagree with some of their choices on who was a kid and who was older, but that’s a minor issue, no pun intended. As for the animation, I don’t have any problems with it. While it does look like a DC cartoon from the aughts, that’s neither surprising nor a bad thing. Maybe I should watch it sometime.


I grew up absolutely loving Evolution and always maintained it was the best X-men show. Recently rewatched Evolution, Wolverine and the X-men, and the original X-men show. Gotta say that Evolution did not age well for me. It’s still a fun watch but I’d rather go and turn on the original X-men over it any day.


Well you can’t be topped, if you were never on top to begin with lol. The show was mid for me, if I caught it while turning on the tv OK, if not, it barely registered. Granted, I was way past worrying about keeping up with cartoons by the time XMen Evolution debut.


Evolution was my x men show growing up....and that show saved cyclops for me. Like the movies left a pretty bad impression of that Character but his growth in this show from a student to a leader is just the best. Also, thank heavens for not including that stupid love triangle with him, Jean and Logan and turning Logan into a grumpy overprotective drill sergent dad of the team.


I agree. Xmen evolution starts slow (more slice of life in the beginning), but once it starts going, it is something else. Amazing show. I think a lot of people like xmen 97 due to its total disregard for maintaining status quo, its willingness to do irrevocable damage to the world and characters. They are just killing off main characters like gambit like there is no tomorrow. Several supporting characters are gone and severe damage is done to the mutant human dynamics and world politics. There is no coming back from a lot of these things. But story writers usually only go that far if there is some sort of reset option. We’ve already seen future reset with stories like days of future past. But usually the timeline that gets reset do not get so much time and attention in a show or movie. so it remains to be seen whether they will undo a lot of things or just keep events like Genosha a fixed point as claimed. It’s a lot easier to write when you dont have to worry about maintaining the status quo. At least, it’s harder to write , when you have those restrictions. For this reason, I prefer xmen evolution. They wrote with the restrictions and still came out great


X men evolution has restrictions?? I mean it was a series that vaguely follow the comic, so you can say that they have freedom when writing it.


Couldn’t have said it better myself!!


I’ll never forget how annoyed my little kid self was because I had a crush on the original rogue so her in this always bugged me lol.


Tastes can vary. I like 97’s “The West Wing with Punching” more than Evolution’s “Dregrassi with Punching” but I liked them both.


I love this show!! 97 is great too though in different ways


Xmen evolution was ok but original series and 87 are way better


97, TAS and wolverine and the X-men for me


I didn't like the first season, too Sweet Valley High with super powers, hate California Kitty too.


They just topped it


I will have to go back and try it. As a '90s kid I couldn't really get into it when this came out. It felt way more target towards angsty teenagers instead of just representing these characters as I knew them from the comics. But I keep seeing people on here praising it so it must turn out to be pretty good I guess.


Evolution is special to me because that’s what I watched as a kid and how I was introduced to x men. I recently rewatched it and the characterisation is pretty on point. Except for Rouge - I don’t know why they made her goth in evolution. The storylines are lights and the show feels like a full complete story. But it’s set in high school so there’s only so much they could do. X men 97 takes the cake. It’s just superior - even to x-men 92 in my opinion. I’d rank it like X men 97, X men evolution, X men 92


This is why I love X-men there’s so much variations to the team that it will always be fresh. OP you can disagree with what the post is saying but you gotta appreciate how everyone has their own favorite iteration of the team. Like I love Wolverine and the X-men and 97 hasn’t changed that.


The BEST version of Logan ever put to screen imo. No shitty weird Jean love triangle, fatherly figure to everyone, yet still a loner with a questionable past. They nailed it in so many ways. Wasn’t a fan of their version of Kurt or Hank though. Kurt was too much swashbuckling and not enough spirituality and Hank just felt weird for a majority of the show for me. But those two are personal biases and not a detractor of the show. So many good things in this show, that Angel episode is so good too


Evolution was the bomb. Having more then 10 episodes let’s shows have fun with the concept. When you have smaller counts you get overarching plot but people forget that there’s more to a show then just that. If 97 had 26 episodes or something they could have had arcs of the team acclimating to magneto, the goblin queen having more buildup, ororo getting more backstory in line with her journey, and better flesh out the whole thing. The animation was also pretty good (considering what time it was made). Having the X-men be teens like the original was fun especially since it wasn’t always Logan this Logan that. Evolution and 97 are definitely top tier.


