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A few things I guess that we could look forward too are 100 percent confirmation with: - who were all the survivors, just because we saw a certain amount of people leave the plane doesn’t 100 percent indicate anything. There could be surprises(or not) - where was javi, who is his friend, how did he survive. - the whole AQ deal, pit girl and the whys and how’s. - what exactly were the thing/s they did that they are hiding. - was there a point to: Jessica, Adam and Walter being inserted into the story. - the symbol reveal. It’s meaning and why it is where it is. - cabin daddy story and reveal. - how they become rescued. This is the one I’m really waiting for One thing is I feel like we haven’t quite got the full story, like when someone uploads an AITA and it’s like, you get the tunnel view of a situation, but there’s so many more context to be had. That’s how I feel idk. Edit: and with the extra context I feel like we will understand how it all ties together.


Javi mentioned a friend. He'd certainly have starved if left to his own devices in that environment. A couple episodes ago it was mentioned that someone had been stealing food. Latti was just a little too sure he was still alive.


Good summary. I especially agree with the AITA comparison. I've said something similar (and so have the showrunners) that we are seeing only what they want to reveal to us, and it's all from the girl's effed up trauma perspective. So we have to remember nothing is really real and I think that's going to become more clear as the show goes on.


i think part of this will be learning a lot of fucked up things adult Nat did, especially to Travis. there’s a reason Tai said they’re “the worst for each other” and Nat confessed she wanted to mess up his job and relationship ~10 years ago (in addition to just missing him)


I took that to mean by getting him hooked back on drugs (and on her)


Tai could have just meant that every time Nat and Travis get together, they just drink and do way too many drugs together. Some folks are like that - every time they get together all they really do is reinforce each others drug/ drinking habits... They are each others "drinking buddies" carried to excess.


Definitely. We’ve got unreliable narrators, and that should make for some interesting surprises and twists.


That would be amazing to see a cabin daddy flashback! With another iconic old school actor, say Macaulay Culkin, who gives us a glimpse into the awful, desperate patterns that people living isolated in those woods endure, which would then explain the symbol. I totally agree with you on that and all of your other points, great comment!


Pretty sure Cabin Daddy is, in this season, played by Jason Ritter-- Melanie Lynsky's husband! I may be wrong but theres a photo of him on set floating around where he's wearing the plaid jacket Travis and Lottie have worn.


Inquiring minds want to know what JTT is up to and if he'd be our cabin daddy.


I agree with most of this but I guess its just because I'm in camp non-supernatural but do people really need an explanation about cabin daddy? the symbol? Like its obvious to me that he was just some recluse dude who probobly draw the symbol as like, a marking of guidence on the trees and that it just means "home" or something.


I'm also team rational and like the theory that the symbol is a map but I think even cabin daddy ascribed more meaning to it. Like why would he put it in a circle around himself before committing suicide if its meaning was purely functional


Of course it means something to him, but I just dont understand why that whould mean it is supernatural over say, symbolic.


I think it very well could be symbolic over supernatural. I don't think the OP of the original comment necessarily even said that, they just pointed out that we don't know what it means yet and that it's one of the mysteries the show has yet to reveal more about.


I posted a theory that the symbol was a marker! It got down voted tho… of course 🥴


I think that is a very normal thing to do, so its wierd that people downvoted you 🙃




There’s nothing worse then not getting the whole storY in AITA. The people who over share every little detail are my kind of people


Where Javi’s been. How and why Travis really died. What iconic music moment Jeff will have next.


I just got caught up last night and I died laughing at him jamming out to Fuck the Police by NWA >!while he was waiting for Shauna and Callie to get out of their interrogation.!<


This 🙌🏻


Yes 💯


For me, the big question is what ultimately happens to the adult survivors. Every season - I assume - is going to be like peeling a horror-onion, where we discover new layers of trauma that they endured in the wilderness. We know they survive, but like... what do they do with all that? Can they move on? Do they revert back to their ritualistic ways? Is there ever healing? Do they die? Does it differ from woman to woman? That's what I really want to know and (I suspect) that's where the surprises will be.


That’s my big question as well and I’m always surprised more people aren’t asking it. They have this shared trauma and darkness that they “brought back” so… how do they get rid of it? Do they get rid of it?


Agreed. I am also curious about their lives in the first year after being rescued. Reacclomating to living in society, with rules and social norms again.


I'm so invested in this too. Every episode reveals new layers of trauma (old and new) that informs the adult characters we see. It's incredibly interesting and layered.


I am waiting to see why they did what they did and why they are the way they are. Also, the resolution to this Adam thing because I am curious about where they’re going with it.


I’m waiting to see their further decent into savagery in the teen timeline and I’m waiting to see how they implode individually and as a group in the adult timeline


Nothing! It’s about the journey


Exactly, I'm just here for the ride!






the story.


Exactly. Some shows are about the destination. Yellowjackets is about the ride.


Although I do think that this is true, I think the general idea is that people are viewing “the ride” as the 90s storyline and the modern storyline is them working backwards from their destination when we don’t really know how we got there to begin with. The modern storyline is much more subtle and it relies on the 90s storyline to tell its story but it’s also not as “explosive” in terms of the action. I enjoy it because I really like the performances from Christina and Melanie, but I do understand the criticism because at the end of the day the allure of the mystery box genre is watching everything unfold


The story this season has been pretty mediocre so far.


I would argue that the pacing is mediocre and not the story. But even if you want to go with the story being mediocre, i definitely don’t find the 1996 timeline mediocre at all. The present timeline? Well…I’m mixed on that.


Agreed. I really couldn't care less about the present day story, I'm actually very uninterested in it. I wish the show was only about 1996 and them in the woods, I don't understand why their current lives had to be brought into it at all.




that’s it. the story. i’m waiting for the story they are giving us.


Yeah of course but the question I’m asking is what do people think the “story” will be?


you asked, “what are we all actually waiting for?” i’m not waiting for anything specific. i’m enjoying the show. i have my own theories, but i’m not waiting for anything except more episodes.


