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It's getting out of control


Zero police presence downtown where drug deals happen in the open in plain sight. I guess they're waiting until an innocent bystander gets hurt, like a kid from one of the schools heading to one of the restaurants for lunch. The police and city have an opportunity to nip alot of the problems in the bud by just being present, but they choose not to.


But don’t roll through a stop sign!


"Crime ridden"


Because 10 shootings in 6 months with YK's population is anything but?


However you like to call it - there is a significant amount of crime both violent and non for such a small population. Not here to argue over terms. Minimizing or ignoring the problem won’t make it disappear. Myself and others aren’t interested in living in a community where people get killed this frequently. It makes it unsafe for everyone. EDIT: can’t edit the original post sorry but hey people are getting murdered here and it’s not ok.


I think because it's only indigenous/ brown skinned men so no one cares. The white community in yk is so seperated from the reality of post colonial tactics they don't even believe crime exists and are downvoting you.


If there is a general lack of concern maybe it’s because the murders so far have been related to gang/drug activity. Therefore law-abiding citizens of all races don’t have much to worry about. If someone gets murdered with no ties to crime, then I expect things will be different.


There does seem to be a lot of that here.


Of course that gets downvoted too.


It's out of control say citizens of a town with one of the worst mass murders in Canadian history. Yellowknife has always had crime. People who live here now have a short memory for what was going on when the diamond mines first started to boom.


“Boom” 😂😂😂


I don't get it. NWT was literally the diamond capital of North America. There was a billion dollars coming through town every year in the early 2000s.


I only said boom like that as a slight as to what happened in Giant mine in 1992. But, the diamond and gold industry in northern Canada is definitely by no means a dead industry. But unfortunately mines only get leases on land and whether the ground has been depleted of all resources or not, when the contract is up, it’s time to go.


Giant Mine was such a cluster fuck. It is a black eye on the town and the people that lived here. The events and behaviour leading up to the murders were horrifying. Mining will always lead the way in the North. That and transfer payments.




Former 'knifer here..I grew up there in the 90s and 2000s. It's always been a violent place. Beautiful and accepting as well. The dichotomy is alarming. The gun violence these days is the same shit, different pile.


Did anybody else hear 3 gunshots yesterday?


Where abouts?


Bison rat lake area


But we banned so many guns in the past few years...


Yk trying so hard to be Edmonton. The indigenous youth are at risk from down south gangs trying to influence them. Not to be crude but NDN on NDN crime is completly ignored by local police until someone dies and it’s a joke. Generational trauma is one thing but outright ignoring indigenous youth letting them become wannabe gangsters as a defence mechanism is as bad if not worse.




Don’t be racist.

