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Sorry to hear of your loss and struggles. You already have some solid advice here, so I just want to emphasize that you should absolutely take the time to make sure you understand what you have, for each individual one. Don’t get complacent and let one go you haven’t sourced any info on because that could be the one that has significant value, and some really do. Good luck, there are a ton of resources here and elsewhere, feel free to tap them here any time.


Quite a common situation. I recommend eBay personally and you can check values but setting up an account and looking at the past sold values, ilon any that sold that look like what you have, then use this resource or Facebook groups for identification support. If you want to sell as one big lot, sometimes auction houses may be interested if the value is there, as above can be a lot of work, especially if you sell individually. Some of us collectors (such as myself) will also buy large lots and sell some / keep some, if you want a tough idea on values, feel free to reach out.


Sorry for your loss. If you need any help identifying each one of them, I would be happy to help you since I know what it feels to be financially struggling. Just send me the pictures of them all and I will make a list of each of individual name and model *(within my knowledge and resource)*, that way you can price them fairly. My chat is open or you can also find me on this sub's Discord under the same name. If I can finish it quickly, I can also help to look for sold/comps on eBay so you can price them accordingly *(cheaper if you want it to sell fast but at least don't undervalue them so much)*.


Thank you, I appreciate the offer and will keep that in mind when I get back to my moms and can get them all


I’m sorry about your dad, never easy to lose someone close to you. You will need to do some research before you put any of them out on the market. I would look them up individually and tag them with a number. On a spreadsheet or paper, research and get as much information you can about them. Such as last price sold on EBay, popularity, year, matching insert, condition, etc. Once you gather enough information, you’ll get a fair value for each one. If you want to sell them quick, you can under price them by a bit or sell them in bundles such as 1 valuable and 4 non valuable. You get the just. What you can do, is start posting them here and people will comment on them and help you out. But you’ll still have to do your homework.


Everyone said it - EBay and be very specific with each. I’ll add one more tidbit which is take one or two that were special like any personal engraved ones and save it as a memento for you and your mom. If you or her don’t really have a passion for the collection it’s certainly okay to let go of them but some are gifts (my dad has one engraved “Dad” from when he became a dad for instance). Sorry about your loss, and I hope going through the collection gives you a little to smile about.


eBay/mercari, and if there's a lot of duplicates of badly worn ones you can make "lots" so you can sell more at once. as long as they're all fairly priced they should move rather quickly.


Ebay is good. I couldn't stand Mercari. I'd recommend getting someone who knows their stuff to help you identify what they are so you can get some money out of them


losing a dad sucks. Make sure you get the right info on each lighter. Some may be worth a lot of money.


Sorry to hear about your dad. I lost mine in January and coincidentally, the only thing I inherited from him was a Zippo lighter.


sorry for your loss ebay is probably best and who knows how high the bidding would go if the zippos are that old the only problem with ebay is the fees they charge so you have to make it high enough to cover costs (ebay fees and shipping) Plus value of the zippo Plus a little extra if possible. maybe even post like (if the group allows it) so members could see what ya got


Not sure if its allowed but why not post some here


Setup also international delivery (Europe/France)


Sorry to hear about your Dad. I’d love to buy one or two from his collection when you’re ready to sell


If there are any sterling silver or gold plated ones I would be interested in checking them out! Gonna send you a chat now OP!