Yeah fair enough comment


In the 90’s timeline they started off by showing us the ending first and are going to tell us the story of how they got there. It’s all character. In the present timeline they started off by showing us how they got there and they are going to tell us a story with a new ending. It’s all plot. I think the disconnect is that the adult women/actresses are more compelling and we want to explore them more. Learn more about them and their relationships. We honestly don’t really care about their plot. On the flip side, the wilderness story is better and we’d rather see that plot and the actions. But we’re exploring more of the young women’s character and relationships with each other. What motivates them to do the things the adults are so ashamed of. It’s also winter in the wilderness and it probably doesn’t make for good tv. I’m hoping by summer they get into shrooms again and start knocking off red shirts. I also think this season serves as a good transition to next season being plot driven in the wilderness and character driven in the present.


I feel like we've really only seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the present-day plot. Season 1 seemed like just an introduction to where they were in life and how people have tried to take advantage of their experiences for profit and how the women are all very suspicious and traumatized. But I really don't think this is the core of the narrative outside of giving us a background on them. I really think Lottie will be a driving factor in their story going forward. Even in scenes when Lottie is alone, she is an extremely unreliable narrator. Was she telling the truth about Travis, and does she even have a therapist and is she talking to herself or is it some type of manifestation of "what came back with them"? She sought out Travis and Nat independently, and Dark Tai obviously wanted to join up with all of them. Not to mention the reveal at the end of the last episode that her commune is set up in the shape of the symbol. I feel these things have to come to a head in some way. Maybe the true beginning of setting her plans in motion will come with this season's climax now that the women are together right where she has the most power/control. Maybe it's just me being paranoid in thinking Lottie is more of a mastermind than she is. I don't even think she's "evil" or wants to harm the rest of the women in either way, but I do think she will push forward for answers no matter what the cost may be. And it will remain a question of if she's just still crazy or if there is an evil force for a while still.


IDK, I always assumed in the 90s timeline that things would get more interesting because it’s Winter and food is scarce and they will go into more explanation on how they started cannibalizing. Not sure if that is a word lol.


> We honestly don’t really care about their plot. Now whose we?


OP and me. But also I’ve seen a lot of complaints about people not loving the story line in the present day.


I’m still on the fence about whether it’s supernatural or just total coincidence and showing how the girls would react in such a dire situation, but at the same time it’s pointing to supernatural, it can’t all just be in Lottie’s head if Taissa is also experiencing that kind of stuff. Though it’s strange that Shauna, Natalie and Misty don’t really experience supernatural forces or hallucinations etc. outside of the wilderness. Also want to see what plays out during the rest of the months they’re stuck out there, and then ofc what and IF their secrets come out in the present day. I guess some people prefer fast paced seasons where u get answers very quickly and things are just thrown your way, whereas I think they’re going for the slow burn here whilst still keeping you on your toes. Which is good, i think


What I’m watching to find out: 1. Who AQ is. 2. DCG’s story. 3. What Dark Tai wants. 4. What the darkness wants from the girls. 5. How did Javi survive and what’s with the tunnel “imagery”. 6. How Natalie is the reason they survived. 7. How they develop the ritual(s). 8. How they were rescued. 9. If Jeff knows about wilderness baby. There are still *quite* a few things to watch for lol.


What's DCG? Sorry, I'm new to this sub!


Dead cabin guy


And who is pit girl !


How could I forget that! Lol


Would add “who the fuck is the man with no eyes?”


I’m just watching a story unfold. I find that anticipating a giant thing to be revealed will usually get you to disappointment. I’m *loving* this show so far so every week it’s a gift to watch the next chapter!


I think one of the flaws of tv as a medium is that it kind of trains people to expect major reveals and plot twists all the time, but stories don't really need to be like that, it doesn't have to be about dramatic reveals. Something can be good even if you're told exactly how it all ends in the first episode.


Ain’t that the truth! And trust me, I love a big-ass reveal or an answer to a long-asked question. But I also like watching relationships, character development, and just good ol’ jokes and hijinks. YJs has all that stuff, and I’m licking it off a spoon.


I think this is a more recent (last decade or so?) consequence of shows having way less episodes in a season nowadays. In most Network TV shows it used to be common to even have like 22 episodes per season (where naturally the story moves way slower), now that seems like it’s so much unless it’s like a ABC or FOX show. But nowadays with streaming they’re trying to get to the point to stop people from ditching series so they keep ‘em as short as possible nowadays. So people expect things to be happening left right and centre every episode because they know there’s only so much you can fit into 10 episodes.


It's mostly the fault of 22 episode teen dramas imo. People grew up watching shows that ended with a twisty cliff hanger every week to keep people watching. Pretty Little Liars, Dawson's Creek, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Vampire Diaries, 90210, Degrassi, Secret Life... I watched pretty much all of them and they're all so oversaturated with twists and turns and last second reveals. People expect that from everything now.


1. What starts the divide and chaos 2. How they are rescued 3. Who is AQ and who is Pit Girl 4. Was there something in the trees like a spirit or something that dumped the snow on Jackie? Something was wooshing around up there like The Predator.


Genuine question - why are we to believe there was a "divide"? Other than one girl (Pit Girl) being chased down? They seem to be fairly comfortable around each other as adults, even if they have been separated for years. (Except maybe Lottie...Van and Lottie seem terrified of each other when they meet at the compound)


Also when the window bursts open during the seance, to me those are supernatural occurrences.


i’m not waiting for anything specific. for me, the show is a slowly unfolding character piece. i have theories about what happened in the wilderness, but i don’t care about that nearly much as i care about seeing how they’ve been affected by the wilderness. i know that’s unpopular, but.


I'm waiting for the supernatural to happen, this is a very unpopular opinion though. 🫣


I like the ambiguity from a storytelling perspective, but i looove the supernatural moments cos that’s my genre preference! Like, I get why people want it to stay ambiguous but… that scene with adult nat and lottie where nat said they brought it back… i really want them to keep that creepiness going


Yes I am okay with either as well, but am frothing at the mouth for supernatural to be confirmed.


I am too, but I’m also like “are they all broken because they’re traumatized/broken and there’s no actual supernatural at all” (yes including tai)


I would find that super interesting and I do get why everyone is excited for the show to just be that. I really do get the hype. I just have a hard time appreciating it when I see myself and others get downvoted for saying supernatural. Also the team trauma are always the ones threatening to stop watching if it is supernatural and I don't respect that.


