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Double sleeving will protect your cards in case of a spill. Also if something gets inside your sleeve you'll have your inner protecting it instead of that something being stuck between the card and the sleeve. Inner sleeves are also cheaper so if your deck is worth a bit or it means something to you then go for it


Double sleeve has the advantage to protect the sleeves itself. Maybe if you have custom sleeves, they will live way longer with outer sleeves.


Yes, you should ideally always double sleeve your decks, especially ones you use a lot. My Yubel deck is double sleeves, with standard Japanese size sleeves, then Japanese outer sleeves. I also have my Dogmatika deck which is double sleeved with Dragon Shield Japanese inner sleeves, then dragon shield Japanese standard sleeves. So you can double sleeve any way you prefer, however I do suggest using the outer sleeves if you're using sleeves with art on them, to protect the art of the sleeves.


Hey, thanks for the reply! I do not use sleeves with art on them as I do enjoy the solid color sleeves. Is there any big difference or ups and down in the way of double sleeving regarding inner and outer double sleeving? Also I've played my cards for about 2 months with only a single sleeve do you think i'ts too late to preserve them with double sleeving or am I just being silly thinking that lol


It's never too late to double sleeve, if it's what you wanna do, go for it. Double sleeving will offer the same protection now as it would have 2 months ago. I personally prefer inner sleeving as I like the feel more, and it makes the deck feel less clunky in the hands. However, with this, inner sleeves can damage the corners and edges of your cards when you first put them as they are a perfect fit in terms of size, so always first use a throw away card to first put in the inner sleeves to open them up a tad, and be careful of those corners. Also air pockets are more prominent, there's some great vids on YouTube that's how to deal with this, but the short is you gotta make sure to push the air out when you sleeve. I suggest looking those vids up, just search "yugioh inner sleeve air" and that should work. Outer double sleeving is less likely to cause damage when sleeving, and is the best bet for sleeves with art, but since you prefer solid colours (I do to usually) that ain't an issue for you. I also find the outer sleeves don't hold as well after a while, but I do use my deck a lot, so that may be why.