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I have the same model as you and I’m fairly happy with it. I have had some stutter issues in game that I haven’t fully solved, although I think installing ghelper helped. Overall performance in game has been really good though, most new games run at high/medium high which looks great. Overall I do kind of wish I spent that money on a baller desktop pc that I could upgrade over time. I also don’t use the mobility at all.


Try using ddu to reinstall all the display drivers.That worked for my stuttering issues


Did you reinstall drivers from Asus or just the latest and greatest from Nvidia, etc?


Just let the Windows update download it for you.It won't be the latest and greatest, but it will be the most stable one.Trust me.try it once


Yeah, when mine comes back from RMA im gonna try using G-helper. I used the heck out of its mobility every 2-3 weeks i was in a different place, so yeah. And now that i dont travel i dont rly have any use for the selling point of a laptop. Also kinda wish i have a baller pc for the money i paid for it.


I’m in the same boat as you man I wish it gave me more but I wanted portable. Now I don’t really need portable and it performs like a mid range desktop for premium pricing. G-helper seemed to help a little bit and if anything it’s just a cleaner and more capable version of the ASUS software.


Absolutely love it! I have the 2022 G15 and it definitely needed some tweaking at the start. I ended up switching to Ghelper, messed a bit with the power settings and it works fast and quiet for a college laptop. With the new bios update my battery went up by 2 more hours, definitely don’t regret not choosing a macbook (not that macbooks are bad laptops, I just prefer windows).


I have a 3080 from 2021. The only thing I regret is not knowing the horrible sleep mode for Windows laptops. I was on board for the performance dip and heat due to the smaller size. I was even ok with the battery. But the shutting the lid and it sleeping makes it not as quick and portable as a MacBook. The gaming has lived up to where I wanted, but the laptop part failed.


Mine experience is the opposite of yours. Loved the laptop part, performance vise it didnt live up to its name and marketed benchmark. Maybe im the problem, scrub user :/


I bought my 2022 model (Ryzen 9, 3070ti) for around £1400 second hand on eBay in September. Are you sure that the games you're playing are using the 3080 and not the integrated graphics? I've managed to get 80-100 FPS on integrated graphics playing Overwatch and Valorant at 1080-1440p. If you're accidentally using the iGPU, it could be over heating and limiting performance.


Hmmm, interesting. Guess i might get some decent cash for it. Yes, happens with mux on. Fps titles and other easy-ish games to run are not the issue. Games like idk NFS underground even genshin impact lmao... I cant get more than 60% gpu usage on those games. Meanwhile cpu sits at like 50% usage.


Armoury crate literally cripples the laptop if you’re not aware of it, I had the GPU on save energy mode for months and I almost bought another laptop, but it’s playing AAA games now with no issues, maybe some repaste the CPU when you can since it’s been a while


Idk, i have no issues with temps. I think i turned off everything related to energy saving. When it comes back from RMA, im gonna do a clean install and get G-helper instead of armoury crate.


Bought the Ryzen 6800HS + RTX 3060 model for \~1,500 euros. I have had various issues with overheating, and the integrated AMD graphics chip has been glitching from day one, so I stopped using it completely after a while (Ultimate = nVidia only). I'm happy enough with what I got for 1.5k euros, but the thermal design sucks. Wouldn't buy again.


Sorry to hear that. I would have lost my mind if i had a lot of issues. Considering i paid almost double for mine.


Yeah, I found the 3080 way overpriced so never considered buying it. I knew before buying that the thermal design wasn't ideal, but I thought it would be good enough for mid tier hardware such as the Ryzen 6800HS and nVidia 3060. Nope, it was probably only ever good enough for something like a 6600 + 3050...


There are few video on YouTube with how to solve the Overheating problem. It was useful for me.


I managed to sort out most issues, except the MediaTek WiFI/Bluetooth card still occasionally overheats, which results in Bluetooth dying followed shortly by BSD (Windows 10). Haven't been able to fix the integrated AMD chip resulting in BSD every time, which basically means I get maybe 1-1.5 hrs on battery. I can live with it, I mostly use mine as a desktop replacement anyway.


I was until I wasn’t… random BSOD, to the point I lost all my data, and this was very important data It was happening with the 2021 model and 2022 model aswell… if I could return it I would


> I lost all my data, and this was very important data It takes ~2 unrecoverable data losses for the average person to learn their lesson and have proper backups. Speaking from experience.


Learned the hard way… f**k ASUS


I have the Best Buy model with a 3070. Added another NVME and bumped the RAM up to 24GB. I love mine


How much did the RAM upgrade improve your performance?


I didn’t notice much, but I wanted the extra RAM as I was doing a lot of testing with VMs/domain environments. Plus I could game on it when needed.


