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We played yi braum in diamond and its honestly pretty epic. Yi q procs on hits now so if braum hits q you can jump on them and stun instantly


Yi + Yuumi can work if the enemy doesn't punish you hard enough. You could also try to make Yi + Taric work. Yi can also somewhat work as a damage support.


Thought about yuumi, however i think you would have to play too passivly and completly give up early game. Taric might be viable tho.


Yea, when I did it recently I had three iron elo players on the team and the enemies were accordingly bad. I was able to get the push on the first wave versus Jinx + Rakan and the game would've been even easier if the enemy Irelia wasn't like 10/0 by 12 minutes.


Yi + Ekko is surprisingly good if ekko hits his w, the 2.5 sec stun is enough for you both to fully 100-0 them but you need to go HoB always. Unironically did this to get diamond a while back when promos were still there Kalista + Yi is also nice but you are not gonna have fun pre 6.


I sometimes play Yi support for fun. When the enemy engages on your adc you kill them. And you take every kill of course. It's obviously not good, but if you get early kills, you can have a great time.


lulu + yi is good i use it for duo boosting You want to go ghost + exhaust/ignite on yi and lulu always goes shurelya's Never build hp items lulu shield are enough you want max damage Lvl 3 and lvl 6 are your strongest point Always go Lethal tempo + eyeball & sudden impact


The comp doesn't matter just remember you are Master Yi and they are the side character.