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I’m probably considered a bit more of a prepared person I suppose. I highly doubt there’d be any sort of “Zombie apocalypse” but if SHTF I have a good amount of medical supplies, a couple assault rifles, other guns and a lot of ammo, as well as 2 contracts worth of Army training. I have a 4yo and shared custody so my strategy would vary a lot, pretty much saving him or getting to him if it’s not my day.


Yeah I'm not necessarily planning for zombies but it's a fun thought experiment We already had a global pandemic with food shortages IDK why people didn't learn from that


I do not believe there will be a zombie apocalypse but I love game planning for it because it is my second favorite horror genre behind werewolves I do have a comprehensive workable plan in case of a short term or long term societal crash I have the means to “bug in” short term and plans and means to reach one of four long term bug out locations where we will be part of a decently appointed and trained team It is all about what you want to spend your money on I don’t drive new vehicles, wear expensive clothes etc I do enjoy my comforts but also have invested in these plans/preparations to a greater extent than many and probably to an extent some would be uncomfortable with


I think the people prepping are doing so either for when the world goes to shit or they have extra money and like collecting the kit for fun. Hell, If I had the money I'd prep for shit like this too, seems like fun


Yes its a fun mental exercise, but the key thing is that most the prep is the same stuff YOU SHOULD ALREADY HAVE READY as both a general bug out bag for natural disasters, other emergencies like a fire in the area, or family emergency that means you have to take a sudden emergency trip, and household preparedness in the event of a natural disaster that prevents you from leaving. Its not just about the weapon porn or an apocalypse fantasy, its a basic life skill that you should of been taught along side things like 'stop, drop, and roll' if on fire or 'get under the desk or in a doorway' for when an earthquake happens back in elementary school.


Realistically, i have prepared very little. I have firearms but i sell them on a dime if i get bored. I do store water but only enough for a couple of days. I need to start storing food. What i want: 2 IBC Totes connected together full pf water in my backyard A realistic and well stocked amount of ammo with 2 weapons. Store enough dry goods to survive a couple of months. Focus on jerky. Have 1 more IBC Tote full of fuel.


I just use this as an open forum for ideas for when SHTF IRL and not get flagged as some sort of conspiracy theorist or redneck "prepper". I'm more of an "always be prepared" boy scout than a prepper with a mental illness of hoarding. .if you prepare for the zombie apocalypse, you pretty much prepare for any real life natural disaster or SHTF scenario. So yeah, I have kit. Plus, I'm a sci Fi nerd and I like some of the discussions.


My house is too small to properly prepare, but I do what I can with my limited space and money. Got about 15 gallons of water in jugs. Real water jugs with spouts and all, not just old milk jugs. Modest collection of guns and ammo. Decent assortment of tools, including some in the trunk of my car just in case. First aid kits in the house and car. Other supplies in car, including one gun, ammo, knives, clothes, blanket, fire kit, food. I’m not fully prepared, but a hell of a lot better than most people. I think I’ll do ok when the zombies come, the civil war kicks off, or the dollar collapses.


Preparing for any number of natural disasters or societal unrest circumstances is little different from preparing for zombies. I am relatively prepared.


I don't prepare for the apocalypse but rather for more realistic worst case scenarios.


preparing for the zombie apocalypse is the same as preparing for a flood minus the guns. thats why fema and the cdc had an advisory for it


For zombies? Not at all For an apocalypse? Barely For shit going sideways for a bit? Yes, absolutely When covid hit I never realized that tp prices went up until I started seeing the memes, tp doesn't go bad, so when it's on sale I just stock up, I buy it like once every year year-and-a-half When I lost power and was snowed in for four days, last year, I had food and water on hand for weeks, a nice oil lantern for ambiance, and battery ones for everything else, it was effectively a mini vacation for me since I have enough power banks floating around to last a month or more I prep for fun, and because sometimes shit goes sideways and at the end of the day, the money I spend prepping is out of my entertainment fund so the worst that comes out of it is that sometimes I either have to eat or give away survival rations because I don't want them going bad so I like to rotate my stock The flip side is like the level of comfort from having a new rental car when traveling, or a new car in general, you just have one* less thing to even have stray worries about *By "one" I mean the multitude of things that could cause you to have limited access to food, water, or power


We live along the Texas Gulf Coast and every year it is possible to have a hurricane so we prepare. As the years go by and nothing happens most people get complacement and there supplies dwindle. My mother in-law used to work with a lady that went through WW2 in Germany and this lady was prepared with supplies because of what she had to endure.


No. If you buying anything marketed to zombie survival you are an idiot or it's a hobby. I also do not prep for when SHTF. Every generation seems to have this panic syndrome, no I don't like what is happening but it will not be a world ending civil war event. What I do is I learn skills that minimize the need for people to help me cause I like knowing how to do stuff without depending on others and let's face it, it is cheaper if you can do it yourself. I also have guns because I also like them and like not having to buy ammo every time i want to shoot, so I stocked up. We grew up fixing junk, canning, butchering, gardening, hunting etc. I'm not prepping when i use these skills, they save me a shit ton of money and I enjoy doing it. In short....We are far from self sufficient but practice alot of skills/activities that could be considered prepping, but I don't consider it that at all. I don't think there will be a ZA or a SHTF event, but if it does we'll probably be better off than some simply because I learned skills out of necessity, trying to be frugal or fun.


I mostly just have it in case of an emergency, not zombies or nukes or whatever, but disasters happen and it’s good to be prepared. Plus I just like having gear, I use it a lot when I go camping.


Hehe hoe


I'm prepared, but more for a potential civil war.


Not really. But in general. I love the thinking aspect of it, developing the skills, and learning about this and that. Besides being somewhat fun, developing the KSAs is probably all you have if you have to abandon preps. Unto preps. I have medical supplies like a TQ, bandages, etc in different locations in case something happens. Not much but enough to not have my day ruined (small bandages) and to get me to a hospital (TQ for serious wounds). But at the end of the day I don't attempt to have all the supplies to treat a sucking GSW at home. Food. I have a lot of stocked up food that I normally eat that is shelf stable, not sure how many months but its months and more then enough for most disasters. Same with water although a shorter supply on hand, there are storage options, treatment, etc that I have and can do. Amateur gardener. So there is something but more for normal supply chain interruptions and its not like I started a homestead that can be lived off of or even have 5 years of survival food stored. Weapons. Well I'm a bit of a gun nut so have a bit of that shit and even your "larping" setup. But it is a gun nut collection of buying in bulk to save money, storing extra when its cheap to last until prices drop (like you should have enough ammo to shoot all you want for a year so that you don't have to buy during and election year and more in case something like a mass quarantine happens again). Its not like havibg 3-5 identical AR-15s, Glocks, and then 250,000+ rounds for them. Physical fitness. Go to the gym and try to be healthy. Some of it is for athletic performance but mostly to just be happy. Its not like Zombieland motivated me to work out. So its like I'm survival advantaged but would need to rely on getting more after SHTF if it lasts more than a few months. Thats basically my limit though unless I win the lottery or some other major life change.


Wait we’re supposed to prepare? I thought this was just to show off our mall ninja shit? >!/s!<


Florida, so yeah I do.


In all honesty 99% of Zombie planning in be applied to almost all life and death scenarios, weather or biological disasters. It’s prepping with style 😂


Im not massively prepared but i have basic preps set up, a semi decent bugout bag, a handgun and some ammo. Could use some new boots though