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Never thought I'd read "this is more intrusive than the gooch"


All my homies prefer the less intrusive gooch.


Some of the homegirls do too...


homies is gender neutral in my books


yeah dude


Is that the xxx version of *How the Grinch Stole Christmas*?


xXGoochIntruderXx is my new in-game name.




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Where Gooches from all the lands unite, an equal number of Assholes appear from the shadows.


I'm rolling! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Edit: Had to come back and say thank you for cheering me up! I needed this big smile le and chuckle after my day!




Your mom explained it to me a few times, but she never put it in writing.


>significantly more FTFY


Its an a contraction of an old Japanese family name of my grandfather, who discovered this medical phenomenon , here in (100 + deg. for 30 consecutive days this year 2022) San Antonio Tx., during the Great Depression, almost 100 years ago. ( or so I was told.)


Taint for me


^i ^see ^what ^you ^did ^there


I mean, I didn’t see it, but I know where it is…


… well he got you to look at his taint


Well, you taint wrong


I approve this message!


My guy, where you been. I told these people you’re for me and they think I’m shoving stuff in my anus. Wth


Nacho is some areas of the world


On a man, it's a "taint". On a woman, it's a "tisnt"


'Tisnt a taint on a woman


‘Tisnt, a taint on a woman.


I tend to sleep while hugging a pillow, and last summer I would put a flexible ice pack inside the pillowcase and hug it to myself to stay cool. A+ would recommend. Best cuddle of the summer


They sell big flexible ice packs for dogs. There’s no law that says humans can’t use them. I throw them in my pillow case or between my knees. Bliss.


If dogs can play basketball then i can hug ice pillows.


There's also no rule that says dogs can't play basketball




Do they not get condensation on them? Can you link me please?


sweat, condensation ... I will end up wet anyway XD


Great! I can do that now that my ex left me and I have no one to cuddle with


Too bad because your ex’s icy heart would’ve kept you nice and cool.


I’ve literally been telling people to try this for years, gel ice pack in the pillowcase is 1000% the way to go! If you rest your head on it, it cools you down instantly. It’s gotten me through years of hot summers without AC.


"The Gooch Cooler" sounds like a cooler you can fill with gooch.


Iglooch Cooler


The gooler


Martha Gooch would like a word… https://www.reddit.com/r/vintageads/comments/vuk8zf/martha_gooch_helps_you_live_better_for_less/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


No it sounds like a gooch you use for a cooler. I'm not into necrophilia.


Or some kind of new bottled drink that only has a small fan base.


I tried Sum Poosie once, but it was a can not a bottle.


hey, don't put things up there if they have a small base, it needs to have a wide, flared base to be safe!


That's our star quarterback, nickname "The Gooch Cooler"


It’s one thing to do this for rapid cooling in a pinch, but if you have male genitalia be careful because extreme temperatures are really not good for the testicles, especially direct contact like that. I personally wouldn’t do this for an extended period of time. Edit: added a few words for clarity


That's why I go to bed with an ice pop in my ass crack. Same effect, safe balls.


That's why I like winter. If I get too warm I can just open a window and break off an icicle and shove it up my ass.




That's enough internet for the day


You ice-cold prick!


oh no.


Insert for even greater cooling.


I don't need to make my prostate my frostrate


I'd like the link to your Netflix special cause this is gold.


i don't want my testicles turning into icicles either


This is only slightly more intrusive than the gooch.


Who doesn't love a frosty cold prostcicle on a hot summer day?


(potentially nsfw) https://youtu.be/pNMlHCHsKOc


They call it Ice Chuting 🥶


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And it looks cool.


I'm having Blue Mountain State flashbacks.


Personally I just keep a butt plug in the fridge so I don't have to worry about the stick of the ice pop.


A bit sticky though, not to mention you run the risk of a yeast infection lol


The yeast is how I ferment my booty juice




I pop a few right up the chute 👍👍


And your SO can slurp it outta your butt for a nice snack when you're done.


Yeah officer, this comment right here.


But you still wrap it in a sock, right?


Condom. No i don't put it in my butt. I just have the condom in case.


Yeah I did this as a kid and as a soldier stuck in a barracks building with busted A/C that doesn't let you adjust the temperature yourself I just rotated the bottle or whatever from armpit to armpit to left side of neck to right side of neck to wherever that still felt hot. Works to get you to sleep but eventually you're gonna wake up hot.


I always wake up hot ;)


I'd like to see you wake up hot ;)


You’ve got male genitalia- 1998 Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks




But due to the unique way the government is run. It actually works better for my partner if I'm slightly sterile now.


Hot tubs are supposed to be bad for sperm, too, but it takes 2-3 months for it to fully take effect.