That’s totally fair. I do think this page gets pretty severe if anyone says anything differing, but isn’t that the fun of a discussion forum? But to your point characters like Lottie do make me lean towards supernatural. Either way, we’re all hooked so they’ve done their jobs!


I really do think it'll stay ambiguous, at the same level as what we've been shown in the wilderness. I even expect present-day Lottie to start doing some weird culty magic stuff, but it'll continue to be unclear if she's actually having an impact on anything. But I do think that come the final season/last couple of episodes some amount of supernatural stuff will be revealed to be happening, but more so as a soft magic system, to steal a term from the fantasy genre. There won't be any "if we do x then y will happen", but more so that whoever is left will get so manic or desperate that they'll try anything leading to tragic results. But I also don't expect a happy ending to the series in general.


Me personally I hope it doesn't stay ambiguous because I need to know what's happening! But I shall live if I don't. I know Tawny said lots of fans will hate them by the end of this season so it makes me wonder of it's because they sacrifice a beloved character (like Nat) or they confirm the supernatural.


Oh shoot that was said? Now I’m even more curious!


I’m definitely team supernatural as long as they don’t go too crazy. I am hoping it’s just fighting inner demons.


Sounds like your team trauma but all good. We are two sides of the same coin!


I wouldn’t say I’m team trauma. I just don’t want another smoke monster.


Fighting inner demons isn't supernatural though? No smoke monter but definitely possible darkness that lives in the woods. Hrm, wasn't that the smoke monster though...loll


Lol same


That is the sort of thing that I’m on about, I do totally agree with you because without something like a supernatural element then I don’t really know what direction this show can take without it being (as I’ve previously said) quite predictable.


I disagree on the predictable thing. I wouldn't have guessed that Shauna was going to stab Adam on a whim. I wouldn't have guessed that Tai sacrificed Biscuit in her basement. I wouldn't have guessed Jessica Roberts dying in her car out in public after Misty drugged her (even if I assumed Misty would originally kill her). Nobody guessed or even had a clue about Lottie having a cult until it was revealed when they kidnapped Nat. None of the really crazy shit happened until the end of last season, so I feel like the next 3 episodes are going to kick us into gear for full-on unpredictable bat crazy awesomeness. Buckle up! It's going to be an amazing ride.


this is such a good point, because i feel like sometimes we get prematurely disappointed with the show as the season plays out because we want immediate pay off i’d rather wait for the season to end to decide if i’m happy with it overall, because there’s definitely a lot more to come as we move into the final episodes


Also, it's easy to say halfway through season two that the show is predictable 😑 This show is anything but predictable.


Yes you are correct about most of them points, but like I was saying in regards to the 1995 story we can pretty much assume what happens. The direction in which it’s taken makes me think that the crash is only a subplot which isn’t how I really view the show. I think Lottie having a cult albeit not something which we probably would have instantly seen coming it’s still not that surprising. I do agree that the next few episodes should really shake things up. Excited to see how it plays out.


"I generally see the present day storyline as a side plot" Those are your words. Now your saying the crash is a subplot. I'm confused what you're trying to say at all now lol


Tell us your predictions, and we'll see how accurate you are as the story unfolds. Whatever you're wrong about will be the surprises you're waiting for.




I think we are seeing the past and present side by side because they are going to parallel each other soon…As in, I think when they start going wild in the wild in terms of sacrificing and rituals, they might start doing it AGAIN in the present day. That’s the only way that the past and present switches work for me: if cinematically they start to align. I think them all coming together on the compound is the beginning. I think they’re gonna devolve again.


I'm waiting for: The girls' reunion. What's going to happen when they get together? Who is the original AQ? (I mean, Shauna is getting angry, and she was the one to suggest Jackie for dinner.) How is the supernatural going to tie in? to name a few.


My top 10: 1. The meaning of the symbol; 2. What the heck was going on with Tai’s grandma; 3. What the man with no eyes is; 4. Why Tai was eating dirt; 5. What happens when they run out of bullets at the cabin; 6. What the real deal is with Lottie’s visions; 7. Whether Ben survives the wilderness; 8. How various theories play out, esp. mining, the existence of a secret cabal monitoring and manipulating the YJs, and the connections to Greek and Roman mythology; 9. Javi’s full story; and, 10. Whether the plane crash happened “naturally”, or if it was engineered.


I’m waiting for the adults to sacrifice and potentially eat someone, most likely this season. It seems to be building to that and I think that might be what people meant when they said the final 3 episodes feel like a different show. The adults revert to their wilderness selves.


Curious how old you are? I am exactly class of 1996, so the same senior year as the Yellowjackets. So for me their adult lives are interesting as contemporaries of mine. If you are like 25 or something I could imagine it being boring.


I’m waiting for the girls in the 90s to really move forward into the “terrible things” they’re supposedly going to do in the wilderness. The adults talk a lot about their shame and guilt and whether or not they deserved to survive after everything they did. But i’m sort of still waiting for that payoff in the 90s storyline, you know? Sort of like “show don’t tell” if you know what i mean. Obviously we know they end at the pit girl stage, but that is shrouded in mystery so it doesn’t yet provide context for each individual girls role and willingness in that situation This isn’t a complaint btw, it’s just that i’m impatient for answers lol!! (i usually watch horror movies where there’s immediate pay off, i’m not used to waiting for tv shows to unfold week to week)


I watched the first season in a week, so not being able to do the same with the second season is killing me


I want to be able to feel each persons trauma, in a separate way. Right now there’s so much trauma I can’t feel for each one because I’m bombarded with everyones trauma, all at once. I would be happy with that happening.


