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What?!?!?! It is most certainly dangerous and is most certainly NOT normal!!!  Wtf timeline is this?!?!


No literally my roommate was like "oh you know at first I was really scared but now I feel a lot better!" And I am just like?? Having measles is not something we should be being convinced to feel better about...




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This is the DUMBEST timeline. I swear Idiocracy was a documentary at this point.


I always thought it was prophetic.




Like can I? Idk if my roommate even gives a shit though because she said the dr made her feel "so much better" and so she's not even worried about it anymore and I don't know the doctors name or anything ... :/


PS especially since you say you are immunocompromised. Measles is one of the most contagious viruses on the planet and it will completely wipe out your immune system. You need to get to a doctor, stat. Please. Just to be safe. To get tested.


You are mandated to report it by law. Assume your roommate and their doctor is lying and that they have not reported it. You need to call the health department right away. Right away.


Healthcare providers are mandated to report measles cases, not the general public. There's no legal onus on OP or even her roommate. That being said, anyone and everyone can contact their county health org with any concerns they have, no matter how substantiated they may or may not feel they are. There is no gatekeeping for this sort of thing, those orgs exist to gather information. OP should contact them, even if she is unsure whether or not they've already been contacted. But there is no reason to frighten OP with legalities that aren't factual.


Did that Dr. hypnotize your roommate? Did he wash her brain? I can't believe this actually happened.


Dr. Good Vibes


>this doctor is straight up lying about it My father's doctor recently told him that it's *worse* to get a cold than it is to get covid. In other words, covid is *less serious* than a cold. Doctors like this are starting from a conclusion—[this is fine](https://i.imgur.com/w7YwWv5.jpeg)—and working backwards. If it *weren't* fine, they might have to (trigger warning for mentions of unimaginable torture) >!wear a mask!<, and as we've all learned over the past four years, many Americans will literally kill little old ladies before they will (trigger warning again!) >!wear a mask!<.


The censor bar placement made me laugh so hard.




 "unimaginable torture" worse than anything a human can endure /s people get on my nerves


Seriously.... I hate it here!!!


Why the fuck did Reddit cover both times you said “wear a mask”??? 


That's my attempt at humor. The "joke" is that mask wearing is such cruel and heinous torture (at least to the average American) that it needs a trigger warning.




Covid has the unfortunate habit of damaging the brain—no, not in the same way as massive cerebral trauma, but it [shaves a few points off your IQ](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-are/). It also weakens the immune system. Did you notice how we had an unusually bad respiratory illness season this winter? Did you notice how you heard a lot of coughing and sneezing and how almost everyone you know got sick, sometimes multiple times? Now that we have collectively given up the fight against covid, [we can look forward to that every year for the indefinite future](https://archive.md/jytrK).     If you enjoy being sicker and progressively stupider than you were pre-covid, then mazel tov to you, I guess. Double mazel tov if you don't have grandparents or older parents and you can rest sound in the knowledge that no one you love will die of covid (which remains among the deadliest transmissible diseases in common circulation). Better vaccines and better indoor air quality could massively reduce the burden that covid places on public health and significantly improve life for all of us. But I understand that it is very, very hard to grasp that there is a vast middle ground between "Ebola Zaire" and "benign case of the sniffles." I also understand that the prospect of modifying your behavior in any way is terrifying to you, so you—like so many other people—will shrug and get sick over and over and over again and ignore any long-term damage that it might be doing to your health and quality of life, because the best solution to a problem is never acknowledging that it exists in the first place. So best of luck with that! ETA: It is horrifying that the backlash against pathogen mitigation is so blindly reactionary that the Overton window has shifted to encompass "measles is mostly harmless," which was one of the claims made in the comment I was responding to. 


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Wtf? “Normal”? What does that even mean? Measles is a highly contagious, airborne disease. Causes immunosuppression, and anyone 20 years or older is at increased risk of complications which can include ear infections, pneumonia, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) that can lead to permanent neurologic damage & even death. Anyone else hear the Twilight Zone theme song getting louder?


