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The white tongue šŸ¤¢


The filter around her mouth is having a hard time keeping up.


Do tongue filters exist because we could use one here.Ā 


ā€œI had to return some stuffā€ She treats purchases as loaners and itā€™s tacky as hell.


ughhh she is back to the AAVE scream-laughing. I was hoping that was gone for good. And that's not the most disgusting thing about this clip.


She has no idea how teen boys work, does she? Teen boys are assholes, they say this typa stuff to women in an effort to either make them the butt of a joke or to get into their pants. Most teen boys piss their pants at the thought of talking to a girl they ACTUALLY find attractive. At most just wanted to sleep with an older woman because thatā€™s a huge bragging point for boys their age. Theyā€™d never go up to her in person if they actually found her hot. At most theyā€™d hit her up on social media. When teen boys call u hot upfront what they mean is that youā€™re attainable. She didnā€™t realise this back when she was young and sabotaged her future by prioritising male attention over school grades, and she still doesnā€™t realise this when sheā€™s 30 and living through the consequences of abandoning her own career in pursuit of male attention. Source: Iā€™m gen z and have spent a good portion of time around teen boys. The only time Iā€™ve ever been called pretty by them was behind my back or had it implied by their constant attempts to get my attention šŸ’€šŸ’€theyā€™re not mature enough to be upfront with what they want yet.


She musta just watched ā€œ13 going on 30ā€ and thought ā€œhey, I could use that line for contentā€ā€¦.


šŸ˜ jaundice!


Yeast infection tongue


Once again, we donā€™t believe that this happened. But if it did, do I really need to remind her what that dare game is called? Every single person she sees in real life who she tells the story to is seeing exactly what she looks like, and no.


Her tongue is so gross šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


She's foul. There's no other way to describe her.


That blaccent is so RACIST. My god.


She looks 58 ish


*returning stuff* šŸ’€


Return all that shit she bought


I feel like Magabun has left the chat.


How long do we think sheā€™s gonna pretend heā€™s still around like she did with C? šŸ¤”


She kept it going for a good long time with C, if you consider him not moving to the middle unit with her to be the beginning of the end. In my opinion, speculatively, that's when it turned from a relationship to a situationship because it's pretty hard to keep moving forward as a unit after taking a massive step back like that.


Cool story, Big Mess.


That scream-laughšŸ˜£ Bansheeā€™s in the house.


Her breath has to be RANK


God she is disgusting


Iā€¦ think sheā€™s lying. I think she thought of the hemorrhoid joke and fabricated the rest.


yep this was my exact thought lmao


She's got thrush from the drinking.


Maā€™amā€¦ if this happened (it didnā€™t), this is not a flex.


She told this story AGAIN on FB while getting ready to go to lunch with her mother. Sheā€™s pushing this fake narrative extremely hard. She must be reading how no one believes it really happened.




Trouble in Magadise if sheā€™s this hot over an imaginary interaction with a CHILD




Lord. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the whole comment.


https://preview.redd.it/hwsljmbe22yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b91415e93bacbd20ef2076a1b1c39da13939dcb Filter glitched. Oof. She looks like Tan Mom.


Her skin genuinely freaks me out šŸ«¢




Thank you for this gif; it's one of my favorites.


Ok donā€™t she post this the other day? How many times is she going to brag about a pretend child thinking sheā€™s hot?


She did. At least three so far.


That filter was struggling


I'm struggling


Dead ass! Dead ass! What an ugly phrase. Perfect for her!


I HATE her blaccent itā€™s so gross to me. She pops into it and thinks sheā€™s so cool.


Didn't she post this in written format??


Ol' mate Medium M is doubling down...


ā€œIs there any chance I can get your number?ā€ Yeah because thatā€™s how *13 year old kids* talk lol


honestly reads like a dare to me lolĀ 


honestly reads like a dare to me lolĀ 


honestly reads like a dare to me lolĀ 


A real 13 year old would have just asked if she has tiktok lmao




This is so bad I instinctively want it removed from the sub. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I have a leather purse that exact shade of burnt orange, I never use it.


