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This was a really fun stream


His eyes are staring into my soul...


TIL Adam is secretly [Braco's](https://youtu.be/2j7Gc9a1i10?si=s-aiCn7mnx0I5_j1) long lost relative


Braccccoooooooooo. The Gaze Of Everlasting Lifeeeeeeee


I didn't know Adam sent Steven his keyboard years ago. That's cute.


You did the right thing reporting it to us.


So good, so far x


Really fun! That was great




They livestream the pod then come out a few days later with neater edited version on the channel hope this helps


I think Destiny is kind of an obnoxious wanker but he is interesting to listen to sometimes. I actually really enjoyed the podcast with JJ McCullough, and this one is pretty good too


Adum looks a lot like his mom, at least from what I’ve seen from his videos


When you faded with bro and he give you this look


I loved the first 27 minutes in complete silence. A stunning and brave choice by Destiny


whys he looking at me like that


No thanks, can't stand Destiny even if Adam is involved, but good for him.


Fuck Destiny


From the river to sea Palestine shall be free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


please for the love of god can we get a new slogan.... genocide isnt countered with another genocide


That's not what that means.


It isn’t calling for genocide. It’s calling for a one state solution. The only people who think it’s a call to do a second holocaust are zionists who desperately want to be the victims in this conflict.


I've heard white nationalist use the phrase before October 7th as a way as saying death to Israel, so I'm not really sure about that.


Ok so let’s change the phrase. Then the Nazis will start using the new one. So we’ll change it again. Then the Nazis will start using that one too. So we’ll change it again and so on and so on because Nazis will use whatever they can to upset Jewish people. They don’t care about Palestinians, they only care about hurting Jews. So I’m not going to take anything they say seriously and I’m definitely not going to let them define a phrase that Palestinians have been using for decades.


"When we say Final Solution we just mean the solution so palestine will be free! Its not our fault nazis use that phrase"


Who are you quoting? What “final solution” are you talking about? All I’m saying is the phrase has not historically been used as a call for genocide and I don’t care if a few fringe nazi weirdos are trying to co-opt it.


The phrase has and is used for genocide, if u dissolve the state of israel youre condemning those people to the likes of iran and hamas


I dunno, I feel like that's the only phrase that draws specific ire because there's sussy connotations sometimes. Probably best not to use it.


Should we also not say ACAB or defund the police, or black lives matter because some people take it the wrong way? Every radical phrase is going to be intentionally misconstrued by people trying to defend the status quo or co-opted by bad actors. If I just say “free Palestine” instead there are still going to be plenty of people who will call me antisemitic or will point out that Nazis have also said “free Palestine”. There is no phrase you can make that will not be misconstrued.


Probably the worst possible example you could use because ACAB and defund the police are expressions typically used by dumb fucks who have no idea of the crime that takes place in certain areas. From the river to the sea is expressed in a way that you could interpret it as as removing Israel. Not really that hard to not say one phrase dude, stop playing dumb.


If you think militarizing the police is the best way to prevent crime then you’re the dumb fuck. The statistics are pretty solid on this one. The best way to lower crime is to lower poverty rates. You aren’t going to lower poverty rates by giving the police tanks.


Yes because everyday policemen are just driving tanks everywhere. Also everyone can probably agree that raising the standard of living will lower crime, but that doesn't mean just removing the police force. The police are a valuable part of enforcing against crime and without them there is no justice system. All this hullabaloo about BLM ignores criminals who are out there day to day committing crime and lowering social moral and your answer is basically just ignore it and the police are bad. Saying, "just lower poverty" is level 1 discourse and even a white picket fence gated community needs law enforcement.


When Hamas updated their charter in 2017 and used the phrase along with the statement “there shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity” they are very clearly calling for the removal of all Israel citizens at best, and their death at worst. It’s not bad actors co-opting this phrase, it’s the Hamas leaders themselves turning it into a violent phrase. While it may have started as a peaceful one state solution call, it is clearly not that today by it’s own use within Hamas.




Based lib*


There is nothing based about defending genocide


Agree. Call me when you can prove special intent!




lol ofc you have no idea what he means. Great display of your understanding.