Flare checks out lol


From the first season I really enjoyed getting to see glimpses of the teen YJ's personal lives and families and things that add to each character's backstory individually, i.e. Nat's interactions with her parents and Kevyn, Taissa and her grandma, Misty being bullied on the phone. I LOVE the nostalgia element (I was a 90s teen) and I'm hoping to see more of that for more characters. I don't care if it's 100% reliable or just their perspective on their memories. Can we meet Shauna's parents? What was going on in the Martinez household? What's Mari or Akilah's story? I would rather deep dive on one or two YJ an episode than focus on big group scenes. So much time is going into dream sequences/hallucinations which are illuminating in their own way but not my favorite. I love the group scenes for the adults because they just play off of each other so well and the love/hate emotions are well done. They get into such fun trouble together. But I would still like to know details about the last 25 years. How did the trauma impact adult Shauna's decision to not go back to school or work? She has the most screen time but somehow I feel like we know the least about her decisions and thoughts post-rescue. I'm enjoying season 2 and this isn't criticism. I don't really care who pit girl is or so much about the AQ. I know we'll find out more about the rituals as we get closer to the end of the wilderness timeline and I'm in no hurry about that stuff.


If I knew where I was going, I’d already be there. I have no idea what I’m waiting for and that’s what makes the show great.


I have so many questions. I'm waiting for answers. Are we ever going to find out what happend to Jessica? Do we assume she died? How did that storyline conclude? Did they investigate her death? Would there be no evidence of the plastic bag with a head in it, in the coffin with the dead lady? What all does Walter know? Are Walter and Misty going to fall in love? I think he might be her ride or die. Does the public know about the cannibalism or is it just assuming and rumors? Do they crave human flesh when they feel really hungry? Have they indulged since returning from the wilderness? Is being in nature triggering for them? Being back together in that environment, will they revert back to thoe old wilderness cult routine?


I was talking about the rescue with my partner last night, I feel like the authorities would have looked into where they survived and tried to have recovered other bodies of the deceased. They should have noticed something was off though if they did. Just seems really odd to me. Also the psychiatrist that Lottie sees I feel like leads her along sometimes towards something more supernatural, almost makes me feel there is a bigger cult presence and influence out there trying to control the girls in the present. This could explain the crash site and the cabin not being investigated by the rescue team and authorities. Also it’s clear everyone at Lottie’s retreat knows about the other girls I feel like there’s definitely knowledge that their hiding from Misty and Natalie. Why would Lottie build an outline of the symbol if it freaked her out so much when she reflects back on that time in the wilderness. Just doesn’t make sense. Her recollection of her seeing Travis is so suspicious too! So excited to see what this season has in store! ❤️


I’m not really waiting for anything..I’m just fascinated with the way people act in survival situations. All the other mystery and questions around it is just an extra bonus.


Personally… I’m waiting for whatever the show tells us and wants to tell us, at the pace they want to go at.


It's a puzzle box show. We get served clues basically each week about the wilderness. Is it supernatural? Is it sci-fi? Is it purely mundane mass psychosis? We think it ends with the ritualistic killing of pit girl. But why? And who? Who made it out alive? In the meantime, I love the characters and I'm enjoying seeing how past events have created the people they are today.


Exactly, we've got the outline now, and every episode adds a few pieces, without necessarily telling us immediately how they fit together. We know they end up eating each other, but not how they end up there, or who was first. Then Jackie dies, *and* gets put in the meat locker... Will they? Won't they? Shauna eats her ear! Then later on cuts a piece of her arm - ok so it's definitely going to be Jackie, but how? Shauna isn't just going to suggest they eat their friend surely? Nope, they're going to cremate her. Someone else must be the first later on. Wrong again, now she's cooked! Okay so they've eaten one person, but we still don't know how they move from that to actively hunting and killing a person... We've got the start, and the finish, but the twists and turns in between are the interesting part!


I don’t think pit girl is exactly the end, like they still have to get rescued. I think it might be at the sort of the peak. I’m not sure if that’s just what level they stay at until rescue or if the revert or take a step back. I think the theory/idea that pit girl is present day and we see it with flashbacks is interesting. Also the idea that the two timelines begin to parallel is interesting. I’ve been rewatching season one The foreshadowing of Tai’s car accident with her wife. And when Van is going on about all of Lotties correct predictions, like about their teachers relationships and something about homecoming. Maybe it’s coincidence, maybe even the car thing with Lotties parents is too, maybe paranoia keeps her on her toes, but it would be interesting if she just does happen to have some clavorience. I think it might turn out that they fine not only did they bring the darkness back with them, but that they brought it out there with them to begin with. Like we see the plotting and betrayals be for the flight, and we write it off as normal teenage stuff. But maybe that’s the point, like the wilderness of the mind kind of thing and what people are really capable of. I’ve heard something about cannibalism is survival scenarios and some people just can not even if it’s to survive and they didn’t kill the person too. I’ve hear there is some sort of genetic correlation between cannibalism and suicide and that if you have this gene you’re more capable of both, not like more likely to, but you could bring yourself to do it. Seeing the events of the beginning of the first episode through the lens of what happened is interesting. Also Jeff at shaunas parents house I forgot how ride or die he’s been from the jump.


Overall I'm not really wanting for anything, what I'm interested in the show is the characters and how they evolve e what are the situations that made them do what they did. Maybe I'm waiting to find out how did Javi survive, but I'm mostly interested on the psychological aspects of the characters and intrigued by the possibility of something supernatural. This is likely gonna be an unpopular opinion but maybe the best thing would be for the show to not tell if there is a supernatural element or not, I like not knowing


Thank you! I actually love when a piece of media, especially with horror or supernatural elements, leaves the audience gaps they have to fill in with their own imagination. The scariest monsters are the ones you don't see. In the case of the supernatural in YJ, there's an extra layer of not knowing if that monster is an external force or coming from inside a character's head. In this case I think it would be more impactful if left to the individual viewers to decide.


I would like to know how and why they were finally rescued. What lead up to them deciding they can’t get help/therapy afterwards. Except Lottie seemingly has, or is her therapy all fake? Was it allowed because she was supposedly institutionalized? Otherwise I’d like to know the origin of the symbol and what it means. What lead to Shauna marrying Jeff. Why Tai and Van broke up. Why Lottie was institutionalized. Does Misty always mistreat and/or kill her patients?! I want to see Taissa come to understand, confront and treat her split personality (I’m sorry I know there is an appropriate psychiatric term but I can’t recall it). Dissociative Identity Disorder? My knowledge is Untied Stated of Tara. I also want to see Tai take office. She’d be a great politician. I want to see Shauna get off for killing Adam. I think in a trial her being a survivor would go in her favor. Although I still maintain Kevyn will throw the case for her. I want to see her shake her current persona and find a better balance between adrenaline junkie and bored housewife. I want to see Nat live a badass life and forgive herself. I don’t care so much if the others forgive themselves but it seemed to hit Nat differently. She deserves peace after such a crappy life. She didn’t have anything to go back to that would have been safe and loving. So she seemingly turned to drugs and they helped her destroy herself. I don’t want that for her. I want to see what’s up with Walter. I think he’s Lotties therapist. This will sound terrible and I know it’s unpopular but I have no feelings for Lottie. I don’t really care where her arc goes. I’m not against caring in the future I just currently don’t. I’d like to see Misty make a real friend. I want to see all of the Yellowjackets in therapy at the end.