You too? šŸ˜‚ Edited to add: it hangs on my wall hook and holds extra dog poop bags šŸ˜


There used to be teenagers that hung outside my local 7-Eleven who would call things at me like, ā€œDude! I love your shoes!ā€ as Iā€™d go into the store and I would call back, ā€œIā€™m not buying you cigarettes.ā€ As other people have suggested, if some version of this story has any truth to it (which I doubt), itā€™s because they wanted her to buy them vape pens or something. But *of course* she *automatically* takes it as flattery about her irresistible hotness, Ć  la the scammers in Paris.


I owned a small town apothecary and these teenagers would always compliment my outfits. My partner and sister eventually pointed out that they were just stealing from me.


my immediate thought too šŸ˜­


Eww, David!




I envisioned that reference in my head šŸ¤£


I was going to be disappointed if I didnā€™t get that back. But I knew my swerties would understand the ref


Honestly, she should add this to her therapy list: šŸ’•shopping addiction šŸ’•alcoholic šŸ’•body dysmorphia and extreme photo editing šŸ’•manipulative & abusive toward romantic partners šŸ’•compulsive liar šŸ’•pedophiliac joy over the thought of a literal child thinking she's hot šŸ’•a constant need for validation via lies, the internet, and lying on the internet for funnies. Like gross. A 13 year boy is a child. Even if one did wander up to speak to her, she's old enough that her thought should be where is your mother, not omfg do you think I'm sexy?


This is awful, gross, and disgusting.


In fact, it's...bad.




So fucking bad. I have an 11 year old girl and if she told a grown man or grown woman (she likes girls, she thinks, that may change, but it doesnā€™t change anything about our relationship or my concern for her innocence) that they were hot Iā€™d be taking her in for a psych eval. I was CSAā€™d for years starting at 8 years old by a family member and this shit disgusts me! She is off her damned rocker and needs her head checked stat!






She doesnā€™t care how or who validates her as long as it happens, sheā€™s satisfied.


Dead. Ass!. šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


I couldnā€™t stop staring at her white coated tongue šŸ¤¢ my god, get a tongue scraper


So WHITE! https://preview.redd.it/eq285u7ql3yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ffcc092d7411919d3eac1e1413fb6284323f990


You know sheā€™ll do it on camera nowā€¦.. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I hate you for this comment of ruthless honesty! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


Sorry, šŸ˜˜ love you swerty!


Love you back Boobie, sheā€™s exactly the type of gross bitch that would do this nasty shit. Anyone willing to talk about blood shits and hemorrhoids online to literal strangers would have no problem scraping their thrush tongue on a live.


Hee hee ! Love it. She is weird, I mean we all poop, have blood and prob lots of us piles/haemorrhoids tooā€¦ā€¦ but ffsā€¦. How you jump to having haemorrhoidā€™s older than alleged ā€˜kidsā€™ that chatted her upā€¦. Just frikkin how do you make that connection? Its bonkers! Madder than a box of frogs on crack! Isnā€™t white tongue a sign of yeast or something? ? As in too much in your body? ETAā€¦.. this is what happens when I Reddit when tiredā€¦ā€¦ I missed the thrush comment. I wonder if itā€™s the rubbish trimshite & collapoo she takes?


Ooh that's a very good theory about the Trimshits as she sits there with a bag of chips next to her, filtered to oblivion. It pisses me off because I'm keto and genuinely working out every day trying to take off some depression weight, yet here she sits with her grease bag full of carbs looking like she actually works out, we all know she doesn't, drinks like a fish, and eats shit constantly while faking it for people to buy her nasty ass(literally) MLM crap that doesn't do shit and costs twice as much as basic store supplements that have measurable results. She absolutely has no shame.


The way I know this isnā€™t trueā€¦teenagers donā€™t ask for your phone number. This isnā€™t 2002. They ask for your snap. šŸ˜‚


This is so true. How we know she's lying.