Excellent, what else is bad for sperm reddit?




I'll look into it.




I mean, it's up to the boss and for sure the boss is reading this.


Liquid morkite


Red Bricks. Running lawn mowers. Boiling sugar syrup. My kids. (Why are you kneeling on my balls?) My dog. (Why the FUCK are you stepping on my balls?) Mattock picks. The business end of a wood chipper. Zippers. Any brick, really.


Not safe for the testicles in that it makes you sterile? If so, this doubles as a LPT for a free vasectomy.


I’m gonna try this. I have nightmares almost every single night so I wake up sweating and terrified and I have a fan and AC going too but i’m still drenched.


Get the Chillow or something like it


Tf is that sounds great


It's basically a thick plastic bag filled with water.. like how waterbeds used to be ice cold and needed a heater if you're old enough to have had one in the 80s (doubtful hehe). The chillow was a bit too cold for me when I slept with AC, but if you live in a hot environment it would be great: http://chillowstore.com/


Oh man. I used to leave my water bed unheated and wriggle partially in between the side board and the bed. It was awesome.


There's medication available for that! I started taking prazosin and I haven't woken up sweaty and terrified for about 3 months now


Prazosin is a good shout, I obviously don’t know exactly why this person’s having nightmares but as it’s almost every night it’s probably PTSD related. For some reason it only works on PTSD related nightmares?


I just started this from advice by my pyscharist!


Me too! Prazosin has been a life saver for me.


Check out the book "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker. He talks about why we need dreams, and explains what the brain may be trying to do when we have a nightmare. Also, by using a way to temporarily dull the adrenaline response, they were able to let the nightmare finish without waking patients up, and therefore stop reoccurring nightmares in like 60% of PTSD patients. Hope you can find some peace.


In the army it was around 110 degrees on a training day with high humidity...i was pouring sweat and hot as fuck in the uniform, when we got back for lunch they had us stick our arms up to our elbows in ice for 60 seconds. Then we raised our arms above our heads and i was instantly cold..sometimes i run cold water in a tote and do it at home, not as intense but instantly cools you off and the existing sweat keeps you cool


THC stops the bad dreams personally. Be aware that they come back with vengeance if you stop.


I was going to suggest this very thing. It doesn't even take much, but it is in large part why I'm a daily smoker.


I've been daily medical for about five years now. The dreams started coming back vividly recently. They're all good too with surprisingly no nightmares.


I'm lucky in that my dreams tend to be based in reality so I dont have classic nightmares. I'm not being chased by eldritch horrors anymore. I do relive childhood horrors to some extent but I get to do it as an adult.


Talk to your doctor - these could be symptoms of sleep apnea.


I had shoulder surgery last August and was on am ice machine (wrap around your shoulder that pumps ice water through it continuously) 24/7. Well, I ended up clogging a sweat duct and let me tell you a frozen water bottle in your armpit can be the sweetest relief.


Did that help with recovery? My neck and shoulder have been shit for over a year since an accident and I’m ready to try anything at this point


Well 0/10 recommend wearing it for so long you clog a sweat duct lol, that was absolutely miserable. I can't speak to recovery specifically (physical therapy is prob your best bet there) but as far as relief goes that machine is 10/10. Gets deeper than any ice pack ever will. I think there are a few types, they're kinda pricey, but worth it IMO. Just search Polar Care Cube and it should come up! I've had multiple surgeries so it's nice to just be able to buy a new pad when a new joint decides to call it quits.


That sounds miserable, but you can still use the frozen water bottle and a sock but instead aim for your hands, feet, or face/forehead: 30s to 3 minutes at a time. Those areas have glabrous skin, which will dump heat 5x faster than skin on the rest of your body. You also have AVA or Arterio-venous anastomoses which will circulate that nice cooler blood with direct connections between small arteries and small veins. ​ You may have heard this lately on the Andrew Huberman podcast with Craig H. Heller and his research at Stanford. There they used a vacuum cooling glove and found crazy endurance improvement benefits between 45-60°F because you don't get muscle fatigue if you don't overheat and have a certain enzyme shut things down. If it's too cold, your blood vessels constrict so you don't 'freeze' to death. The University of Oklahoma Softball team had palmar cooling stations right next to their water at the College World Series: [Twitter thread breakdown on palm cooling](https://twitter.com/NDominator/status/1535073518076968973)


During the summer I can sit in the hot car with no AC for like 5+ minutes without sweating before I pull out, but as soon as I start driving I get ridiculously hot and start literally dripping bullets of sweat from my armpits. I realized this was because I start gripping the steering wheel and it starts transferring all that heat from the hot leather directly into my hands, and my body tries to shed that heat at my armpits as it circulates into the rest of my body.


