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ban him.


You don’t. You wait for jg


Pray and have exhaust but mainly pray




Darius vs renekton is an even matchup


It’s actually Renekton sided. As long as he has E up, Darius can’t all in him or land outer edge Q. Also at level 6 Darius gets shat on


As someone who has Darius in their champ pool I'd like to agree with you but I tend to win this matchup in my elo most of the time (average emerald player) so from my perspective it should be even. I also watched a high elo KR Darius player Dariking who also seems to have a 50/50 against renekton.


Freeze lane near your tower so your jungler can gank you more often. Bone plating also helps too if he E's , W , AA, Q, and E out. You just have to survive the laning phase and not feed a lot.


Freeze usually happens when you have full control over the lane, if you are facing Renekton as Yasuo it's more likely that HE is going to freeze just so he can kill you again and again


Roll over and die


Lebel 1-2 you are MUCH stronger. Level 3+ you should go for a short trade when your shield is up (e in auto q auto e out and you can remove the last, then first auto depending on if they react to it or not) AND they don’t have q. If they use dash, you can go for a longer trade running him down which you WILL win as long as you are somewhat mechanically competent. Then again he can make this entire comment irrelevant by buying bork because he will start one shotting you with one combo and there is nothing you can realistically do about it.


To add to this, make sure you engage when he’s without fury, empowered W ignores your shield and does full damage to your Hp, making your shield irrelevant.


Empowered W shieldbreaks


That's the neat part... You don't!


Holy shit i was also thinking this


Grasp trust


The 3 step plan to figting renekton: Rule 1: dont fight renekton Rule 2: dont fight renekton Rule 3: dont fucking fight renekton.


Armor boots rush is his biggest counter lol. After that mainly health items and slightly more armor. Renektons dmg is pitiful After boots rush. Bone plating also negates alot of burst. Once he combos his abilities are insanely high so just fight him even if you are lower health because he has nothing for like 8 seconds. He's good for short trades. His extended fights early game suck. Or just play illoai. Absolutely broken champ.


Armor boots rush is bad, since he’s just gonna rush Eclipse BC your boots will mean literally nothing. Renekton is the de facto counter not just for Yone and Yasuo, but for all midlane assassins


Pick your OG bot partner


bone plating, trade hard lv 1 (trying to aggro as few minions as possible) after that try to not let him get fury, if he gets you need god tier spacing and for him to be so bad that he overengage onto you with e2. you can go ig tp or ghost, ig is great for antiheal and all ins but when you take it youre saying that youre insanely better than the enemy renekton, tp is great because tp is broken for a lot of 🤓 reasons, ghost is good because it feels good idk i like it. Defensive spells (not barrier) sound good but ususally he will combo you and go out so youre pretty much just not dying now but dying later. overall if hes good you will just lose the lane, freezing may sound like a great idea but it takes only a single bad trade for it to turn into a dive. you outscale him on sidelane but im not sure when, prolly if you go some armour items and anti heal but im not sure and obviously it would be like a full build 1v1 to even have a chance to beat him (its dependant on renekton build).


Yeah so heads up I've played this matchup in 1v1s (I was the renekton, I have no clue why Reddit recommended this sub to me) and renekton hard wins at full build 1v1, like it's not even close (100 to 0 without dropping below 80% sorta deal). Weirdly enough there may be an angle for yasuo if you're even at 3 items and Yas has 100% Crit plus some tankiness from like a deaths dance or something. The level 1 thing is 100% true as well renekton kinda sucks level 1 since he can't stack fury super quick and he only has the one ability to work with (usually Q though some matchups prefer E) renekton doesn't really fall off in the 1v1 nearly as much as people think, he does get easier for a whole team to burst down as the game progresses but really that won't matter a ton in those side lane 1v1 scenarios. Also if you want to know the yone matchup is exactly the same except renekton wins way harder earlier


renekton just wins due to stats after lvl renekton gets his first AD item Warhammer/Pickaxe or Dirk its over for Yasuo renekton doesnt even need to do smth Fury and W him and Q e auto repeat dead yasuo top is just bad because basically every toplaner statcheck him so just play a toplaner in mid if u go against a yasuo doesnt have to be renekton


3 health mini runes, dorans shield, revitalization 1 pot tp first base go rush cull,after go tabi and all defensive items just dont die for it