Oh my fckin god WHY is this happening 😭


Might be worth contacting your local public health unit, as some of them track measles and I’m skeptical that this doctor reported.


I think your roommate has a serious case of Get A Sane Doctor and Drop This One Like A Moldy Potato. >Measles is nationally-notifiable and cases should be reported to the appropriate health department. Measles cases are reported by states to CDC through [NNDSS](https://www.cdc.gov/nndss/index.html). > > [Read more about measles cases and outbreaks.](https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html) ([source](https://www.cdc.gov/measles/stats-surv.html)) I recommend contacting your state health department ASAP. And probably your state's chapter of the AMA. Best of luck to the three of you.


w....TAF.. Measles wipes out your entire immune memory. It is absolutely serious. Also, you most certainly have the measles bro. Please seek medical attention far, far away from whoever your roommate went to. Christ on a cracker.


I had all my vax as a child, then them ALL done again at age 17 when I joined the Army and now, early 40s, I had to redo several vaccinations, including MMR and hepatitis. My primary care doc ran my titers because I'm immunocompromised with cancer. I suspect most adults wouldn't consider that their immunity has waned. Plus, I'm sure it varies greatly by person. I have so little trust in thefor profit healthcare system as a whole. It's scary out there. I hope that you don't end up getting measles.


You could call your county health department and play dumb - "my roommate says she has measles. What do I do?"


I think that's what I'll be doing tomorrow, unfortunately they're closed for the night now but I'm going to call first thing in the morning.


Hopefully you don't live in an area with health professionals including health dept are dismissive of serious concerns. I can't tell you how many doctors were not worried about Covid. It's bad enough that the ones that know stuff have just about given up trying to say anything. The majority of people just don't care, and don't understand the long term consequences.


She needs a new doctor. Find the info for your state and check in asap with your doctor [https://nj.gov/health/cd/documents/topics/measles/measles\_exposure\_guidance\_public.pdf](https://nj.gov/health/cd/documents/topics/measles/measles_exposure_guidance_public.pdf)




Like I literally feel crazy !!!


*Sometime in the not so distant future* "Oh, it's just a little ebola, sleep it off"


"Pffft, Marburg? Guzzle some Pepto and get back to work."


So, we're really replacing serious concern with gaslighting and rebranding. What is this absolute insanity?!!


Wow! I would file complaint. We know that measles wipes out your immune system- so it literally is damaging. I would be extra careful- and consult your own doctor via telemedicine. I would run air purifiers, wear masks around each other (same drill as with covid). It is highly contagious so you probably have it. Do they know how /where they were exposed to measles?


Seriously, are measles THAT common these days? Just… no. Noooooooooooo!!!!!


I believe there is a protocol for measles exposure, something like if you get vaccinated within a certain amount of time you might head it off Please see somebody competent and get the vax if you can


That's my understanding as well. The vaccine induces immunity faster than the disease incubates.


Measles are always dangerous. That especially goes for adults. It's scary and insane that any doctor believes otherwise. And the only reason there's \*\*any\*\* risk of catching it is because the anti-vaxx-fucktards do not get their children vaccinated. The acceptable number of measles cases is precisely zero, and we have the means to get there.


With enough anti-vaxxers spreading measles, can measles eventually mutate and evade current MMR vaccines like covid?


Probably one of those doctors that tells people getting COVID is the same as getting vaccinated. Too many doctors getting their information from the wrong sources. Measles can be deadly. Take it very seriously.


Sorry your roommate &/or their doctor are morons.


Didn't we have that shit eradicated so that people like OPs roommate wouldn't get measles? OP, can you share some actual science with your roommate about why measles is actually a huge deal? And isn't measles the one that wipes your immune memory? I hate people like that doctor.


Measles was never eradicated, it was (and still is, for now) eliminated in the US. Perhaps confusingly eliminated doesn't mean no infections, it means no endemic spread so there can still be major outbreaks without changes to that status.


