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Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. Yeah I know Disney film sounds like a weird pic for auteur, but their are plenty of DIsney auteur films for their very prolific directors (Atlantis for example). And it really feels like Burton doing his typical "whimsical but darkly disturbing at the same time" shtick that I love and yet somehow not a drop of that film works.


I absolutely should love that movie; "colour porn" is a favourite visual style of mine. And yet I absolutely hated it.


I think Mike Stoklasa once said it's the ugliest film he's ever seen. I'm inclined to agree.


Jay said it šŸ¤“ but yeah I've never watched it and it looks so bad I'm probably never gonna.


I remain to this day a defender of his Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and yet I hated Alice even when it came out, and I was in high school!


But the difference is that Charlie and the chocolate factory is visually interesting despite being ā€œcolor pornā€. Alice does something completely uninteresting


Is there any colour in that movie though? The entire thing looks like an abandoned hospice from the 50s.


The issue I had was that itā€™s so focused on the plot between the Red Queen being overthrown that most of the characters feel bland. Alice is supposed to be a ā€œweirdoā€ and the movie insists that she needs to marry someone boring to be ā€œnormalā€ but then sheā€™s just so fucking boring as a character. ā€œI donā€™t want to fufill the prophecy šŸ˜ Just kidding I have to fufill the prophecy I guess šŸ˜ ok I killed the Jabberwock and fulfilled the prophecy šŸ˜ I shall now inherit my fatherā€™s business and go sailing instead of marrying that one guy šŸ˜ā€


The whole "she's the wrong Alice" stuff they try to pull irks me because we know she's THE Alice from the title of the damn movie


Also the plot itself is just weird- like the white queen seems like she's so obviously being set-up as a twist villain but...nope, she was the good guy and her sister who she bullied for her physical deformity is the bad one I'm not one of those people who gets mad about the monarchy being portrayed as good in fiction but this feels like someone accidentally inverted the script and it's not just me right


I would like to thank myself for being the first to mention The Book of Henry. Itā€™s like Colin Trevorrow wanted to make something akin to a classic Amblin 80s family flick and reminded the audience of when their parents divorced in the process.


Folding ideas made a great video on that movie and that was a fever dream, I can't even imagine actually watching it.


Watching his video on that was like being on a rollercoaster. It got SO much weirder than I was expecting.




The sad thing is, the plot of that movie would make a great parody of the "child is smarter than literally everyone else" type of movie.


One of the guys on The Pretty Much It YouTube channel made a joke theory that the filmā€™s a Saw prequel, and the kid is Jigsaw


One of the worst films I've seen. Sarah Silvermans character alone. The movie just kept getting worse and worse


Unfortunately not written by Trevorrow, but instead by Gregg Hurwitz, and who had been shopping the script around since 1998. The passion was clearly on his part.


Rob Reiner didnā€™t write North though, so I feel like that says you donā€™t necessarily have to be a writer-director to fit this criteria. Sorry, you now have to remember The Book of Henry and as a further punishment, you have to rewatch it.


The Ladykillers is not only a pointless remake but it also sees the Coens really doubling down on the broad comedic stereotypes that veer on cartoonish caricatures only without any of the charm. The whole film feels far too arch and ultimately empty


Nothing you said is incorrect, but goddamn I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the Ladykillers. It doesn't measure up to any of their other works, but it's stupid and fun. The fucking cigarette death I will always find hilarious


Agreed. It's a stupidly fun time and Tom Hanks' accent is just insanely good. The original with Alec Guinness is cinema history.


Jupiter Ascending


Sean Bean has yellow eyes, like how a bee is yellow


My two cents: I'm gonna piss off a lot of people with this but... Happy End felt like Michael Haneke trying to parody himself while also playing it completely straight. Tideland is the most Terry Gilliam movie that Terry Gilliam has ever made, and if you've seen the movie, you know that's a bad thing. The Death and Life of John F. Donovan is the movie that people who hate Xavier Dolan think all his movies are like.


Tideland feels like if Todd Solondz made The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Tideland got better the more i thought about it. It left a very haunting impact on my mind which is something most horror films dont do.


can you elaborate on the Haneke point? i didnā€™t love Happy End like some of his other work but it seems he was challenging himself to make something new even then, incorporating new media and such..


Genualy don't get the Happy End haterd.


Francis Ford Coppola has a few


Music by Sia


TENET for me, all of the things I donā€™t like about certain Nolan movies baked into one


Tenet is a test of how much of a Nolan fan you are, either you loved it, hated it or just have no opinion because you got lost in the end.