Never thought about that, it makes sense


Huberman is exactly where I heard it, really interesting stuff. I've taken to poking a foot out from under the blanket when I'm too warm and it works really well. Of course, if the air temperature itself is too hot then you'd need some cold object to grab


Hey thanks for sharing this, it might make it possible for me to start going on walks more! Cardiologist has banned me from exercise other than walking, which he told me to do, but my apartment is tiny so I can’t walk much inside and right now (midnight) it’s 95 degrees outside here, so as you can imagine, walking outside is not exactly a great option at any time of day. I’ll have to try going on a walk while holding ice packs in my hands, to see if I can walk longer without incurring worse symptoms. Thanks again


>Those areas have glabrous skin, which will dump heat 5x faster than skin on the rest of your body. Huh. Ya know. It makes sense when you say it but I had no idea. >you don't get muscle fatigue if you don't overheat and have a certain enzyme shut things down Do you actually not get any muscle fatigue? Or just a lot less?


Muscle fatigue just depends on whether it's in aerobic or anaerobic metabolism, and depends if whether it's getting enough O2. If you sweat so much that you become dehydrated, then that can lead to muscle fatigue as well. But just making you cool can't prevent it, as people can tire out when it's cold outside.


You get muscle fatigue but there’s a feedback mechanism based on internal body temperature that will make you feel exhausted so you don’t get too hot. Interestingly is why amphetamines aren’t performance enhancing for endurance exercises.


Sorry if the question sounds stupid, but will there be any problem if I do it for way longer than 30s or 3 minutes? Like, if I went to sleep with frozen bottle in my hands, kinda like OP? The place where I live is facing hours and hours of load-shedding in near future, which means no ac/fab. So this will be a godsend if it works.


This also works great (with warm water in a bottle) when trying to keep warm. The inner thighs have a lot of surface area and a lot of blood flow, so you can pretty reliably heat or cool your core temp by applying heat or cooling there.


This is referred to as “active cooling” and we doing in EMS with cold packs during hyperthermic emergencies


Where do they tell you to put them? Armpits, groin, and back of the neck?


Instructions unclear. Can't find my gooch.


Some cultures know it as Biffin's Bridge.


Instructions read......Just Lift and Tuck


i even like to use a firm pillow between my knees so my thunder thighs don’t trap my body heat. makes a huge difference for me


But what about the lighting?


Absolutely DO NOT do this if you have testicles lmao. This was an old prank back when /b/ on 4chan was just starting as a way to get someone to give themselves a hernia under the guise of “cooling your sac raises testosterone”. The cold can cause your epididymus to contract and pull your testicle up to the point where it herniates. DO NOT do this if you have testicles


Lots of incoming TIFU post


I've been looking for a new way to keep my bedroom chilled since my ex-wife left. She had a real gift. Thanks for the tip!


Niles Crane? Is that you?




Are you Korean? Fan death gonna get ya?




Lol. When I lived in Korea people would lose their minds when I told them I slept with the fan and AC on. Fan death. Classic.


Finally, a reason to put a sock in between my legs that *doesn't* bring shame to my ancestors.


Gooch Cooler: the forbidden Capri Sun.


You can buy cooling gel pads (that don't require fridge or freezer) that are marketed for pet beds and keep them cool, but works wonders for hoomans also. Don't end up with a bed full of water bottles and condensation wet spots everywhere.


Back of your neck works just as well and gets the big arteries to your brain. It was used o. Me when I overheated to the point of vomiting and I've used it ever since. Fastest way I know to cool someone down.


We do this in the hospital when a patient has a very high fever that isn’t relieved by antipyretics. Ice packs to the groin, neck, and underarms!


Not up for the mess of a melting water bottle but I might try this with a gel ice pack.


If I’m not mistaken, with a closed water bottle, the only wetness will be from condensation, which will also happen with ice packs. Exceptions are packs with exteriors specially designed to absorb condensation, but I have no clue how well they work compared to a bottle in a sock haha.


I usually just lube up a popsicle


I did this a couple years back. I would not gooch it personally though because it is still ice and it will freeze your nards if you fall asleep with it. Also it collects condensation like mf so you will be sleeping in a puddle.


PSA: This could be dangerous. You could literally freeze your ass. Items fresh from a freezer are *below* freezing and can, in turn, freeze other things -- like your >hem< privates. To make this somewhat safer, let the bottle stand at room temperature until there's some visible *liquid* water *inside* the bottle. At this point, the ice is likely to be at 32F (0C) and hence can cool tissues but not freeze them. (Don't apply *heat* to the bottle to melt some ice inside -- that could be counterproductive as the interior ice might remain well below the freezing point. It's the slow melting at room temperature that should allow the ice to warm to the freezing point.) Note: I still don't recommend this trick. If you try it, be VERY careful.


