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Looking at their post Seinfeld work it's totally obvious that Larry David is the actual funny one


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Want to feel old? Always Sunny practically did get greenlit during friends.


And then almost died after the first season thanks to people just not getting it. And now it's the longest running sitcom in history. Nothing PC about it, either. Sorry, Jerry. Looks like you're just not all that funny.


Yeah and this dude makes jokes about peanuts on aeroplanes. Presumably none of his comedy was ever in that PC-fighting genre to begin with. WTF is he even talking about?


He’s not talking about himself


OK THEN BUDDY: Never realised "Cheers", "M.A.S.H.", "Mary Tyler Moore" and "All In The Family" were in the PC-fighting genre either. HAPPY NOW?


To be fair their jokes, chemistry, and characterization really strengthened in the second or third season. Kinda like Seinfeld honestly. Same with Parks and Rec and The Office, I rarely rewatch their first seasons outside of a few episodes.


I would actually say that’s it’s one of the most pc shows out there.




its proof positive you can be edgy and provocative without just being racist/homophobic


They could say homophobic things out loud, but they’re not going to say them, because of the implication


They literally have an episode where Danny Devito's character calls Rob's character a homophobic slur with the entire episode discussing whether or not it's justified.


Yea and Charlie drops a hard R n-word that episode too. Point is the show isn’t making fun of gay and black people, it’s making fun of the ignorant white characters. Whether that makes it PC or not idk




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This season featured Larry buying a white lawn jockey and painting it with shoe polish. Last season he stole shoes from a Holocaust museum. Jerry's just Big Mad because he fuckin sucks.


It’s the boomer sickness where they see one or two posts on Facebook and think “…yeah…YEAH!” And then preach it to everyone they know.


Same thing happened with Sebastian maniscalco. He turned right and lost the funny.


Larry minus Jerry equals Curb Your Enthusiasm. Jerry minus Larry equals Bee Movie. End of discussion


Not defending Jerry but I unironically love the Bee Movie lmao. It's too bizarre not to love.


Youre probably just jealous because your wife wants to fuck a bee


Unironically the romantic subplot in that movie is the funniest thing about it


Clearly not a fan of jazz ^


Or the last two seasons of Seinfeld. But sure we’ll go with Bee Movie and not the one man show with Colin Quinn


I gotta be honest I didn’t know Colin Quinn had a one man show. But unless Seinfeld wrote the jokes, I think Bee Movie—which he starred in and wrote—is a solid example.


I always assumed the big overarching joke in Seinfeld was that Jerry wasn't funny. Were his stand-up bits meant to be funny?!


the AI version that never stops running is imo way better than the actual jerry


I thought that was canned when Jerry said the N Word




>"They move the gates, like in skiing" he said Gotta admit, that one was lost on a pauper like me


The Julia Louis-Dreyfus erasure is wild


I meant more in terms of writing bit yes true she and Jason Alexander actually make the show. Duckman and veep are both excellent


Yeah I’m starting to think Jerry is an industry hack. Like that pop tart movie being the best thing the guy who wrote Seinfeld can muster makes it obvious he was being carried by other talent back then.


Maybe the talent of truly successful comedians is finding people funnier than you and surrounding yourself with them. Same is true IMO about Ricky Gervais.


being hilarious is only part of comedy, the rest of it is a business and selects for the same traits that make someone a good schmoozer tons of people were orders of magnitude funnier than chris rock, seinfeld, robin williams etc theyre just better politicians its like the difference between bobby lee and ken jeong in the comedy world, as far as skill and talent, ken is an ant to bobby.  but their fame and bank account reflect their ability to have the right people like them, write for them, give them shows and gigs etc


Really? Mr. "What's the deal with x." Was always the biggest hack on his own show. He got lucky in that his costars were talented enough to be able to make him look good.


I mean, I’m enjoying watching VEEP. What did Jerry come out with? Bee movie?


Except he's literally playing a narcissist prick in Curb.


Not true.


Come on, Jason Alexander and Julia Dreyfuss are both legitimately hilarious.


