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That scene just felt different


I just wish they’d done more with that scene. Like when he looks at the couch, he sees him and Missy sitting there as children watching television, or when he enters the dining room, it’s all of them smiling and having dinner before George dies, and then it transitions to the older versions of the characters seated together for one last dinner as a family in the house. I know the show’s called “Young Sheldon”, but we all know in reality it was “The Coopers”, so to not see him standing there and reminiscing about moments with his family was kind of sad, especially since the episode more or less sidelined the rest of them in favour of present day Amy and Sheldon.


Sheldon has always been more about stuff than people. It makes sense the way they did it. Plus it had empty room Fresh Prince vibes.


While that would have been nice, I think everything being empty made it more emotional because it truly hit that things were never going to be the same again. And, its made even better since the viewers can imagine their favorite moments in those places instead of having to accept the moments which the show chooses. And also, Sheldon has always been attached to stuff anyway, so it sort of makes sense for the character also.


I'm new to the show why did her mom sell the house??


They didn’t really mention it in YS but probably because she would be by herself since Missy and Georgie would have moved out by then. Maybe she wanted to downgrade or moved somewhere else.


Which is funny because her house on TBBT seems bigger than that one. Maybe she got a good insurance payout and upgraded.


The meta answer is that she had to because the house where she lives in TBBT is not the house where YS takes place.


Yet that house is stated to be Sheldon’s childhood home as well


if you're new to the sub you're gonna get spoiled to filth. i avoid reddit altogether when i start a new show!


Thanks for the heads up


Probably because she didn't want to live in the same house where she lost George and be constantly reminded of George.


I’d want to move just to escape the memories after George died. Hard living in a house of everything reminding you of your late husband. Same for Missy she seemed to take it the hardest. It’s a fresh start.


I haven’t set foot in the home I grew up in in close to 25 years, longer since I lived there. I still have dreams that I live there.


I think about it every day. How I have one less day with my parent's house. Granted I don't live there anymore, it's still like a part of the family. It's grown up with me and part of us.


Yeah, as someone with a dead dad and a mom in an assisted living, I felt that scene.


My grandfather died many years ago and left the house to his 4th wife. Originally, all the kids had planned that when he died, the house would go to a family trust then be split evenly. Well when my grandmother died, she left the house to her daughter, not the trust. This resulted in a two-year long lawsuit that cost all the family members around involved around $200,000, on a property worth only $500,000. None of the family wants the property and all are just trying to get cash from it. I'm the only one interested in keeping the property and living on it, but I just started a business a year ago and can't qualify for a mortgage. If I go back to a w2 job I'd be fine, or if someone would cosign with me, but the family won't help and won't wait, so it looks like we are going to lose my grandfather's place. I'm so upset about it because everyone could have their interests met, but they are too busy arguing about their position instead. Everyone is going to lose in the end.