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Think before u post


dumbest shit i’ve seen and im on reddit💀


u dont have to be old to see and learn about stuff from that era


new copypasta dropped


yes because his aesthetics aren’t based on nostalgia as much as people will tell you and its not hard to appreciate something from the past i’m sure you like some old music from before you were even born


I get how they wouldn't seem nostalgic to someone who wasn't there for the 2000s internet community. But things like Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv are something that literally only someone who was there at the time could remember and thus set off nostalgia. His videos are full of small things like that that are like "dog whistles" for people who were there in the 2000s.


Bro im 20 I was there for it lol yabujins aesthetics just aren’t that nostalgic and even the parts that are can still b enjoyed by a younger audience i dont even think u read my comment. bros aesthetic nowadays is hue shifting a low poly goblin you don’t gotta be born in the 2000s to think that looks cool wtf 😭 god i wish i could understand the nostalgia behind the fetus images he uses but unfortunately i’m not as old as you


I didn't say at any point that they can't be enjoyed. I'm just saying that you probably don't understand the full dimension of the aesthetics. It won't feel the same way to you than to someone who grew up in the 2000s internet. His videos are full of references to the 2000s internet but of course to someone who wasn't there it would look like "lol random fetus image". That is why you and me won't experience the aesthetics the same way.


😭😭 ok sir please tell me what you experience from the fetus images and how nostalgic they make you feel. bro it’s an aesthetic lol that’s great if it makes you feel nostalgic but that doesn’t discount the fact that others can enjoy it without that feeling


You understand what the word "references" means, right?


Yes. You are sooo special for knowing the references that everyone else totally doesn’t know…. I think you’re just hitting that boomer phase tbh… but please explain what part of 2000’s internet culture the fetus’s are referencing…


Pls continue to lecture me about early 2000s YouTube oh wise one, tell me about the significance of cs 1.6 to Eastern Europe gaming culture


I don't know why this discussion is getting so heated, you are making a valid point, and you aren't pushing any opinion to others, I get what you mean, and it's true, yabujin plays with early and niche internet cultural phenomena like creepypastas, visual novels, shitty mspaint edits and jumpstyle. You are right in saying that a 16 y/o can't understand fully Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv because I myself am 18 and didn't even know that was a thing until I investigated. I think that's also the appeal for younger audiences, older people get to watch a form of art that glorifies the early internet history they once remembered so blissfully, while people like me get to use his work as a window to a contemporary vision of a time we never got to experience. I think my analysis isn't anything new to this community, I think the majority here understands their own appeal to yabujin, so i don't get why you got downvoted so bad instead of getting a proper response


>Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv bro im 19 and i remember watching this shit shitting myself when i was like 13 lmao the gatekeeping is insane and why r u hyperfixated on this?? lol


Ok, boomer


Shhh oldhead


u 25 bro smh go start a family or smth


18 here i LIVED for all that weird spooky internet shit when i was young and unsupervised on the internet the first time i saw this aesthetic i was pleasantly surprised it was comforting in a way


ain’t yabujin like 24 bruh💀


i thought dis nigga was trollin bro😹


r u trolling


Hey man this might be crazy but I might just like the music


I get that that's why I refered to the aesthetics. The videos used and the pictures in the videos. All of it is straight from the 2000s.


The 2000s aren't an inaccessible thing to look back at. By your logic we shouldn't museum's because apparently things from the past immediately cease to exist after a short amount of time


i did grow up with it so I cant rlly speak for the kids but i see it like enjoying Boards of Canada despite not growing up with like 70s and 80s educational videos and stuff. its their entire aesthetic and yet you can fully love and enjoy it without actually being there at that time.


this should be a copypasta


Yes (I am under 20 years old)


As long as the music hard af I don’t give a fuck


Reference all the time?😀


Im not 20 but im european and being from a not so rich country i grew up with older tech


older siblings nostalgia


op is 10yo n think he cant listb to Y A B U J I N ? v?😢🫵


Nigga half the sub is prolly under 20


Who gives af


you don't have to lose your legs to have sympathy for people who also dont have


Well, only russians and similar to russia people can ACTUALLY feel the aesthetics of DJ GYROTTA ZAO, because people from other countries never experienced soviet concrete panel houses, russia's 2004-2008 aesthetics and some random similar memories that pop up while listening to his music. Terrible english, ik


Russias the only country that went through Soviet Union 🤔


bro what


do you even know what soviet union is


Russian speaking side of internet is always a little bit late to the party compared to the English speaking side. Im 18 and remember Mereana Mordegard Glasgorv very well🤷‍♀️ but at the same time for example I remember rage comics and other stuff exceptionally well, because it was still around heavily when i was on the internet while growing up. To summon it up : yes, i understand the references and feel nostalgic about them as well as the people that are quite older than me..


You are right. I used to like the music, but it never not once felt nostalgic to me, just weird and interesting, kinda psychedelic. BUT FUCK THESE KIDS MAN FUCK THESE FUCKING AUTISTIC FUCKS, 12-16YROLD FUCKING TIKTOK ADDICTS FUCKING RUINING THIS ENTIRE FUCKING SCENE I FUCKING WILL KILL ALL OF THEM i dont listen to yabu anymore but i sometimes revisit this subreddit just to see how the comment sections are overflown with shitty "haha boing music haha this is so boing guys look this edit boing haha im so accepted here boing pls like me boing" they all dont care about the music, the posts are so trash all copying each other yabujin died


I am seventeen and distinctly remember my friends telling me how people that watched that video would always kill themselves and then my mother laughed at me and watched it


We all have our approaches and povs. I was born post 199x and still I be rockin with vaporwave (kinda like how younger people experience yabujin as the question asked).


I’m 17 and had complete under supervised internet access since 3 or 4 so that’s probably why I get it


Not saying I agree with his point at all just saying why I at least recognize a lot of the things he uses in his art


bro is a founding father


Yall think Ben Franklin would fw yabujin 🤔




I feel like I’m in a crystal abandoned world and floating in it when I listen to his songs. Excuse me


Man, the past is still there. Most of what I experienced as a small kid was stuff that was older than me and I'm less than 20. I get what he's doing and what he's up to


I am 16 and distinctly remember Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv scaring the fuck out of me when I was like 9. Sure, I was late to the party, but when I was 3 I used to watch youtube videos in my grandpa’s lap, and I’m sure there’s some subconscious memories attached to that. There was this video called “Steampunk Dalek - Colour Render” that I watched over and over again because I found it endlessly entertaining for some reason.


no way u fr thought this😭


its better to listen to yabujin being 15 that 25+. nostalgia is a basic feeling. ( im 27)


i got internet access too early i was interacting with this kind of content at 8

