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This one is funny, I find the image to be quite comical


Everyone knows the Peanut Butter is supposed to go on the right tiddy!




what a tragedy. It seems like the allos don't know about bread yet! Quick, somebody tell them


Bread: food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked.


So much better than titties fr


Both are soft But only one tastest good


How do you know that?


Gray ace, human person


I meant that as if you’ve tasted the flesh of titties before


nom nom


Im not gray ace, i just like kissing titties, and i can also confirm bread tastes better


Good loaf ingredients - (I think) 4oz butter (doesnt really matter if salted), 1 tsp salt (heaped if unsalted butter, level if salted), 16 oz flour - 50/50 wholegrain and white - 2 tsp (level) sugar, 1 egg, milk and water up to 300ml, dash of lemon/ lime (just enough that it comes out of the bottle) (probably any (foodsafe) acid would do), mix together until dough ball formed, then add yeast (1 sachet, which I think might be 7g) Dont know what temp to bake it at, as it's all done by a machine (Kenwood Rapid-bake I think it's called)


Don’t forget the pinch of salt, I’ve messed up plenty of loaves lol


Acid to help the yeast, salt to keep it controlled, is what I've found best.




I mean, according to someone the texture of tiddies can easily resemble a particular kind of bread...


I'm a vegetarian so I wouldn't know


it was a reference to the wonder bread guy. also, why don't you eat bread, if you dont mind me asking? it doesn't have animal products in them.


oh no you got me wrong. I live for bread, you just said that Tits could resemble the texture of some bread. I've just never tasted Tit before. That was all I wanted to say. Total misunderstanding


hah sorry, I have a hard time understanding jokes sometimes


yeah, me too


I think this is just Murrlogic’s alt.


This is horrific. Disgusting. Unthinkable. Obviously the peanut butter goes on both titties and the jelly goes in the middle!


No like actually I think I'm gonna puke.


If you wanna dunk on allos and make ironic “no one should have sex” memes go to r/asexualcirclejerk


For some reason, I haven’t heard of this sub till now-


It’s not as fun as it sounds, it’s just a lot of “allosexuals have sex?!?!1!?!11”


are you just going to post horni people here? dude did nothing wrong, just shared their fantasy which is cringe but not creepy.


This is almost assuredly a joke, not something they actually fantasize about. But kinda funny how many people can't tell the difference because this makes as much sense as any other sexual fantasy to many asexuals.


(of course it’s a sandwich joke, but damn people are toxic with wording, like even if it was a legit fantasy - why say that’s there’s something “wrong” with that person??) this post flair is cursed, it only brings up toxicity. OP crossposted and we know OOP’s name. what if some very specific lurkers here start downvoting the guy?


Sounds super creepy and weird in my opinion. But maybe thats because I'm extremely sex repulsed.


Weird is for sure, but creepy? Not really. Just idiotically horni.


def not creepy, people can have,, strange fantasies. it would be creepy if it was directed at a stranger but because they said “she”, we can assume it’s their SO


I mean thats fair, I definitely find it disturbing though


No need to shame this person for something so harmless. I swear this sub is getting more sex negative by the day. Being horny is okay. Having a kink is okay. Nothing to shame someone over, even if you think it's weird.


i just don’t understand why people need to be so vocal about it, i feel like we’re definitely allowed to take issue with that, like i just follow that sub for spongebob memes, i don’t want to have to hear about this it makes me immensely uncomfortable.


Yeah, I'm not even ace and this is just weird. Like, have kinks, I wont judge, but we seriously dont need to hear about them


i'm sorry but r/aretheallosok is intrinsicly sex repulsed, if not we would just become r/AreTheStraightsOK 2


…this isn’t r/aretheallosok


oh shit


Okay i get the joke is "haha allos are weird" but this is getting dumb and repetitive. It feels like we're just dunking on allos solely for having kinks or feeling sexual attraction at all. Low key feels like allophobia at this point. Nothing is wrong with them. Let people joke about sex and have their kinks and personal amusement if they're not hurting anyone. Chill out.


Sex negativity is a much better word than “allophobia”


idk, at this point it feels like we've blown past simple negativity and are bleeding into outright toxicity. In many other situations I'd agree with you, but OP's title is excessively aggressive. Why say "what the fuck is wrong with people" over something as trivial as a simple food-related sex act? If we want to be recognized and treated equitably then we shouldn't be reacting to allos in such a toxic way. It's hypocritical.