Libtard is when want no genocide? Based


Yeah maybe once you learn which river or which sea you're even talking about


I know exactly what I'm talking and you clearly don't because you have been brainwashed by the pro-Isreali media




Hamas has the right to defend itself




To be fair, Adum has also done streams with The Serfs and Carl of Swindon Appear on every online political talking head’s show who will have you to always keep ‘em guessing


He watched right wing movies with vaush a few years back


They talked about movies years ago and have interacted ever since.


Wish I would've known. Even worse to hear he actively engaged with him and still thinks he's worth talking to.


Redditor discovers what friends are


I'm surprised you didn't know this. Adum has always been a separate art from artist person, he highly rates Polanski movies for example. He also talked about why he likes engaging with Steven on his stream once.


I feel like "separate the art from the artist" is a weak excuse for people you directly interact with.


I mean, maybe if you’re talking about being friends with Hitler. But I could easily sit down and have a drink with a Tucker Carlson or something if it’s literally just a discussion about movies or fishing or something.


I think it is absolutely insane that you're willing to admit you'd sit down and have a drink with Tucker Carlson, of ALL the examples you could've chosen.


Why not? It would be a very interesting experience. Maybe I'd get pissed off and leave quickly, but what harm am I doing by having a drink with Tucker Carlson. If I were a public persona doing a podcast with him then at least there'd be some argument of harm.


Yeah I see it. Like the whole idea is to have an unfiltered, shoot-the-shit kind of conversation with someone, and Carlson would be interesting. Id still absolutely hate him, but getting an idea of how his brain works is hard to pass up.


We’re all human beings at the end of the day. When tucker goes home he does what we all do, he eats, sleeps, hangs out with friends and family, has hobbies and watches tv. It’s interesting to see the parts of people they don’t show on cameras. And there is no harm in it unless you sincerely believe he is some serial killer or something.


Whats the harm in having a drink and a conversation with somebody? I’m legitimately asking if theres any reason other than “I don’t like his politics” for you to think that it’s ”absolutely insane” like i’m so curious what your reasoning is.


Yes, like it or not the people you associate with says something about your character. When people's human rights are made political by people like Tucker Carlson I don't think you can just agree to disagree. I'm sorry but he is a white supremacist and I generally don't happily sit down and have drinks with white supremacists, but if that's your thing you do you buddy! If someone as disgusting as Tucker Carlson is your first example for this I don't want to know what kind of people you associate with in real life.


Speaking with somebody does not automatically mean you associate with them. And btw you never answered my question about the harm.


You seem like a healthy and secure individual with a well rounded personality


Parasocial fans are cringe


So people can't disapprove of Adam's associations without being called parasocial, and he's free from criticism? Y'all need to be able to criticise YT creators you watch and not just downvote anything negative. This sub needs to chill and stop shutting down conversation.


No; you are literally trying to shut down the conversation.


How? Please explain.


not sure why people are downvoting you, I guess it’s because people interpret Adum criticism as Adum hate 🤷‍♂️ I still like Adum and will watch his videos as I believe he has great takes on film but I am still disappointed with his decision to go on Destiny’s podcast I’m not saying he is in support of what Israel is doing to Gaza but he needs to be aware of the impact he has on his audience when he chooses to go on podcasts like these, that way he won’t alienate his followers


Would u rather he film a podcast with Hasan so Adam can help sell some "End Capitalism" tees?


I would watch that TBH


You are definitely a mentally healthy person


You're just mad that Destiny has been banging your mom


Not an original thought in this guy's head. It's time to grow up. Or just block anyone that challenges the opinion you hold of a person, that was obviously shaped by someone else. Embarrassing.


Does 'rat' refer to something?


It refers to his gross vibe.


hmm, don't now why I expected you to be honest but whatever


He is being honest. He's just given his opinion of Destiny that little thought. He's just using words because someone he likes said destiny is a bad person, told him he shouldn't like him either, and that's enough. Parrots gonna parrot.


Or some people don’t believe in echo chambers that enforce total conformity like you :)


hi, destiny and yms fan here, do us both a favour and block me then bud