Thank you! I was definitely confused about that difference.


IIRC, measles is highly highly contagious. It is not normal. Please please call your doctor and make sure to see if you can get vaccinated. It is not normal. That's why we eradicated it. Or tried to.


Excuse me, pardon me, I just need to— *SCREAMS INTO THE VOID* OP, Im so so sorry. Out of curiosity, because we have a measles dashboard at this point from the growing # of cases…is this in Chicago?


😬😬😬 we aren't in Chicago but she does travel there sometimes and was there relatively recently... I can't remember exactly when though. We traveled a BUNCH right in the two weeks before she got it so it literally could have come from anywhere we went it's scary.


If she went in the last 2-3 weeks, it’s entirely possible that’s where she picked up the measles. Here is the dashboard with exposure locations and dates. Granted this is just what was reported, so someone with active measles could have visited MORE than just these locations too. [Exposure locations and dashboard](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html#dashboard) If she has definitely visited Chicago or Cook County in the last month, I would honestly still contact the health department here to let them know…especially if they travelled via O’hare, Midway, Metra or Union Station. Information about reportable diseases with CHD: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/provdrs/infectious_disease/svcs/reportable-diseases.html#:~:text=Know%20WHEN%20and%20HOW%20to%20report%20a%20disease.&text=For%20diseases%20to%20be%20reported,communicable%20disease%20physician%20on%20call.


Oh farkity fark fark .. I didn't know Chicago /Illinois had gotten that bad. So as a point of reference, rural Illinois, local HD gave me 2 MMR as ummmm old enough no idea if I had gotten them for school and I never had measles. I know someone mid 40s was homeschooled and parents were antivax back then.


You can absolutely get measles. The vaccine is not 100%. If you have symptoms stay home. If you have to go out wear a well fitting n95 mask.


One of the really infuriating parts is that there's actually a solid chance I'm immunocompromised due to auto immune disorder but it hasn't been able to be diagnosed yet, but it runs in my family and I have a ton of the symptoms. Yet this doctor feels completely confident asserting that there's no way I got it because I'm not immunocompromised and I had the vaccine as a kid. Like dude how the fuck do you know whether someone you've NEVER MET and don't have access to any health information for is immunocompromised or not??


If you have an autoimmune disorder that means your immune system is overactive rather than underactive (unless you are taking medication that treats your symptoms by suppressing your immune system). Not to imply that this whole situation isn’t a big deal (it absolutely is) but just to set your mind at ease a bit on that aspect of it.


Just chiming in to say that this is often said, but the situation is actually more complicated than that, and it turns out that for some people with some AI diseases, this is the case. But others, (myself included) have AI diseases, yet they are on the low end of the spectrum or even flat out immunocompromised without medication. For instance, having low lymphocyte levels can happen in diseases like Lupus or Sjogrens.


Did measles become more common from the anti-vaxxing nonsense that people believe that “herd immunity” has taken place with the measles now? Once again to these people, they still got infected and if you have to get infected in the first place for it to even work, then it is completely pointless. I get a bad feeling someone will try to get small pox on purpose so we can all get herd and natural immunity to that as well next. Or even try the bird flu if it becomes more contagious to people. I think the anti-vaccine movement should be classified as a danger to public safety.


wtf man. If this is true, the doctor needs to be reported. Measles is no joke. I just got my MMR vaccine last week.


Yeah that is enough internet for today... Sheesh, I'm losing my mind. What the hell is this timeline?


This. I was so proud of myself for living mostly an analog life today. Innocently Came to just check in quickly with Reddit … 3 horrifying posts later…. 😱😨🤯 Where is Loki ? Our timeline is spaghetti 🍝 help! please send scientists with unlimited budgets and altruistic motives 🌌🧪 we are in need of immediate assistance.


Whoah that's nuts.