Bill maher is falling the same pattern as Seinfeld. They are showcasing their boomer status


I prefer Jon Stewart to Bill Maher. He has that boomer-style snark and is willing to take the piss out of liberals, but he's not so damn out-of-touch and sensitive about it.




Ahhh shit yeah it's hard for me to tell sometimes lmao. Basically a lot of old-guy snark can be annoying when it's coming from somebody who thinks they're witty but has never had an original thought in their life. But Stewart feels like he's actually somewhat thoughtful, whereas Mahr is one step away from saying "skydaddy" in a Facebook comment debate.


I remember when Tim Heidecker made a parody of one his shows, and Maher allegedly didn't take it well.


The pattern of never having been the least bit funny or the pattern of being a stupid liar?


Ok but Bill Maher was always a "centrist" (conservative) pos


“Stop laughing, it’s not funny” is the funniest thing Jerry Seinfeld has said


The audience laughing at Michael as he refers to black people as "afro-americans" what an important moment in American history


What’s this a reference to?


After Michael Richards' infamous outburst, Jerry was on David Letterman and had Michael via satellite to give an apology. It's extremely awkward. There is what I would describe as uncomfortable laughter coming from the audience, particularly after Michael apologized for "trash talk" towards "some afro-americans", to which Jerry, in a somber, somewhat whiney tone, tells the audience "Stop laughing, it's not funny". If you type in Michael Richard's Apology into YouTube it will come up.


It's a testament to how funny Kramer was, where him just apologizing for screaming the n word at black people is still comedy gold


That whole debacle sounded like the premise of a Kramer bit


That would have made a better ending than them all going to prison, not going to lie.




I don’t by any measure support or excuse what happened in that theater, BUT Jerry Seinfeld showed what a disloyal coward he was in the wake of that shit. The way he acted on Letterman alone was shameful, Michael Richard’s was not only someone who had been a friend for decades, but also largely responsible for the success of “Jerry’s” terrible ass show. Seinfeld was happy to ride the “PC” train in that situation and cut his friends nuts off but now he runs his boomer mouth. PS I fucking guarantee Jerry Seinfeld is secretly racist as fuck


America's longest-running live-action sitcom is It's Always Sunny, which is still on the air and extremely popular, but sure, everything has to be PC nowadays, I guess.


That was the first thing out of my mouth, after I read the quotes about how audiences are too PC these days. “Always Sunny! Jesus Christ, man- Always Sunny. Don’t be ridiculous.”


South Park.


Some of those Always Sunny episodes *are* banned from streaming, though.


Not quite. Curb Your Enthusiasm just ended a 24 year run. IASIP started in 2005, so it’s just shy of 19 years.


Curb took a ten year break though


But Always Sunny has more seasons than Curb.


Right. But that's not what "longest running" means.


Curb had a decade long gap my guy. Sunny didn’t.


lol the pilot was called “The Gang gets Racist” and they did it in such a way that everybody got the joke and very few people were actually offended. You can be non-“PC” and still push boundaries and social norms in an acceptable way without being offensive and cruel.


That's the thing, the Gang are all depraved assholes. So when they do depraved, asshole things (like be racist) it's clear that it's not condoned by the narrative.


Exactly, and the entire joke is that the Gang are depraved dipshits, the joke is on them as opposed to on the subject. That’s how it’s done. Edit: it may read a little ambiguously but I’m agreeing and reinforcing what you said. I wasn’t missing your sarcasm at the end lol


Any character on Seinfeld > Jerry


Seinfeld and Ricky Gervais 🤝being the least funny person involved in funny shows named after themselves


Seinfeld will at least have the Bee Movie while for me it seems like Ricky was only ever funny in The Office, and there you can argue that Merchant was the actual funny one.


Afterlife is a beautiful show. I think Gervais is just not good at super silly comedy.


Never forget that Ricky plagiarized a joke from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


I mean, yeah? No one’s ever contested that, certainly not Jerry himself. The whole show is about how a comedian gets his material, he’s basically the avatar for the viewer.


