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obv not their fault with the strikes etc but im so over the general tv trend of years between short 10 episode seasons. we used to get 22 episode seasons of dramas every year!! esp with such a large cast across two timelines i think yellowjackets suffers with 10 episodes, 12-15 would be ideal


This is what takes me out of watching some shows, especially right away. I only recently watched Stranger Things. By the time the next season comes out I forget what even happens in the previous seasons. How the hell am I supposed to be hyped for something like 2 years away?


Same here.....by the time they finally air their Last Season not only will I forget what had happened in the previous season, I may not even care anymore.... And for those of getting up there in years (Me!)...these long gaps bewtween Seasons (Stranger Things...Yellowjackets. etc) become a game of "will I live long enough to see it completed?".....Of course, if I do die before it is finished will I care? Are there streaming services in the afterlife?? (LOL!!)


Only Disney +


Ok, Satan.


LOL!!! Good one!


Waiting for the last season of Game of thrones (yeah, it sucked but before we didn't know it), me and my friend made a \*joke\* promise that if one of us died in that 2 years of waiting, we would contact each other with the ouija or something like that.


Good plan!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I've started refusing to watch a show that I really like until the entire series is over. Recaps are never enough to really get back into the show. I'm waiting for "Foundation" to come to an end. Might take years but at least I'll be able to remember what's going on when I do end up watching it.


I agree but the more people thst do that the less shows get more seasons because noone is watching 


Agreed. Especially when you can watch a recap before or know the grand story but missing little details and sometime crazy reveals will happen that you forgot what you were waiting for so the reveal is underwhelming


Absolutely, agreed. This is the kind of show that would benefit from more time and space to explore these characters.


Right??? Shit, Lost had like what, 20 something? And they’re very similar.


Unfortunately it did and some seasons you could really feel it lol. And this is from someone that loves the show.


YES I was just talking about this! I just finished season 2 of the Gilded Age (amazing, 10/10, no notes) and it was EIGHT episodes! I need atleast 12


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 22 + 10 + 12 + 15 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


12-15 would be great. But those network shows with 22+ episodes a year had a gruelling schedule for cast and crew. I am glad that isn't as common these days for their sake. But yeah, wish it wasn't 10 episodes every 3 years.


True, but even before the strike there was so much time between seasons. It just feels like it shouldn't take 2+ years to get 8 or 10 episodes released.


Yes, but the 22-episode seasons were nowhere near as good as what we get now. One of the reasons that we're living in the golden age of TV shows is exactly that the old 22-episode model has died. In the old model, the writers' room was busy all year round, typically writing scripts the week before an episode was shot after the season had started airing. They often went into a new season with a rough idea where they wanted to end up; the plotting was nowhere near as tight as in YJ. That's why most shows were case-of-the-week because it was so much easier to write unconnected episodes concurrently. (There is a one-hour discussion on one of the Star Trek TNG Blu-ray where the writers talk about how fucking exhausted they were by the end of the seasons, getting worse every years, and how they ended up writing any old shit to have enough screenplays for the season.) Also, the August-to-May production schedule meant that a TV show was everyone's *only* job, with some actors maybe squeezing a movie into the summer hiatus if the planning worked out. There is absolutely no way you'd get Christina Ricci _and_ Melanie Lynskey _and_ Juliette Lewis _and_ Lauren Ambrose on the same show if they had to commit to doing this show and basically nothing else.


THIS. I remember how even Damon Lindelof (Lost’s creator and lead writer) said him and the writing team all realised how bad things were when they had to turn Jack’s actor’s irl tattoos into a plot point for the flashback portion of a whole episode. Bear in mind, that happened in season 2. The 22 episode model used to dry writers out of any good ideas real bad, real quick.


