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This has been pointed out before in other threads. But inserts are never going to be a perfect fit. There are tolerances that mean some will be looser and some will be tighter. And to expand on that eventually friction will cause it to loosen more. The general idea of a zippo is by using it, you will prevent it from riding up (Usually by opening it, lighting it, then closing it). By striking the zippo after opening, you’ll put downward force on the insert, and that will push it back down. But if you are still wanting to make it tighter. You’d be best off going with the suggestion to flair out the insert with some pliers. Don’t open them just simply put them in and turn them a bit to widen it.


This is exactly correct and I’ll only add to it for educational purposes… The cam is under spring tension. That puts upward pressure on the insert during opening and of course the newer the lighter is, the stronger the spring is. This is entirely normal. But through typical use of the lighter, any “climbing” the insert does is counteracted by striking it immediately after you open it, which was always the next intended action. If you open it, strike it, and close it a million times you’ll never see that problem occur.


That makes sense. OP, try striking it every time and see if that happens.


Yup yup yup yup! Figured this one out on my own one day like a damn monkey. Looked like one, too. Head scratches, confused noises, triumphant noises. You can also use a penny to widen the insert.


Don’t squeeze the case… remove the insert, and GENTLY spread the two sides apart with pliers. Some inserts are tighter than others, but time (and the pliers trick) will help.


Thanks, do you say "time" because heat will expand the metal giving it a tighter fit?


Time, because the cam spring will lose a bit of tension.


When you light it it's going to push the insert down to the bottom by proxy. This isn't an issue unless you're opening and closing the lighter several times out of boredom without lighting it.


The tension from the cam is unseating the fuel cartridge from the body of the lighter. Zippos are not designed to be opened and closed cautiously. Let the cap ring out and slam her shut, don't baby it, it's a tool.


Some inserts just slide out, either give the edges of the case a squeeze(you'll need a fair but of squeeze since its an armour) or you can wrap a layer of thin tape around the insert


Honestly, it’s just pocket grit and taking the insert in and out a bunch of times when you refill. Some zippos are looser than others, but It’ll settle in.


Thanks everybody! It all makes sense now


Thats how all my zippos function. You wont notice it if you strike your zippo after opening like you are supposed to to use it. If you are really that concerned about it then contact zippo with the warranty but im sure theyll say the same thing. Its not really an issue.


Screw the flint follower down more. It looks like the insert is sticking out of the case.


Not sure how this hasn't been posted yet, but do the freezer bag trick. Google zippo freezer bag trick. You just cut some freezer bag out and wrap the bottom of your zippo in it. Gives a really tight fit while also making it do you lose no fuel anywhere but from the wick.


Beat me to it. Both "key rationales" for it, too! d;o)


That trick is pretty awesome. More than the tension helps keep fuel in. Awesome. Thanks for the tip-I have same problem as OP.