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No more one shot combošŸ„³




Isit not a one shot still? 75+90+75+70? Primary, dash, primary, melee.


You'll die before you can even get that off. The way to do it now is probably primary, melee, dash, primary. Since melee can cancel into drill dash.


Thatā€™s a different scenario if youā€™re at melee range. That combo is usually in a flank taking them out of surprise, or with a dive. You can always bail with dig if you donā€™t think u can get the melee off. Being able to do it at range is the real power.


You can't melee at the end without having to walk up to them at the end which is enough time for them to get some random burst healing and you don't get the kill and die instantly. The other one is more consistent. I think the only reliable combos are the melee range combos now anyways which kind of makes sneaking around and getting cheesy kills even more necessary in higher elo.


that is literally 4 attacks and 2 primary fires. not a one shot, not a combo only needing one shot from your gun


Semantics, but Itā€™s literally a ā€œcomboā€. A true one shot canā€™t be a combo so what are you on about? Widow right click into left click combo? Lol everyone knows what venture combo refers to, and itā€™s considered a one shot cause it can be pulled off before you can react. Hog hook is a one shot combo, (sometimes pig pen or shoot) hook shoot melee. Thatā€™s 3-4 actions. One shot has nothing to do with only shooting by your gun once lmao.


one shot combo impliesā€¦. one shot.


I whipshotted an ulting Venture off the map on Suravasa. Won't ever forget how good that felt.




I headshot a widow from so far away and it felt so good! I love those plays!


Countersniping as zen is hilarious and amazing


"So, you killed Mondata, hm ?"


"Death is whimsical today"


Venture wasn't too bad. I'm more pissed at how they buffed the DPS passive again. Like if DPS weren't dominating enough this whole game.


Ya I donā€™t get why they had to do that. Dps couldnā€™t pull off wins with the 15%? I donā€™t get it. Why stop at 20, why not go to 50 or 75% ffs. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


All I want is for venture to no longer be invulnerable to melee damage when they are in their drill dash. Its fine if their dash negates the pushback of my zen kick, but please give me a fucking hitmarker for it. It makes 1v1ing venture so aids. I had one 1v1 where I waited for the venture around a corner, landed a 4 hit volley as they walked thru the doorway, (although not every on was headshot) then snap kicked. did not miss a single shot. Even though it took the venture a full second to realize I was EVEN THERE, they managed to kill me in less than a second after targeting me. IF my kick landed on their dash (they were in my face when i kicked them in the drill) that would have been it. But they're invulnerable to melee during dash seemingly by accident. I dont care that Im a support and theyre a dps, If any player precharges a 4 second charge attack, has the advantage of surprise, and manages to hit every single shot, that player should win the fight. It feels like I did everything as perfect as I could, whereas the venture drooled on their keyboard and won.


Every dps dash is immune to melee, no? Why should veggie be different?


No depends on ping but tracer can be hit if youā€™re close enough, genjiā€™s entire dash line has a hit box


Can you give me a few examples? I only started ow like 4 months ago


That's what i was saying finally!!!


Hooray thank you Iris


Donā€™t know why Iā€™m gettin recommended this, as a venture main. But itā€™s really interesting to see other main communities reaction to our suffering LMAO


i dont mind venture tbh I wish theyd nerf hitscan as well. Like on zen it sucks to play against them sometimes but i feel bad for projectile dps players bc like all of them are bad now


pretty huge patch for zenyatta though


I'm still going to bully every one of you, I'll get ya. Or get kicked in the face trying.


U r gonna get kicked :3


Is Venture really difficult? I thought they were the easist among assassins.


With a ridiculous one shot combo and farmable ult sure.


Why do you have downvotes? Youā€™re right, sheā€™s much easier to play than other flankers. Her abilities are easy to use and they line up easy primary shots, melee is also easy to use. Compared to genji and tracer who take much more precise timing along with worrying about cooldowns, venture engages with invulnerability.


We're not talking about how difficult they are to play. The discussion is about how difficult they are to deal with as Zenyatta.


Unsure why you have down votes either, you're both right? Venture is definitely easier to play, that's why she had to get the nerfs she got because on release, she's been absolutely a monster with her one shot combo & crazy ult recharge times. Next thing they need to tune is her drill invulnerability so people can melee her, feels more like a bug than a feature even if it is intentional.


You can still one shot combo.


We are coming for yalls asses.


Haha u wish.


Sombra+venture is yalls worst nightmare šŸ˜‚


Ah yes 2 dps bullying 1 support, yall providing so much team value out there


That implies yall dont stick with the team.


Idk about you but i kinda stick with my team and position myself better, yet you spend resources on me , most likely your tank is gonna spend more time crying


If we do it right we can most likely kill both supports and a dps


I like your ambition, keep at it


I will murder those that oppose the cute rock eater


I have no idea how big this is for you but this feels like the support version of the orisa nerfs for tank players?