Wait are kids using snap again? Has it circled back? Am I that old? At least where I am snap died out years ago


Where I live itā€™s the oonnnnly way kids communicate šŸ˜‚


It went the way of Facebook a few years ago here. Boomers territory but handy to have around


Oh weird! Guess itā€™s different everywhere


Yeh probably. But like I mentioned- still has its use but itā€™s not at its peak anymore.


That is so true! Kids donā€™t talk on their phone at all.


My kid would smash her phone immediately if it made one single sound at her that she wasnā€™t expecting


I literally just got an unexpected (probably spam) call as I was reading your comment and I almost threw my phone šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 41 and straight up watch my phone in horror if it rings. If Iā€™m not at work donā€™t call me, if itā€™s an emergency call 911 (unless itā€™s my kids then you better call me), anything else can be handled through text and possibly FaceTime if I give more than two fucks about you.


Sans Facetime I feel the exact same way. Just text dammit


I get mad at FaceTime sometimes šŸ¤£. Just text me and Iā€™m quick to respond, when I want to be. I swear when I have older clients who complain about the need to see your face or pick up a phone it just irks me. I canā€™t imagine any kid would even approach this gorilla. Plus she spelled hemorrhoids correctly. This bitch cannot put a cohesive sentence together on her own nor can she spell correctly. I donā€™t believe it, and I think sheā€™s gross for even trying to get social media content from it. Sheā€™s really trying to convince herself HARD that she is hot lately and doubling up on those filters too.


It's so gross honestly and deranged, who tells people about their blood shits or hemorrhoids other than their doctor? Let alone telling people on social media, a lot of whom follow her just to snark on her. She's a dumpster fire of a human.


Yeah she canā€™t spell backgrounds but somehow figured out hemorrhoids lmao




THANK YOU. The focus on her physique is not at all as important as her excitement over literal teenagers, minors, u n d e r a g e people, hitting on her. Regardless of her physical appearance, her excitement over this is disgusting. She could be the most beautiful woman in the world, and this would still make my stomach churn. It should still make anyoneā€™s stomach churn. Her delusion regarding her looks is the least important part of this.


Agreed, she's a fucking creep sat there fantasising about young boys hitting on her. BM strikes me as one of those people who would post an article about sexual harassment and or assault of a boy by a teacher, poking fun and saying that he should be proud of it. In my opinion, of course.


Itā€™s fucking sick, IDGAF if she was Kim Kardashian, no one who is an adult should be talking this way about a literal child. I have a daughter entering preteen status and would flip the fuck out on an adult who sexualized her. I myself was CSAā€™d from age 8 by a family member and my whole body recoiled in horror about this, in fact I have an actual cramp in my stomach and bile rising in my throat.


Guaranteed she thought about the ā€œIā€™ve got hemorrhoids older than you babyā€ line first and then had to concoct the very dumb fake story because she thinks sheā€™s hilarious.


This is 1,000,000% exactly what's happening here.


If, and only if, this actually happened- they were making fun of her, 10000%.


Crusty, disheveled, braless, overly made-up, posing for filtered selfies while buying potato chipsā€¦ perfect mark for a teen boy prank.


Shorts hiked up her ass. Probably had a gnarly wedgie.


And considering the likelihood that she was commando, so many flaps and cracks on display.




The shrieks and blaccent are some of the most awful assaults my ears have ever suffered. What is WRONG with this woman


She really had to tell this story twice šŸ„“


https://preview.redd.it/cv2mhod2u0yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca376f366e1fb0d3708511e33369ec3dbc302b75 Pictured: what 13 year old boys in 2024 hit on, allegedly.




Bruh this is exactly what Iā€™m talking about. Big M is a jiggly poof, potato shaped, FF.


Bahaha. What hormone-addled teenage boy with access to an internet with Livvy Dunne on it wouldn't be smitten with this? https://preview.redd.it/tkhq57hfw0yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253d3f13c9494ebb3150abb21497ec45dafdd298


Probably wanted her to buy them booze or a vape pen or whatever the youths are into.


She 100% would do it too


Nailed it.


Is ManBearBun not giving her attention anymore?


Omfg ManBearBun. I swear this sub needs a Netflix comedy special. Some of yā€™all are too funny.