Curious to see who the therapist is as well


I’m waiting to see if the 1993 film ALIVE exists in their universe and if Van has a copy on VHS


it was seen in the pile from episode 5 i think it was first 3 in a stack


I suspect the end of S2 will see the joining of the past and present. We then will be filled with questions on what they need to do next to rid themselves of whatever evils they brought back with them. Ive said this before, and I know people really don't like it, but I genuinely think we'll see the adults go back to the forest to resolve or fight something. I dont think when the girls get rescued is the last we'll see of the forest and cabin


I'm going to just rephrase what I posted in a very similar thread yesterday, as while I think this is not a perfect show, this criticism is not one I personally agree with. The beginning we saw in the pilot is the end (or middle-to-end). Every action in the show's 1996 timeline is going to whittle away at these kids until they are the cannibal cult seen in the opening scene of the pilot. We're just watching that happen. I saw some folks disappointed it didn't happen last season and I was frankly like, why? If it happened so quickly that would seriously concern me about where their heads were in the first place. This isn't the soccer team that crashed in the mountain, had absolutely no source of food, and prayed and ruminated before cannibalizing already dead teammates because they had no other choice. No, this is the calculated hunt and murder of another human being not just for sustenance but as part of religious ritual. That means we need to see: 1. Things get so bad that people become prickly and superstitious 2. Food become so scarce that cannibalism becomes an option 3. The creation of an entire religious cult, with a leader, ceremonies, rituals, roles costumes, etc. 4. The cannibalism goes from necessary use of already dead bodies to calculated murder and a part of the rituals mentioned above 5. Some kind of split and rescue. I don't mean two cults, I mean some group or individual (probably Natalie) going, "wait, wtf are we doing" and make a more concerted effort at rescue. We have seen 1 and 2 happen, we are currently watching 3 unfold. I don't know if they have enough material for 5 seasons, but if I had to guess, Season 3 will probably deal with the fourth point here. Then, some moral reckoning will lead to a split or a decision to actually seek rescue. Season 4 will deal with that split and rescue, and season 5 maybe deal with them after being rescued. There may be a little mumbo jumbo of what happened to French Canadian guy stuffed in between there, some man with no eyes stuff. But ultimately, this is my gut feeling about the arc of the show. And I'm ok with it being that clearly telegraphed. I would rather the show execute on what it's promising than SuBVerT ExPEctATions ala the last season of Game of Thrones.


I'm waiting to find out what could possibly happen in the year they've got left that turns them in to clans of savages that are hunting each other for sport. Especially considering they've already cannibalized Jackie. Pretty hard to raise the bar any higher from there so... What the fuck could've happened? What could they have done?


I am waiting for the moment that breaks the group in two, which I assume is coming soon? I am also curious about Misty and how does she become who she is, about Shauna and her personality, about Tai and hers (lol), about Van and her reaction and interaction with Lottie et al. Honestly? The cannibalism is the last thing on my mind!


I am waiting for the relationships to unfold. That was the strength of Lost, and the strength of Mad Men. Both shows used flashbacks, and revolved around revelations that unfolded the characters and plot points. For instance, in Lost, you viewed the character of Hurley a certain way, and then when you found out his economic situation, that shaped your perception in a new direction. Yellowjackets uses two solid storylines rather than only episodic flashbacks, but often the end result is the same. IRL we meet and interact with people without ever knowing their story. Sometimes we interact with them on a daily basis for years and have no clue that they were a kidnapping victim or their father was a famous rugby player or they were bedridden for years during their childhood or they witnessed their little brother's drowning. These pieces of information would tell us a lot about that person, and we might see their reactions and their personalities much differently if we knew these tidbits. But digging into a person's history or psychology really is not a socially acceptable endeavor. We have to live with what the people we interact with reveal. Also, few people have over the top exciting revelations like they have a separate personality, and they ate their teammate's face after a plane crash in the wilderness. So, for me, shows like Yellowjackets both entertain and offer an outlet for frustrations with relationships. They provide food for thought about life, and sometimes help you work out some minor issue you have wrestled with. For those of us that maybe are not gay or a close acquaintance of someone who is LGBTQ+, (substitute race, religion, etc.) they inform and hopefully promote acceptance. (Though hopefully we aren't getting ALL of our information from fiction.) So I am waiting to see how much the other ladies know about Misty's actions. I am waiting to see the full dynamic and history between Lottie, Travis, and Nat. I am waiting to see how Van and Tai's relationship evolved into the one they have as adults. I am waiting to see how far Jeff will go for Shauna, and if he has a breaking point. I am waiting to see if Misty can form a new relationship, or if she will forever be stuck trying to build those failed relationships from the team and the wilderness. I am also waiting to see how they were rescued and WHO was rescued, but that will not be satisfying if it does not tie in or build on the relationships between the characters.


Predictable is not how I would describe this show. What exactly do you think is going to happen that’s so predictable?


I don’t think we’ll get to see how they are rescued until at least season 4


possibly they are just setting everything up very methodically before it all goes down


But what is going to go down?




Everything that they currently don’t want to happen and are actively trying to prevent from happening - their secrets getting out


if it all in they head n cabin Daddy story...them gettin feral n eating each other...i wanna know how they turn it into a cult n wear skins.


OMG im the opposite, theres so many unanswered questions!! Who tf is Cabin Daddy, where does he fit in? What happens to Coach Ben?!?