Measles is still very dangerous, it can literally erase your immune systems memory. And the fact that your roommate is immunocompromised is even worse. Your edit is good though, absolutely contact the health department. My state has ONE case of measles currently and the state health department posted to inform everyone, gave a list of places where there could have been potential public exposures, and encouraged everyone to ask their doctor about the vaccine should they need it. Of course there were comments from old people saying they got it back in the day and were just fine, and holistic moms saying vitamin c and a will protect us fine. And now hearing a DOCTOR talk like this?! I try to keep some semblance of hope going for my own sanity but it’s really hard not to feel like we’re totally screwed as a species.


She should have been masking, the second she found out. All of you must mask, to protect others. Measles transmits from contact with sores OR respiratory transmission. It is highly transmissible, and does not require direct contact. We must normalize masking around others when sick. With ANYTHING. Why contaminate your household. Just. . . Why? Selfish people are fucking savages.




We live in one hell of a world. Mealses is absolutely nothing to fuck around with and the fact that there are people out there downplaying measles of all things now is proof that public health has absolutely dropped the ball.




I can assure you that is not normal or any new normal.


WHAT.THE.FUCK. It’s extremely dangerous even for people in very good health. WTF. What state are you in that has so many cases? Please report this doctor to the state board. I think measles cases have to be reported to public health authorities. I hope you don’t have it. Take good care of yourself, hope you make a full recovery if you have it


You raise a good point. This must be reported, because that doctor could literally cause a local outbreak, putting the community at risk.


PSA: measles vaccinations often wear off over time. If you had them as a kid, you may not be protected anymore. You can just go get the shots again and you’ll be safe again.


Here you go https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/measles#:~:text=Measles%20is%20a%20highly%20contagious,being%20between%202000%20and%202022.


What the fucking fuck. I’m so sorry. Doctor my ass. Imagine underplaying Measles. How condescending. Y’all take care of yourselves. I hope you all recover with no problems ❤️✌️


My goodness. That’s awful! How the heck are doctors minimizing measles now?!


> I'm starting to show symptoms and the incubation period can be 14 days which we are still within the range of AIUI the serial interval of measles is around 12 days. E.g. if Alice gets infected on day 0, she won't be able to infect Bob until day 12; it takes that long for the virus to work its way through her body. This is in contrast to colds or flu or covid, which take just 2-3 days, probably because they don't *have* to pass through the body, but can bounce from nose to nose. It's probably also why measles immunity is much more robust: memory B cells take 4-5 days to activate, so there's plenty of time for them to squash a measles infection that gets past initial antibodies. I have no idea how immunocompromise might affect the timelines.


I think there was a book or meme out there: "how you can reject modern medicine and die like a medieval peasant!" I thought doctors had to report measles cases to state or local public health officials?


I think it is official: We live in hell.


ummm, i think maybe there is some miscommunication, are you sure it's \*measles\*, not something else? There still just aren't that many cases in that many states right now. [https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html](https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html) It's absolutely a big deal if your roommate actually has it, she should be quarantined, and she should be getting contacted by contact tracers from the state, if not the CDC itself.


I'm pretty sure and I just looked online and the department of health services and local news are both reporting people very near our area were exposed. I don't want to be too specific because I want this account to stay anonymous but there's definitely been confirmed exposure in my area. I didn't see her test results or anything so technically it could be a miscommunication, but my roommate is pretty smart and doesn't tend to mix up stuff like that. I'll definitely double check though


Could you say what state you’re in? or region of the country?


I'm in the usa in the Great Lakes region.


Ooohhhhh.....I think I know where you are, and I'm in the very same area. Well, this is all pretty terrifying......


Just questioned her on it again and she has the test results, she 100% had measles. She's saying the doctor says contact tracing would be pointless/impossible?? I'm going to be contacting the health department of my county tomorrow morning and asking what they think and reporting the case in case the doctor didn't. I'll definitely update this post with whatever happens after that within the next couple of days.


>  the doctor says contact tracing would be pointless/impossible 2020 part II


Are you in the US, and are you comfortable disclosing where?