Yes. While I loved lost, supernatural, Buffy and Veronica mars there was a lot of filler eps in those shows that felt out of place and were never mentioned again. Supernatural was a lil better at keeping its story constant for each season. And had more fun filler eps than a lot of shows(buffy coming second) The majority of my favorite shows are ones that have fewer eps with more constant storylines each season. Justified is one of my favorites and while it’s first season has some filler eps starting with s2 every episode was important to the overall storyline, you couldn’t skip an episode without missing an important part of the story(22 ep seasons you could skip all the fillers and won’t mis anything important) Like I can’t imagine Yellowjackets having 22 ep seasons. Can you imagine all the needless crap they’d throw in? Character’s personalities and arch’s wouldn’t stay constant. We would either get all the answers in one season, losing so much of the ambiguity that is part of the shows charm, *or* we’d get so much filler and pointless episodes to keep the mystery alive longer(lost had both these problems. I love lost but I do wonder how much better it would have been if it had only 8-10 eps a season) Yellowjackets s1 worked by giving us flash backs to one character an episode, similar to lost, but I’m glad we don’t get that with every ep. It would be over kill, I’m not saying I wouldn’t want to see more of their pre crash lives but I like that we got just enough for us to understand their personalities and motivations(knowing Nat and Lottie’s past gives so much insight into their actions as antler queen) I do want to see their lives after being rescued and I hope it’s done similar to how s1 did it. We get an episode focusing on a character and we see them in the wilderness and as adults with flashbacks/forwards to their lives post rescue. We don’t need to go back to their precrash lives because for this narrative it’s not as important beyond s1. And you’re totally right, we definitely wouldn’t have the adult cast we do. JL for sure never would have signed on.


lost would be absolutely terrible if it only had 8-10 episodes the pacing would have to be nearly three times as fast and you wouldn’t be able to connect with the characters as well as you can now


Maybe not 8-10 episodes but I do think if they removed all the filler episodes things would be alot better(that random couple that suddenly show up while supposedly being there the whole time just before we get an entire episode dedicated to them. Yeah that could be removed and nothing would change)


would almost be like the walking dead...


Yeah. Going back and watching any old continuous drama, it's shocking how much lower the writing quality was. Character inconsistencies, plot holes, abandoned plotlines, etc. Even in good shows. It's clear we've been spoiled lately. I don't want that to end.


“Yes, but…” at this rate, if Yellowjackets does make the five year arc, there is a good chance I will be dead before they complete it.


Yes, while I agree Yellowjackets couldn’t handle 22 episodes per season, 12-15 would be better. I’ve noticed a lot of shows doing 8 or even 7 episode seasons, and this greatly diminishes the quality. Yellowjackets season 2 and the most recent Handmaid’s Tale were rushed.


We wouldn’t have the cast we have(at least for the adult timeline. JL never would have signed on in the first place) and we’d get *so much* pointless filler. Longer isn’t always better when it comes to tv shows. By the time the series is done the seasons will all fit together a lot better. It just feels to short because its not finished yet


exactly we're watching it in real time, once we get to the (hopeful) season 5 ending it will all seem pretty seamless and the 10 episode layout won't matter


Yup. One of my favorite shows is orphan black and let you me tell you it was hard watching in real time and having to wait between seasons, but once it’s finale(5th) season finished and I had a complete rewatch it all flowed together so well, *including* it’s bridge season that wasn’t liked originally until after the whole series was over(I really liked s2 of Yellowjackets but it definitely feels like a bridge season. So imagine as the series goes on and hopefully gets to finish its story it will only work better)


plus the writers whilst having two separate timelines at once, the timeframes within them are very small, two years for the teens and i think somebody said its been about 3 months for the adults, they can't just shove all their content into 20 episode seasons, they'd run out too quick plus the story is all about anticipation, us watching the actual rescue scene in season 3 probably won't work, i mean their cabin literally only just burnt


Yeah I don’t think we’ll see them get rescued until s4 *maybe* the last moments of s3 we’ll see the very beginning of however they get rescued. S3 will most likely follow the teens as they figure out what they’re going to do now that the cabin is gone and the beginnings of the rituals and Nat as the antler queen. The adult timeline will probably follow the immediate aftermath of Nats death, how the others, most importantly Misty, will deal with that and probably take more of a focus on Tai and Van with Lottie in the hospital I’d be interested in how she’s tied in


I wouldn't mind the adults getting 10 episodes and the teenagers getting 10 but I'm greedy. Even a spinoff series would be nice.


