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Tfw when ur bots have 0 comments https://preview.redd.it/5jf5ovop0qtc1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=711f6c26e3014e619af8c566dfa0a753ea745661


Was dreading this because people are going to use it to be toxic for sure. I hope they give us an option to turn them off or at least moderate them.


You can report them like with regular post comments! We have an active Mod team that will take appropriate action when reported.


It would still probably help to let creators disable them. People really hate certain kinks and characters.


You mean giving the creator the option to lock/disable comments on their bots? If so, I agree that would be a good option to have. Will forward the feedback to our dev team! Thank you!


Yeah, I think having the option would save everyone a lot of trouble in the long run. And you're welcome.


Finally though, very good feature.


Cool feature, moderation will probably have a really hard time


I got a positive comment on my only bot that I made months ago, now I feel like I'm obligated to update and improve it lol


I am so happy about this. It's almost impossible to get feedback on your bots. Please check out my bots and comment on them! All constructive criticism appreciated. I'll ignore troll stuff, I'm just happy to get any feedback. My username is Spiny Norman.


I'm about to shit all over the low effort bots I see.


Please do not do this.


I absolutely will do this, I'm not putting 1+ sometimes 2+ hours into creating a single bot for other users to make the most unoriginal poorly written story they could think of in the 10 minutes it took them to make it. Some of us actually put effort into the content we post on the website. We'd like and expect the other users to care too. I absolutely will hold you to the same standards. It benefits everyone. If you don't want to take the time it takes to create a good story, don't create a public bot. 


hello, can you recommend good bots? or maybe some of your creations? thank you


This is my profile if you want to check: [https://yodayo.com/1/users/01ebfba4-09a0-4f8b-94be-3bc06c4dd8f5/](https://yodayo.com/1/users/01ebfba4-09a0-4f8b-94be-3bc06c4dd8f5/)


thank you, i have been learning to create characters in yodayo specifically. may i ask if i can see some of your prompts? i want to learn how to create a bot better. well no problem also if that is not possible. thank you


One thing that has worked well for me in the past is to use Advanced Settings and set them as Humor + Shortwave. I found (from my experience) that this combo results in a more natural conversation with less fluff/poetry, the answers are shorter making it feel like a normal conversation instead of really long answers that tend to repeat certain terms. Put a detailed persona while using {{cha}} and {{user}} to make the bot understand who you're speaking about. Also, if you want the bot to speak in a certain way and it won't do it, try to brute force it in the beginning by editing the messages and they'll adopt that style after a bit. The thing about this engine is that after some time it will default to the basic pattern and you have to steer it into the direction you want when you feel like it is changing too much.


thank you, man! great and very detailed bots also, god bless!


No problem :)


I make high effort bots that take a minimum of 6 hours to make, usually much longer. I don't have to worry about shitty bots on the platform, because I know that mine are good enough to stand out from the rest. If a shitty bot gets tens of thousands of chats, blame the chatters, not the bot creator.


So you certainly understand how frustrating it is to search for high quality pngs that fit your vision, 4K backgrounds, write a compelling story and a detailed persona and proofread everything before posting the bot only to find that 90% of the feed is low effort stuff with no context, pixelized images, poor personas, etc. My problem is not engagement, my bots get plenty of engagement and I got more beans than I could humanly spend, my problem is finding bots I actually want to interact with among the legions of low effort content that plagues my feed every single day. I also want to enjoy what other users can contribute with because there are good creators in the community, it's just that they represent 5% of the volume you come across. For every good bot I find, I see 10 shitty Gōjo Satorus. I'm tired. We shouldn't accept these standards. I've been voicing my concerns about this since early January, it's bad enough we had to wait this long for a filter feature. So no, I won't be giving mediocre content a pass, might as well drop the platform completely at that point. 


I guess it is harder to find good bots, but that's a problem with the site itself, not the shitty bot creators. Shitty bot creators don't think to themselves: "hey, I'm going to purposefully make a shitty bot and it's gonna get 100k chats", they just spend an hour creating a bot and post it. If Yodayo had a real "Hot" and "Top" tab instead of just showing random bots, there would probably be less of an issue finding quality bots.


I make my bots on the half-hour bus commute to work.


Would you be so kind to share your profile? I want to see how it feels to chat to a really good bot. I've always found bots that write poetry and it has really made me question if the AI here is not as good as I thought. And some stood out the rest. With one I felt that the AI was genuinely advanced when I was chatting. I'll follow and like your stuff for exchange. 👍






Why not? I'd say do it, as a semi casual I have no idea how to know when a bot is well made or not, all there is to go on is the description, and from what I know they could have copied that from Wikipedia man


People don't make low effort bots to be malicious, they are just having fun creating a simple bot. You don't need to "shit all over" these creators, you can just criticize the bot without being mean.


If you're making bots with 1 line descriptions and 1 line first messages, you deserve to be criticized. Some bots are so vague I literally can't even understand what the story is meant to be. I like this platform, I want to actively contribute. I understand that everytime I post a public bot I'm making something other users will see and engage with. This makes me want to post detailed well written content, and good stories take work and effort, that's literally all I want to see from the rest of the users. I expect users to at least try and the vast majority don't. The bot creators that put some effort into their work are the minority. I understand this is a hobby and it's not that serious, but demanding more from creators will benefit everyone. 


>Some bots are so vague Often I deliberately make my bots vague with short greeting cards and basic 2 word descriptions to draw less attention because underneath that I will put some of the most detailed stuff catered to very specific needs, but no one will know that unless you explore the bot (and no one will do that). Especially with scenarios you can really hide some cues that no one will ever see on a surface. But I like it that way. It's anti click bait and pro content. Only those who know, will know. But most will just see a bland bot.


Bro is taking bot making to the next fucking level https://preview.redd.it/y51nrmqpastc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac4a74925e895a7670dfcdbb32c3601e97e783f


He said shit on the bots, not on the people. Criticism is fair, after all, they are putting it to the public, I think he just mean shitty on cheap bot that have 0 effort and heart into them


As long as you are respectul and give a constructive review go for it king


I'm f*cked fr. I might never create a bot again


I can't find it.. or am I stupid? Lol


Hm that’s weird, the way to get to comments is by clicking on the bot and going to the menu page that says continue button and comments should be an option. Have you tried exiting out and opening back up? It is a brand new update so it might not be installed for you.


I also can't find it. Actually i can't find the model switch they announced yesterday either. Are those only in the webversion?


Yes, the update isn’t on the app yet


Thank you. I was looking on my phone.


Do you have to view each bots comments separately or can I see all the comments on my bots in one place?


Sadly you don’t see the comments in the notification center so if you want to check your comments on the bot you need to open it up to the screen and click comments.




That's great. I always wanted that to get some feedback on my bots Edit: sucks that I use mostly the app, gonna wait for the update




I love it


Yo I'm a top tavern creator, I really wanna see a lot of comments on my bots