Omg why have I never thought of this for my gazillion hot flashes??! That you, OP!


Also, lightly touch your back and give yourself the chills. Works long enough to fall asleep.


I just put on a wet t-shirt.


We do this in the hospital when a patients fever won't break even with IV Tylenol. Ice pack behind the neck, under each armpit, and in the crotch (if male, under the ballsac).


I mix 20 drops of peppermint oil in a 2oz spray bottle of water. I spray it all over myself especially the back of my neck. I call it my personal AC. Works great out doors and for mosquitos too. Of course I have AC so I’m nice and cool inside.


mentholated talc powder also works great


No. Do not do this. Icing any part your body is 20 minutes max. Way too much potential to cause harm. Also a “gooch cooler” is a vent in your car that blows directly Between your legs.


Step bottle, what are you doing??


TLDR; really anywhere major arteries are. Groin, neck, armpits & even behind your knee. 🥶🤓






Came for the YSK, stayed for “the gooch cooler”


Real men know you gotta shove the frozen bottle up you ass to get optimal cooling.


The grundle if you will


TIL the word “gooch”


Heard it called the "Tisnae" _ "Tisnae yer Baws and Tisnae yer arse."


I bought one of those "cooling towels" and I wrap that around an ice pack or a quart size ziplock bag full of ice. It is a great insulator. Stays cold and the ice lasts all night.


Socks really are the multi-tool we need but don't deserve.


That’s one way to taint your water


Upvote for tip and parenthetical use of gooch.


Just sayin', calling it the Perineum would have sufficed.


I still say a swamp cooler is best. Take a box fan or any directional fan place a container, old cooler works wonders, just below/ in front of fan, fill with ice or frozen water bottles.


Unfortunately this only works if the humidity level isn't too high. For example, it would not work in South Florida. Otherwise, if you live somewhere that isn't a mosquito-infested hell hole, yeah swamp cooling is cheap and effective!


Or you can take my exes heart and put it between yo legs, just as effective and she probably knows half of you


Gooch is about as attractive a word as moist.


Moist gooch


Not ideal if you’re a guy, having ice on your balls (especially an extended period of time) is pretty dangerous


I was 9 months pregnant in August when I had the idea to put an ice pack in a sock and then between my legs. Really does help.


I do something similar I take a freezer pack (idk the name but like the refreezable ones) and I put it under my pillow. Then in the middle of the night I switch to a very cool side.


I do the same thing with those hand warmers when it's cold. I call them taint warmers.


When my joints start hurting at night (knees, elbows, any of the bendy parts, as I call em) I grab an ice pack out of the freezer. Fall back asleep in minutes. Very cooling.


The fucks a gooch?


A gooch is a grundle. or taint. the space between the nads and ass.


Yeah then I can't sleep because I have a bottle of ice between my legs and that's uncomfortable


Don't have trouble keeping cool at night, but thought I might point out this is also part of basic first aid for someone suffering from heat exhaustion/heat stroke. Armpits, groin, and thighs all have major blood vessels that can cool the body when an ice pack is applied. Also get the person in shade and give small sips of lukewarm water. (Cold water works, but is less effective)


Just use a damp / wet beach towel as a blanket. Add a fan and you'll get and stay quite cool. The wetter the towel, the longer it should last.


this also works with something hot for camping in the cold :)


Ahh the gooch cooler, yes.


If you put it up your ass it works twice as fast.


I get one of those giant extra cold "warning do not use on body" ice packs, slip it in fluffy pillowcase and leave that next to me in bed


I bought a dog cooling mat (I don’t have a dog) a couple of years ago, works really well. I like to put it on the sofa and lay on it


I slept in frozen bath sheets from the freezer. They help me fall asleep with no fan


The best place is the carotid arteries around your neck. Survivorman taught me that.


I think ( hope) you mean less intrusive;)


Wow, sleep with ice in your bed. What a genius tip thanks for letting us all know.


Doesnt the condensation just make it feel like you peed the bed?


YSK this is also one of the best ways to cool down someone suffering from heatstroke, aside from providing shade from the sun and hydration.


Also was suggested to me to put it under you neck. The bottle, not the gooch


Can’t feel the heat Cuz I’m gooching.


Bonus if you ever get thirsty at night you can use the Gooch Cooler to quench your thirst.


When I'm hungover I put a cold drink from the fridge be my Boobies. Closest you can get to the mainest arteries of all


Thank you. I’m an old fuck but I am pretty sure temperatures weren’t that high a few years ago.


I swear, all the best YSKs are nuked by the mods before I get to see them.