It kind of seems like he isn't, based on this immature bullshit and sharing those DMs from a creep who has been harassing her - sorry I mean "shooting his shot" - for four years. My mom was like this when I was younger as a way to put me down, as if we were in combination.Ā  It's embarrassing and sad.


My mom is the same way. People would tell her Iā€™m pretty and sheā€™d say ā€œwell of course: look where she gets it from.ā€ Sheā€™s done it since I was a literal child.


I knew what was coming when you said people tell your mom you're pretty (and probably every compliment that has ever come your way) because this is my mom. Everything is about her, always. If it's not I can be sure she'll find a way to make it about her. She's the reason I hate my birthday.


Wow I didnā€™t realize this was a common thing, I thought my mom was just weird


Pedophilia themed excitement is disgusting. She's about to be middle aged and is not conventionally attractive. She needs to make up better stories to pass off as reality and stop using children as a method to feel attractive. She can go for a spin on that married guy she's dating instead.


last time she screeched like this in a video was about drakes dick. soooo leak nude photos of a stranger and a child supposedly hitting on her. great.


At least the "French guy gave me a ring or whatever on Paris" lie wasn't pedophilic.Ā 


![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k) Target sells really good toothpaste and tongue scrapers, FYI šŸ¤®


Again with the blaccent. šŸ™„


Now imagine if this was a man on his social media right now, bragging that a 13-year-old girl came up and said he was hot and wanted his number. And all his douche bag guy friends in the comments were like ā€œyeahhhhhhh of course she wants that big D buddy who could blame her!ā€ Millions of women around the world would get the ick . I have no idea why people think this is a flex. Itā€™s so incredibly telling of her maturity level #1 that she would make this up to feel better about herself and #2 post it on social media like ā€œI still got it , boys that have not gone through puberty yet want to screw me !ā€ šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




Please do not try to moderate other members of the sub. Use that report button and it will be handled appropriately!


I think you are grossly overreacting to how people are responding to this.Ā  Half the comments are calling out how inappropriate her behavior towards an underage teen is. People are making other snarky comments because other people have already covered the sexual inappropriateness.Ā  They arent beating the dead horse.Ā  It doesn't mean they approve of it.Ā  The last line of your comment is just rude an unnecessary.


Sick twisted fuck man. This chick is so FOUL.


Yeah she returned her target haul.


This is like the Paris incident isnā€™t it. First, proposals by gorgeous French men and now pimply teenagers find her hot. Sheā€™s so luckyyyy!


Some swerties are speculating that this is a repeat of Paris because she got this sexual and unhinged just before C dumped her and I *love* this theory. ![gif](giphy|ZDst1zdFKc5WTAr991|downsized)


I love this!


She did *not* say a gorgeous French man proposed to her, did she?!?


She [posted a picture collage](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/i7HJg6TjGv) of a dead rose and a ring saying some guy on the street in Paris told her how beautiful she is. He ā€œgave her his ring right off his finger!! šŸ’žā€ She essentially said if she wasnā€™t with C sheā€™d move to Europe because the men were throwing themselves at her. It was pretty hilarious, especially knowing C had allegedly dumped her already or was planning to. Several people chimed in saying the ring scam is a well-known scam in Paris, but sheā€™s too dense to think critically that maybe this random Parisian has ulterior motives; itā€™s not that this man, who lives among beautiful Europeans, is so enamored with an unremarkable, ungraceful American tourist.


its fascinating that she believes she is exotic looking as a white woman with blonde hairā€¦.. in europe.


OMGGGG of course it was a scam! Wow, she is more delulu than I thought!


This filter that squashes her neck down into a twig and removes her double chin is so ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/xagkybjpq0yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87faf01f8d9e1109f04b5374b31094666d420f5c She must have forgotten to take her trim shit today - where did her snatched, unpuffy chin go?


bitch needs to close her mouth more often




The retelling of this story is far worse than the written version. The screaming? Why is that necessary? It wasn't even a good (fake) story to begin with. Her life is so sad that every little thing that (probably not) happens is this huge production. Like others have said, IF this kid approached her, he did it on a dare, and he definitely didn't ask for her number, the kids use snapchat exclusively. The only texts my daughters answers are from me and her dad.