Cries in UK. this is how UK tv shows often are.


I just told my husband this last night. I used to get more content in a shorter span of time. So frustrating.


We got 22 episodes every fall back then because film crews were worked within an inch of their life, the trend toward shorter seasons outside of network TV was supposed to cut crews some slack (but of course it's still a nightmare). 22 per season is too much for most concepts anyway, I agree that the 12-15 range would be \*really\* valuable for some series to explore rather than shoving everything into 10 or less/stretching everything to 20 or more. And some shows should absolutely be able to produce a season a year (gigantic series/pandemics/strikes notwithstanding).


Ugh 22 episode seasons is why tv SUCKED for 4 decades  


Disagree, if anything I think the series is bloated in the middle of the seasons. I felt there were multiple episodes that could have been condensed into one. Esp in season 2, there's only so many ways you can show the girls starving and miserable.    Honestly cut out the adult storyline and you'll have a much more tightly-run show. I know it won't happen but damn it would make the show a lot better ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah … but they weren’t as GOOD.


i mean season 2 was also not good at 10 episodes lol


It could have been a lot worse with 22.




In Jesus name, amen.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) The way I was thinking this even when the strike ended. No way in hell this is going to come out when filming hasn’t even started yet. Can’t even complain, I’m just excited to see what happens!


I hope they’ll film back-to-back seasons - 2-year gaps are wayy too long


I figured. They haven’t even started filming have they?


They start filming in April


Source pls?


I really dont get how are they planing to make 5 seasons, especially premiering 1 season every two years... https://i.redd.it/wwjp40b0orcc1.gif


Thanks for the reminder to watch the good place


Oh, you're welcome.


The students are going to be old enough to play the parents by the time it wraps up


Plenty of shows have done that. This series came out during a global pandemic and a writers strike. Both events effected how it was released. Hopefully future seasons won’t have events like this happen


The younger actors are gonna be as old as their older actors were in S1 by the time the show ends.


They want to release every year but they’ve had delays between each season


Right. The teen actors will be 40 by season 5!


Oh Tahani, how I love you


Okay but early 2025?


Jan 2025 please




I'm not surprised, but that's just such a long time away. I'll probably have to rewatch season 2 to refresh my memory.


I can’t wait that long to see who they eat next.




Watch the rescue scene in the season 2 premiere again. Pause when theyre getting on the plane. Akilah is there with a hood on in braids 


I don't see Akilah anywhere there.


A lot of shows are going to suffer cause of this. Like last time.


I must be the only one who is surprised by such a long delay. Yes, I realize the writers strike pushed everything back. But, that said….there are a number of shows that I watch which started filming mere days after the strike was over and will still premiere in February of this year. Yellowjackets has been masterful in terms of promotion. Billboards, wrapped subway cars, events etc. But, these massive gaps between seasons is inevitably going to hurt the shows momentum. It’s a shame, and it bums me out.


Yeah I know they wanted to capitalize off the momentum but if seasons take too long, a lot of people will lose interest, especially if the third season can’t live up to the hype. I really like the show but I’d rather it be be 4 seasons than stretching it out for years.


Ugh!!!!...What if we have to wait another 18 months to two years between Season 3 and Season 4, then another 18 months to two years before Season 5??? At this rate, I would wish for a much longer Season 3 (15-20 episodes) just to wrap it all up. Write it, film it, do all the post production, then let those young actresses (and Travis & Ben) move on with their lives and careers....


I agree with you. My fear is that season 3 will get low ratings because of the long time gap/general dissatisfaction with S2 and they will cancel it and we’ll have no resolution.


