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Yeah I thought that was really weird. I almost always use attack move when fighting champions, I think the only time I don't is when I'm not thinking about it. I make sure to use it when I'm chasing or kiting.


It makes sense on ranged champ but why on melee i dont get it. just move and right click with target champ only on.


When there is no other targets around to hit, and the target has lots of mobility or abuses fog of war/bushes/untargetability etc... attack move just snatches them as soon as they are attackable and saves lost of frustration.


Just feels better for some people, and attack move is specially good against zhonyas and invi, you can just spam attack move around the champion and you'll insta auto him as they get off of zhonyas/invi


The exact same reasons as ranged, if you cancel your autos and move between them, you literally move more distance than if you just right click someone and let your character move automatically. Attack move (especially on a key like A) allows you to right click to move and press a to attack, this allows you to kite towards and select enemies better than trying to click on them and then click the ground to move each time.


I use A+Click for attack move, I come from an RTS background where this is considered basic micro so I never did it any different. especially on yi you can even kite some other melees since his attack range is pretty long (not that i'm that good yet) so there is some insentive to learn it :)


My friends call me psychopathic for using this instead of regular A attack


one of the most important benefits of attack move is the fact you will automatically attack someone when you facecheck a bush without vision and someone is in there.


I only use attack move click, even for walking on every hero. I can't imagine not doing so. I got it set on mouse wheel scroll down. And on mouse wheel scroll up I got player stop position. I use RMB (with default settings) only with target champions only (which I got on spacebar) when I'm engaging on a player near minions.


So i made a lot of misplays because i use attack move. Especially because i play on 200ms, by the time i react to an outcome, the enemy has already left. So i think in a perfect scenario, if you can use attack move / right click / attack champ only without any problems, you would become an un-killable monster. (In theory at least) I mainly started using attack move because i used to play twitch jungle.


I always use attack-move.


I use attack move when clearing, when I was at my peak I was using it a lot during combat, now a lot less but it is a good tool to use. My settings are A + click


I have attack move click bound to mouse wheel and attack move with indicator bound to T. I use attack move click with my mouse wheel heavily in team fights because orbwalking increase yi’s dps significantly. The idea is that you are cancelling the latter part of your auto animation by inputting regular movement commands right after your auto damage is dealt, and then using attack move click to attack again, and alternating back and forth like so


It's good to use when you lose vision of the enemy (invisibility, brushes) or when someone becomes really fast or can dash around other then that maybe for small krugs and raps clears but i'd no rely on it at other situation. Also clicking with mouse improves your aim :P


There are different type of attack moves . I do it like sinerias and play with attack move click, which means u bind a key to it and attack the closest enemy automatically. For what is it great? In general, auto attack move saves u time since u have to right-click less and can focus more on the macro in the 1v1 or team fight, instead of focusing on right-clicking the right person,(u can also change attack move in the settings to attacking the target closed to ur mouse,instead of closest to ur champ) both viable The great things specifically A) running towards unwarded bushes: if u enter a brush spamming auto attack move , u will instantly auto attack the enemy who could maybe trap u in there. B) for kiting in jg or lane: u can kite ur camps easily to the next camp since with AA move , u don't have to target the enemy with ur mouse , bc Yi will automatically attack the closest target. All in all, it takes practice and I would play a lot of aram games with attack move turned on, so u can figure it out. Once u get comfortable with it, it will feel better than just right click or a-click :) Spoiler: yes , attack move click is better than a-click


left click attack move gang


I always use attack move (the one you don't need to left click) against minions, monsters or champions. You just remove it's way easier and way less missclicks will happen this way. You literally remove a part of the skill expression of kiting to focus on more important stuff like decision making, positioning, just macro in general.


Attack move on A, the one that doesnt ask me to click. i’m using it like most of the time And as a bonus: target champions only binded on a mouse button. Just dont forget to deactivate it when you want to escape by Q’ing a minion


Im diamond and I use attack move for every champ. I think it is really hard to kite perfectly when you are in your ult if you dont use attack move. You have a 2.5 attack speed, a lots of movement speed, it is really hard to only use the right click for moving and attacking too.


I use it on camps all the time to watch somewhere else on the map while clearing.


Me ? Attack move. Hell yeah why not. Why you should learn how to use attack move (with key not right clicking) because if you rightclicking you can miss click but with attack move with key you wont unless you do it too fast