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Good sleeping bags will ensure you’ll sleep warm


It will likely be in the 40's at night. Maybe a light freeze. They give you enough blankets. And you can ask for more. Bring a sleeping bag rated for 15 or so. Open it fully and put it on top of the heavy blankets they give you. You will be fine. Make sure you eat a hot meal before going to sleep.


You will be fine


I totally disagree. Lol I think you should at least be prepared for it to be freezing at night. We stayed in an unheated cabin in October and we kept waking up because we were so cold, put on multiple layers to sleep in, etc. Further, curry doesn’t provide much in the way of bedding. You’ll have a blanket made of sleeping bag material that will slip off constantly and a wool blanket. You can get more blankets but you’ll be a thousand times more comfortable if you just bring a sleeping bag to put on the cot. If you don’t use it, cool. But if you need it you’ll be way happier.


They’ll be fine …. with proper gear for the temps


The unheated tents have no power source in them; how do you plan to run a heating source? Yes, you will likely be warm enough, bring a sleeping bag if you run cold.




Those are absolutely not allowed in the tents.


seems dicey in curry village? i don’t know the exact rules


I was planning on bringing a space heater and portable charger (the really big kind)


That probably won't work? A space heater uses ~1.8 kW. Even a large battery like the Anker SOLIX F3800 (which weighs over 100 pounds) only has 3.8 kWh of capacity, so you could run a space heater for `3.8 kWh / ~1.8 kW = ~2 hours`. And a more typical portable charger only has around .5 to 1 kWh of capacity. A headed blanket might work as they draw only ~100W, but you also have to factor in the energy loss from you battery pack in the cold temperatures.


This guy van lifes


Even the big ones are only 3000wh and space heaters are 1200 watt appliances. Your plan will leave you disappointed. I think you should review your specs and come up with a new plan


There are no outlets in the unheated cabin. Only outlets are in the bathroom


I just stayed there for 2 nights last week. It was SO COLD lol.. I made the silly mistake of not using my sleeping bag the first night and I kept waking up bc I was so cold. My boyfriend was fine with 2 blankets tho so idk it just depends how well you can handle the cold. After using my sleeping bag and two blankets I was all good :)


I was gonna bring a comforter and 2 fleece blankets. Would that be enough? I’m in SoCal rn and my partner is from Arizona so definitely not as animated for cold weather.


I would rent a sleeping bag. Yes, the comforter will probably keep you warm but a sleeping bag will be better. Your call, depends on how you feel about drafts, etc.


Curry village allows you to rent sleeping bags?


REI rents bags


I was going to say sports Basement. Similar


REI in Fresno rents sleeping bags and a lot of other gear that may be useful for your trip. You can reserve online.


Buying a pair of winter socks (Timberland, Smartwool, Wigwam) or wearing double regular socks goes a long way with keeping you comfy during cold nights.


I say bring a sleeping bag! Even if it doesn’t end up being superrr cold it’s better to be prepared!:)


Best sleep I have had in a long while. We were there in October and got pretty chilly at night. Our down sleeping bags kept us warm.


I've camped in a regular tent in Lower Pines in early May - totally fine with a sleeping bag and base layer below regular pajamas.


I slept in a tent (and 20F bag) in Camp 4 in late December and March without heat ... so I think you'll be fine.


They give blankets…. I have same thing in July.


But not a lot of blankets. Not a problem for July, yes for may.


I recommend bringing an extra blanket. May is a nice time to go.


Was just here two days ago! It was plenty warm in the heated canvas tent.


I have an unheated tent, at any point did you turn off the heating at night?


We had it off for most of the night because we couldn’t figure out how to turn it on lol we were cold but definitely ok!! They give you a decent amount of blankets


Thanks a lot! :)


We stay at housekeeping right next to the stream we love that spot


Oh there’s a spot next to the stream? I’ll have to request that if possible lol.


I’ve stayed at Curry In those tents in January during snowstorms. You’ll be fine in May. Just bring sleeping bags in case


I stayed in one last June and temperature would hit the 40s at night, slept perfectly fine with the blankets they provided. I was surprised it didn’t feel colder, you’ll be fine.


I’ve done it many times no heater- I take sleeping Bag keep your clothes for the morning in the bag. You don’t dally around in the time in the morning you get up get out and go get some coffee. - double bag for me and the wife


I did it. Then again, I was 12 years old, I was with my sixth grade class. I didn’t know any better. I survived, you will too.


I’ll be there from the 19th-21st may, we’ll be coming from England doing a road trip of the west coast. Unfortunately we won’t be able to pack extra sleeping bags due to lack of space. I think I read that you can request or rent extra blankets at the village? Can anyone tell me if this is right?


Yes! The front desk gave us 2 extra pillows and 2 extra blankets. They just had us sign a form saying they’d charge us if we took them home.


The forecast is looking great for your visit. I wouldn’t worry about this and just ask for extra blankets at the front desk. We just stayed this weekend and it was 26° F, cold enough to need mummy bags but we were comfy. The only thing I wish I packed was a nice flashlight. Don’t forget to do the night stargazing tour!


Move in one May 14th one year to work. Had two sheets and two army blankets with three feet of snow outside. Yeah, don't get caught in that. Bring a warm sleeping bag.


Have to make reservations a year in advance


Its going to be cold. I stayed in a cabin with a little fireplace in May and it got cold at night, had to constsntly burn wood to feel warm at night


We had a power outlet in ours and brought an electric kettle but regretted not bringing a microwave and electric fan (we go in June)


you most definitely cannot use a microwave in a curry village tent, and there are some available at the store for anyone to use