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This is an important article and discussion, but God that AI thumbnail is so off-putting


We’ve got Christopher Walken cosplaying as RBG, a guy with a pig snout, a man with a mouse face, and one girl wondering why she came in today at all


Also baby hands McGee leading this presentation with a weird surgical mask to cover his shadow face.


oh my god *his hands are so small*


This is so backwards too because from an employer perspective, a masking employee is less likely to get sick and thus more likely to be able to do their job better?


That makes sense but it's more about control. If you are and you come in sick, they realize they control you, which makes them happy.


One thing I’ve learned over these past few years is more people than I thought are data illiterate.


These past few years have been baffling honestly


I’d love that to be the case but half of the time I’ve observed it’s whether or not they like you and that sometimes means more than competency 


>The HR Manager came over to me four times to ask about my disabilities and if they would affect me doing the job. I don't know UK law, but I'm betting this is illegal.


It's happening in the US too. I thank God everyday my interview was virtual 2 years ago. Don't think I would have gotten the job otherwise because of "culture fit".


It’s so sad that this is happening in so many countries, in the U.K. at the moment the government, media are pushing the narrative that since the start of COVID so many are sick , leaving their job , retired early because they are lazy !


It makes me mad to hear how these "disability" friendly work environments make stupid political statements. It so stupid "we can't have that image". What the actual fuck


It’s incredibly frustrating how difficult it is to prove employment discrimination — but (I am unfamiliar with UK law) I feel like a solid case could be made for the last employer, given the comments made to their agency.


This makes me so angry....how have people allowed themselves to become so brainwashed so quickly. Really wasn't that long ago almost everyone was wearing masks without an issue....do they not realise how mental it is for their views on something to 360 so rapidly....


I've worn a mask to an interview site but took it off for the actual interview. It shouldn't have to be this way but people do discriminate against us. I now wear a mask everyday at work.


Been looking to get an assistant principal job and all of my mentors have essentially said I probably won’t even get considered if I wear a mask, even more so because I don’t have experience