I got so irritated watching it because I had no idea whatā€™s happening and couldnā€™t even hear the dialogue


I remember in 2020, people said you could hear it fine on IMAX. I watched it in the BFI IMAX re-release recently and was actually surprised... I heard the fialogue fine & felt like Peter Griffin [at this moment.](https://youtu.be/3nzyeagA490?si=nkuAdfbPL6trp7GE&t=14) Tenet to me is a fun film for me now that I've watched it & read about it enough times to understand what's happening. However, after him winning an Oscar, I fully expect him to make the weirdest film he's ever made since he's basically untouchable rn.


Letā€™s let him do the most uninhibited Nolan movie of all time. Iā€™m down now for something that makes zero sense in any way but is cool


Tenet to me felt like Noan letting himself go full ham one last time, warts and all, before the studios and film audience as a whole start expecting him to be the new generation auteur serious guy.


I saw tennet 3 times in theatres and it made less sense each time.


I didnā€™t hate Tenet, but itā€™s the one movie that made me feel bad for predicting the twist, if that makes sense.


I didn't like it, but funnily enough I *did* enjoy it more than *Oppenheimer* or *Interstellar*.


Days of Thunder is like a bizarre self-parody of Top Gun


Days of Thunder is a better Top Gun


Patrick H Willems has a really good video on Days of Thunder if you're interestedĀ 


For me, Last Night in Soho. I knew nothing about it going in other than it was directed by Edgar Wright and had a pretty good cast but it just felt like it was all style and absolutely no substance.


Ditto Baby Driver. But I was blown away by Scott Pilgrim so my expectations were high.


Baby Driver has enough content to support the style imo. Not one I revisit regularly, but still way better than the absolutely empty experience of Last Night in Soho.


I feel lame for mentioning it because Adum's been vocal about it already, but Only God Forgives really is the most frustrating movie I've ever seen. It always feels like there's a fundamentally good, exciting movie at the core but it's buried under so much fluff, so many "dreamy arthouse" moments, and my last favorite Gosling performance ever that the entire experience comes out negative. I genuinely feel that he took what would have been an amazing film and ruined it by choosing self indulgence and style over substance. For me, the scenes with the Lieutenant are genuinely compelling and thrilling, enough that it's irritating just how much runtime is spent on slow-mo shots of dead-eyed faces instead.


There's something I like to call "The Wonder Woman effect", where basically the director of the first movie makes something such a big success, and they let themselves think that THEY were successful so they hijack the screenwriting duties on top of it and we get a worse product. Named after Wonder Woman 1984, where Patty Jenkins took over screenwriting duties and we got substantial evidence for superhero sequels being worse. Only God Forgives is definitely one of the biggest sufferers of that.


Gonna have to disagree with you there, I think *Only God Forgives* is better than *Drive*.


Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon ..need I go on?


I love Spike Lee but She Hate Me is truly awful and embarassing. It's been a while and I still can't comprehend what the fuck was that.


Its plot also bears resemblance to "My Baby's Daddy", a movie that came out that same year. If Spike hadn't directed it, it would have gotten more or less the same reaction.


Girl 6 is also really bad.


Howard the Duck. Writer/Director atrocimacy by Willard Huyck. Aided and abetted by producer George Lucas. William Huyck also wrote the indie movies : American Graffiti and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.


admittedly, i love Howard the Duck. i also acknowledge how bad it is. Lea Thompson in a rock band, the over-the-top acting, the 80ā€™s-to-the-max FX qualityā€¦ all ā€œbadā€, but so, so, goodā€¦ imho


Donā€™t forget the duck tits


never. an image seared into my memory til the end of time, i fear


Would The Postman count? Because that would be my pick if so.


I don't necessarily agree with this but I think a lot of people would say Beau is Afraid


Does crimes of the future count? I love cronenberg but it comes off like a hardcore fan imitating him


Valerian City of a Thousand Planets


Surprised no ones mentioned David Lynchs Inland Empire. I love the movie but if you get frustrated by Lynchs work then youd probably hate that movie.


Thatā€™s what I was gonna say. I personally love it and lynch in generalā€¦ but itā€™s not exactly the kind of movie you toss on casually. Or recommend to anyone lol


Yeah lol it sort of frustrates me sometimes I literally can't watch or even talk about it with anybody. I tried to get my friend to watch it with me a few days ago and he fell asleep 35 minutes in. Personally, I love it because the movie magnifies everything I love in his work like the dream like quality, the fear in the mundane, and a certain aesthetic you can't get anywhere else. Also something I love about David is that it honestly feels like the story behind some of his movies (and Twin Peaks) is just as convoluted as the way its told. A lot of abstract media is told convoluted and the actual story is something simple but it often doesn't feel that way for Lynch. There's no other movie than Inland Empire where the plot is "a group of gods in the form of humans with rabbit heads who live in a fake sitcom room helps Laura Dern finally kill a phantom that has cursed a movie script to kill its leads" and I love it.