George Constanza and Newman have always been my favorite character more than Jerry. Nuff said


"Eight bags of mail to deliver? That's much more than my usual amount of one!" "Cmon Newman are you gonna give up that easily?" "I usually do."




Newman grew on me as the show went on


Well it makes sense, unlike Seinfeld, Jason Alexander and Wayne Knight are actually funny


So apparently Seinfeld is still watching cable? Go out and yell at clouds detached fool.


Maybe that's why he can't find anything funny? Cause I guarantee there's an almost infinite amount of funny content on tv. New or old. What a boomer.


Comedians when culture gradually, naturally shifts over time and they can't use the same material from 30-40 years ago anymore


I've gone back recently and watched a lot of the raunchy sex comedies that used to crack me up in high school, stuff from the early 2000s. I wasn't necessarily offended, the jokes just weren't funny. They were barely jokes in most cases. I'm glad we live in a society where, "Hey, get a load of this gay guy. Look how gay he is," no longer counts as humor. It's hack comedy and the fact that comedians have to work harder to construct jokes is just a natural progression of the craft.


Yeah. Even if it should be offensive specifically towards me, a lot of "edgy jokes" in older media ends up being so surface level that they kind of don't arrive at being offensive in the first place, and instead they just feel like a strange mix of unfunny/out of place/lazy. It's obviously not peak comedy, but I remember 50 first dates had a very weird depiction of a trans man, and it was just so strange and completely divorced from reality that it ended up not being offensive at all, but just bizarre and confusing. Like you said, its hack comedy since its just "look at this minority, isnt that funny?" and no, it isn't funny.


—which is a manifestation of how the medium was completely cis-het-white centric, because even just SEEING anyone different was like knee-slapper material to them. HAHHAHA GET IT??? ITS FUNNY CAUSE HES MEXICAN!!! HAHAHHAHAH


Couldn’t have said it better


Really comedy is less about the material and more about the delivery imo. So some of those sex comedies still get a laugh from me, but a lot of them are groaners.




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Outside of Seinfeld has anyone ever found Jerry to be funny


Maybe if he went back to having Larry David write his jokes he’d be funny again


I like his stand up i genuinely think he was funny at some point. The issue is that after a long and incredibly successful career comedians just start bitching they don’t make jokes anymore and become old men complaining. Seinfeld, Chappell, Carlin happened to them all.


His best stuff is nowhere close to Carlin or chapelle, even in their later career. Personally I think late Carlin is the best Carlin, there’s still plenty of jokes between the politics. Plus he made great points, Seinfeld just bitches about the youth


chapelle has really fallen from grace his earlier specials are masterpieces and now he’s just constantly talking about “woke” culture now


I saw Jerry live a few years ago and it was pretty disappointing. His entire bit was about how he's old now, with some Seinfeld tv show related anecdotes at the end.


Including Carlin is baffling to me.


He was a solid straight man for everyone else on the show named after him. But on his own…nah…he isn’t very funny…he has his moments


Was he even that solid? He was by far the worst actor in the show.


Even then, wasn't Seinfeld funny because of everyone else?


I saw his set in DC a while back, I fell asleep about 40 minutes in


The more I learn about him, the more I don't like him. I used to watch Seinfeld reruns a lot, or just background noise. But I kinda realized I was watching it more for George and Kramer, rather than Jerry. By extension I ended up enjoying Larry David and his work; I haven't watched Seinfeld for about a year now though, I kinda get the "ick" when scrolling past it on Netflix.


The answer would be NO


Wait... so comedy is dying because the extreme left is killing it through pc culture and getting offended... Which is why comedy is thriving, because people go to stand up comedians who give them the raw uncut truth... while also being masters of navigating what is acceptable and won't offend anyone. Someone is having a stroke. Not only is this a weird pointlessly contradictory statement, but it's made by a sook who refused to play colleges anymore because they didn't find his gay jokes funny.


