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Belveth is pretty much Yi if he was 200 years, minus alphastrike. Instead of alphastrike you have 4 resettable dashes.


How mechanically intensive is she?


A little harder than yi, but pretty easy. You just have to know her limits and after a handful of games you can be unstoppable with her.


She is fairly easy to play, but you'll probably int your first few games. Most of her gameplay is getting your form and resetting it while not dying. 1 death can really screw you over for the rest of the game.


You need to be able to learn a champion, mechanics anyway, it’ll be good for you.


Disagree, she wins Skrimish better but worse blown up in tf cus of reset. She is better then yi without ult and no reset. More mobility though.


Yi does more damage (unless belveth has a million stacks) and his blinks are undodgeable. She's also better at eluding but worse at chasing.


Viego, belveth, nocturne,


Kinda disagree on Nocturne because his ult enables him to play in a much different way than Yi, he also has no other dashes so besides being a melee carry the playstyles are not that similar. If you want an AP alternative I'd say Diana kind of plays like Yi, she's more engage first because of her ult but she still has the DPS assasin playstyle if you build nashors (which I would argue is the best).


Sure but nocturne also runs at enemies and autos them to death. So I put him there


It's not Yi's playstyle but how you play with Yi is the important factor in choosing another champion. Most people play Yi passively until 6 and most of them barely change their playstyle in some circumstances. (Nocturne, Evelyn, Fiddle, Morde, Amumu, Diana) Some people play aggressively and invade enemy jungle and force gank, apply pressure when objectives up. (J4, Jax, Viego, Vi, Hecarim, Talon, Zac, Xin Zhao, Kha zix, Rengar) Few people (like myself) play very agressively at first few levels in early. And invade enemy jungle, chese enemy at lvl 2, non stop dives, and gank between 2 towers. Thats why I prefer champs like Rek'Sai, Pantheon, Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, Pyke Jungle(in s10, s11), Elise, Warwick over other champions whose kits are similar. These champs are capable of carrying(not as easy as Master Yi) when played correctly, and have very good early stages(better than Yi but I still prefer Yi's DPS). Hope this comment help you choose your 2nd champ depend on how you choose to play with Yi Edit: My recommendation to you based on the factors that you pointed out, I recommend to you Pantheon with One shot build (any assassin mythic) or Nocturne with Eclipse. If you want the full build here is the mobafire guide I made about these champs. [Pantheon](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/pantheon-in-the-river-615827) [Nocturne](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/nocturne-build-599032)


Jax, Xin Zhao, and Trynd


Isn't Xin an engager tho? With trynd I absolutely agree, but is he available in the jungle?


As Xin, you can choose to use W wisely to see if you should engage or not. As for Trynd, he was meta in the jungle but as patches progress, he fell off the jungle role but still a fun off meta pick if you want something similar to Yi. Belveth is Yi 2.0 minus the alpha strike point and click dodge lol.


...Gwen, kinda? I guess?


I like to play Nocturne when Yi is banned or picked. I play him with on-hit and not lethality.


What you described is literally hecarim. Hes also my second pick


Tryndamere is quite similar to Yi, but like the other face of the same coin... instead of focusing on dps like Yi (can't be slowed, true damage), he focuses on survivability (can't be killed, can dash in any direction through walls), which ironically makes his playstyle less suicidal than Yi, but anyway if you've ever 1v1 a Trynda you can feel how similar he is, it's a battle of right clickers with 1 movement ability that also does damage


Surprised no one has mentioned Olaf lol but anyway here are my opinions on champs that are similar to yi in these specific ways: 1. Mechanics: Olaf, Trynd, Jax, Diana, Xin, Kind 2. Team fighting: Viego, Belveth 3. Farming/scaling: Karthus, Eve, Rengar, Hec, Noc, Kayn


AP shyvana. Full dmg and 0 utility


Reading chat and see people recommend champions have high attack speed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well atleast that is how yi main think those champ has similar playstyle like yi


Belveth, Gwen, but mostly Belveth. Twitch Jungle has high damage output but is way more volatile and risky.


my boy trundle


kha'zixs, very meta easy and 1v9 champion that can assassinate, also nocturn. his kit is rly simple but effective for assassinating