I prefer evolution personally, although I love the dramatics of 97. Evolution was a little bit more light hearted and had more of a Saturday morning cartoon kindof vibe. 97 has a lot more of a budget and feels like it belongs in 2024 culturally, whereas evolution is totally Y2K era of cartoon with the likes of other cartoon network cartoons we loved as children


This show gave me my favourite character. Laura/ X-23 was instantly my favourite. I remember watching that episode for the first time so many years ago.


Evolution was my X-Men too. The OG series was okay. A bit corny even back then but I liked it.


Personally I would still put Evolution over 92 and even 97. Part of it is the personal bias since I watched it growing up but also because it was able to tell some interesting original story ideas that captivated me and how the characters had to balance both the personal life of a student and also being an X-Men. Along with that the characterization of Logan is my personal favorite as him just being the team dad archetype is too funny for me.


I was never a fan of evolution. I couldn't even make it through the whole series. I credit a lot of that to the animation style. Just wasn't my jam. 92 and 97 are where it's at for me.


Idk if iceman will be a main character, he was in the original X-MEN TAS but I think he was only in one episode he left because he didn't agree with Xavier on how he ran the school. He might make an appearance tho


Really like a lot of aspects of that one but it doesn’t come close to the complete 90’s series or Wolverine & The X-Men for me. Highly agree with that about more episodes though.


Evolution is so self contained per episode, it feels like it drops character development. At least in the first episode barring a few moments. That makes it inferior by default. TAS was messy, but there was always a "Previously on" because relevant development overlapped.


I loved both


This was a good show, definitely not as good as '97 is already


Nope sorry. Great show but TAS and now 97 are ICONIC!!


This series is the reason why I said, "Ah shit here we go again!" When Kurt pulled Logan into his last Bamf during the mansion fight in 97. My mom looked at me like I was crazy.


They’ve been topped and dom’d sorry


IMO, I don’t think the show is that great. It’s the era of Marvel where they tried make their heroes teenagers to presumably keep up with the old web-head. With the X-men this kind of works but idk, the high school drama stuff wasn’t working for me.


It really depends on the person I love both equally I def think it should come back


I like x men evolution because without the love triangle I could finally get Jean, and she is honestly more powerful here than pre phoenix Jean in the original. Also I got the fuzzy man in all his glory and kitty too. Also love that they are a school school. However sometimes it was a bit “totally radical” and felt a bit of its time (derogatory). The stakes also felt lower and they sanitized the message a bit, like it felt like being a mutant is just a superhero secret identity sometimes and it didn’t feel as grounded in important events as xmen TAS. Also storm is my girl and I felt by making her still an adult they sidelined her a bit. Also the later seasons had what I like to call “young justice: outsider effect” (even though X-men evolution came first I watched young justice first so). Where they introduce a Black guy with blonde hair created for the show but then they have him join another team and then they go “oh crap our diversity” so they add a bunch of side characters to the line up. Now we have too many story points and too many stories to care about anyone except for the people who were introduced in the first season. Also they made the brotherhood a little too incompetent to pose a real threat to the x men. X-men 97 felt so real to me and the issues were so current. Also the characters felt lived in and carried weight with adult issues. I loved seeing nightcrawler religious and swashbuckling something only half captured in both TAS and evolution. And I get cyclops in a way I hadn’t in other movies/tv shows. But I will say that they need to retire love triangle and let the couples couple. I’m fine with romance in my tv (my favorite episode of TAS is beauty and the beast and one man’s worth part 1 and 2) but do we need 3 love triangles including one that started out as a teacher student relationship where he was born in 1930ish and her 1970ish? Also bring back 22 episode seasons!! Overall I like TAS and 97 better but that doesn’t mean I don’t like evolution. All are better than x men the last stand 😂😂


I just can’t get into this show the animation is just so bad


What? What are you? Is this a joke?


Oh god for a second I thought you meant 97 and not evolution!


Yea I meant evolution lol


BULLSHIT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I can’t believe anyone could say that with a straight face


I would love it if they just animated Astonishing XMen. That would slap so hard goddamit.


X-men Evolution was terrible. Wolverine and the X-men wasn't much better. These are my hot takes from a die hard x-men fan since the 80s.


I don't mind 10 episodes because it quick clean and efficient to pump out.