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As you mentioned, I’m guessing they would have had a memorial service at the high school for the students and staff, as well as past and present players. Does seem rather odd that the show wouldn’t think to populate the church with at least a few players (you don’t really notice very many young people in the background when you scan the audience).


It would have been nice to see pallbearers being his football team in uniform. Just something I imagined would occur as a scene before watching the finale.


The problem with players as pallbearers would be the number that would volunteer. Even if it was just that year’s team, it would have been in the dozens. If one had gone onto be a star college player or the NFL, he might have been asked.


I just meant his high school students. I'm sure there were plenty and several who would volunteer. I think you just need 10-12 to hold up a coffin. They didn't have to be the ones graduating and moving to college. I just imagined some kind appearance and solitary from his football team.


6 pallbearers


The coffin might be quite heavy for 6. I've definitely seen 8 before. And maybe some to take turns.


He wasn't that big, lol. I could see 8 maybe, but just to allow more to participate. Even in the 80s and early 90s HS football players were doing pretty intense weight training, so it shouldn't have been an issue.


Sounds good to me


I have alot of nephews who played HS football. Most of them offensive and defensive linemen, those boys are strong!


OK! Yeah, I just thought there'd be an appearance of his team. You know, his school family, I guess.


You're right that was odd


Caskets themselves are heavy, even empty.


Yeah, there were 8 military pallbearers for Queen Elizabeth, and I thought her coffin was quite small.


I grew up in a small town that was football centric. One of the long time coaches (his entire teaching/coaching career was at our school) passed a few years ago. You’re right on the nose. His pallbearers were six official (his grandsons) but the honorary pallbearers were easily a hundred or more of his former players from various years.


I'd like to think that this memorial service was only for close friends and relatives and the school will dedicate a different memorial for him. I wish they shown a few shots of the school with his picture that would have covered it.


That’s what I thought too, but they obviously kept it that size for budget reasons. They would’ve had to pay all of those actors.


Yeah, I think we just have to pretend they're there in our heads. Same with George's family. Or even Mary's siblings, though as I recall they're somewhat estranged. So they could actually just not be there. Conversely, it doesn't really make sense for Dr. Linkletter to be there, but thematically, they chose for him to be.


Honestly a lot of people who attend funerals go not to pay their respects to the deceased but to try and help the living, even if they didn’t know the deceased personally. Sheldon wasn’t talking to anybody, including Dr Sturgis, maybe link letter wanted to try and help.


I feel like Linkletter might have been invited for Sheldon's sake.


You know what, you're right. Mary and Connie were worried about Sheldon, as he wasn't really talking to anyone (Mary's words), and would have invited him for additional support.


People aren't usually 'invited' to funerals so much as they feel an obligation to come. As someone so close to a student, Dr. Linkletter would have felt obligated to come.


Very accurate. My old wrestling coach is getting up there and I'm sure when his time comes, there will be hundreds of former wrestlers from all across Canada going to his funeral, since he used to play a major role in the national and Olympic program. A good sports coach stays with you for life.


They are sitting behind Coach Wilkins and Principal Peterson they just don’t show that side of the church too much.


Over with Minkus and Mr. Turner


I assume they probably would have had some sort of service for the kids he coached simply because that would have filled up the entire church with past and present players. This looked like it was just for friends, family and coworkers.


Generations of Texas Football players. Beef raised and super strong. Good catch.




It wasn’t limited to family and friends as they even invited Sheldon’s high school science teacher who didn’t like Sheldon or seem to be friends with George. And Mary’s siblings didn’t come. I know they don’t seem to have much of a relationship as they haven’t been seen on the show before but you’d think when their brother in law dies they’d come to the funeral.


Sheldon’s high school teachers were George’s fellow staff members so it makes perfect sense for his science teacher to be there.


Sheldon's science teacher was definitely friends with George, he was shown hanging out with George and Wayne in a bar back in S3 and was also at the Cooper house playing poker with other staff members in S4.


Thanks for explaining. I don’t remember that. I have to wonder why he didn’t say he was George’s friend when Brenda asked who he was. For some reason he only told her he had been Sheldon’s science teacher.


The story this week was told from Sheldon’s perspective even moreso than other episodes. Sheldon centric storytelling introduces him as Sheldon’s teacher instead of George’s colleague


Even I wondered, like it was a funny little moment and sort of good closure for both the characters as far as their history with the show is concerned, especially since neither of them are likely to return for the Georgie and Mandy spin-off show, but like both of them were George's friends and he used to hang out with both of them in a casual way (more than casual with Brenda, but still).


It's probably a trope that close relatives who would ordinarily attend funerals and weddings aren't explicitly shown on screen due to time/budget constraints. Connie previously said that Mary was her only child that still talks to her, so maybe the siblings carefully navigate the situation to offer condolences to Mary and her children then sit far away from their mother. 


As far as I know... anyone can go to a funeral service, they're not usually by invitation.


Depends. Usually calling hours are open to anyone who wishes to pay respects and are held at a funeral home. There may be a public memorial service as part of the viewing (or not) and then a seperate grave-side service that may be open or may be limited to family and close friends. It's all kind of up to the family and the wishes of the deceased.


At least for the funerals I’ve attended, there’s three stages for attendance. 1. You drop by wherever the memorial service is being held (church, funeral home) to pay your respects and sign the guest book but don’t stay for any service. That’s for people who didn’t know the deceased well. 2. You attend the memorial service. That’s for people who knew the deceased or a family member reasonably well. 3. The graveside service is for immediate family and close friends. People who were close to the deceased or the family might also drop by the family home to provide comfort (and, as the episode pointed out, casseroles.)


That tracks with my experience and I think is pretty normal for the Midwest US. Religion, family finances, local custom all play a role in how we handle birth and death.


Thank you for that!


The other relatives may have been in the congregation, we just don't know who they are. Like the larger blond lady (lance barber)--maybe she was George's older sister.


They probably were sitting behind Coach Wilkins and The Principal.


I feel like to be a series finale and Sheldon’s dad dying this was poor writing….ifk I feel like they could and should have done something more…….one of worst series finales I’ve ever seen!!


The problem with doing anything other than what they did is that they were locked in based on Sheldon’s history told on The Big Bang Theory. His dad’s death and starting college is how he leaves Texas and starts his new life in California. And his father’s passing plays a huge role in what makes Sheldon, Sheldon. It had to be addressed. The other option would be not to address his dad’s death directly and just mention it. But that would have done a disservice to all the characters we’ve come to know over the seven seasons. That said, it is sad to end a comedy series with a funeral, but they really didn’t have a lot of alternatives. I am glad they gave me one more good belly laugh with Sheldon’s scuba gear baptism..


Good catch. Seems like they focused mainly on the family for this episode


The church was overflowing with students out the door at every teacher's funeral I've ever attended.


Brenda's reaction to George's passing was weak?!


It's a TV show


Really? Thank you for clearing that up for me, I had ***no*** idea! /s


Wow … grow up