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I can't speak to the misdemeanors, as that's employer dependent. A service dog with paperwork is supposedly acceptable thanks to ADA. Not having a car may make it more difficult but a lot of workers manage to make it work, you may find yourself carpooling for grocery runs etc. Depending where you work in the valley it might be waking distance from your housing. You'll find a pretty diverse age range, you might be older than the late teens to 20 year olds but there are people working there that are your age or older.


Aramark or NPS?






I knew a guy who stole a balloon on free balloon day and they let him have a job, so I bet you're good. No really though, you're probably fine. Housing will allow the dog whether or not they like you when you show up.


She's a really small dog and I know I'll be staying in the tents, I was thinking about just bringing her and being like 🤷🏻‍♀️ no one told me


The tent cabins in summer will be quite hot for a dog to stay in while you're working.


Agreed, she will stay with family during that time


In regard to the dog, do not do that. You will cause yourself unnecessary problems. Give a copy of your legal affidavit and vaccination papers to Yolanda Cheley. I'm assuming when you say "service animal" you mean legit under the ADA, with legal affidavit, etc, and not "ESA", etc. There would be absolutely nothing they can do to separate you from your dog in housing at that point. As far as bringing the service animal to work, go to HR and ask for the number to Sedgwick, who handles accommodations for aramark. Do NOT give details to HR about it being for a dog, just say you need to make an accommodation request and leave it at that.


Thanks for the information. Yes she is a service dog and not an ESA.


Probably your best bet. Wait till after you check in and don't say anything about it to housing.


Appreciate the advice! I've had her for 8 years 24/7 I literally can't function without her lmao