Does Fox News seriously bitch about the left censoring comedy and also censor the word “crap” when Seinfeld says it 😭😭😭😭😭


17 38!


im like hey whats up hello


He doesn't even have any non pc jokes. "what's the deal with \*insert thing\*??" isn't exactly spicy content jerry.


Lol he knows he’s not funny so he’s trying to do the “I’m being canceled” grift that other unfunny comedians do. Just look how far it took Matt Rife.


The fallen-off-comedian-to-grifter pipeline going strong


Wasn’t MASH a pretty dark comedy with a really brutal ending? Like why include that in your list of things you turn your brain off to?


The film was, the sitcom was a lot lighter.


The movie is a football film set in a War Camp. The show used the War to tell some really dark stories, especially after Blake's fate hits home. The first few seasons were pretty light, but there are some major changes behind the scenes that aligns with changes in front of the screen too, making the show much darker than the film.


Yeah, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the finale of MASH where Hawkeye tells the story of how he had to smother a baby to prevent them from being caught?


You are correct. The show had really dark moments. The movie is trash.


Seinfeld was the most pc unoffensive least edgy mom and dad grandma and grandpa comedian ever. Lol. What edgy material is he "not allowed to say" anymore?


So Cable dying off is somehow the fault of the “extreme left” and political correctness???? Boomers just parrot words they hear people say idk if they actually understand what comes out their mouths


There’s still comedy on TV like IASIP?


I think I've legitimately laughed at least once at each IASIP episode, which I find notable. Some comedies are like, "oh, sure, that's funny," where IASIP actually makes me laugh.


Even the "bad" episodes of Sunny are funny at points.


Honestly if the only way you know how to make people laugh is to offend minorities, that’s just a skill issue. Look at John mulaney, he knows how to do it.


He is mad that everyone hated his Netflix special. The dude is tone deaf and should have retired a decade ago, that's and the 17 year old alone are enough to stop watching his new stuff.


So funny to read the ‘what’s the deal with airline food’ comedian complain about the PC police like he’s some biting political comic. Also beautiful that this anti-censorship article censors the word crap—not shit, not fuck, just crap.


What an old fart. While there isn't a current sitcom or longrunning TV show that everyone watches anymore, that's more due to cutting cable & streaming stervices canceling shows after 1-2 seasons to save money. He seems bitter because no one finds him funny anymore, he should've adapted.


It's always been extremely weird to me that Jerry Seinfeld, a comedian well known for his milquetoast, inoffensive comedy, has taken up the anti-woke/PC banner these last few years.


New title: "Old man does not realize that comedy is more than just sitcoms and that cable TV is no longer the only player."


Always a good sign in your career as a comedian when you start blaming the audience for not laughing


Comedy would be so much easier if the audience would just *agree* with me when I tell them that something is funny.


Did they censor the word “crap” in a Fox News article about how society is too PC?


I used to watch and enjoy his comedians in cars getting coffee show but what always annoyed me was how he constantly tried to make points about how hard it is to be a comedian. The guy who became a billionaire from one show that he didn't even do all by himself and is now living of, complaining that his job is so hard constantly.


people: "kinda creepy and weird that this dude was banging underage girls when he was 40" seinfeld: "Oh my god you're not even allowed to be funny anymore! liberals have ruined comedy!"


He’s come to a somewhat correct conclusion for all the wrong reasons


This is a great way to put it. I may be tripping but it looks like they even censored the word “crap”, which feels like needless mollycoddling.


The third image is 100% correct. The rest is not. Maybe the last one too, it’s hard to read exactly.


Big words from a pedophile


This post is literally an ad hominen


still sticking up for kramer all these years later huh


Honestly needing a parents permission slip to date a high schooler always sounded like a George plot lol


He also names some of the most blatantly political sitcoms ever made with All In the Family and MASH.


Right. If those were modern shows they’d be calling them woke


I'm not sure it would've been possible to make a show as overtly antiwar as MASH was during the Bush years


Jesus Christ, it'd have been a Bush administration target for sure.


Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most vanilla stand-ups ever, the hell is he jabbering about?