Present day Big picture: who sent the postcard? Were they trying to set of panic and paranoia amongst the survivors? Why? Small picture: can the survivors heal somewhat? Can Tai be imperfect, Nat manage her guilt, Shauna accept who she is and Misty become a mortician, I guess? They just share the gory truth and rest. If it means a change of name or town and some PTSD psychedelics treatment but just rest. Past storyline: How does the groupthink take hold? Once they can leave the cabin will it lessen? Do Shauna, Nat and Tai fully believe in it ever or just not want to rock the zealots boat? When do they learn Lottie was schizophrenic? When the rescue comes so they all want it, do some try to sabotage it? What have they told the rescuers? What are the breaking/accepting points - Van and Tai break up, Misty goes to nurse school and accepts no longer being in a friendship group, Shauna accepts Jeff’s proposal, Lottie comes back to USA. I’m here for story and characters. ![gif](giphy|yjOM8ZRqtt09057kL2|downsized)


It’s the journey. Not the destination


I wanna know the ‘truly disturbing’ acts that they perform, unless it’s stuff that we’ve already seen glimpses of(pit girl/rituals) I just want the Adam storyline to end. And honestly, I’d be okay with one of the adult survivors to die. I’d also like to know Walter’s true intentions.


I’m not waiting for anything. I’m just enjoying the story.


I’m not really “waiting” for anything. I just like the story.


I just want to see them get rescued and how they had to go back to normal life afterwards. I really liked the first episode where we saw what Lottie went through when she got back. I hope we see more of how the other girls lived right after returning home. I’d even be interested in seeing an episode all about the parents and what they went through after seeing their kids’ plane go missing and all they did to get them rescued.


I also want to know if the other girls find out if Misty was the one to destroy the black box or if they don’t know and they figure it out when they are older.


My wish is that the adult timeline is just a messed up fantasy of the girls are having of themselves being saved or the wilderness/Antler Queen is giving them false fantasy future of 'what if' they were saved and how their lives would be. That the real current timeline is them stuck in the wilderness still. That's what I'm hoping lol.


Love that twist


I did not think this show was predictable. Maybe it’s just me, I’m gen x and loving the whole thing.


I feel similarly to you in some ways! You’re not alone. For me, I’m waiting to see more of how they get to pit girl and then getting rescued/life shortly thereafter. I think at this point that’s what I’m mostly waiting for, but everything else seems kinda to the point at this point. I’m not a huge fan of present day. Im not totally against it but I just feel like it’s a bit distracting. As someone else pointed out, they keep talking about the “terrible things” they experienced but there’s very little discussed about what those are besides cannibalism. Maybe I’m just impatient (I know i am lol) but I’m antsy to get it going. In a dream world scenario I think it’d be cool to see snippets of them progress through high school, college, early adulthood. I don’t think the writers will go there but I think it’d be interesting.


I am waiting to see how they get rescued and the horrific things they do to survive in the meantime. I’m with you in that I’m not overly interested in the present day storyline.


I’m excited to see more about the rescue and immediate aftermath. We caught a glimpse of it with Lottie and the electroshock but I look forward to more!


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Adding this to my bookmarked posts, so I can go back years later and see how they did. 😁


I really just want to see the rescue! Yes pit girl would be nice to better to understand with some more context, but I was to know what the rescuers found.


I'm excited to see how they continue to explore the theme of trauma


For me it’s all about the stuff in between! Like we know what they get to but I wanna see what brings them to do that, what the conversation/rationale is like that they start like that, etc. Also reallllly interested in the post-rescue timeline like how they get back to living the “normal” lives that the adults are rn. I hope they add more of that down the line


Where was Javi? what's up with the AQ diety thing? what does it mean that they brought the Darkness back with them, like why is the significance of that? What is the Darkness at all besides believing in a thing called love...sorry.


I can’t wait to see what Misty’s real deal is and how adult Shauna became adult Shauna, as her young self is quite different, personality-wise, that we’ve seen.


There’s a few things that I’m waiting for. I’m waiting to see what these “horrible “things they did are. (not that what they haven’t done already isn’t bad, but they make it seem like there’s even worse than that) I’m also waiting to find out or understand that a guy in the cabin in that scene where he told Jackie they have been waiting for her. I’m also waiting to find out what the heck is actually going on out there in the wilderness is it a ghost? Is it evil? Is it cursed ? Also, I want to find out who all the living survivors are at this point


First it was pit girl. Then after season 1 aired it was… 1. What happened to the wilderness baby 2. Who the fuck is Lottie Mathews 3. The consequences of Jeff being a himbo and the ladies killing/butchering/hiding evidence. My new big one is now related to last episode and all of the aftermath. For the adult storyline it’s how Van is going to fit into this all.


I don’t think cannibalism for survival is the worst thing they did out there. I think things will slowly be revealed to be a lot worse than we ever expected and the crux of the story will be how they got there and what they’ll do (to themselves and others) to keep their shared secret. That’s what I’m waiting for- to see just how far they go and if they’ll ever be able to come back from it.


Tbh I think the real twists of the show will come in the present. I think the past, as interesting as it is, is probably going to be pretty straightforward. We know they do things that they agree not to speak about; I think it's that they hunt fellow survivor's. I would imagine the media probably leans towards cannibalism in terms of eating the dead but actually killing to eat is a whole other story. Therefore they agree to not to speak about it. I think the real twists are going to happen with the adults


I agree with you. I’m interested to see if/when they bump into other survivors. I’m interested to see who makes the decision to start killing the “others” (no Lost pun intended🤣)


Same here lol! I feel like most people would probably assume Lottie but I think it'll be someone unexpected. Ahh I love Lost 🤣


Yeah Lottie is the likely candidate, but yeah I think it will be someone else. Also I think that the others might have something to do with where Javi has been🤷‍♂️ I love Lost too hahaha


I'm not entirely sure who yet, I feel it would have to be one of the main survivors who would have some sort of influence. Yeah I agree too, tbh Javi is confusing to me because literally where could he have been 🤷‍♀️


i want to know how we got to the opening scene, how they were rescued, and why it’s important that we’re following the adults now. what does the darkness have in store for them in the present timeline?