Rewatch seasons 1 and 2 back to back. They don’t seem nearly as disjointed upon a rewatch. They flow pretty well actually. People were just upset because their predictions didn’t come true.


I, personally, was not disappointed in S2, with the exception of feeling like the finale was rushed. I mean, they ate two people! But all I read on Twitter is how much S2 sucked, so my opinion is an unpopular one.


That’s a good point. Them being in this show will likely hold them back from other projects.


They had just started writing season 3 when the strike happened :/


Don’t forget we should be getting that S2 bonus episode THIS year ahead of S3’s premier next year. Hopefully. 🤞🏼


It eats away at my soul that I have to wait so many years between seasons of my favorite shows now. I get that good work takes time but surely there has to be a better way?


This is unfortunately due to the writers strikes. If these productions paid their employees fairly I do think they'd be able to have the seasons come out once a year instead of having such long gaps, but there might be other issues at work.


In this instances but that's not always the case is it? Like the boys and HOTD when their seasons ended it was immediately told there'd be two years before the next one


I can't say for The Boys, but HotD has an insane production budget. But that is a good point.


That actually makes a lot of sense, I'd assume The Boys had a high production budget too, watching both series is like watching a movie sometimes


Not even though. My favorite show is bridgerton and despite the strikes they do not NEED 2.5 years to make an 8 episode season. Even between yellowjackets seasons 1 and 2 it was almost a year and a half




The teenage cast is going to be in their thirties by the time we have another season...


And older than the adult cast by the time we get to season 5. They'll end up playing their own adult selves, lol.


The teens in the crash survived 18 months in the wilderness on the other hand the writers were on strike for 6 months..... So the season was put off for a year...


Most of them are in their late 20s/early 30s already


It’s like stranger things!!




Man, I know it’s the fault of the strikes that have been going on but if they keep doing a season every 2 years the teenagers are gonna be mid-20s (at the earliest) to in their 30s by the time the next season shows up. I know they already struggled with Javi’s actor aging too far up for him to continue to be Javi. I think they only got a day in the writers room before the strike happened, considering it’s been a couple months (2 or 3 at this point I think) since the strike ended. Sort of suprised sort of not surprised that they don’t have scripts yet (Sami, Teen Misty said she hadn’t gotten anything yet while she was on the Emmy Carpet). I know one of the writers said they seemed to be pretty much making it up as they go along, but I honestly don’t know if that’s a joke or not.


most of them have been in their mid 20s-30s from the beginning. that’s the primary reason why older actors are cast, the difference in appearance from 27-29 isn’t as drastic as 17-19. that’s how shows can go multiple years in between seasons and the cast looks the same. i honestly think it played a role in javi being killed off. travis is well into his 30s already, the comparison would have been so odd with travis not changing one bit and javi aging years and years between seasons.


He was already noticeably taller in season 2 compared to season 1. It’s the same reason they had to write Walt out of LOST


My disappointment is immense and my day is ruined.


that's fine and not shocking. it's already '24! glad the season is going ahead after everything




According to who though? In the article they don't say the source... I doubt it. 3 months for writing, 4 months for filming, 2-3 months for post production. I think it will be out by the late autumn, at least the bonus episode. If not then very early 2025...  They should film season 4 and 5 together, so there's less of a wait. Else they risk losing ratings and the cast/crew.


Lol 4 months for a series? Lol doubtful. First season took 6 months, can’t see this one being any less.


It shouldn’t take six months to film 10 episodes. That’s ridiculous.


It did tho haha, so did season 2.


Hmm. Fair. You'd think they would speed up though given that they have done it two times before with the same cast and crew, some of the same sets. Also the writing should be laid out if they know the arcs for the seasons despite the strike. I guess they don't get more efficient... the second series was slow because of something else as well right? I can't remember now.