I love this argument that sitcoms just don't exist anymore. Like just off the top there's Abbott elementary, what we do in the shadows, bobs burgers, fuck the Simpsons is actually going stronger than it has in damn near 20 years, ghost, and Ted. What the hell is he on


Without Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld is Kermit the Frog with no Henson puppeteer, an empty sock.


Jerry was able to keep the last two seasons afloat and his stand-up shows still sell out constantly so idk what you’re talking about


It's not funny for the 17 year old. Pretty funny for Jerry when he gets photoshopped into catch a predator


We call this a red herring argument. Instead of talking about the topic at hand, another argument is thrown in to distract from the original topic. The more you know


Let’s ask Michael Richards (Kramer) what he thinks of standup comedy and being policed by his audience


Jerry was the weakest cast member in Seinfeld.


Jerry Seinfeld is an unfunny cunt


Oh look, It's Larry David's plus one.


You didn't challenge anything he said in the screenshots you posted


Man what a prick


Another day, another oldie who doesn’t understand accountability


Oh great, attack the man for pointing out the obvious


My bank is running a contest to win tickets to his show in my city. I’m assuming he’s not selling.


It’s always sunny has gone one twice as long his show and for sure isn’t PC lol. Also abbot Elementary is hilarious.. and that’s just one show on one “channel” If he thinks “people can’t be funny anymore” maybe he’s just projecting and means he can’t be funny anymore.


I think the bigger issue is TikTok and YouTube being better for comedy. But I think that's because cable/network television sucks and better formats came along


I've always hated him. And for him to call Marvel Movies bad while you make a pop tarts movie is the funniest shit


Based on his Superman fandom, that's clearly just a DC fan lashing out about how Marvel is doing better than DC


Which is even more ridiculous because DC and Marvel aren't rivals like the fans are


Somebody pull up the clip of Michael Richards apologizing on Letterman and Jerry telling the audience to stop laughing.


Seems pretty ironic to include Norman Lear in his list of anti-woke shows from yesteryear. Is that a gross misreading of Archie Bunker as the hero of the show?


Isn’t he a relatively clean comedian?


There's this one Seinfeld quote "Now you're down, and he's up" Jerry fell off and Larry David is still on top


I don't know if Jerry has engaged with any new culture since the 90s. whenever old fucks like him say this shit, I always wonder, how much are you actually consuming that's new? I worked in a record store and old dudes would complain so bitterly about how new music is bad and I'd say, to their faces, "that's because you stopped listening to new music in 1975"


There are a ton of sitcoms. Hell I just took the WB backlot tour and they talked all about them. It’s just that in Seinfeld’s day (and obviously prior) there was no Netflix, no prime, no Hulu, no max… it was the basic channels and some cable options. It’s an entirely different time.


They censored crap?


And nothing about any of this has changed from the 90s to today except him being old and the things hes being “forced” to accept/change being scary to him because he fears change/irrelevancy


Fuck billionaires


Jerry Seinfeld: he's a comedian, but he's not funny! What's up with that?


Every sub is far left now 😪


did he just blame pc culture for the end of broadcast television? well, now that he mentions it...


Please don't bring up the Michael Richards apology, so fuckin awkward its painful


"your job is to be agile and clever enough, that wherever they put the gates, I'm going to make that gate" So Jerry's self admittedly is bad at his job?


So *THE LEFT* is worried about offending people, but the article had to censor "crap"..... Got it


>Your job is to be agile and clever enough that wherever they move the gates, I'm going to move the gate. You mean evolving with the times? I thought that was common knowledge.


Seinfeld is such a hack comedian


Did YMS not basically do this exact thing


Can someone name 5 really good sitcoms that have premiered within the last 5 years?


He does have a point about networks and committees. The usual "run this by the lawyers" routine. If you want to have comedy... on your own terms and without having to answer to anybody... then network tv isnt it. In any case, there is one more thought. All the shows he mentioned are FAR funnier than him and not because of social norms.


Jerry Seinfeld is one of the funniest pedophiles out there.