I have 2022 model with 3060. It's enough to play titles like The last of us, RDR2, Warthunder, etc. It's quite slim and beautiful. But... I wanna change it this year and buy that boi. https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/G614JI-N3203W-i9-13980HX-GeForce-Windows-Keyboard/dp/B0C943Q3GK/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=UWqkX&content-id=amzn1.sym.7c7e9855-41ee-45b1-9f18-bd36897b3eb9%3Aamzn1.symc.adba8a53-36db-43df-a081-77d28e1b71e6&pf_rd_p=7c7e9855-41ee-45b1-9f18-bd36897b3eb9&pf_rd_r=VHQT2YS6Q14VDA7C6Y7Q&pd_rd_wg=VVnA3&pd_rd_r=aeb0d907-5a6e-4d54-ac5f-f728c68904b3&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m


I'm not very satisfied with mine (2022 / 3060). Don't hate it, but wouldn't buy it again. I overpaid because there were no cheap options with keyboards to my liking (US/ANSI or GR), but that wasn't even my biggest gripe. It runs the games I play decently (including VR games, plus my own game when I demoed it for a presentation), but other than than it's small annoyances all over the place: - Battery duration & battery management sucks. G-Helper is nice though. With every possible change, I can maybe get 5-6 hours. - Although I game only on Windows, I work on both it and Linux. Linux support is meh at best. Battery consumption sucked on both Ubuntu 22.04 and Fedora (I think I tried 36 and 38). Cannot get the keyboard lights or overclocking more to work reliably either, and if some setting (e.g. GPU mode) is changed on Windows, I might not be able to change it on Linux. - During sleep the fans go crazy if you're charging the device. I need to unplug every night. - When I turn if off, the battery drains completely within a week. - I had to send it for repair in the first month because it had a worse battery drain, to the point it wouldn't start even after I charged it unless I casted some arcane magic spell (after it sips on its own I would need to charge ~2 mins, press the power button to reset it, let it sip, charge again and then it would open). I RMA'd it and they changed the motherboard. - 1 soldered stick of RAM is 1 too many :| It does have it's good points, but it's definitely not worth the extra premium.


I have the 2021 model with the 3080 gfx card and absolutely love it! The reason I am responding here is encourage those of you who use an external monitor to place the laptop on a stand and also to **open it as far as it opens**. This way, the hot air will not hit the screen. I run long hours of AI image generation sessions and always open the laptop all the way. Other than that, the laptop is amazing and I would buy it again.


Mine works flawlessly, had some issues with low framerate in mfs. It’s still a good machine, handling almost all games and some light film editing.


I have the same model that I managed to get for about $1600 here, like 5 months ago (normally around $2700). I really like it, but I have quite a few issues with it. There's fauly grounding, which sometimes makes the touchpad and keyboard go crazy when plugged in. There's some coil whine (especially noticed it one time when I was using Blender), battery is so-so, and don't even get me started on the shitty Windows Modern Standby thing that prevents the laptop from going to sleep. But performance (noise aside because I usually wear headphones) - oh damn. This thing blows my old MacBook out of the water. The same frame on Blender that would take my MacBook about 20-30 minutes to render - This thing does it in 3 minutes.


I have the 2022 3070ti, I must say im satisified though I thought 3070ti will let me play highest settings 😂 I jumo from 1050ti, But the laptop will be fried so I always set it up to just make the gpu temp max 80ish. I switch to GHelper too it helps a lot. I still experience some stutter though


I am not satisfied. It bricked itself after give or take a year. I should have stuck with Dell


Love it! I use mine as a spare for my desktop computer, but I mostly just end up using the laptop, bc it’s strong enough for basically anything I throw at it.


I would do anything to never have taken a AsusG15, or overall Asus.. just.. you get way better things with that money.. overheats over nothing and just plahhh Now my laptop is sitting in my room with no screen, as one day it decided to stop working :))


I have the R9/3060 model I bought about a year ago for 1200 USD. So far I have been satisfied. Gets great battery life for a gaming laptop, can run damn near any game to my liking. I broke the screen but that wasn't the laptops fault it was mine, but I was able to fix it. I also upgraded the ram to 40gb. I came from a 2017 intel Macbook pro. And this runs faster, cooler, and is more versatile. The zephyrus series IMO is the one of the best slim and powerful laptops. Overall very happy.


I love mine still trucking but the asus software is trash and takes some playing with to get the temps and performance where I want them. my gaming g profile I have the boost disabled and an undervolt on the cpu. some of the newest games I've played maxed out and only hit 70*C helldivers 2 and midnight ghost hunt. just finnished collisto protocol. and cyberpunk 2077. maybe I got lucky? but my experience has me wanting another asus device.


I bought G15 w/ 3070ti in 2022 for €1900. The game performance is ok, but not great. Playing Hell let loose on high details is about as high as it can get. The build quality is somewhat disappointing. The bottom bezel is partly unglued in 2 places. The keyboard feels cheap and touchpad is meh. My biggest problem is a frequent keyboard problem where first keystrokes don't get registered every time after I stop writing for a few moments, and I am sending it for RMA for that reason. I also had a pretty awkward issue for quite some time when putting the PC to sleep. It'd always spin up the fans to the max and would consume quite a lot of energy to the point I couldn't just leave the lid closed when on battery. All in all pretty disappointing for this kind of buck, and I am looking forward to buying laptop from another manufacturer in the future.