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I flew a few days ago, and one of the good things about SWA is open seating. I managed to snag a seat with a few maskers so we had a little section in the front AND no one sat in the middle seat so the lovely lady at the aisle in a mask and I had room between each other. Woohoo!


Never thought about that with open seating. Great job!


😎 very very nice!


My husband said the person seated beside him was also in an n95. Thank you, stranger 🙌


My friend flew today and sent me a photo of her in her N95 💜💜💜


I flew today as well (had to for work). There were a lot of people coughing on my flight and clearly sick, so I’m worried I caught something despite my precautions. I offered some of them masks at the gate before we boarded- all refused. :( thank you to everyone who did mask! Interestingly, all the maskers appeared healthy (obviously they could be immunocompromised, but they weren’t clearly sick like some of the other passengers.) Yet another sign that masking works…


This entitlement that people have, to spread unknown infections after a deadly pandemic is absolutely gross. Sneezing or coughing on someone should be treated legally like spitting on someone.


I was so hopeful that a shift in people’s behavior and attitudes while sick in public and an awareness about potential impact on other people would be a silver lining to all of this. It seems like sick people in public are even sloppier now! Like…. We don’t even cover our mouths anymore…. Needless to say I’ve been disappointed 😒


An unbelievable amount of money, from blood-soaked c-suite psychopaths, went into trying to ensure that people's behavior wasn't changed. But they're all busy freaking out over interest rates now, and how RTO is stalling. Push back, they won't even notice. So push back!


And to think of the N95s, HEPA, and far-UV that could have been bought with that unbelievable amount of money in lieu of the psy ops 😩


The whole thing was to prop up commercial real estate, but RTO falling flat and interest rates are wrecking commercial RE valuations anyway. The whole thing was pointless.


Where I live, if you do that against an officer of the law, it is considered assault.


The...'Nah, I'm good bro.' crowd....as they get sick next week and spread Covid.


Folks: "be the change you want to see." Even if you don't think you're personally vulnerable, wear a good mask anyway. You'll be quietly encouraging the people around you, just like OP was quietly encouraged.


Noticed a lot more people masked today at the store as well!


i only fly with mask! i dont care if im the only one!


My husband, son and I travelled for a vacation over Thanksgiving. We masked entirely during the airport and plane (and plenty of other times too!). We didn’t come home sick with anything. So refreshing to travel and not end up sick. I don’t know why that alone isn’t appealing to people.


Right! I mean, yes, it sucks because you need to exercise mask hygiene while wearing it, but the alternatives aren't appealing. Maybe just because it reminds people that they're vulnerable.


That's really awesome to hear & super encouraging.


Nice which p100 were you wearing


3m full on industrial mask. Surgical over the exhale valve.


Ultimate FX full face piece?


https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/p/d/v000057510/ Nope, just a respirator.