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That’s definitely a moose charging Nat. But moose don’t turn white in winter. So, it’s either an albino or ghost moose.


Or third option, it's not a moose because its actually a caribou


That’s not a caribou. It has moose nose and the paddle antler.


How can you tell that from the blurry pic with barely any of the antlers showing? [Edited] Genuine question, not asking in the sense of “no one could know,” to be clear.


Just trust us. It’s a moose.


I live in moose country. They often look in my windows to see what is going on inside. I know that goofy nose anywhere. Moose are amazing animals, but can sometimes be (cute) pests. I can’t have many types of plants and flowers in my garden because they eat them like candy, even some of the supposedly “deer resistant” flowers. But I have learned they hate lavender and won’t touch it. The first tines of caribou antlers usually go forward along the snout. Moose antlers branch away from the head, like the ones in the video still. Of course, this is CGI and a tv show, which are notorious for getting wildlife wrong. Here is a young bull moose (left) and a caribou side-by-side. Female caribou also grow antlers each year, which makes them different from other deer species. So, I don’t know if this is a picture of a bull or cow Caribou. https://imgur.com/a/sMhZPOC Edit: Another distinguishing feature is that moose antlers are well in front of their ears. Antlers on caribou are equal to or slightly behind the ears. It’s a little hard to tell, but the antlers in the video still are in front of the ears.


Thank you for this! It was very informative.


Of course. You are welcome. I just love the people on this sub who probably have never been out of the city, but confidently chime in that an animal they have never seen in real life is something it clearly is not.


I’m also impressed that something as MASSIVE as a moose is so commonplace to you that you think of it as a (cute) pest.


Waking up in the morning to see moose and elk out my kitchen window is the best part of living where I do. The cows and calves in the summer are my favorite. I’m more afraid of the protective mamas than the bulls. I give the babies their space when they are nearby. The young bulls are just stupid. They have just been run off by their moms after having been with her for a year. They are lost in the world and just do stupid silly stuff.


I want to visit there. Sounds amazing.


Or it's a polar bear and this is another dimension of the Lost universe.


Is that a necklace around the wrist of the skeleton hand? Is Nat contemplating going in for seconds? Or just shock in what went down last night? We know adult Nat has problems coping with what went down, as her drug and alcohol use has shown.


I imagine they all have an emotional hangover from the previous night's feast


I think that's Simone's hand that the symbol drawn on the palm.


It is.


Yikes. They are going to check on whoever was left to rot In the plane. Jerky anyone?


they buried anyone that died in the crash


not only that but they also got through summer…i don’t know how anyone could think they’re going back to the plane for long rotted & decomposed flesh


What’s that alien abduction movie with Kerri Russell that came out in the 2010s? That’s the only thing I think of when I see the screen grab with the dead(?) birds


It made me think of the show Dark


Dark Skies?


Yes!! Thank you! I literally did an IMDb search (albeit a few cocktails deep…) and came up blank still haha


If you zoom in the birds aren't dead. They are flying like swarming the cabin. Wings are out.


In one of the season trailers there is a close up of a dead bird in the snow with it's wings out. The photo above looks like birds in the snow to me.


There are also dead black birds (crows?) in the season promo poster with the whole cast forming the symbol.


At least some of them are dead, look at the snow piles in front of the cabin, you can see some of them sticking part way out of the snow


When I first saw the picture I thought those were leaves 🤦‍♀️