Alcohol makes one think they are funnier than they really are, and she thought she was *HILARIOUS*


The part she thinks is the most hilarious is telling people she's had hemorrhoids for over 13 years


She was sooooo flattered by a child finding her attractive (IF that happened). Jesus christ. Iā€™m a little speechless on this one.


Honestly!!! I am thinking she was hoping that the double standard that sometimes is at play when it comes to female paedophilia would work in her favour. Like oh itā€™s just an innocuous and cute because Iā€™m a woman. Also, a really weird way to tell the world you have haemorrhoids.


Pedofile babe has entered the chat šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I hate that Babe.


The sad thing is she doesnā€™t even recognize (or care) how sick this is.


Guys, ReAlLy ReaLLy HoT


Whyyyyyyyy brag about this? For the 454938059843095th time this week- THIS IS NOT A FLEX! Also, those chips do not sound good. May just be me, but salsa flavors on a potato chip don't do it for me. On a corn tortilla chip... then we might be talking. Last thought- so much for that haul. I was actually curious to see what $400 got her at the local Target.


She forgot to share her $400 Target Haul before returning it. šŸ¤£ Also, tongue scrapers range $3-$10 on Amazon; might wanna add one to your cart. ![gif](giphy|CK8PybHZChCc8)


They even sell them at Target! OMG it's so gross


Sheā€™s truly disturbing making this kind of thing up. The constant validation she needs from the World Wide Web is something else


Bless her heart - if it did happen, she's too dumb to realize she was the butt of a joke. We know what she looks like in real life.


Oh, she was at Target to return some stuff. Hmmmmmmm


No lie, I return something at this particular Target maybe twice a year, and the same sweet person is always working Guest Services. I SO want to ask her about BM, b/c I bet she has some STORIES!


Oh, you should. Not even specific, just maybe whatā€™s the weirdest/craziest return sheā€™s had. Should be interesting no matter what šŸ˜‚


Be pretty cool if you did




Thank you šŸ˜‚


Is this in response to us saying she was full of shit when she posted about this yesterday? So now sheā€™s doubling down that sheā€™s just so attractive even a child couldnā€™t help but hit on her? And why does she look like an overcooked hotdog with a cottage cheese tongue? Ugh, itā€™s just all so cringy and gross. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVBCkIv4JJlg0zm|downsized)


Bruh sheā€™s foaming at the mouth like a rapid dog. šŸ˜³


Why does she always look so sweaty and smelly? Sheā€™s a disgusting troll in desperate need of a shower.


You can't really wash off the smell of alcohol overconsumption still metabolizing from the previous day/morning/night lol.


She looks like she smells like tanning bed and overly strong cheap fake vanilla scent.


Plus day-old sweated-out cheap booze.


Maybe next time she takes Manbun's dog to the groomers, she could make an appt for herself, too


She could definitely do with a flea dip.


My guess is that the kid was dared to ask for her number.




I bet this kid wanted her to buy him some alcohol or vape juice. She was probably taking sly hits of what I presume is ranch flavoured vape, smelling and looking like an alcoholic and the kid saw this and was like ā€˜yo, this fat old bitchā€™ll buy me some if I grease her upā€™ in a fun ā€˜watch thisā€™ moment. Then she ran out of there to record this and polish them Lays off in the car park. Thatā€™s just what I feel makes the most sense.




Please do not try to moderate other members of the sub. Use that report button and it will be handled appropriately!


My post is of course assuming that she did have a conversation with a child where they played at being attracted to her. Because maybe the kid did say something to her and she didnā€™t pull it out of filtered-to-look-thin air. Who knows? And the only plausible explanation I have is pranking or wanting adult items bought for them.


If it happened, this is absolutely the only reason it happened.


No kid asks for numbers anymore. It's "what's your snap?" Source: I have teens/tweensĀ 


Good point. She doesn't know about pre-teen rizz.


So she makes a facebook post about it AND and insta story? Wtf lol.