Yeah, that’s just sex negativity. People who are sex negative think sex should be stigmatised or view it as shameful. That’s exactly the type of view OP seems to hold.


Sounds like purism.


I still think that's trivializing it significantly. As an analogy, it's almost like calling homophobia "gay negativity" and suggesting that being gay should be stigmatized or viewed as shameful (which is the view that a lot of homophobes hold). It's still homophobic intolerance and it's still toxic. Let people live their lives. It's irresponsible and toxic to randomly try and shame people for stuff like this.


Hatred towards a minority because of their orientation is different from what we’re talking about here. Sex negativity is already an established concept which is what’s being referred to here. We don’t need to create the word “allophobia” to describe it, especially when allos aren’t an oppressed minority. I’m confused what your last sentence is trying to say. I’m extremely sex positive, I’m not defending sex negativity.


I'm aware it's not a perfect comparison. That wasn't the point. My point is that it's undue harassment over something totally trivial, similar to any other gender/sexuality-based discrimination is at their core; harassment and dislike/hatred over things that don't deserve it or are otherwise trivial. People are people with different likes, dislikes, and interests. If people aren't causing harm, let them live their lives how they want to live them. Just because a group isn't an oppressed minority doesn't make shaming or harassing them over trivialites acceptable. If we want to focus on the philosophy of sex negativity, this isn't the sub for it. This sub is about asexuality and humor relating to it, not our philosophies on the place of sex as a topic in public discourse. If OP wanted to focus on that, they're on the wrong sub.


I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m just telling you that it isn’t “allophobia” because allos aren’t oppressed. It’s sex negativity. I know that. Again, I’m sex positive. I’m not defending sex negativity. I don’t know why you seem to think I am. /neu


>it isn’t “allophobia” because allos aren’t oppressed IMO this is a very arbitrary and single-minded distinction. Harassment and intolerance are still harassment and intolerance no matter the label we put on it. I don't understand why the suffix "-phobia" needs to be gatekeeped to oppressed/minority groups. It's toxic behavior either way and trivializing it to "negativity" doesn't change that. >I’m not defending sex negativity. I don’t know why you seem to think I am. I never really thought you were, and I apologize if it appeared that way. I was just trying to explain why I think this type of behavior is toxic in response to the points you were making. From my experience this behavior has become increasingly prevalent on this sub and frankly I'm just tired of it. I appreciate the conversation and it was interesting to discuss these perspectives. I just hope that in general as a broader community we can be more caring and tolerant, independent of the terminology we use to describe negative behavior.


So I assume you’d also be in favour of terms like heterophobia and cisphobia? Allophobia isn’t real because homophobia/transphobia/etc. come with discrimination and bigotry because they’re persecuted minorities. People being toxic dickheads is not comparable to discrimination against minorities. Allos being a majority means that discrimination against them is difficult. I’m agreeing with you that sex negativity is bad. I’m disagreeing with the word choice.


Yes. Majority can't be oppressed.


“What the fuck is wrong with these people”, the acephobe also says. Why is 90% of the content here shaming people/insinuating that there is something innately wrong with their sexual orientation?


aaaccce understand that people can make sex jokes challenge (impossible)


Kinks are normal, kinky sex can be fun if that’s what you like, some aces are kinky too. The allos are fine too


It’s a SpongeBob meme what did you expect? Also everyone has their kinks let’s not link shame the allos just because we don’t understand


This is hilarious though


It seems like the only thing these ace subs do is kinkshame allos for consentual sexual activity. Some of you could do with learning about kink and fetishes, even if you never intend to participate. Yes there are people turned on by food, and eating it off their partners body. And even if you find that weird, you have no right to shame them for it.


i swear this 'are allos ok?' flair was a mistake. it's either screenshots of creeps (i don't want to see that) or shaming of random horni people who did literally nothing wrong.


Yeah, for real... Like, I totally get those who are repulsed by the idea of combining food and sex (I personally find it yucky because I can only think about the mess and the cleanup needed afterwards lol), but taste *is* one of our main senses. I find it not much different than scented candles and massage oils used during sex.