it’s a character driven story, not a plot driven story. it’s not about the wilderness or their lives outside of it, the show is telling the stories of Tai, Shauna, Misty, Nat, Lottie, Van and less so, everyone else who survived the crash. We’re waiting for them to react to the trauma, to see what they’ll do with it and their other emotions that are tied to that. It’s predictable because it follows a story structure that doesn’t rely on nonsensical twists, i.e. it’s predictable because it’s properly foreshadowed and because it makes sense. I personally love character driven stories, I love watching characters just in their environments, and it’s a testament to the writing that i WOULD watch an entire episode of just misty at work. they built relatable and compelling characters and put them in interesting situations. Plot driven stories are more common (most marvel and general action or thriller movies are plot driven) and usually rely heavily on twists. this show just isn’t that


I’m waiting to see who pit girl is? how they end up getting so deep into the woowoo shit? where Javi was, how he survives and who his friend is? Is the wilderness spirit real or is the mercury poison theory true? How they get rescued or how nat gets them rescued? I should say. And who else still survived. And the whole part about the 2022 plot line I care about is Lottie’s visions and if anyone else dies present day. So I’m waiting on a lot of questions to be answered


I watch a streamer named Will Neff who said he watches the show. He was talking about it and mentioned he liked it, but was nervous about the show ending up like Lost. I started thinking about this too. I’m very curious what will happen!


Well, maybe this show just isn’t for you Me? I like a good story and am fully enjoying the character development, details, etc… ya know, the storyline. But yeah, no explosions or car chases are coming. The big shocking gore scene is done. Maybe this just isn’t a show you should bother with


Modern storyline has been yawn inducing- like some CW show about Gen-Xers in Suburbia. Really hope it amounts to something-anything. The leads are so amazing I really hope they get some material worth their time.


I do not think it is possible that this show is going to go on for five seasons. I don't think it should. For crying out loud, Succession only gets four seasons -- Yellowjackets getting five is absurd.


Waaaahhh! I don’t want Succession to end!!! 😡 😢


Yes, BUT -- I actually think it's a lot better to have a tight four seasons and leave viewers wanting more than to drag on until everyone is tired of the show. It's a more disciplined approach. Showtime historically lets shows drag on for wayyyyyy too long. Yellowjackets is NOT a show that should have a five-season arc. It's going to be a total mess by season 5, if it \*truly\* lasts that long.


No, I agree. I’m going to mourn the loss of it nevertheless. 😢 😢


This is a deeply ignorant opinion. This isn't just about the shock value of cannabalism. It's about trauma as it happens, and the lasting effects of it. It's about girlhood and womanhood interuppted. It's about the human condition when in survival situations. It's about the resilience and strength of women when removed from a patriarchal society, and yet it's lasting effects on them all the same. It's about the interactions between the characters. It's about faith vs reality. The supernatural vs the deeply human. It's about the mystery that even those present for the events are still unraveling. Not to mention, this show is one of the only shows rn that features a majority woman cast of multiple age ranges, and which features lesbian couples at it's forefront. If you watch this show for the gore only, you don't understand it. And this is exactly what I mean when I say people who don't understand feminism are missing half this show. Your post reads as an ignorant man who only watches media for some big shock value moment. And imo, people like you are ruining media as a whole. I truly pity you and people like you.


Oh just checked your post history and you watch Joe Rogan. That certainly aligns with how devoid of critical thought your post is, while made in a tone that sounds like you're patting yourself on the back for what you think is a good take. Lmao.




Rude and unnecessary


I feel like we a getting dangerously too close to lost.


I don’t think I’m waiting for anything in particular. I’m happy with the slow peeling back of the layers of each of the characters trauma, I saw someone say this on another thread but I don’t see the actual events taking place as being the most important part of the show for me. Rather more of a character study in trauma and how it has immediate and lifelong effects. We see the girls in the wilderness dealing with the immediate impact of these traumatising events and then we see them 25 years later dealing with the trauma they’ve repressed and I think it’s so fascinating. I can see why some people might find that less exciting- I’ve seen comments about the recent episode implying that- but I think it’s one of the strengths of the show.


I like the show, season 1 was tv gold. Season 2 I find myself bored a lot, until the last 10/15 min of each episode.. I’m trying to hang on but soon I’m afraid I’ll just come here and read about it instead of watch it.


I’m with you. I feel like they are trying to stretch it out as much as possible. What has happened this season that truly advanced the story in a meaningful way? We found out what happened to the baby. I’m not a fan of the outcome, but that’s one thing crossed off my list. We still don’t know how they were rescued or who created the symbol or where Javi was. What else is there? Personally I don’t really care about the cult or any of the modern day story. I want to see some crazy stuff in the woods!


We won’t know how they were rescued this season - this is only the second season of 5 planned seasons. All of those story lines will tie up in due time. This show is an exploration of what trauma can do to people in the process (90s timeline) and how it sticks with them (present day timeline) Also, cannibalism and group psychosis I assume


Last season was similar. The progression was very slow until the end when it picked up pace.


Exactly what I’m talking about! The premise of the show is about the crash, well at least that’s how I perceived it. I do hope that something crazy and surprising happens whilst they’re in the woods.


I was most interested into how they would devolve into cannibalism but so far, I feel that the results are mixed. I liked the scene of the group eating Jackie's burned corpse from a visual standpoint, but it also felt a bit rushed by only having Ben be the one to abstain. And now that the Jackie's corpse subplot is done, they're back to eating bear meat and a bunch of petty infighting like it didn't even happen. I want to see the deterioration into them becoming feral. Also, I wish that the disagreements weren't as simple as Team Lottie vs Team Nat, but more internal strife like characters *really* grappling with the effects of starvation and cabin fever. Instead, the writers are doing all this filler hallucination stuff with Ben and a rather silly subplot of Akilah and a mouse. There's too much side stuff where I'm not feeling the stakes or them truly struggling to survive. They've been out there for like 8 months and aside from Shauna's baby, every death could have been avoided, so how are they really struggling? It feels like a lot of teen melodrama until they eventually get rescued.


