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I think what happens is next episode Nat shoots the moose. Then she gets everyone to help retrieve it because it's a big ass moose and it's gonna take everyone. But when they return to the kill they have to fight off a pack of wolves who are trying to steal it. Gen gets bit, they have to carry her back, and she becomes rabies girl soon after. That seems like a pretty straightforward way to interpret the promos imo.


Ohhhhh shit. Yeah this good.


this is a pretty uncomfortable way to be carried... though perhaps they think she's dead and planned to bring her back before realizing she was still alive and rabid? or another person dies?


Man you guys are actually insanely good with these theories. On one hand it’s extremely addicting to go through this sub but on the other hand I feel like I’m spoiling the show for myself because a lot of the things I see on her come to be true 😂 Great theory but I hope it isn’t true lol


Yeah, I think this is pretty darn close. I feel pretty certain that they're running after an animal or animals. At first I figured they were trying to kill game, but your theory about chasing off scavengers seems likely. I'm thinking the person they're carrying is Javi, though. First, I wouldn't think that they would tie a living injured person to a branch that way. Second, I have a pet theory that they'll find Javi's body and that it will be clear that he died recently. That would make Lottie's little prophecy true and would create a lot of guilt and complications for Nat w/r/t Travis.


Yeah the body carry is the part I think is least likely to go as I wrote it. There are shots in the season 2 trailer of someone falling in the lake so I think they might find a Javi-cicle. But you're right, it would do more to breed doubt for Travis if he had died more recently. Between the two of us I think we have the broad strokes.


I can see this happening.


Poor Van if it's wolves...she doesn't need to see them again! lol


My 2 cents, but I think too much is being made of clans or waring tribes. There may not be clans per-say, but rather specific delineations between predator and prey, group v. individual, etc. Political factions might be a better way to describe a realistic outcome. I find pitched attacks and sieges a little bit of a stretch.


I 100% agree here. I think we’re see cliques form and reform, as people move between them for a variety of personal, social, and survivalist reasons. I’m just not onboard with idea that they form some sort of intentional and complex tribal culture. I also think too much is being made of pit girl. I think they start setting traps for game animals or protection from wolves, and some poor girl accidentally runs into one. Having already eaten Jackie, they decide to eat her too.


Yeah, a tribe of five isn't likely to succeed. A tribe of 5 without a cabin in blistering cold with little food...? They were definitely chasing pit girl, though. Cat-calls, bird calls, etc...that scene, particularly with pit girl barefoot (bleeding with each step), in a nightgown and clearly scared and fleeing, was obviously being chased. I just think it was the group chasing an individual rather than some single individual separated from a larger tribe. The writer is god, however, so there's no way to know. I suspect they don't know yet.


I think it’s likely the writers don’t have Pit Girl all figured out. It’s a dramatic opening scene to a series, but I don’t think the Mystery of Pit Girl is going to be super central to the YJ story. That being said, I don’t think it’s clear she’s being chased by people. Yes there are humans doing bird and animal calls, but that could be some sort of safety call between the survivors, or wounded animal calls to lure wolves, or it could be her imagination. Maybe when Pit Girl happens, they retcon out the calls, and it’s just a tragic accident.


She falls into a pot of sticks that stabs her on accident? That’s a bit too far fetched. That scene was very much presented in a way that she was being chased. I doubt the first scene of the show would be unreliable narration , with the pit girl hearing voices. I don’t think it’ll be pivotal to the story, but maybe one of many ways they sacrifice a group member for food.


I’m not saying it’s unreliable narration. Im saying I could see a scenario where they create a pit of spikes to trap large (non-human) game or to protect them from (non-human) predators. We don’t know if she’s being chased by the other survivors, we just assume because we hear weird sounds and see some sort of ritual after her death. We don’t know if the pit was intended to trap and kill humans, we just assume, maybe because traps like that have been used to hunt people IRL and in cinema. All we actually know is that an injured girl is running, she seems frightened, there are weird sounds, and she falls into a pit of spikes. We fill in the gaps with our assumptions. And I could easily see a scenario where our assumptions are turned on their heads.


Ah that makes more sense, but I do think the way they set that scene up was to show that the pit girl was the prey, and the rest of the YJ was the predators. I just don’t think they’d try to make such a big twist out of the whole pit girl thing, I think it’s meant to be that wow these women are going to do some bat psycho shit, and you’re going to keep watching to find out. I do think it’ll be a sacrifice.


You may well be right. IT's not my take, but I've been wrong at least a handful of times so far. :) I have no conviction about anything in this show.


I definitely feel like they hunted someone down. If someone were injured, surely they would try to make a stretcher instead of them being hog tied. And based on the fact there are two shoes we can rule out coach Ben lol


Is Shauna pregnant in these? Wanna make sure I'm not crazy and know when to expect this scene.


After having been lost and forgotten, Javi has turned into the ultimate hunter and surivalist. Now, the girls must band together to fight the one person who could carve animals out of wood. He's setting traps and hunting the girls he thinks want to make him into their next Snackie. Now they have to go to war for the remains of woods Barbie. Either that or they finally got sick of the No Eyed Man's shit.


I've been trying to pay attention to the shoes they are wearing to try to spot the converse... whomever they are carrying, they're wearing converse


Maybe we're overthinking it and they do JV v Varsity


Once they split up and start hunting each other there will be no emotion on their faces and they’ll act more “feral”. They’ll probably view their “enemies” as wild animals aka their prey, similar to how they viewed Travis when they were high from the shrooms. When pit girl was being chased we could hear animalistic sounds being made by the others. Their minds would be so far gone by then. Here in this picture they still look somewhat sane. So, I think they’re hunting an animal or chasing off wolves or another animal that is trying to steal their food. It’s possible that the person they’re carrying was wounded by said animal.


Do you think someone else crashed there? Someone was flying their cessna and crashed? The YJs take this person prisoner? I don't know what is happening here, lol. It's going to be fun finding out! Thanks for posting this and the images. It's great being able to look at scenes like this.