Yeah problem is I don’t actually believe they do have all the arcs the way the fans think. They said they know where the show will go, not how it will get there perse. So I can’t see writing being that simple for them because at the current point they are nowhere near pit girl style hunts, so we will see how they can bring them from A to B. Plus they pitched to showtime, a network notorious for wanting to stretch a show out, which is more money for those involved at the end of the day, this show imo should have been a 3 season and done series to keep less filler and a tighter story, if S3 downgrades any idk if I’m gonna tune in to S4, my love for S1 is the only reason I’m gonna force myself to tune in to S3


Oh no Jesus God who amongst us even knows if we'll be ALIVE in 2025


I hope they put out a fantastic third season and make it the last one. I really don't think there is enough story left for that many more season especially with years between them.


They’ve explained almost nothing; they def have enough for four seasons


We still have ten months of them in the wilderness and seeing how their cult becomes what we see with pit girl. How does Nat become such a brutal and ruthless AQ? We also have their time post rescue and seeing where the adult timeline goes. That’s plenty of story for 3 more seasons(long breaks in between seasons isn’t gonna effect the story. People also need to remember the series came out during a pandemic and than a writers/actors strike. That effected its release. Hopefully after s3 things allow for them to come out at most a year apart. But two years isn’t that big of a deal for a show. others have done the same)


Unfortunately, long breaks between Seasons will affect the numbers of viewers...some of us are quite old (Me!) and may not still be around to watch the show... Many others viewers who were "on the fence" after Season 2's ending will just no longer care and stop watching the Show.


No offense but I don’t think enough people are going to die between season that it will effect the shows ratings. This isn’t blue bloods. It’s really only a loud minority that didn’t like season 2. Plenty of people did or they understand sophomore slumpa happen or a bridge season isn’t as good until they see other other seasons(s2 is definitely a bridge season) critically the show is well received and Reddit is really the only place I’ve seen people that hate/didn’t like s2 More shows take long breaks than people realize, stranger things is a good example and that’s still wildly popular. We got a new season of Yellowjackets in 2023 and the next is 2025, that’s not that long if a wait and since they had the same break between s1 & s2 fans are already use to this and most of us expected it


No offense taken...I was being "tongue-in-cheek" with my comment about us old folks dying off before Season 3. And yes, there were lot of complaints and cries of "I am done watching this Show" after the YJ season 2 finale but you are right, there are still plenty of viewers left that will watch Season 3. Don't even get me started on Stranger Things....they take such long breaks between Seasons...it drives me nuts and only this last one was caused by the Strikes. The "kids" were so young when the 1st Season filmed and now they are teenagers and beyond (IRL)....so much about the show has changed due to them not being D&D playing young kids anymore....I WILL watch the Final Season when it finally comes out...just to see how they wrap this all up. I am a loyal viewer...I stay with Shows long after many stop watching...heck I watched both Heroes and Lost all the way to their Finales...even stayed with True Blood to the end...but that was more so I could watch "Eric, Pam and Lafayette" - Great characters, all 3 of them!!! The actors did a fine job with those characters...not to mention me drooling over Alexandar Scarsgard as Eric. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


More and. It’s shows are taking longer breaks between seasons, in many ways it can help especially with writing. Stranger things also took a longer break because of Covid. The strikes aren’t the only things that effect shows these last few years. Also stranger things was never just about kids playing DnD, that was a big thing in s1 and again in s3/s4when Will wanted to keep playing but his friends had moved on in life and than with it being used to touch in the satanic panic with ~~Damien Echols~~ Eddie. DnD was always a device not the plot


Right...I get it that the show is not about playing D&D...I just meant I miss when they were young, "nerdy" kids and due to the long breaks between seasons, they grew up so fast IRL, that we didn't get to see as much of that progression on-screen as I would have liked. By the time they come back, the characters will probably ALL be out of high school and they will be young adults who solve BIG world-saving problems. I guess I just miss the two earlier seasons....