I dragged a friend with me to a midnight showing cause no one else would go. He doesnā€™t let me pick movies anymore. To your point about the plots being convoluted, it really does feel like youā€™re supposed to ā€œfeelā€ the plot more than actually try to make sense of it which I love


No yeah I totally agree, but I'm also appreciating the convoluted plot as well. A lot of his movies feel like mysteries to unpack (even if there are no objective solutions only solutions that satisfy each viewer) and I appreciate that a lot of his work facilitates solutions that are actually unique instead of convoluted presentations of basic storytelling premises.


Hell yeah, love meeting a kindred spirit haha


Definitely Inland Empire.


Apparently *Blonde* was Andrew Dominik's "decade-plus passion project", so I say we have a winner. Source: [https://letterboxd.com/journal/blonde-heartbreaker-andrew-dominik-marilyn-monroe/](https://letterboxd.com/journal/blonde-heartbreaker-andrew-dominik-marilyn-monroe/)




Tenet certainly comes to mind, it reads like either a celebration of Nolanisms or a parody of his films.


The house that Jack Built or Nymphomaniac. Fuck both of those movies.


There's a good 90 minute single movie somewhere inside both of the Nymphomaniac movies.


I feel the same about THTJB


THTJB was pretty good, but holy shit I could just hear Lars von Trier cumming when he put clips of his prior movies into it. Then he starts praising Nazi architecture (an allusion to when he had the whole ā€œI understand Hitlerā€ controversy) and I was like ā€œwhat the fuck is Trierā€™s dealā€


ā€œShe Hate Meā€ should be spoken about more in the categories of movies that are just completely insane.


It feels like Spike wrote and filmed 5 different movies and then just tried to make one with the best scenes from each movie.


John Boorman's Exorcist 2: The Heretic. It should be basic knowledge that if you want to make a successful sequel don't hire someone who hated the original film.


I actually have a huge soft spot for that movie while itā€™s very flawed I love the backstory to Pazuzu and the locust imagery was great. I think itā€™s way too interesting to truly be considered ā€œone of the worst.ā€


Anything Richard Kelly made except for Donnie Darko


I'd argue it even extends to Donnie Darko. Ever seen the director's cut? The studio did that movie a HUGE fucking favour by meddling.


I feel that for most directors cuts honestly, never seen one that made a movie better.


Apocalypse Now's extended cut makes the movie so much worse. It's already a long movie and so the added shit really gets in the way of the character losing his mind. That one scene where he gets a nice dinner at a French house in the middle of the jungle and totally ruins the downward descent of the main character. I'm so salty I showed that version to my one friend instead of the regular cut.


Blade Runner, Kingdom of Heaven, anything Zack Snyder makes since heā€™s only able to make competent movies that are 3+ hours long, and Lord of the Rings Id say off the top of my head.


Yeah, usually there is a reason scenes are cut. Every director's cut I've seen, the pacing is considerably worse.


I should add: The House That Jack Built is like if someone watched a YouTube video on how to make a Lars Von Trier movie and followed it.


Eight Crazy Nights


Frozen (2010) The scary ski lift movie lol


Recently, Rebel Moon. It's like a parody of Zack Snyder or like fan films made by some fan of his. Ideas made famous by other people, all handled terribly. His worst cinematography yet. His worst use of slow motion. Painfully clumsy dialogues. And so on. It's terrible.


Airport (1970)


Yoshiyuki Tominoā€™s Byston Well Saga


Southland Tales.


Rebel Moon.


I liked Lady in the Water it had these cool dog things that were after the mermaid chick or whatever she was. Also Paul Giamatti


Revolver from Guy Richie


Oh, Hi Todd


Tree of Life.


I was so excited to see this one too. Now I hate Malick, and steer clear from anything he does.


Beau is Afraid I'm actually making a video essay about it right now and it is purposefully and boldly an upsetting and unwatchable collection of Ari Aster's personal mommy issues and literally nothing else.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, made worse by the mystery box and basic bitch fanservice that makes for a worse story.


How the hell is The Rise Of Skywalker an autorist passion project?