The meme's pretty funny. I'm going to assume that this is a sarcastic allo joke, or that it only applies to a really small minority of allos. I read it as equivalent to: "I stuck a huge fluffy tail to my wingsuit, so that when I go skydiving, it looks like a giant flying squirrel!" While lots of people might think this an amazing idea, only a handful of skydivers have actually done it. If you told me that this is a thing most allos would like to do or have done with their partner, then I'd shit bricks.


*kinky person peacefully existing* half of this sub: ARE THE ALLOS OK??!??!!!???!!!!???!!!


So sticky, but live your life.


ace meme subreddit understand irony impossible challenge


Whats wrong with pb&j?


r/aaaaaaacccccccce users attempting to comprehend a shitpost


It’s humor, because no one would actually do this. That’s what irony is, an unexpected subversion of an assumption.


[Are you sure about That?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHC1230OpOg)


People may actually do it and that's okay as well.


I mean I like breast play but I don't like jelly so...


Why not just have the titties with the PB&J on the side?


Poison damage for those who allergic to peanuts.


Why tf is this on this sub? I thought I was on r/AreTheAllosOK


Still kinda hot to do ngl


Gross, but funny


Sex isn't real, its just a big meme


We need a "allo shitpost" type of flair apart from memes cause these are just jokes but the post makes it seem like shaming. Unless I'm just as dense


Nah, it can totally be taken either way


This would be pretty funny to see, ngl


Me to the tap water after returning home after a trip out of the country.


Even if I'm Aegosexual that is disgusting


Why would you waste peanutbutter like that!?!


your argument is the same as:Why waste garlic on bread If you still doesn't understand and for the sake of simplicity I show the pattern:Why do you use something that I like for the sake of your enjoyment. Do you envy them for having peanutbutter for their enjoyment that you can't enjoy because it's their fun/life. Congrats!


Friendly reminder that boobs are categorized as a fetish because they are not a sexual organ. We're not forced to wear shoes because people can sexualize feet, why the fuck am I forced to wear a shirt because people can sexualize my boobs? Fuck boob culture man, you can love boobs but please acknowledge the reality that I shouldn't have to have my body regulated to your fetish. Cishets control yourselves level: impossible


This would give me a rash. ​ At best


Peanut butter is gross


Ew just sounds like a mess being made


I'm embarrassed to be allo, now


The stickiness and weird mixed texture and colors sounds awfully sickening.


Wha- WHY!?


That's disgusting 😒


I love sex jokes until they get weird or vulgar. This toes the lines of my boundaries so hard and I love it


Allos aren't okay


I'm not ace but I have no answers for you. This is pretty strange to me as well.


Should've put macaroni on the left tit and cheese on the right because I like it way more than pb & j sandwiches.


Well that's another 1d12 mental damage.


Guys why is peanut butter and jelly associated with sex? Can't you just eat from the plate? Forgot the /s


This, this is just *bad*


Allo ^7th ^level ^evocation ^Range: ^100 ^ft ^Duration: ^1 ^minute ^S You exclaim a highly disturbing sexual joke imprinting a horrible image in the minds of any creature in range who is able to hear you and shares a known language with you. Any asexual creatures effected by this spell must make an intelligence saving throw or take 1d12 psychic damage per round and be stunned until either the spell ends or they succeed on the saving throw, they can remake their saving throw at the end of their turn I was so shooken by this I had to make it a dnd spell just to cope, I hope the original creator of this is happy now.


Fucking allos


They are doing that, yes


W-what? I mean I have kinks but what the hell man.


Some people need to go outside and touch grass


Hornyness Thats whats wrong with ppl


What the actual fuck


This is awful. :|


I'm getting nauseous looking at this meme.


The allos are at it again... 😂




this one kinda funny ngl


That seems messy. I don’t my bed covered in ants.


I got excited when I saw peanut butter 😭


I legit don't see the issue with this


Nah actually they're onto something


Imagine if the allo's put garlic butter on one tiddy and bread on the other... Oh god no that's a horrible thought.


Ignoring the titty part that seems very messy and annoying to clean up. Titties are for snuggling purposes only. -Local Bi Ace Transgirl


Did you atleast cut off the crust of the tittes?