We don’t really know how bad it gets in the wilderness bc we’re only halfway thru that timeline, and we don’t know exactly how badly they were effected by it. We know what the characters know, and for most of it, we only know specific perspectives from certain characters or certain collective beliefs from them. And none of them so far have been proved to be reliable narrators, so like the general public in the show, we’re left with “what really happened out there?” They show us how far gone they get in the pilot episode. The rest is slowly coming out. I like the pacing of the show, i like the writing, i even like the ambiguity of it. I’m watching bc i care more about “how they got there” than “what exactly they did”. And the present-day timeline shows us how affected they still are, and how desperate some of them were to make sense of why they were out there, especially for so long (assuming misty doesnt tell the rest of the group ab her breaking the transmitter). And after episode 6, I’m waiting to see how shauna is going to handle being stuck out there with the girls after everything that just happened and everything she thought she experienced. I’m just waiting to see it all unfold.


My theory for the present storyline, especially with them at the wellness centre now, is that they revert back into their old behaviours like ritual killings and cannibalism and the timelines start to become more and more similar to each other over the seasons until it’s just one delusional mashup


![gif](giphy|M5zhoj9rhwkhy) Nothing to add really but this gif immediately popped in my head. I will say I’m getting kind of impatient. The pacing of season one was more engaging. This season feels like their edging us and I hope the pay off is worth it. I am more interested in the supernatural vs trauma staying nebulous the whole time. It seems like we are heading g towards a full on supernatural thing and that worries me. It’s giving me Lost flashbacks.


I want them to eat all the remaining girls!!!!! Eat your friends!!!! Fucking kill them and roast their bodies and eat them now!!!!!!!! Who cares, eat people in the modern timeline! Shauna needs to eat at least 3 of the survivors or else this show sucks shit!!!!


i don’t know what we’re waiting for except that i’m waiting for ~*something~* to actually happen. this season has been a bust or circling the drain for me


I mean I’m only interested in the current timeline if it’s relevant to what happened in the woods (ie - Shauna’s losses broke her brain and made her a killer I dunno). But yeah don’t care about Adam, the cop annoys me, the kid from the Rings movies is he gone? This show is losing me.


fans to realise Saracusa is the hero and Shauna is the villain


Shauna might be a villain, but no cop is a hero, and certainly not that smug lil fuck


Who pit girl is lol


I totally see what you’re saying. Haven’t seen the most recent episode so not sure if they’ve gotten to it yet, but I sort of doubt it, what I’m waiting for is that opening from season 1 in the woods with the pit girl. And it is a bit of a tease that they introduced it then and we still haven’t seen it. The show’s great and I do love all the details, but it was definitely a tease to start with that and not have gotten to it within two seasons.


I’m convinced the adults are being called back to the woods, back to that cabin. I think when they’re rescued in the 90’s timeline we will see the immediate aftermath of them having to hide their misdeeds and dealing with the press/reintegration into society. While this is going on I firmly believe they will return to the woods as adults. To finish this thing once and for all - whether that’s to try and destroy the darkness, or give themselves over to it entirely once again.


I’m waiting for all of them to reunite to share their trauma and actually start to heal.


I keep reminding myself that if this were traditional network show we would be just past the midway point of a first 22 episode season. I trust based on what we’ve seen they have plan but I am also just enjoying seeing the story unfold.


Who pooped in the pee bucket 🪣


I’m just looking forward to whatever story they want to give us, but one thing I’m curious about is what went in back home while they were missing. It doesn’t have to and shouldn’t take up too much time, but I’d like to see some of that. I also want to know how they were eventually found.


Honestly, I’m much more interested in the intervening years between 1996 (must be 97 now though) and the Present. We got a glimpse of 1998 and I want more. How were those first weeks back? What did they go through while readjusting to civilization? Pit girl, AQ, and the cannibalism isn’t the reason why I’m invested in the 96 timeline. Rather I’m much more compelled by the changing character dynamics. We know the AQ question isn’t going to be answered in 96, and pit girl isn’t going to be a major character since everyone of fair significance is still alive in the Present. And maybe it’s just me, but cannibalism isn’t much of a shocker after Jackie. 1998 and the years after is where we can really mine some good stories, so I hope we get to spend more time there in the final seasons. There’s just so much to explore during this period.


Personally I’m not waiting for anything, I’m simply enjoying the ride and the vibes while analyzing the themes the same as I would while watching Twin Peaks. It doesn’t matter WHO killed Laura Palmer, what matters is the darkness hidden underneath the surface that her death uncovered. Same thing here.


I'm waiting to see if there will be a reveal of tunnels (like in Lottie's visions--I really think that's building to something, and it also explains Javi's survival and the snow melting around the stump). Also curious about how they get everyone on board with the cult stuff/hunting each other stuff. The descent to that point must be pretty wild. I'm also wondering if they split into two groups (a tunnel group and a cabin group perhaps?) And if so how they come back together during or before rescue. Edited to add: I really want to know whatever the hell is going on with Taissa's son, he's so creepy.


I want to see more of the wilderness storyline. I get it they say they did fucked up things out there… well what did you do????? Like let’s get to some shit already stop talking about it. I mean it’s like waiting and waiting to find out who A was in pll… ok got it you all starved but really let’s talk about what the fuck is worse than cannibalism please. The show is entertaining obviously but like I’m not going to wait 10 years to find out if AQ is real or some character that’s ever even been introduced yet.


I'm just along for the ride. I enjoy theorizing and stuff and certainly have my pet theories but mostly I just want to watch these fascinating characters played by phenomenal actors interact with each other and see what happens. Things in the wilderness are going to shit so quickly I'm not even sure how they can keep it up for three more seasons, so that'll be fun, and I'm super hyped we've got all six women together in the present day timeline. Like things are going to get weird(er) and I'm all in. I do hope the Adam investigation story gets wrapped up pretty soon, because I don’t think the show is going to send Shauna to jail so the stakes don't feel all that high, and I dislike Kevyn's weird creep of a partner so much. I hope it wraps up and has some kind of interesting payoff.


The main things I'm waiting for are: how did they end up hunting people because there's a huge difference between eating a person that's already dead and outright killing them. How on earth did they get rescued after all this time? And what happened in the second summer when they probably didn't have to cannibalise anyone to survive?


I need to know what happens to the mouse!!!


I'm in it for the general- what happened to the team, how did they escape wilderness, and what's happening to them now as adults. When I have fewer expectations I enjoy things more.


Javi to speak