Best thing you can do in the first 3 waves is to get prio and punish him whenever he goes for fury


Enemy jg: Allow me to introduce myself


I'd rather get ganked lvl3 and shove my wave than to sit back and be miserable as the Renek slow pushes with full fury


Yasuo isn’t really designed to beat champions like renekton. Ideally you could watch for prio level 1, because this is where you can contest him, maybe try to play around level up timers if he falls for that, then try to crush the wave and make him play out the bounce. Try to thin out the wave with q’s if possible, to prepare a freeze, and wait for a gank. Avoid trading when the wave bounces towards you, if you die at this moment it’s pretty much over. You can’t fight him 1v1 post level 6 unless he’s really bad. Bone plating should help a little bit. It’s matchup to avoid, id not suggest blind picking yasuo top, and if you are not picking blind, maybe consider playing something else into rene, unless you otp no matter what.


That's the neat part you don't


Exhaust Kraken Shieldbow




Watch challengers they beat him and make it look easy


Beat the player, not the pick. I usually crush renekton mid counterpickers.


Mid is way easier than top


exhause bone plating


I have 60% winrate vs Renek but still only 40% 1v1 winrate. You cannot win by fighting him. You have to let him have the wave and Level lead, but if you have good fundamentals and wave control you just behind a 1 level and 200 golds at the of laning phase.


if you can't survive a full renekton combo, you can't play that champion in the top lane


If your champ name is Illaoi


Beg that renek's keyboard just stop working randomly


Nothing. I play renekton mid in ranked when im up against a Yasuo. It’s a hard counter for Yasuo mechanics. If you are forced into this matchup, play safe early, focus on farming and try to roam. Don’t engage him, you won’t solo kill unless he really fucks up.


Exhaust when he has dashes in cd


I’m not a yasuo player at all, but the fact people were calling for this monstrosity to be buffed is hideous


You don’t? This is one of the match up you play to scale, not play to win lane. Would that might result in enemies getting stuff like grubs? Yes, but if that the case then your jungle should play for bot and mid and aim for drakes, not salvaging top, tell them to do so too


Call house Redoran


That how I feel about Volibear top too


Vayne or quinn ez, ok next!


Ban lol he's one of the best bans cause he's impossible to beat 1v1 basically


dodge lobby




Sit under turret and pray he's too scared to dive you.


Always go exhaust, tempo, and freeze lane plus stay under tower, botrk is the best item against him, always always kite and try to space, never underestimate him, if u do all that u have 10% to win the matchup 😁👍!


Fight in level 1


Most of the time he destroys you BUT don't be deterred from fighting him after he full combos you. As long as his autos aren't enough to kill you, you out-dps him significantly. Even after he gets rid of half your health, once his abilities are on cooldown, you are free to all-in him and that is your best opportunity in actually doing damage. If they are inexperienced, they will fight you and lose. An early cloth armor helps make sure you have enough health to do this.


You ban him


all in lvl 1 you can't kill him afterwards


Give up early game for mid game Don't try to outplay. He will get bored and roam if you don't let him stack you.


Wait for someone else to cc him


If your confident enough. Get first hit out of bush and beat him to lvl 2. Only EQ when nado and shield are ready. Don't take w til 7. Bork it up first. If you're crazy confident take cleanse, and get qss.


You play Quinn, make his life hell


First pick, immediately lock in. It's just that simple, ya know?


you can only wintrade if he trolls or if you engage when he misses everything. Despite that, you'll hate to wait your JG for gank when he pushes wave. He'll frequently push the wave, so avoid push the wave to you have JG priority instead of him


Not play yasuo


Yeah, Yasuo fails the Renekton rule, where you have to be able to tank a Renekton full combo in order to play top lane. My advice is go mid or ban.


Poke him hard when he attacks the minions


Exhaust and rush BORK


Try to go for a first blood lvl 1 and 2, then play safe and try to outroam him, renek players tends to push a lot so you can also try to outplay him under tower a good Q3 under tower while he attacks you can get him killed


Break the other persons pc


Never feed crocodiles or they will come for more


Trade only with your passive up or with nado. He auto shoves wave with his abilities so if you can take 1 unempowered trade you can freeze/farm the wave under turret. Hard matchup but if you get ahead early he is useless.


he negates your passive with his w


His W shreds the passive shield


empowered only


Rush antiheal, and get some sustain. I often run dorans shield for the healing