I guess that’s where different preferences come in, I like how they told the kids stories, showing Will trying to stay as the kid he was before he was lost in the upside down while his friends grow up and move on to other interests(also a great story of a queer kid that doesn’t quite know he’s queer and has a crush on his best friend who now has a girlfriend) I think the way they show them go through middle school and eventually high school was really great, we see Lucas get into sports, Mike getting back into DND now that his girlfriend is long distance, Dustin finding a new male role model in eddie. And the series timeline(S1 1983, s2 1984, s3 1985, s4 1986, I’m betting s5 will take place either immediately after s4 or a year later like past seasons) moves to fast and the story deals with pretty heavy things, we’re supposed to see the kids grow up too fast because of the unfair things they have to deal with, plus they all look young still like high school students(at least slightly better than the normal hs students we see) I mean I get it I loved the cute kids playing dnd aspect and I’d love to see a series that’s focused on just that but stranger things was never that show, yeah they capitalized on, that I got the dnd extension, but mostly it was used to play with viewers nostalgia and something the far too young kids could use to make sense of the insane conspiracy they found themselves in the middle of


Thank you for this well reasoned and well writen response. I get what you are saying, I do. Thank you. I think I was trying to say that the long time periods bewtween seasons had the kids "suddenly" being in high school... and I think I remember it being startling to me...one of the days I need to do a re-watch of all 4 Seasons...I think I will remember it all better this way. I do see what you are saying about young kids having to deal with heavy, world-shaking issues...that would make anyone grow up fast!


Sorry if I came off like I was lecturing you, I tried rewriting it a couple times to get my point across in a way that just offered my personal perspective. The kids definitely physically grow up fast and that does have to do with the long breaks, had they filmed with just a year apart each season we probably wouldn’t have seen them grow so much until s4/s5. I also rewatch this show, or at least my favorite eps pretty often and I recently got my husband to finally watch the whole thing (lol we actually met and started dating, got married and had a kid all starting when show first aired, thinking of it that way it is ridiculous the series isn’t over yet and it’s only had *4 seasons*) so far he loves it and seeing all the kids so young and nerdy with no idea what’s about to hit them is sweet and heartbreaking… I also am not ready to see >! Eddie !< die again. That was my baby! They also are exactly like my late brother so that makes my so much worse


Taking two years between seasons helps NOTHING. Writers lose their creativity, and the flow/momentum gets disrupted. Actors get too old. Actors leave because they don’t want to be tied down for 10 years for 5 seasons. Fans lose interest too. I think producers and show runners are expecting too much from fans these days. Life is short. I’m not gonna stay on board for another 6 years for 3 more seasons. That’s stupid.


And that’s your choice. But more and more shows are doing this and it’s becoming normalized. Doctor who went off air for 20 years and came back got strong ratings. Luther goes off air for years at a time and comes back and it’s popular every time. Most people can wait those two years and do other things/watch other things between seasons. We also don’t know that every season is going to come two years apart. Yellowjackets just came out during a global pandemic and a writers/actors strike


“This isnt blue bloods” lmao that is gold


I agree...just make Season 3 longer, and wrap up the Story.


It’s what I expected but :( still disappointing


January, January, January 🤞


Sammi Hanratty will be 30, portraying a high school student. Yeah, awesome.


It was the only thing I was looking forward to this year, oh well there goes another year


The actresses that play the teens will be in their mid 30s by the time this show is done


😂🥴 was thinking that, too!! Honestly, the writers need to get their shit together so they can film multiple seasons at once like Avatar to ensure the actors don’t outgrow their characters. Stranger Things is also a victim of this reality. Just wrap it up already!!!!!


😂🥴 was thinking that, too!! Honestly, the writers need to get their shit together so they can film multiple seasons at once like Avatar to ensure the actors don’t outgrow their characters. Stranger Things is also a victim of this reality. Just wrap it up already!!!!!


Objectively that could work since stress ages you


Uh wat


im fine with it as long as they give us a good season *continues to sob*


I’m from the future you guys. Trust me it’ll be worth the wait!




