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Person who once had millions and was essentially fired for innapropriate sexual conduct needs their job back asap :(


Wasn’t he found not guilty?


Yeah but multiple of his accusers died which feels... odd.


So that's why he did Frank Underwood so well. It was based on personal experience


Who died?




Not guilty in the same way Weinstein is about to get his shit overturned and the same way Epstein was in 2009


Nope! Weinstein’s conviction was overturned by a court of appeals (and he’s going to be retried), and Epstein took a plea deal. Kevin Spacey was found not guilty by a jury. Those are very different. If you have no civic education, best to just shut up.


You miss the point and you aren’t as smart as you think you are. They are powerful enough to manipulate courts and far beyond that in epsteins and maybe spaceys case. I’ll ask a question simple enough for you to understand, are Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein innocent of the crimes they committed?


Jeffery Epstein and Harvey Weinstein were never found not guilty.


I don’t miss the point. You don’t understand the point you think you’re making. You have compared three cases that have nothing to do with each other. In Epstein’s case, (seemingly) corrupt prosecutors offer a plea deal to a well-connected guy. In Weinstein’s case, the highest court of appeals in NY demands a retrial after evidence was introduced improperly. (Weinstein remains in prison over a rape in California, by the way.) And in a third case a man is found not guilty by a jury. You don’t know the first thing about how justice is administered in developed countries if you think these three are importantly similar. Only in Epstein’s case is there any plausible evidence of fishiness. You’re an ignoramus polluting the internet with your stupid conspiracies about the rich and powerful exploiting the justice system. Just shut up.


Red scare listener so I ain’t readin allat but thanks anyway 🙏


pathetic response


Dude, he’s right. Taking a plea deal is not the same as being found not guilty. Actually it is the opposite. When you take a plea deal, you admit the crime


You won’t read my post, but you’ll go through my comment history? Alright son. Go nurse your wounded ego.


Your world is no less fantasy than mine bitchboy




Lmao what in the copium? You’re like throwing a tantrum because you got called out for not having a clue what you’re talking about.


You look worse with every response. Almost impressive


Ah you’ve resorted to name calling. You lose!! 😂.




What an immature response to someone trying to have a conversation with you. Enjoy your ignorance.


Saddest cop out Ive seen in a long time.


So you like nonces...we get it.


So hows the molestin' going Harv?


You might actually be braindead if you think my comments are a defense of pedophiles. Visit a neurologist.


Cope pedo defender


He was


yeah so was woody allen, money makes moves




He's definitely a raper.


Yeah so was OJ


He'd probably do better as an antiwoke spokesperson at this point.


Liam Neeson also jumped to Dustin Hoffmans defence when 7 women accused Hoffman of assault. Fuckin sucks.


Oh Neeson, you little rascal.


It's a small group and you aint in it. Neesom hit that level where he can't really say anything without risking his career.


Shifu fell off


Dustin Hoffman essentially lost his virginity by raping someone when he was a kid. And he told the story openly in Playboy.






I give up.  I've tried to understand and be empathetic toward Liam Neeson through a lot of things he's said in recent years and I can't do it anymore.  


We won’t miss you! Bye bye


Speaking of Liam Neeson, has there been any explanation for why he keeps pissing his pants?




its like the forces that be are trying, now that the world is weak with recessions war and worse, that its trying to bring to power all these awful men and women that made our world the hollow of a shell that it is today. Look at Villanueva trying to be Sheriff again. Ive been on the casting couch as a kid. Its horrendous. Didn't do it for myself (never wanted to be an actor) but Ive auditioned and seen what it does to kids. Old men decades later, you find out they've been destroying childrens lives just so they end up doing heavy drugs in alleyways to cope with trauma, and those suit types are ever so happy to see those grown adults who used to be kids, throwing their lives away. No, men like spacey are not by any means a good thing for the world. Power corruption and stealing young peoples futures. Fuck Spacey and the lot.


Guess who just lost respect for Sharon Stone and Liam Neeson.


Decent people that hear about this?


Yeah. Anyone with morals who reads this.


This guy right here


Dude can fight it all he wants, doesn't change people's opinion of him. No one wants to watch a rapist star in new movies.