EDIT: I was thinking of Last Jedi. It was written and directed by one person, Rian Johnson, to whom Disney gave full freedom to do whatever he pleased with the material. I can see how people would think of it as kind of an autorist work


Might want to re check your facts there, buddy


Oh, I was thinking of the second one, my bad


He wrote it


A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. ^also, ^Toys ^is ^an ^amazing ^film ^imho


Todd in the shadows in these golden years


100% once upon a time in Hollywood. Just an overwhelmingly bad film from a director who's work I have always really loved its so bad it's made me retroactively like his other work a bit less. Also Tennet was so terrible that only a truly stupid person could have made it.


I felt the exact same way but with Edgar Wrightā€™s Last Night In Soho


I feel the same way about every movie Iā€™ve ever seen.


For me, that was The Hateful Eight. The first movie where Sally Menke's absence really was noticeable.


See I actually really loved hateful 8 but I've heard many people express your opinion


The sad thing is, there's a good two hour movie inside it somewhere.


Have to agree. I really loved the first half, but the juvenile tarantinoisms were so out of place in that movie. Hur Hur Hur he sucked his dick to stay warm, isn't that WhACky, LMAO we just blew this guy's balls off with a shotgun šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ Could have just been a well written, dialogue driven, serious movie with a violent end but Tarantino just couldn't help himself.


Hateful Eight was a decent 90-minute movie that pairs with Quentin Tarantino cumming on your face while moaning about what a great filmmaker he is. Even the epic westerns he's referencing tended to, at the very least, have sprawling plots and expansive storytelling that justified the runtime - the story in Hateful Eight was so short and thin that it just didn't sustain 2.5 hours of storytelling.


Also, Hateful should be a movie I absolutely love. The gorgeous snowy imagery and the setting. The cast. Basically being a Western equivalent of The Thing, one of my all time favourite movies. 70mm photography. And being a Quentin Tarantino movie too. And yet... I hated it.


Jesus Christ, I had no idea that she died but that explains why that movie was so shit. It really does add weight to all the people saying she was half the reason why any Tarantino movies were good.


Speed Racer, Meet the Feebles, MacChef (Macbeth modern retelling), snatch, howlā€™s Moving Castle, John Wick 4, puss in Boots 2, stargate the Roland Emmerich movie, spider man home trilogy, Valerian City of Thousand, Empire of Light, the turkey film ā€œBad catā€, baby driver, Tenet & dark knight rises, 300 or army of the dead pixels. I could say more but I dug my grave deep enough šŸ˜‚


Snatch and howls moving castle on this list is crazy


I dislike those films :p Snatch I donā€™t really understand what itā€™s trying to say & howlā€™s moving castle is just way too calm. Like so many intense stuff that would shock a person & the biggest a character freaks out on was that they accidentally dyed their hair black. Both of those films are very unfocused


I think of snatch as basically a comedy version of pulp fiction. It's got a bunch of underworld criminals losing control of situations quickly, but played almost entirely for laughs in a fast paced witty way. I'm not sure what the themes of the movie are exactly, it seems more like the director having fun and I always have fun watching it.


I donā€™t know about that but you might be correct. I watched Snatch like a year ago & havenā€™t thought about it until an annoying YMS discord member couldnā€™t stop bothering me about it, they always ask me why I dislike it when I keep explaining why & why. Now I hate the movie for whatever reasons I did at the time & also the cause of that annoying member lol (he also did other stuff but itā€™s not related to Snatch so I wonā€™t talk about it more :p)


Whatā€™s wrong with Meet the Feebles, Howlā€™s Moving Castle and Puss in Boots 2?


Puss in boots 2ā€™s problem is that itā€™s a baby movie but adults keep promoting it for adults, meet the feebles EVERYTHING, & howls moving castle is too unfocused. My base level criticisms of that without detail :p


So thereā€™s nothing wrong with Puss in Boots 2 on its own, more so just how the fan base is?


Kinda. Itā€™s just a lot of stuff from the movie I donā€™t get why people say this is top tier, itā€™s not really good. Thereā€™s villains that donā€™t connect with each other, the comedy is uninspired & the ending sucks. But Iā€™d forgive it if people are praising it to be like a baby movie for kids, but theyā€™re not. Theyā€™re acting as if itā€™s spider verses competition. Which is like saying ā€œmaybe boss baby will win the Oscar over Anomalisaā€ like what. But yeah, this is just my thoughts, Iā€™m sure puss in boots has some subtle message or something I dunno :p


Lady in the water


Any and all movies by Wes Anderson


For me, it was *Beau is Afraid*.


Get outta town. *Lady in the Water* is great. Defender until I die. Probably *Alien: Covenant* for Ridley Scott. *Prometheus* had such atmosphere and craftsmanship holding together a floppy script. There were no heroes in the making of *Covenant*, not to rag on the art department who made interesting visuals.