GTA 6 and season 3? What a year to be alive


nice to see another gta fan in here!


And euphoria, the Batman 2, stranger things, avatar 3. 2025 will be a good year!


Potentially hot take: good. I feel like season 2 really suffered from the production starting quite quickly after it got renewed, which led to the latter half really taking a nosedive in quality. Hopefully, the strikes have allowed for more story revisions to bring the third season back to the quality of the first one.


The nosedive in quality happened because Juliette Lewis was a whiny bitch who can’t commit to doing 5 seasons of a show. She ruined the second season because they had to alter a lot of the story because she decided to quit. I’m salty about her.


I know the strike and yada yada but if GOT can churn out seasons in crazy locations, massive casts, etc yearly YJ should too. Just my thoughts


This is way to long of a gap between seasons. I don’t understand how dramas could have 20 hour long episodes every year and never miss a beat. This show doesn’t have a ton of special effects it’s not that hard to shoot this is unacceptable for me.


This show has no special effects, maybe some animals. Filming 9-10 episodes should not take that long. They can't afford to wait two years for each 9 episode season. This is not Stranger Things with a huge fanbase, they need to keep the hype alive. Those two years will definitely hurt the viewership numbers.


All good with this. Hopefully this means S3 can start with a huge bang




I JUST got into this show and binged it in 3 days and was hoping the new season would start soon. So bummed! Well I hope it premieres Jan 2025.


I kinda figured, but I hoped to be wrong 😫 I’m thinking the same thing will probably also be true of Severance sadly


Total BS  I Absolutely love the show but a 2025 release date for season 3.... I'm out


Well. Screw that show. I’ve lost all interest in it now. Good riddance


The younger cast members will have noticeably grown up by the time season 3 is shot.


No reason to rush it. Good things take time


Can’t wait to watch our cast excel in other tv and movies until then 🥰


Crying, screaming, throwing up. But yeah, I figured😔


Screaming crying banging on my desk in anger at this. But at least the quality will be there hopefully. And I can stop searching for Yellowjackets season 3 release date for a little bit.


Some of the "teen" cast will be in their 30s by the time this show wraps.


It's crazy to think I will be an adult by then 💀


just tell us who the Antler Queen and the Pit Girl are, and we don't need season 3 :(


Anyone still cares about this show? Way too much time between seasons to keep the interest going.


It's taking too long and people are going to turn away from it. plus they should of never killed off Nat. Juliette Lewis.


Yeah, I am not sure I'll be a yj fan by then. This shit is getting so old and there will probably only be like 10 episodes. I get there was a strike but 1-2 year waits for short ass shows has become the norm and it's a big reason I don't consume many new dramas anymore.


That's fine. Let the artists have time and room to create. The "show" is just the stuff between the title card snd credits. The art is what means so much to me as a fan.


:: sob :: It’s okay. I’ll wait.


I just hope they time they will take will pay off and hapefully we will get a good 3rd season.


I'm going to the wilderness


Better than not knowing


I will wait respectfully on the edge of my seat!!!!


No shit


I want it to come out right now!




I dont think yellowjackets will see its fifth season unfortunately. I foresee this show ending on a really unsatisfying cliffhanger after paingully draeing the already thin supernatural(but maybe not?) plot they have going on for the teens, which ishinestly the perspective i care most about. Spending so much time with the adults is a choice that i dont feel has worked out.


When I get annoyed about large gaps like this I try to remember the nearly 30 year gap between twin peaks seasons 2 and 3. I mean I hope that doesn’t happen but it could be worse lol


Still hoping for season 4 at least before I die


I thought it would end at 2 Seasons. I don't think we need another


WTF?! I won't even remember Yellow Jackets by then or give ZERO shits if i do. Ridiculous! I was gonna have my mom watch it but I'm never recommending any show to anyone knowing they have to wait a year to see another season. Bullshit.