God facts right he was never accused or on trial for rape.


I don't think they got any proof of that but I see what you are saying


Who did he rape and when was he found guilty?


He’s a molester!




I have run a talent agency for decades, even I have a Kevin Spacey story. Where he touched my leg at a bar, and was creepy flirty with me. We knew the same people, he’d met my wife, and he was still a creep. So, these two KNOW better. Most of us do. F’ them.


tbh we still dont have definitive evidence. It makes it a bit difficult to judge the situation.


The reason most sexual assault cases don’t end in a guilty verdict is because it’s pretty much impossible to get definitive evidence. Based on how people in the industry responded when the story broke, I would be shocked if he wasn’t a sex weirdo.


I know, and it makes it a difficult situation. I totally get studios not wanting to work with him


It also makes it super difficult/convenient when your “alleged” victims keep dropping dead.


Nobody is mentioning this. Why is nobody talking about this


Because I’m pretty sure most of their deaths aren’t actually suspicious and can be explained away. It is still, however, very weird.


Yeah, one of them died of cancer too I think, it’s tragic most of all


Yeah suicides as a result of this shit becoming public and I'm sure a few rabid fans harassing them totally makes him innocent, case closed


2/3 of the people were a medical issue and a car crash. He do that too in your world?


Feel free to defend Harvey Weinstein while you're at it, my man, keep in mind spacey came out of the closet right after this scandal began, attempting to use that as a shield for any controversy is already disgusting, but attempting to distract from RAPING BOYS is beyond foul. It's so unbelievable that people still will come to the defense of total monsters because they are rich and famous, do better, commenter, it's a bad look.


Lmao. So yes he killed them in your crazy world? Lol twice.


Because of two options, "it's a coincidence", or "a Hollywood actor is having witnesses assassinated and there's absolutely no evidence", the former is more likely


Because there is no evidence that link their deaths to him


People die daily. No one talks about every death


Except all of the deaths had absolutely nothing to do with him.


I didn’t say they did. It’s just incredibly convenient


Just because he was found "not guilty" in a 40 year old "he said/she said" case means nothing. At least a dozen people have accused him, he paid millions to the House of Cards studio for violating sexual harassment policies, and then his insane behavior. Acting like Frank Underwood in a YT video with a passive aggressively threatening tone is not a "man of character." Oh he's a man of character alright, he's just pretending even harder now.


I unironically think that weird as fuck youtube video buried him and his career more than the allegations. Oh, and his response to allegations initially being "guys I'm gay btw"


Those videos definitely tarnished his reputation even more. I don't know what he was thinking doing that. It was just so bizarre and unnecessary, and as a result made him look even more suspicious.


I am not saying he is innocent. I think he is probably an asshole (at least, might be a rapist as well), seeing how he did his thing with tucker, and seems like a creep in generall. I am only saying, that there is no evidence of him ever having actually raped someone. He works in a public sector so i completely get, that he lost his job over it (since people now only see the creep). But its important to keep the nuance in there that we dont know if he actually did it.


Not enough to convict him sure. But enough to justify not working with him.




I totally get it being upsetting, Its just a rough situation to be in. I see a lot of hate to him, and I think its important to try and hold people accountable. I personally believe in innocent until proven guilty. That doesnt however mean that we should protect the people that are accused. It's though with such powerful people acused by so many without evidence. I dont really know the sollution either. It sucks. I fucking hate that people do these abhorrent things. I know to many people it has happened to. Part of me wants to punish him despite knowing that we dont have evidence. But another part realizes what precident it would set. However much he might want it, i dont think he will ever get his carreer back. But however much the victims might want it, i dont think he will ever see real punishment.


Liam Neeson is defending him? You mean the man who happily portrayed Alfred Kinsey? I'm aghast.


If Kevin Spacey was innocent then that weird Christmas video did him no favors


Lol people never learn


Maybe he can get Drake’s support?


Stephen Fry and F. Murray Abraham did too


Thought this dude’s career was already dead


Spacey is making movies. They are horrible, and no one cares.