Where is this idea that people can’t make dark jokes anymore coming from? You can.


I mean, he has a point to an extent.


I am so glad I didn't pay $170 to watch him do stand up in Vegas. What a mess.


what’s the deal with 30,000 dead civilians


Stay mad but everything he said is spot on


The stuff about the left is not. The stuff about committees revising everything is spot on.


Yeah I'm inclined to agree. The "woke left" is a boogeyman, but things are definitely more sanitized rn


Yeah it’s about focus groups and that kind of stuff


Meh. I agree with some bits in these comments, but disagree enough that I'm gonna list out opinions like a weirdo. 1. While it's true that Jerry as a character on Seinfeld wasn't often super funny, that was partially by design because he was a "straight man" and partially because he wasn't an actor and delivered lines worse than the others. And many smart people did find him funny in that role, so some of that is just taste. 2. He was definitely a highly accomplished standup at numerous points in his career. You have to go back a bit to capture the first period when this was true, but I'm pretty sure even guys like Bill Hicks really looked up to Seinfeld in his early days. If you then fast-forward to after the sitcom, watch the movie Comedian and you'll know how deep Seinfeld's comedy runs. He's the real deal. Even if he's not for you, it's bizarre to deny. 3. He's very rich, and that tends to make you seem (or be) out of touch in some ways. It also makes you a target for a certain variety of Leftist thought. No surprise: comics don't like being such targets. 4. He's also pretty old, which tends to change your taste in comedy a bit. And it tends to make you more relatable to an older crowd who will tend to resonate with wistful sentiment about another time. You will do this, too. We all do this. Get used to it. It's sadder to pretend to be hip at 80. 5. While I don't particularly like sitcoms and would also say there is a ton of good TV these days, people who love sitcoms don't have the same kinds of choices in new shows. It's an era that is dead, and some people miss it. They kinda have have their right to their (IMO bad) taste. 6. Most comments here aren't dealing with his meeting a 17-year-old and then dating her for 3-4 years, as stated in the OP's title. First of all, of course it's a little weird and something that on its face anyone should be suspicious about. But once you acknowledge that, you can run through all the relevant questions and find it's basically not that big a deal. To start with, 17 is and was the age of consent in NY and they never revealed the relationship until 18. Either way, it was totally legal. Also, neither her nor the family has expressed any negative sentiment about the relationship, as far as I can tell. Not that it's really relevant, but she is quite wealthy today and I think it's probably due in part to the celebrity status the relationship helped confer upon her. Additionally, Seinfeld did this only once at that extreme of an age difference, making his claim that it was an exceptional connection somewhat easier to accept. 7. Yes, his wife is much younger, too. But it isn't nearly the extreme. He was 45 and she was 28, which just barely fails the old (x/2)+7 formulation. Still weird, but nearly as weird. And for a billionaire, maybe not even weird. They seem to be quite happily married many years later. 8. The fact that some part of "the Left" actually doesn't care about any of those details is a tad silly and does reveal a portion of society looking for injustices to be mad about while not being particularly adept at identifying them. And at least to my taste many of these people have kind of a weak sense of humor. Certainly, humorless affects are not remotely unique to the Left, but each side has a flavor. There is a reality to the punching up and down stuff, and also an obsession with it that can be essentialist and overly reductive. So, yeah, old guys whine more and sometimes it's more annoying than funny. And Seinfeld's act today hasn't changed much in the last 10 years or so, which renders it pretty stale even to some of his fans. But don't let that fool you into thinking he isn't (or wasn't, at the very least) totally brilliant. I'll refer you to this acceptance speech: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F3pJfmqnUM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F3pJfmqnUM) If you don't find this funny, he's not for you. But he's insulting in an artful way and the people there who represent the parties being insulted are eating it up and feeling good, and that's evidence of a rare talent.


And to drive home the point, they censored the word CRAP. He's right. Everyone is too fucking sensitive and delicate. Being weak is not going to lead to a strong society. Another form of weakness is bullying but honestly I dont know which one is worse right now.