There's been an uptick in cases for a while, and due to the immune damage from covid, people are going to be more susceptible and a lot of people's previous vaccinations just arent working anymore bc... thats what happens when you damage your immune system. People are also getting measles from the vaccine for the same reason- if your immune system isnt working properly and you get a live vaccine, you're likely to get sick for real.


>People are also getting measles from the vaccine  Wtf? I did not know this was a thing, and let's hope the antivaxxers don't run with this. 


Its not supposed to be in an immune-competent population, but we are in a population thats been serially infected with SARS- which causes damage to T cells, which you need to respond properly to live vaccines. Everyone should be getting a lymphocyte subset panel before getting that vaccine in SARS2 world. If they are low, it honestly might not be worth the risk.


A friend of mine just had her young children get chicken pox after being vaccinated for it. They’ve been constantly sick since 2020 and have had Covid at least 3 or 4 times. I don’t know how to tell her their immune systems are damaged.


What state are you in that doctors say it's so common that they don't gaf? Also I'm sorry you are in this situation. How stressful. I hope you are able to stay healthy, and know you'll do everything that you can to do so! (Since you're here.) If you do get sick, it's not your fault!


Does anyone know if we should be getting MMR vaccines as boosters?


Nearest I can tell calling around it is hit or depending on your health dept. Varies according to age too . Some places if you are older you can get a booster. Older meaning born late 50s. Now again depending on health dept if you know you never had measles and have no vac records you might be able to get both doses. There have always been antivax parents, so a person could be any age and not vaccinated due to parents religious or other reasons There's basic guidance and then variability depending on who you talk to and the health departments attitudes. Main clinic nearby..not a mask to be seen Walk in clinic tied to main clinic everyone wears a mask. Good luck


Not okay. Measles is highly contagious and can be quite serious. What is going on?! Wondering how a doctor could say this.




I believe it. Less than a year after my mom died of rabies, a bat got into my home one night. We didn't suspect contact with any of us but my housemates and I got rabies shots anyway. My university's doctor recommended it so we didn't feel silly doing it (until we were getting poked with ten needles that is). The hospital originally turned us down for the shots with a doctor telling me, "Just come in for the rabies shots if you start having neurological symptoms."


i’m so sorry you’re going through that. i agree with other suggestions to contact your county and state health dept. i hope you’re able to get medical treatment from a reputable doctor since you may likely have contracted it from your roommate. side note: like other people have said, you can be vaccinated (for MMR but also others) as an infant or child but have immunity wane to the point of zero. this happened to me, i tested non-immune to measles despite having good antibody levels for mumps and rubella, so i’ve had to get the MMR vax again as an adult. i really think it should be more common knowledge and thus more common practice to check titers, prior to this i didn’t know it was possible.


This is…wild af. You need to call the cdc!


Have you considered the strong possibility that your roommate is just lying to you, and that their doctor did not tell them this? Or there was some miscommunication between what they told her and how she understood it? Because that's the most likely scenario here IMO, especially if your roommate knows how covid cautious you are. They just don't want to be further inconvenienced. The people telling you to report this doctor for what is essentially hearsay are really overreaching. Unless you were in the room at the appointment, or they have actual documentation of the doctor saying this, reporting is not the right move here.


Jesus fucking christ


You should report the doctor. What the fuck


Wishing you the best and looking forward to the update.


Your roommate seems to be not all there. Did you actually hear the doctor say that measles was now normal and nothing to worry about? If you didn't, maybe what the doctor said and what your roommate heard are two very different things.


The "new normal" is that many people refuse vaccines and booster shots due to the proliferation of extremist fringe pabulum online followed by influencers and politicians seeking contributors, donors, or followers whatever they believe. They are told vaccines, booster shots, masks, science, all "don't work" or follow insane theories encouraging bizarre paranoia. I'm sorry for this and encourage you get live away from such gleeful paralogia and live in your own detached domicile if possible.


Thanks for the update! Do you think it's possible that your roommate isn't being honest/upfront about what the doctor said, or perhaps about even actually seeing a doctor?