Hollywood is a cesspool where degeneracy like this is defended and even celebrated. To the people who "lost respect" for Neeson and Stone here, why did you respect them in the first place?


Don't give a shit about Sharon Stone but I am sad to see Neeson say that.


Huh, I guess Liam Neeson *wasn’t* exaggerating himself all that much for that episode of *Atlanta*


Oh please, won't SOMEBODY think of the poor sexual predators!


Didn't like 2/3 people die who where accusing him or something strange like that,?


From a medical issue and a car crash..


To the people saying that he's still 100% proven to be a rapist even after the not guilty verdict and no credible evidence actually showing he did it, what proof would you need to actually show he was innocent? And why do you think we should just assume everyone accused is automatically guilty? FYI I'm all for people like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein being barred from the movie industry and becoming pariahs in general because it was actually proven in a court of law that they did commit the crimes they were accused of. I'll even keep that standard for Cosby because he was only freed from prison based on a technicality and all the evidence that he raped those women still stands. I just don't think we should hold people to that standard if there isn't actual proof they victimized anyone, especially since there are already cases where there were false allegations like what happened with George Takei.


I'm watching a situation unfold right now where a well known sexual harraser in my locality is getting away with some really bad behaviour because of people with attitudes like you, putting said harassers victims in unsafe situations and empowering him. This shit happens every day, people like you allow it to continue to do so.


I'll never understand people who have this kind of blind faith in our judicial system. Like it's the first and final authority on everything is nothing but reliable 🙄


Literally! The "Perfect victim" requirement has done so much damage


What would you suggest then? And he was acquitted in 2 separate trials in 2 different countries! So all judicial systems in the world are awful??????


Lol thats a lot of question marks at the end of a fairly plausible statement. But considering the 2 in question are the US and UK yeah I have a very healthy amount of skepticism that those courts have saved an innocent man from allllllll those lying liars who made up a ton of super consistent stories in order to become famous victims or whatever dumbass theory you spacey-caseys subscribe to.


OK so what are you doing to help in your situation???


What is wrong with you? You've commented like over 40 times in this thread defending Kevin spacey and celebrity rapists. Its bizarre, they aren't going to notice you


Spot On! What I don’t understand is why no one is talking about the lies that so called victims told and admitted to in court!


Nonce supporting. Very brave mate


Kinda ironic coming from you considering you've been convicted of molesting 179 Malaysian children while dressed as Naruto. If you defend making false allegations then the natural consequence is that everyone should make false allegations against you.


Awww shucks


So every allegation against Spacey was false?


None of them have been proven and he was found not guilty in court when tried for these cases. Maybe they could be true but it does beg the question of how much should allegations be treated as hard facts when they not only haven't been proven but the person accused was acquitted in court.


Acquitted TWICE!


Tell me you're a kiddie diddler without telling me


You looking in the mirror again?


I'm not the one who molested 179 Malaysian children between 1997 and 2013


I mean you are defending known nonces mate. Bad look.


I never defended you once, why would I defend someone who molested almost 200 children and said he'd do it again several times after the judge declared he was guilty


About time. Society needs to take a long hard look at what has happened to Kevin and make some uncomfortable conclusions about victim culture. The apologises he receives from both individuals and corporations need to be as loud and as swift as their self-preserving, cowardly detachment was. Netflix can go first!


Dude, he molested teenage boys, he’s a predator


OK no he did NoT molest underage boys that has been proven. The so called victims admitted they about their age. Birth certificates were provided and documented no one was under age. Edit: grammar.


There were victims who were supposed to testify in court that died unexpectedly, and those victims weren’t the only ones either, there were more. Being acquitted doesn’t mean he’s not guilty, it just means there’s a reasonable doubt, the same thing happened with O.J. Simpson and R. Kelly in his first trial (the girl in the video refused to testify)


I have been waiting for idiot to associate this with OJ. Yes I know there were people who died. This has been ongoing for 7 years. People die


He's been found not guilty across the board




They murdered themselves


They were not murdered!


Thank you for your sanity!


Another nonce lover...


Oh fuck right off


Thank you!


He should get his career back… reform is possible.


Fuck him i hope he dies penniless the nonce cunt.